Andrea Plays Doom
Andrea Plays Doom
Andrea Plays Doom
ancient aliens speedrun log #1
5 месяцев назад
@megasphere308 4 дня назад
Cool wad ! Nice demo too. I liked the BFG shot at this imp in the last map ! I think that you can technically end map 01 with 1% health since there's a berserk at the start of 02 ? Anyway, thanks for the commented video, and for making me discover so many wads. Keep going plz :)
@theshep 5 дней назад
I too have brought pwned back...
@kvothesixstring763 5 дней назад
Good wad. EANB is one of my favorite mappers. They do the right mix of classic styling and modern combat. Glad others enjoy these maps as well.
@AndreaPlaysDoom 5 дней назад
waiting for you to beat my demo :)
@jabonly009 6 дней назад
💯💯💯💯 true 💯💯💯💯
@r.g.thesecond 6 дней назад
BahdKo doing a SR40 followed by a wallrun on the way back at the beginning has to be the biggest glow up on DSDA
@r.g.thesecond 6 дней назад
You know, source ports are cool and all, but the original is quite a different experience. Of course, a lot of modern enhancements is what the best players would have invested in back in the day. (a stopwatch by your side, counting stats in your head, a dot on your monitor if you had trouble lining up shots, dos kludges for autorun and disabling vmm etc) I sometimes wonder if the same could be said for some other gameplay enhancements. (though most are of course inconsequential if we are focusing on speedrunning. This is my mapper brain talking)
@megasphere308 10 дней назад
I already liked and subscribed haha. Very entertaining video as usual, please keep going. Yes, that's exactly what I love about Doom. Everyone has its own way of playing it, some do glides or AVJ runs, others do short demos, strollers, Tysons, respawns, nightmare runs etc. Combine this with the thousands of levels available, add the RNG spice, and the game is just infinite. Of course life is perpetual evolution, but for now I can't see myself abandoning Doom. And happy belated birthday ! Mine was eight days ago, so we may have the same birthday 🤔
@AndreaPlaysDoom 9 дней назад
may 31 crew
@megasphere308 9 дней назад
@@AndreaPlaysDoom oops, may 30 ! close
@theshep 11 дней назад
yep otto-fay-gee is my jam
@theshep 11 дней назад
listening to your playthru as i work heh
@theshep 11 дней назад
map33 plox. i played it with corruption cards, the entire wad in fact that way... LUL
@theshep 11 дней назад
Hey wait a minute. That’s the better call Saul theme in the intermission. Just got done with that series a week ago. Solid stuff.
@theshep 12 дней назад
One thing that could be useful, is a guide on how to set up batches or launchers to record demos. I know DW has that thread about demos, and I know a lot of players stream attempts (like Napsalm), but I think a guide on how to do single level runs or even “movie” runs would be nice. Or perhaps if there is a YT guide already, maybe having that in the description.
@theshep 12 дней назад
Great stuff 🎉
@kvothesixstring763 12 дней назад
I'd be interested in a video on the advanced HUD. Because I am of the opinion that it is the single biggest advantage that us newer runners have over the OG runners. The fact that Xit still uses the exe is wild to me. Dude is a machine.
@Skronkidonk 12 дней назад
I was just thinking about "The Classic Episode" earlier today. I've never played through it but I know its name because of its Compet-n presence.
@megasphere308 12 дней назад
Cool ! Am I allowed to download it later than tomorrow ? Anyway, well done ! The Tyson challenge looks scary though.
@AndreaPlaysDoom 12 дней назад
sure, but you must download it before the 7th at latest. :)
@ChaingunChaCha 13 дней назад
Congrats on the new wad! Looking forward to playing it.
@kvothesixstring763 13 дней назад
Cool wad, cool run, cool commentary.
@megasphere308 Месяц назад
Andrea, please be nice with my compatriot and friend Gandorf 🧐 Haha, very cool video as usual, it's always great to see that this kind of competition stimulates players to improve strategies and execution 🥇
@bfgandorf Месяц назад
Interesting video! MAYBE the history of this map is not over yet ahah. I need to get back to it. You did an excellent job with that 1:44, it's gonna be really hard to do better.
@AndreaPlaysDoom 29 дней назад
looking forward to it!
@pcorf Месяц назад
As the author I certainly don't have the skill to beat this in 1 minute and 44 seconds even if I TAS (I do live in TAS as well).
@billabobyt Месяц назад
Cool video again. It's always funny seeing all the "I'm sure this could be under 3 minutes" comments when the current record is like 1:05. I think I rocketed the imps purely because it seemed faster than SSGing them lol. Side note: this map has a really easy void glide but I've never found a way to actually exit afterwards
@kvothesixstring763 Месяц назад
I saw the angle when she opened the map and immediately loaded the map lol. Haven't found anything yet. Not sure how the wrap around thing works in the void but I seem to just stop. Otherwise there is just that annoying blocking geometry in the void preventing you from running to the exit
@billabobyt Месяц назад
@@kvothesixstring763 Yeah the exit is too high, you can't just wrap around
@AndreaPlaysDoom 27 дней назад
idea: archvile in the void for oob avj
@kvothesixstring763 27 дней назад
@@AndreaPlaysDoom I'll be stealing that idea, thank you very much.
@billabobyt 27 дней назад
@@AndreaPlaysDoom i'll ask pcorf to place one there sorry if it desyncs all ur demos
@romeurodrigues2075 Месяц назад
Youre so cool 😭 waiting for that map 33 video
@nomad742 Месяц назад
nice gameplay,dude
@JDCorley Месяц назад
max commentary stream when
@billabobyt Месяц назад
You could do quickstarts on DOS, it just had much harder timing that varied depending on hardware (so it might as well be impossible if ur not on a clunker). At least this is what I've heard from runners from the time. I'm glad dsda made it easier but when you need a perfect angle it's still incredibly annoying to grind out the angle 10 times per real attempt
@billabobyt Месяц назад
Lol I'm sorry about the comments in my original 22. It was definitely humble bragging and it's embarrassing reading it back. I must've felt great after crashing the tic beating party 21 is definitely on the table, I wouldn't be surprised if ChaingunChaCha got one, he's really good. But if it's not also reality, is it really a victory? :P
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
ahahahaha its all warranted, no problem. and true point on reality, i personally prefer it over these fictitious demos
@billabobyt Месяц назад
this is my worst nightmare come true, a video analysing one of my crappy -2021- 2022 runs lol, i didn't know what i was doing back then (ok, maybe i still don't)
@billabobyt Месяц назад
ok this video was rlly interesting and entertaining to watch, especially when i still half-remember the run, and i guess my old demo wasn't as bad as i thought - the route looks good even if execution is shaky
@billabobyt Месяц назад
oh and i'm a full believer in commenting on my runs, on stupid short meme runs i might not bother or i'll just keymash but on something like e2m8 max i write extensively cause i'm a nerd and i like talking about things i'm passionate about so bless u for advancing the cause 💪
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
a new niche has been uncovered - billa 2021 demos
@xitvono Месяц назад
You put Andrea on the screen while playing my 2:13 demo. Otherwise very nice video. I may take a look at some demonfear maps since you pointed that out.
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
it was bound to happen at some point 😭 also, yea demonfear is great, every map can be tysoned, but i havent filled each one yet so plenty of room still
@xitvono Месяц назад
@@AndreaPlaysDoom Off the top of my head every requiem map by Adam Windsor has a chainsaw and no berserk, and also demonfear map02 has a chainsaw, so I think he likes to put a chainsaw in his maps.
@enjoylife6374 Месяц назад
also rewinding is so cringe its painful
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
only cringe if you use it as a crutch ;p
@enjoylife6374 Месяц назад
@@AndreaPlaysDoom yes but you also set the example for all the kids out there
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
i wish people listened to my examples...
@theshep 11 дней назад
i bet if it did a record scratch rewind sound every time, it'd come to an end
@enjoylife6374 Месяц назад
very much ejoyed this megawad, agreed with most of mapping choices! love 32 level megawads, still too little of them!
@xitvono Месяц назад
I dig these Doom history videos. Also, I think the side by side comparison is cool, although I mostly looked at your screen.
@almostmatt1tas Месяц назад
I love the side-by-side, great idea.
@eyez1989 Месяц назад
i played a load of DOOM mods a couple of years ago, then i got a new pc so lost all my mods. i recently got back into them thanks to this channel. just thought id let you know :D . i love to get high and listen to you chat crap about DOOM!
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
excellent news!
@pantheon.411 Месяц назад
3:54 bucolic moment
@JDCorley Месяц назад
would love some comparative discussion of earlier maps vs current maps in their speedrun qualities. eras of map making, trends, lore, etc. the story about E2 vs E1 maps is a great example
@xitvono Месяц назад
There's a berserk on e2m4 which could help you save ammo and maybe kill things faster too.
@AndreaPlaysDoom Месяц назад
yea i tried it a few times but opening up the lost souls felt slow to me and the berserk wasn't useful enough, but i think with different routing it could work out better
@unarmored9973 Месяц назад
It takes me 12 days just to give up on making a single map much less finish an entire megawad. Great work!
@dansmoothback9644 Месяц назад
I liked the inaccessible shotgunners and chaingunners. Lol frustrating as shit but a cheeky move for sure!
@ChaingunChaCha Месяц назад
Love hearing your thoughts and perspective on the maps. Saving the second half of this until I'm done with the wad.
@bob3282 Месяц назад
Great WAD and commentary. I'd like to see a Map 33 video!
@kvothesixstring763 Месяц назад
lmao "goddamn kvothe the six string, world renowned doom speedrunner" gave me a chuckle
@kvothesixstring763 Месяц назад
Good wad, good commentary. Looking forward to more maps from you.
@nomad742 Месяц назад
nice video,dude
@megasphere308 Месяц назад
Ohhhh Novikov's demo is so cute !! I genuinely laughed while watching him having fun at the end 😄
@nomad742 Месяц назад
Nice gameplay dude
@JDCorley Месяц назад
im gonna download autophagy and play it, you cant shame me out of it.
@dansmoothback9644 Месяц назад
solid wad! goddamn stroller is so ridiculous
@ChaingunChaCha Месяц назад
Yey a stroller run! I think with a super clean run like Billa's alongside an open door 21 is possible.