Mark Waite
Mark Waite
Mark Waite
Have you ever been through a major life setback or perhaps lost everything? I know how you feel.

Hi there, I'm Mark Waite.

Life to my 40’s? I had built what appeared to be a successful life, enjoyed family travel resulting from creating successful businesses, owned a two story home in a leafy suburb in Sydney, other investments, private schools for 3 kids, nice cars and so on.

In 2008 life dealt me a hand of cards that shook me to the core... in every area. A catastrophic business and financial collapse, marriage breakdown and health issues...all within a week!

The good news is that over the years since I have completely recovered and I am in better shape now than ever before.

This Channel is all about sharing tips that I applied to my own life to completely restore all that I lost, and more!

It’s my genuine hope that these tips will speak life into your situation and kick start your mighty comeback, just like they did mine.

Stay strong! Your best days are ahead.

Mark Waite.
Moving on After Divorce
3 года назад
How to survive after divorce
3 года назад
Coping with uncertainty
4 года назад
New relationship after divorce
4 года назад
@CowboyEkim 7 дней назад
Thank You 🙏🏽
@hadiitiniguez2393 24 дня назад
After a divorce, maintain employment. Try to pay off the small bills first. Get rid of unnecessary expenditures. Save money and pay off big bills. This is a good formula i got of the Internet
@leahingraham5509 Месяц назад
Me! Stay at home mom for my entire 13 year marriage and now going to college to get a degree to help provide for myself. It's not easy. I'm at the bottom and in near poverty, but I won't give up.
@bernieeod57 Месяц назад
10 months left and my daughter turns 18 plus graduates High School. This will end our court appointed co parenting duties. My intentions are: A) Fly out to her graduation. I propose we have a post graduation gathering at a restaurant and be cordial B) Take the stepfather aside, buy him a drink, shake his hand, and thank him for being a good stepfather. C) On my way back to the Airport, text the ex that our court appointed co parenting duties are complete so we are now free to sever the last bond between us. There will be no farther need to communicate so all lines of communication will be blocked. Whenever our paths are in danger of crossing again such as weddings, college graduation, birth of a grandchild etc. we maintain a safe distance without so much as acknowledging each others existence. In parting, I intend to quote Peter Cetera modified to fit my situation "I used to believe in you! Now I've found someone else to turn to! It was only a matter of time! I'm not the one who said goodbye! But, I am now the one saying goodbye riddance
@bernieeod57 Месяц назад
She was angry and bitter. One day, I received a message ending with "I wish you the best" Another time, she sent a link for the kids school photos. I responded politely "I am in direct contact with the studio and have no need for your assistance " I received an angry response "I was only trying to be nice to you!" I responded "You are not a nice person so your false niceness is rejected! No kind words from you! Ever! Feel free to be as mean as you want! That is who you are! That is what I accept! If you don't want to be mean, be formal and business like but NEVER EVER nice! No kind words from you! Ever!" That appeared to disarm her. She would only be nice to keep her hooks in me.
@bernieeod57 Месяц назад
A) Zero contact except for the business of co parenting B) When there is communication, BIFF. Brief, Informative, Factual, Formal. (Formal, not friendly)
@HAQ74 Месяц назад
10 seconds into the video and it was like someone is describing my life It's been two years for me, rest is almost the same as most people have mentioned
@karunabeckmann Месяц назад
Thank you for the encouragement!
@windyacresway Месяц назад
Hard to rebuild at 55 when employers dont want to hire because of your age.
@houseofgazelles Месяц назад
This is the best I have watched lately. Mine got broken after 9 years and I am glad this gonna fast track me to that desired place
@ashfarell 2 месяца назад
Welcome to the club, lost business, job, money, car and even my wife. As people say, life is wonderful
@runojustingames4871 2 месяца назад
I feel like my friends the twins has ruined my life they make me lose the girl I love so much
@ernesalexis7679 3 месяца назад
Very good chat man...Thanks...i will be back
@jeremyvanb821 3 месяца назад
Cracking under the pressure of work, my fiancé dumped me, my parents are driving me crazy with stress. I’m at the end of my rope.
@basicprogrammer6147 3 месяца назад
There is no f u ck ing reason on earth for a man to get married anymore. None. Get a sex doll. Read books. Lift weights. Walk. Save. Eat cereal and beans. Women are TROUBLE. ALL of them are in love with the first guy they had sex with. If you're not him, she is counting down the days to file for divorce and take everything. Her first step will be to file an order of protection and sob in court. Men: do NOT get married.
@stephenirwin9112 3 месяца назад
Thanks mate. I'm on the other side now and flying but enjoy hearing other stores as well. Yep GFC got me as well plus a divorce. Toughens u up. Best of luck moving forward mate 👌
@lindasharp8523 4 месяца назад
Funny how in all these video's not one man says what happened.
@susanrosenberg5594 4 месяца назад
I am a woman professional, whose spouse defrauded me of our 25 years of income, where I earn three times what he did during the marriage. So I appreciate your advice and I look forward to fast tracking the next 10 years since I am already in my 50s. Thank you so much for these videos.❤
@archielatus 3 месяца назад
Same here but the other way round……
@MihaZalar 4 месяца назад
God is Almighty. We are just a short time on this earth. God is waiting for us. Pray. Daily. Heaven is real. Devil also. Be prepared. 🙏♾️ Amen
@Daja_Vu1986 4 месяца назад
Sound advice thank you... I am 38 and my wife and I have had a conversation about getting a divorce after 5 years. We have a 3yo daughter and are renting we just bought some land and tbh neither of us can afford all the bills alone since I closed my business and went to a 9-5 to help her. She works full time and school full-time. Not sure how this will play out yet.
@1988Allnatural 3 месяца назад
Try to salvage the marriage. Watch youtube channel Marriage Helper or Jimmy on Relationships to fix the problems.
@susanrosenberg5594 5 месяцев назад
THANK U SO MUCH. You are amazing and a godsend. Please keep these videos going. I’m in that situation now and need to turbo charge ASAP. I won’t go into my story, similar to many other people 😢 thank you all for this community.
@stevekostakis2983 5 месяцев назад
I am going through this now. She had me arrested three times and the Police slapped me with a current AVO which does not allow me to visit my house nor live at my Mothers house nearby. My limited exposure to my kids is now affecting them and I feel like an Uncle, not a Father. She also managed to recruit my 21 year old daughter against me, of which she assisted Police arrest me. I now live in a studio, still run my little business and plan for the future. I suggest exercise daily to keep your head straight. I would rather be in the gym not thinking about my kids than a prison cell. The system has it all against us. The woman you married, is no longer her. You have to let her go. For me, 29 years of marriage.
@JohnBrown722so 5 месяцев назад
Got to start over so I blame god and his false promises and lies
@skoopqueen. 5 месяцев назад
I went through a lot of financial crisis after my divorce, I had to raise my two kids alone, Currently I'm living smart and frugal with my money. Bought my second house already. Saving and investing lifestyle made it possible for me; even till now I earn monthly through passive income. I'm planning on retiring when my kids finish college,just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing is a grand choice I made. Great video!
@Rasheedmalik-kx5iy 5 месяцев назад
Nice one,any investment tip? I would love to know how you made it this far
@skoopqueen 5 месяцев назад
I strongly recommend Regina Louise Collaro, a reputable US-based financial advisor and consultant. Through her collaboration with an international organization, she has provided invaluable guidance and support on my financial journey until I reach my goals. Choosing the right financial consultant is vital, akin to finding the ideal life partner, as both profoundly influence your life's direction. I am thankful to have found such an excellent financial consultant who has aided me in accomplishing my financial goals, spanning from education to nearing retirement.😊
@Rasheedmalik-kx5iy 5 месяцев назад
I value your recommendation. It's challenging to locate a trustworthy person. I could really use your investment advisor after seeing how much money you've made through investing. If you don't mind revealing her information, that is.
@skoopqueen 5 месяцев назад
Alright, you can easily find her information by doing a quick 🔎 search. Feel free to reach out to her directly with any questions you may have.
@AaliyahRash89 5 месяцев назад
It's surprising to come across Regina Louise Collaro's name here. I've always been uncertain about hiring an investment advisor. Just to clarify, I began collaborating with Regina in 2019. She oversees around 70% of my investments, leaving me with the remaining 30%. My stance has always been that I prioritize my own finances, but she has convinced me of her extensive knowledge regarding present circumstances and upcoming trend
@Siniad 6 месяцев назад
Big debt and you're renting? Go bankrupt... Big weight off the shoulders there.😅
@thesisboxing3404 6 месяцев назад
@indyd9322 6 месяцев назад
This video has sage advice! I appreciate that you really break it down into something conrete and actionable. This is do-able! I'm inspired. I took some notes during the video to help myself: 1. Change your habits. Break the inertia of the downhill slide with small wins. For example, exercising when you feel stressed, instead of eating poorly. Small wins help rebuild your confidence! 2. Write down what you DO want. If you're going through a hard time, don't stop! Consider what you want in the key areas of your life. For example, write down what you want in these 5 things: faith, family, finances, fitness, and fun. Understanding what you really want will change your thoughts, which will change your feelings, then we act on our feelings, and our actions will create our new reality. Vision/thoughts > feelings > actions > new reality! 3. Write your dreams/goals in 5 key areas of life. Develop a specific and written framework of your dreams/goals. See his template. Think where you want to be in 5 years, and work backwards. For example, you can then break it down into 1 year goals, then monthly, then weekly and daily action plans. We now have a plan of action!! 4. Plan your work and work your plan! Back it up with massive action.
@SRoseBlog 7 месяцев назад
Everyone isnt cut out for entrepreneurship/ business ownership.
@georgemadyabi4567 7 месяцев назад
At 31 years old, I lost everything all my finances that I bundled up for my future for the past 10years just got lost in a day. My life felt like an end and one ear later I still can’t manage to bring myself to that standard and I am at the verge of losing the life of my life because I unable to marry her after dating her for 5 years straight now. I don’t know what to do and I feel like just ending it all.
@bds123087 7 месяцев назад
Whether you realize it or not, I can guarantee you you have saved more than one person‘s life with the information you’re putting out, most men going through this type of stuff don’t have anybody to turn too, it’s easy to get lost in the darkness and not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for all that you do.
@msdiamondpiggy 7 месяцев назад
My get back is once my kids are college bound. Back to enough time for self-care without interruptions, good sleep no more waking up extremely early because im jungling kids and work schedule. And simply able to work without being exhausted with mommy duties awaiting me. And improve financials because my monthly overhead is less when kids grow up. Life after parenting children under 18, it a start over too. Got a 14 and 8 year old. Parenting young kids retirement will come one day.
@mpumedlamini2313 7 месяцев назад
Turning 50 and starting all over. With kids and no support nor income is challenging. This video has helped shed some light. Lord I need an inspiration 😢
@Davobeff 7 месяцев назад
It's amazing how everyone you have helped takes a royal crap on you when things go pair shaped. But that's what you need is rock bottom to build a castle.
@joguizas 7 месяцев назад
Hello do you think its wrong to be with someno how says she sees your value and whants to be with you?I am in that situation, after a couple of months i was very broken and met this girl who tried to help me and she saids she fallen in love with me, because she sees more than a shadow in me, is it wrong to jump from a relacion in this case?I am divorced about a year.
@lisakruse-ei8iz 8 месяцев назад
Haha… exactly- “become a nun!”.. thank you for your ideas 🤗
@petertornabeni602 8 месяцев назад
Watching this video you can learn a lot. I wish younger people would see this video how many men have been destroyed by divorce left destitute. Marriage is no longer an option absolutely not.
@KatWoodland 8 месяцев назад
Christmas is a joy once the pathological narcissist is fully in your past.
@alanarenee5276 8 месяцев назад
Totally agree about finding your people I'm the first in my family ever to go through a divorce at 32 and no one understands me especially navigating family parents is challenging Only those who understand will be able to support you in the way you need
@jatzygirl3120 8 месяцев назад
Hi, Mark. I am so thankful for hearing about this from another Aussie. 😊
@jordanw125 9 месяцев назад
My husband has addictions and we been married for 7 years and I'm tired of being abused nd manipulated I broke up with him and I gave him so many last chances and I'm done his family abuses me and I told him to add his debt Up so I can pay it when I leave him (I'm comming into 100 thousand dollars) he abused me so much throughout our marriage I'm just gonna up and leave and not tell him. I'm waiting a couple weeks so I can give him the last of my love for him , I'm leaving my husband and I'm not paying off any of his debt he financialy abused me and I wouldn't wanna be the person to come home and your spouse isn't there anymore cause they had enough. I'm currently working on so many things to change my life and I'm gonna do it cause I'll have the money, I have this one last chance in life to make myself happy and I'm gonna do it for me and my dog I'm leaving this relationship cause I fell in love with the wrong person .....he's never gave me more than 100 bucks a week he was a horrible provider, I have a chance to make myself happy since I got married at 23 I'm 30 now .....I'm gonna make my life filled with happiness again hes gonna come back to an empty apartment next time he comes home from work I'll be long gone finding a house and payin my debt off life is gonna be amazing once I leave my husband forever I'm being left with 100 grand and I'm gonna use this chance to be happy I feel so bad but my happiness comes first i feel bad cause it's gonna happen so soon when he comes home and his family isn't in the apartment anymore cause they have had enough of him ....I'm good to move on in life I feel bad for people who don't have this luxury thank u god for this chance at a new life It won't be going to waste....goodbye Chris I thought I could fall in love and get the respect I give but that's to hard for u I'm gonna hurt him so bad when I'm leveling up and he's still in the same spot and he's almost 40 im gonna start seeing other people and I don't give a shit if I sleep on our marriage bed with multiple men I'm done being unhappy and I'm gonna love watching him watch me level myself ...good luck Chris but I'm good now u have urself now cause i dont, were not legally married so every last little cent I get will be mine and there's nothing he can do about it. The pain he's gonna feel from this experience will go away but I'll be walking away with years of trauma...I'm finally gonna be happy and he's not gonna see a penny of all this money I have coming in I know revenge isn't the right thing to do but he deserves to hurt one day he hurt me for seven years and I'm done me and my dog are starting over and I can't wait I LOVE U MY SWEET DOG BAILEY WE GONNA HAVE A NEW LIFE AND IM GONNA DO EVERYTHING FOR US TO HAVE AN AMAZING CHANCE AT LIFE THANK U THANK U RHANK U
@LampDaddy 9 месяцев назад
I don't think you truly understand how important and appreciated content like this is. Unfortunately you will probably end up with more and more likes and comments as the years go on, but this video is providing me with a very necessary silent support right now. Thank you sir.
@Indigo-blue1978 9 месяцев назад
Real positive confident guy an inspiration I'll be sure to binge watch all your videos
@Indigo-blue1978 9 месяцев назад
It's really good to see someone like myself that has three children and managed to build a life after divorce. Gives me hope. My children are all young. Which worries me that it'll be off-putting to someone else. Exactly as you said on the video just complete and total bewilderment. And same as you my employment too I said to myself at least I have a steady job and income a week later....gone too. Complete and total everything gone. At 45 years old I'm having to re train for a new career and trying to keep up faith. Not religious but I have this deep love that God does exist and that the story of jesus is true.
@pastrami00 9 месяцев назад
Im in a similar boat as you were Mark.... My business got crushed after covid. I built it back up and in 2022 my business partner got cancer and the business got crushed again. Then in 2023 my wife asked for a divorce. I'm 47 and have to completely rebuild my life from scratch. You're videos are a big help. It's comforting to know others have been through the same thing and came out ok...
@Boxcar808 2 месяца назад
thats me right now too
@HomelessHotdogs 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing you wisdom. Im currently in this process of rebuildingmy life. Im going to be watching all your videos because i feel i can learn and use a lot of what you have to offer. I have a plan and im in action every day doing what i think is best but the only form of advice i have is RU-vid Analytics. I understand if you cant but if you can would you consider being a mentor to me at whatever level of time and energy you can handle. Either way i appreciate you and what youre doing
@ImmaculateNamatome 10 месяцев назад
A friend had promised to connect me to a job. I have been here for almost a month and northing yet. I feel stranded, should I go back to my family!!. I don't know what to do.
@Yonner666 10 месяцев назад
Sadly I am a Voluntary Patient at a mental health unit due to a breakdown. I have zero money going forward, apart from state benefits as I’m too ill to work. My wife ended our marriage due to my mental health. I just do not know what gonna happen to me after leaving the unit, absolutely terrified.
@befree9579 10 месяцев назад
Become a muslim bro. That fixes mentall issues that aren't related to ur body.
@MrEOM41 10 месяцев назад
Starting over at age 35 after being in a 14 yr relationship... its tough but this video really helped.
@DaddyRamon 10 месяцев назад
That might be me in a few years buddy.
@jmoo72 7 месяцев назад
Dam bro same here 36yrs old , 15yr relationship!!
@MrEOM41 7 месяцев назад
@@jmoo72 damn glad I’m not alone in this .. we got this 💪🏽
@gbrielbuis6333 7 месяцев назад
35 after a 5 year 21,000 in debt and still in shock haha
@bobjames6622 7 месяцев назад
@@DaddyRamon Then what are you doing about it? No point in sitting there like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
@Tommy2stroke 11 месяцев назад
A man helping a fellow man makes it still a beautiful world.
@007-i3e 11 месяцев назад
Just have a mere graduation degree Age will be 30 years old this month. No job experience whether public or private sector. Staus unemployed and single as well. My Life was a mess and is a mess right now as well spoiled my career and life pretty badly in 30 years of my life. When i was about to done away with my life😢 i got diagnosed with Tuberculosis and i am undergoing treatment. I am being compelled to flash back all my past life, feeling worthless and garbage. I wish and hope if i come out of this treatment alive atleast my remaining life will be bit better 🤞🤞🙄
@joshuahayes8718 10 месяцев назад
You are not worthless no matter how far you fall.
@007-i3e 10 месяцев назад
@@joshuahayes8718 😕
@richardgreen62 4 месяца назад
Sent my prey for you amen ❤️
@MP-ut6eb 2 месяца назад
Same man about to earn it at 30.. the good stuff is that at least it's egnineering, will give a shot before thinking to give up.