Windows and Waves
Windows and Waves
Windows and Waves
a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way. healing from benzo withdrawal. looking for birds.
@giacomorotondi7251 5 часов назад
Phil Is that you? ❤
@jimferrill1790 7 часов назад
I could not sit down for 5 1/2 months. Along with gloom and doom (thoughts) that always ended in death. Death of me or any person I was thinking of. Just dooooom. I paced in my house for 5 1/2 months. Up to 19 hours a day. I would be pacing all night long, non stop. It finally went away around six months through my nightmare. I'm still suffering restlessness in a very big way but at least I don't have restless leg syndrome anymore. I had it to the point where both legs were going crazy all night long. Your vids are very calming to me. Please keep them coming. I feel insane today. I remember thinking how relentless this condition is. I would sit on my bed and say out loud, "This is just relentless!" To myself and very quietly. I would say this 25 times a night sometimes. It is still relentless.
@Radhey2223 9 часов назад
Your videos are really helpful and informative during benzo withdrawal. I am now 9.5 months off xanax, but it's pure hell, symptoms are keep on changing, but every single one is brutal. As you said that time is the only cure, and I believe it also, but why I am getting worse and worse day by day? Can acute phase be as long as 9.5 months? I also have drastic weight lost during withdrawal, is it common?
@MSMEImme-fk5uh 15 часов назад
@yalna3140 День назад
I got derealization while still on a low dose of Valium only a month on it for neck muscle tensions giving me migraines. That prompted me to immidiately want to be off and I did 3 day in hospital voluntary for that with gabapentin and flexeril and it work for me! When I couldn't sleep from muscle issues and restless leg and neck pain was in full swing again flexeril put me back to sleep. So but this is for only 1 month on 5 mg Valium so they know how to handle that ok but long term prob not so well. Oh and I took clonidine for high blood pressure AND to relax which was great.
@ToddDouglasFox День назад
In some, one dose of Benadryl can cause rage, aggression, out of body sensations, and loss of identity. Long term use can throw the body into excruciating migraines that last for days without a moment of relief. This is not a few days, this can last a lifetime of on and off disruption that cannot be called headaches, it’s much more consuming than a headache. In these cases (and others), it does affect GABA receptors. In fact the original Benadryl reduced GABA and increased glutamate. This is where certain diets work better than others for many people. But starting with diet is tricky and individual and changes over time. It’s best to start with what doesn’t cause further disruption, homeopathics. Notes: it’s not just Benadryl, all antihistamines can BLOCK GABA. Medications are not supplements. Some of the best calming supplements that will NOT interfere with neuroplasticity are homeopathics. These are called medicine by some and supplements by others. The best of these help the body communicate significantly better within itself as a whole. It is not physical medicine or food so it’s not something that sends the nervous system into more imbalance as it self corrects. One of the top homeopathics to explore is Acetyl Choline. Some can tolerate physical food and supplement sources but good homeopathics are a safer option. This is because there is no force used to make the body increase or decrease its neural activity and its various processes. If the body determines ,as a whole, a change is best, it is indeed holistically for the better. Know that trillions of activities are being decided right now without your oversight or understanding. However you have your part to do, you can do your own investigation and put into effect gentle trials towards making your few decisions, by comparison to the body’s, towards the good. May all of you heal and become the best versions of yourself and who you really want to be in spite of the intrusion and interference that recovery is repairing. You deserved better, you deserve better.
@windowsNwaves День назад
Hey Todd, thanks a lot for this message. I luckily did not have any of these side effects when I was taking it. I was actually most concerned about the fact that benadryl blocks acetylcholine. I have not come across anything about GABA and benadryl??? Can you point me in the right direction there? I completely agree that homeopathic remedies are much preferable to any medicines!! And I certainly agree that we have to put in the effort to research what we are putting into our bodies. This is something I am seriously starting to pay a lot more attention to...
@ToddDouglasFox День назад
@@windowsNwaves I subbed to you which I rarely do but I want to support your message (I already have too much to look at in my notifications). Of course I’ve reviewed a lot of these medication injury videos for patients (especially protracted medication symptoms). Indeed we have seen the nightmares up close. There are no hard and fast rules within and between individuals because the body moves in what we experience in our limited capacity as “mysterious” ways. It’s a body thing though regardless of our intentions, beliefs, body awareness or even how long we hang onto thoughts and loops of thoughts. We can modify our personal experience but rarely do we speed it up. Help is coming though, we are going to get much smarter thanks to all of you who are sharing your personal journeys and listening to and helping others in various ways. The medical industry moves way too slow of course but then there are the rest of us who are bridging many areas of health in terms of honoring the process of each person and each person’s process in their body. We may have some templates but really it’s all about 1:1 ratios (recovering person to practitioner) and no approach that is formulaic works thus far. That’s when ego gets in the way (meaning fear). The homeopathics we use are from a company out of Canada. There’s one that I would say is worth investigating: Brain-Neurexx. Sometimes when those in full blown withdrawal or those having huge symptomatic protracted reactions to just about everything, will try something that actually works for them but they cannot tell for sure if it’s good or bad. We work with that person to help them understand if they are moving toward the goal of regulation and we relie on that person as to the speed that’s best for them - at that time, on that day or in that moment. This interaction between health “care givers” and those in recovery from medication(s) (or other neuro toxic injuries) builds a more and more truthful “encyclopedia” of usable and reliable knowledge - when there is hands on and as much useful information as possible is included. I’ll get into some weeds: as we age we produce less bile acids. What does the pharmaceutical industry offer? Antacids. When we are having a histamine reaction, the body is needing more available histamine that is why it’s calling for it. Now we may not want more histamine but the body is requiring it and blocking it does not resolve the issue - other than in actual emergencies. What do we do when we do not want allergy symptoms that are not life threatening? We give the body an antihistamine - in some cases. What does that do? Histamine may release the GABA neurons, paradoxically. GABA also acts against histamine, generally. Sounds like combat. These two actions can potentiate disregulation in the CNS that is due to the introduction of the synthetic antihistamine which causes interference or CNS dysregulation which the body cannot easily or quickly undo. Even worse are the Benzo drugs for obvious reasons. Now I’m not saying that this is definitive. Like you, we have to see what our patients present while using our medical detective skills as we go. But you can see that just by my extending a bit of theory to the research how we can begin to perhaps have a tiny sense as to WHY some go off the rails when others do not. And this is just an almost infinitesimal peak at the neurological events surrounding these chemical drugs and the subsequent chemical actions. When we experiment as recoverers from medication injury (or any chemical + neural toxicity) the results are mostly random even if it brings consistent results. But mostly the results are not consistent, sustained, and we would not shout out “eureka” to the world. With that said, every tidbit of information is critical to finding out what is really occurring. Being on board with the body’s real capacity to heal itself, supporting it where we can is the work ahead. As you well know (unfortunately) recovery is about as bad as human existence can get. So all hands on deck. There are homeopathics for both GABA and histamine which can help with regulating the excitation and calming of the CNS. I just put someone on this combo after decades of antihistamine use and subsequent migraines that occur with anything containing even trace amounts of glutamate (except as foods: animal meats, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs and other whole foods). Glutamate often increases as GABA decreases. Too much glutamate is a huge problem in the world of autoimmunity and act as kindling for those in benzo withdrawal. I truly hope this helps inspire those who are “experimenting” with what works. Be careful but do read up and let your mind and body inform you more than ever before. We need your personal input. And if you come across those who know something in health care about your situation, work with them alongside you as you travel your unique and personal journey. The more that people are informed about these drugs and the more that people heal more efficaciously from them, the better off we’ll all be. We have further to go than when we started! But that’s okay, sometimes puzzles come together very quickly, just as sometimes healing reaches a cumulative point that puts us over the top.
@jiladahmed3557 День назад
😢bro my doctor mistakenly gave me clonazepam 0.5 mg to continue! I’m not an anxiety person, just my blood pressure little high! And I take it continuous every day for 5-6 months! Sometimes I dont take this medicine , and that time I realise I fell so panic or my heart beat too high and my leg are so cramping and I very scary, than I go another doctors, And this doctor said you stop taking this medicine, it’s dangerous, you are addicted with clonazepam! This is withdrawal symptom! Please give me suggestions how I fell better, I take last pill 15/06/24 Please suggest me something, thanks
@windowsNwaves День назад
I'm so sorry to hear that. Very careless on the part of your doctor, both in prescribing it and then telling you to just get off of it like that!!! They should have put you on a tapering schedule. My first suggestion would be to read this www.benzoinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ashton-Manual.pdf The tapering programs may not be relevant but there is an extensive glossary of symptoms, including tips on how to deal with them. There is also guidance on what to avoid, what not to consume etc. The good news is that you were not taking them for years. As difficult as it may be right now, you will get through this.
@winstonslone2797 2 дня назад
I've been damaged by benzodiazepines along with antipsychotic meds. I've been off all of them 3 years. Still have severe anxiety and the feeling my skin is on fire. I have permanent tarditave dyskynsia its terrible
@windowsNwaves 17 часов назад
I'm really sorry to hear that Winston. I hope you are able to find some relief some way, somehow. Awful what these drugs are capable of.
@Matowix 2 дня назад
They don't even work after a while
@windowsNwaves 2 дня назад
Yep. This is a common problem...
@Mnichols374 3 дня назад
Im in complete hell right now no windows
@windowsNwaves 2 дня назад
Sorry to hear that mate. I hope you get some relief soon.
@minty2455 3 дня назад
Oh my goodness. Thanks again. Great information. Think your videos are great. I signed up for the newsletter. We all I’m sure really appreciate your work. Birds and all. 😅. Take care for now. ( weird wave ) in the deep end. Much love ❤️ P
@windowsNwaves 2 дня назад
Thank you for the support and the kind words ❤️
@user-bz4bn8dz9u 3 дня назад
Did your body hurt all over after coming iff
@windowsNwaves 2 дня назад
I had a lot of nerve issues but did not experience what I would call whole body pain. That said,.everyone is affected differently and almost all of us are affected deeply in multiple ways...
@user-bz4bn8dz9u 2 дня назад
@@windowsNwaves yeah my health has declined dontonthis created worce anxiety
@windowsNwaves День назад
@@user-bz4bn8dz9u I'm sorry to hear that mate. There is a good chance that better days are ahead now that you are off.
@cjw8817 3 дня назад
Thank you Phill. Tapering xanax right now. It's been a long 2 year journey, that's not over yet.
@windowsNwaves 2 дня назад
I hear you. July 13 will mark two years for me as well. Here's to both our healing journeys
@valeriejoyce5407 3 дня назад
Thank You ✨💜✨
@windowsNwaves 3 дня назад
@THXx1138 3 дня назад
5 years out for me. Most of the more intense symptoms have resolved but I am left with weight gain, vascular issues, rapid aging, fear of driving, agoraphobia, hypersensitive, moody, prolapsing organs, just to name a few. No, we don't all heal.
@windowsNwaves 3 дня назад
hey mate, I am so sorry you are still dealing with symptoms. You are right, we don't all heal and even when we do, it's not uniform or consistent in any sense. I hope that some way, somehow things will get better and you will find more relief in the future <3
@naya-fadilla 4 дня назад
Saya sudah minum benzo 4 tahun,sekarang saya minum di dosis 0,25.dikinum 3x sehara.bagaimana cara lepasnya??
@windowsNwaves 4 дня назад
Sorry mate can you translate that
@naya-fadilla 4 дня назад
@@windowsNwaves I used to benzo as long as 4 years...now dosis 0,25 Mg..I eat benzo 3x in a day...how the way to stop it?
@windowsNwaves День назад
@@naya-fadilla I can't give medical advice here. I would see a doctor that understands the harms of benzo withdrawal and get on a tapering schedule (although it sounds like you may already be tapering?). Have you read this: www.benzoinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ashton-Manual.pdf
@naya-fadilla День назад
@@windowsNwaves first time i use benzo i 4 Mg in a day...but step by step i tapering until 0,25 mg..need 3 years to 0,25 mg
@jeremiemorin3417 5 дней назад
After my withdrawal ordeal I have a theory that it causes a trauma. I think that the symptoms are so intense that it locks you in a PTSD. Every time you have something that triggers you, something that reminds you of the experience, it's like you relive it again because you have been traumatized. We have been tortured for months, sometimes years. There is bound to be some trauma similar to someone that was abused daily for the same amount of time. The windows are moments that your life has gotten back to normal and the waves are flashbacks that make you feel like you're right back in it. I've been going through it for 6 years now. I have long periods where everything is fine. My anxiety is barely there and my sleep is just like pre-benzo. Then some event triggers me and makes me feel like I'm right back in the worst period of my withdrawals. My anxiety comes back with a vengeance and can barely sleep a couple of hours. I'm about to try EMDR because I'm convinced this has left me with PTSD (my wife is of the same opinion). I'll let you know how it goes.
@windowsNwaves 4 дня назад
Oh I definitely think you are right. And it's not difficult to see why when you are experiencing these things. It almost becomes, how wouldn't you have PTSD after that?? I don't know anything about EMDR but I hope it goes well.
@brendamalone3880 6 дней назад
Hi again, I watched this video for the third time now. Haven’t been able to do much so watching this is so calming to me. It makes me feel like I’m right there. Thank you for sharing this. You had mentioned in a recent post about another format, I went there and it came up saying something like not available. Just wondering if I missed it. Anyway you take care see you on your next video. ❤ btw are there any parrots where you are ?
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
Hey Brenda, I assume you are talking about this newsletter: windowsandwaves.beehiiv.com/subscribe I am going to start posting there soon. Yes, we do have parrots! The rose ringed parakeet in this video is a type of parrot but we also have Senegal parrots which are really beautiful. I will try to get one on film soon. Hope you are doing ok ♥️
@baileystruss7319 6 дней назад
3 yrs constant akathisia for me. Im constantly su#$dal. My body and life is wrecked.
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
I'm so sorry. Did the akathisia start after getting off benzos or another psych drug?
@andrewvillarreal9833 6 дней назад
My wife is having such a hard time with my benzo injury... SHE LOVED THIS VIDEO my friend! She said it's the most accurate of all the benzo videos. I can't thank you enough... take care my friend.
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
I'm glad to hear the video resonates, but I'm so sorry she is going through this.
@denisguilbault298 6 дней назад
I'm literally watching your videos on repeat every other day... it calms me.. your right brother.. this experience rocked my world.. from a life in the military to being on disability.. getting a dinosis for ptsd mood disorder, adhd ,anxiety disorder.wtf... 3 years it took to taper of Xanax and valuim.. now on month 5 off everything, and it's complete he'll on a good day.. have not left my apartment sins Feb 3, 2024, when protracted withdrawal began.. only time will tell if I'm going to heal or not.. thank you for sharing your experiences.. Keep making videos:)❤
@windowsNwaves 6 дней назад
hey mate, I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with protracted withdrawal. It sounds ridiculous to say "hang in there" after all you've been through. But it is possible to come out the other side. I had plenty of doubts on my own healing journey. I really convinced myself that it would never happen. But it did. For me it was around the 9 month mark that I could see a light at the end of the tunnel.
@denisguilbault298 5 дней назад
Wow, thank you for that reassurance and kindness as I'm in the thick of it.. your story proves it's possible to heal.. it gives me hope. Actually, u were talking about the Benzo coalition site with the med list of things not to take.. and that really made me think .. I quit medical weed last month, but adhd meds are on the list, so I threw my stimulant meds down the toilet this morning.. more pain for the price of possible health and freedom 🙏 ✨️ 🙌 il take it. .. I had a blue bird 🐦 come to my window yesterday after I saw ur message.. i took it as a sign. Thank you. Stay strong and stay humble.
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
​@@denisguilbault298yeah, stimulants are not your friend during benzo wd. It took me a long time before i could even touch caffeine. Hey mate, I'd likw to indeed think that bird was a sign. Thanks for sharing that.
@drm-kr8gc 7 дней назад
You live in a nice place, the birds are beautiful. Have you tried cold shower? helped me clear my brain for a short time and speed up muscle regeneration.
@windowsNwaves 6 дней назад
I tried cold exposure at one point but the adrenaline was too much for my nervous system at the time. That was when I still had a lot of other symptoms though. I could give it another go now
@111585sandman 7 дней назад
Antibiotics also have crazy adverse reactions, I have my share from doxycycline and bactrim, good lord these a devil pills. Had similar side effects on my cns, neuro toxicity. Extreme mental illness for months. I can understand.
@windowsNwaves 7 дней назад
You are right about antibiotics. A lot of people never consider the possibility that an antibiotic might have consequences for our nervous system. There are a heap of antibiotics that can provoke kindling during benzo withdrawal!!
@kritikos8877 8 дней назад
Thank you for your videos. They are helping me. I'm almost 6 months off after 3 months use + 6 months tapering. I'm seeing more windows but I still experience trauma from this entire experience (i.e., I have irreparably damaged/ altered my brain) and lost enthusiasm for life. Its a torturous existence. I pray its only temporary (also, hoping the tinnitus/ear pain and sunburned skin is temporary, too). Friends don't understand. Did you experience similar psychological symptoms? Did you seek professional help during this process?
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
I did not seek professional help. I connected with as many people as I could online as I knew no one in real life that could even begin to comprehend what I was going through. Keep in mind, my access to professional help here in this part of West Africa is limited. For 3 months of use, I would be confident you will get through the woods. Each day is a step in the right direction even if it doesn't feel like it. I don't know what your dosage or meds were but it is unlikely that you have permanently altered anything re: your brain. Hang on to those windows, they are gonna start getting longer.
@kritikos8877 7 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves thank you for your response and encouragement. At the highest I was on 20 mg clorazepate=15 mg valium=1 mg xanax
@thosethingssilver1287 8 дней назад
I'm actually experiencing my taper right now and I've been looking all over YT for someone to talk about symptoms of withdrawal. I cannot thank you enough for this video. I'm down to .5 a day and just feel under the weather and have muscle pain. Not sure how soon I'll be going down to .25 but hoping if I stay on that for a while it'll help soften the withdrawal symptoms when I'm completely off. This is the most realistic and honest video about getting off of benzos that I have found. You are wonderful and thank you again!
@windowsNwaves 7 дней назад
Glad you got something from it. Wishing you all the best in your healing. Definitely take your time with the taper.
@isaacm159 8 дней назад
What symptoms do you still currently have?
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
MCAS, cognitive issues, memory loss, occasional panic, enough anxiety but would not necessarily consider a symptom at this point. Still have some nerve issues and weird things like hypnic jerks/sleep starts and air hunger.
@isaacm159 7 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves After long did chemical anxiety and nerve pains take to clear?
@windowsNwaves 6 дней назад
@@isaacm159 6 months was the most brutal stretch, after 9 months is where I started to see more sustained relief
@minty2455 8 дней назад
Hello WW. Appreciate this so much. I walk around the block almost every day 😂. Birds are all around here as a live by the ocean and a lagoon. Hawks crows seagulls peep birds. Some I don’t know the name but yes common ones to love also. Couldn’t find the spot for your newsletter. Thanks again. At least you do get my mind off this hell I’m going through. ❤p.
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
Oh that is wonderful! When I am in Senegal, I am also right by the ocean and a lagoon.It is a great combination for birds. Would love to hear more about the birds there! Thank you for the encouragement and kind words. The newsletter signup is here windowsandwaves.beehiiv.com/subscribe
@JinxTheWriter 8 дней назад
How long have you been off benzos?
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
On July 13th it will be two years. How have you been lately? Any windows?
@AcquiredCents 9 дней назад
Tips after 16 months from taking valium for 17.5 years: Don't nap. Sleep is important. Every day MUST be the same, ideally 7 to 9 hours. That helps with akathesia A LOT. I promise. It was soooo bad. Nobody understands except people who've been through it.
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
"nobody understands except people who've been through it." 100%
@regineheine5707 День назад
@@windowsNwavesEven psychiatrists don’t know better.They should.
@windowsNwaves 14 часов назад
@@regineheine5707 they most definitely should
@jimferrill1790 9 дней назад
I really understand what you're going through. I knew every mechanical system/machine in my area. I still do. But I don't pay much attention to them anymore. You've been off meds for a long time. Powerful stuff my friend. You seem a bit flustered in this vid. Sorry about that.
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
Cheers, Jim. I was a bit flustered in this video. Although, I was much better during the video than I was during the preceding night!
@jimferrill1790 9 дней назад
Getting out in nature is key. You have to get outside. That idea is common in a lot of the vids I have watched. Birds are absolutely wonderful. I live in the midwest and have a couple of feeders. They are just outside of my window. I get one BlueJay and a pair of Cardinals. Also et a bunch of Finches in various colors. The Sparrows are also very beautiful. Wow! Parakeets! I was on Val for 15-20 years at 20-30 ml. I have been off for 378 days. Today is a good day. I am finally (hopeful) feeling pretty good. It may not last buy I am grateful for today. Why are you living in Africa? Are you wanted? I truly like your videos. They are extremely calming. If that's what you're looking for, you've achieved it. Thank you.
@windowsNwaves 8 дней назад
Hey Jim, I am so glad to hear you are having a good day. I hope you continue to have more of those than bad and that things continue to move in the right direction. I am originally from Ohio so I certainly recognize some of those birds you mentioned ;) Sure like hearing about your feeders and local birdlife! And yes, you are 100% right about getting out in nature. It is a healing balm. Haha, I am not wanted. Or not that I know of. I first came to West Africa in 2005 as a study abroad. In 2010 I took a trip back and it just became permanent. One thing led to another etc. I was originally motivated to come to the region for music reasons, but then got interested in many other things. These days I am a part owner in a floundering hotel/restaurant in Bamako, Mali and run scooter tours based out of Senegal. My wife is Malian and we have two kids together. Thanks for your kind words, Jim. I'm glad to hear the videos are calming.
@jimferrill1790 8 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves I studied a broad in college. (or two) I am experiencing a weird behavior these days. I used to be able to type fairly well. Now I am transposing letters as I type. It's really frustrating as I have to proofread everything very carefully now. Ah, well. While you were gone America has turned into instagram. If you are around insta types, you may be a victim of something like a crime or at the least, disrespect. I think I'm going to move to Kentucky or Tennessee within the next year. It's very hot here this week. I need to put out some water bowls for the birds and animals. Today is another good day. I noticed I still have a version of benzo belly where it cramps up when I'm cooking. I used to salivate like Pavlov's dog while cooking. That was weird. Do you have any symptoms like that? In closing I'd like to say I have zero use for our medical system. All they know to do is dispense pills. To the point while I was in a rehab center a year ago May, they prescribed Trazadone to make me sleep. I said, "Kiss my ass, I'm not taking anything." You ever need help from the states, contact me. Jim
@windowsNwaves 6 дней назад
@@jimferrill1790 Hey Jim, that's kind of you. I appreciate it. I know what you mean about instagram. Thankfully there is a bit less of that culture over here. We end up using social media a fair bit for our travel and hotel business, but I really wish we could get away from it entirely. I did not experience many gastro symptoms during wd. There was a period during the first 3 weeks where my guts were off, but it dissipated and I never experienced a persistent "benzo belly" or anything like that. I am incredibly grateful for that as I know it's a symptom that many people struggle with and I know it can be relentless in some cases. It's heartening to hear that you are off pills even if you haven't fully healed yet. You have the right attitude. Getting in that lane is half the battle. Where are you moving from?
@jimferrill1790 6 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves I live in Northwest Indiana and need to move south from here. It really isn't rural enough where you can form your own community within your own property so to speak. I say this as a person who really doesn't have the patience for my neighbors. They are constantly causing some kind of disturbance. That's what I mean when I say I want to form my own community. I wish I was on about 50 acres with a barn rather than living on a golf course. This can and will be remedied. First world problems I know. I am experiencing benzo belly in a brave and unique way. Instead of salivating like a dog with a bell ringing, I now have diaphragm cramps when I am cooking. Also when I arise in the morning especially. The top of my inner ab muscles just cramp to the point I have to stretch them out if I can. Super painful. I enjoyed the vid where you spoke about walking being a soothing balm to the mind. I forget what you called it but you nailed it. I went for a walk after I watched that. Soothing. I have no idea where you get your speaking voice and demeanor but it certainly is calming. When I was in the depths of wd I could not watch any violence or excitement. I was watching (when I could stomach the boob toob) shows that were reality and very calm. Like Full Custom Metal. A car show with another very calm guy, Ian Rousell. Today is another good day and I'm going to the beach. It's 20 minutes away by car. I can bring my dog and let him run in the water. He loves it. I do too. To think last September I thought I was never going to be able to do things like this ever again. And now I'm fully capable. What a miracle. Been watching some yootoobs and finding some recover-ers are having symptoms return with a vengeance later on after they had passed them early in their recoveries. I am a bit worried I may relapse. Not with pills, but in my own recovery. If it happens, it happens though. Not much we can do about it. Thank you for the videos. They really are great. The editing is spot on and everything about them is enjoyable. Jim
@brendamalone3880 4 дня назад
Hey Jim you made me laugh today ! When you asked him if he was wanted haha! Good question though. I love his videos too, I think he’s AWSOME and I love the birds.
@Achilles_696 9 дней назад
shit fucking SUCKS! i get no breaks in life.. i've been on 10mg methadone tablets five times per day, and Klonopin, 0.5mg 4 times per day.. for almost a decade now, my life has become hell, i don't know what to do... i feel no emotion. i'm dead inside, my brain is perma damaged, pray for me.
@windowsNwaves 6 дней назад
It may feel like it, but it's possible that your brain is not in fact permanently damaged. I know that feeling that you are talking about, though -- no emotion, dead inside. That was the feeling that drove me to get off benzos.
@punkroxgirl 5 дней назад
Yes, i don’t think it’s permanent, but if you do decide to stop taking them, try to do it slowly. I was on benzos for over two decades and I’ve been tapering for 3 years and i went from 3mg of klonopin a day to now taking .5 but some days .75 now. I think I will need to decrease in smaller increments to go lower than .5mg. I was just lucky that I had a doctor that warned me about decreasing too fast. I really didn’t understand how serious it could be. It still makes me angry that people aren’t informed enough about these things
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
1000% this
@dustygatrell-ru7tg 10 дней назад
Year an 8 monyhs off klonopin. Still have dp dr an all that stuff. Sucks
@windowsNwaves 7 дней назад
So sorry to hear that. DP/DR was one of the worst symptoms for me. Has it happened less over time / seen any improvement?
@dustygatrell-ru7tg 7 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves I've seen a little improvement. But it's happening so slowly that it's hard to tell sometimes. Some days I see tiny improvements some days it's just the Same. Just can't wait to be back in reality again.
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
@@dustygatrell-ru7tg yeah, the undetectable progress is maddening. Trust me, though, it's there, it's happening.
@giacomorotondi7251 10 дней назад
Can you do me a non-medical consulting? I need someone to speak which is not too much dipped into the system.
@windowsNwaves 9 дней назад
Hi there, please send me an email at lifeafterbenzos@gmail.com
@giacomorotondi7251 9 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves I'm doing it now thanks
@juleslund1515 11 дней назад
I appreciate this ♡
@windowsNwaves 11 дней назад
Glad to hear that <3
@cjw8817 11 дней назад
Years ago i tapered off xanax on my own, breaking the pills in half and finally stopping. I was absolutely perfectly fine... no withdrawal symptoms at all. Stupid me, i went back on it, not knowing about kindling at all. Now im tapering again, and going through hell. Ive been tapering for 2 years with crappy symptoms. I wish i knew about kindling.
@windowsNwaves 10 дней назад
Sorry to hear this mate. But glad you are tapering. Take your time.
@buangbenzo День назад
Same, me too! How long you'd been on it (after reinstated)? And how long youve been off the drugs? Im suffering persistent withdrawal symptoms aft reinstated
@thatanimepfpguy 11 дней назад
When does the tinnitus go away?
@windowsNwaves 10 дней назад
For me personally, it happened after 6 months . But everyone is different. How long have you had it?
@kritikos8877 9 дней назад
Comforting that the tinnitus went away for you. I'm almost 6 months off (short term user) so I'm praying it goes away soon...I want to experience silence once again!
@windowsNwaves 5 дней назад
@@kritikos8877 hoping that happens for you soon. you will definitely have a newfound appreciation for silence when it happens!
@brendamalone3880 12 дней назад
Please read my reply. I have this problem it started about a ear and a half off benzos.
@windowsNwaves 11 дней назад
I think I responded but let me know if it didn't work
@brendamalone3880 11 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves absolutely you replied haha I kinda got confused there The list of foods, very helpful ! Skin sensitivity for me is so severe stinging itching biting. Along with that is a stuffed up nose, coughing is all linked somehow. Every hair follicle on my head is itchy. Who knows it’s all so insane. But eating the right foods I’ll be extra cautious of what I eat. Yes also stressful stuff. Take care and God Bless!
@windowsNwaves 7 дней назад
@@brendamalone3880 Hey Brenda I strongly strongly strongly recommend trying an elimination diet, even if only for a week. It's not easy but you may find that some of the foods you are eating could be holding back or even preventing your healing. My MCAS has gotten better over time and I can now eat more things than I could in the beginning, but I don't know where I would be now if I didn't get clued into it. The congestion and itchiness are prime histamine intolerance or MCAS candidates. The neurological symptoms are the snake in the grass that you would never associate with diet or histamine -- in short, we don't think of these things as being able to affect our brain chemistry. But it seems they are actually all connected. This is a good read: www.happywithouthistamine.com/anxiety-and-histamine/
@davidfurino2987 12 дней назад
Take magnesium helps with the heart thing,aloha bra
@windowsNwaves 11 дней назад
I take magnesium in the form of magnesium threonate. That work?
@rueporter2253 12 дней назад
Anyone who wants meds an plants that help get off benzo, i can help, for free. ❤
@rueporter2253 12 дней назад
I was on thtee mgs of xanax for many yrs. I tapered over a month then for two months took temazapam, sleep one, no high, an catapress.Then used plant meds to stop. I been herion addict, oxy etc. an benzo is worst.
@JohnVos-qs2ru 12 дней назад
These GPS don't give a shit about you,only money money money!
@JohnVos-qs2ru 12 дней назад
Years of taper????
@rueporter2253 12 дней назад
That's a good way, if you can get it that long. There's a much easier way, replacement therapy. But, what is used cannot be used to a new addiction, or better yet, not addictive at all. I have many methods of this tactic. Anyone who wants help , I can an will.
@JohnVos-qs2ru 12 дней назад
Easier way first shoot the doctor,then shoot yourself.problem solved
@prasannaramakrishnan6242 12 дней назад
Is it ok to be on antihystamine cough syrup minimum dose months together? Is it addictive? Coz i am on antihistamine for few days now due to insomnia returned back after two years of stopping benzos...
@windowsNwaves 11 дней назад
hi there. Antihistamines are generally not addictive, but you can build up a tolerance to them which can lead to you upping the dosage. Unfortuantely, some of the "drowsy side effect' antihistamines are anticholinergic drugs. Research on those is not promising : www.health.harvard.edu/blog/common-anticholinergic-drugs-like-benadryl-linked-increased-dementia-risk-201501287667 That said -- while you should of course talk to a doctor and I am not one -- taking benadryl for a couple of months probably helped me keep my sanity and I would have likely never slept during that time without it.
@AcquiredCents 9 дней назад
Only take 1 when you can't sleep. There's absolutely no reason to take more. That helped me a lot getting sleep around a month after, I couldn't sleep no matter what though for 3 weeks. Not a single minute. I'm at month 16, took valium 17 years. Tight neck n chest, tinnitus, occasional akathasia. Napping is a BAD idea. I swear!!!!
@regineheine5707 14 часов назад
@@windowsNwaves What about melatonine ?
@user-bz4bn8dz9u 13 дней назад
How the hell do we ever trust doctors again I’ve developed Major fear of them
@windowsNwaves 13 дней назад
Completely understandable!!!
@susanmorgan4151 7 дней назад
Exactly. ❤
@brendamalone3880 14 дней назад
Have you ever posted a video on what lead up to stopping benzos and why? I hope you’re doing better after the episode when the generators went out. Your talks are so helpful and peaceful when you take walks. I can hear all the beautiful birds 🦢 ❤
@windowsNwaves 13 дней назад
Hey Brenda, I have not made this video yet. But I will. I was doing better since that day, but not good yesterday. Was triggered by stress due to a situation with the tax office here that is out of our control and could be the end of the business. Feeling a bit better this morning. Went for a walk. Thanks for asking <3 How about you?
@juliemauger6183 13 дней назад
This is the 1st time I've come across your FB page. It sounds like you've stopped the benzos. Congratulations, that's a huge achievement. As we know, benzos blunt your emotions, so you are not developing coping strategies whilst on the benzos, you're simply numbing the symptoms. Have you tried any therapies to give you the skills to cope with things from panic attacks and mood fluctuations to insomnia? Edit: plus building skills to tolerate any distress you experience such as the stress you're currently going through with your business and the tax office? I ask because I've just completed a series of therapy sessions which focuses on DBT, a skills based therapy which teaches you to tolerate stress better and regulate your moods etc. I have found the course to be very helpful. It's early days yet and I'm currently tapering off Benzos after using them for about 40 years.
@brendamalone3880 13 дней назад
@@windowsNwaves Thanks for your reply, it’s always so appreciated. As for me, it’s there always! It never gives me a break. I’ve had windows, not that many. Being honest when you think it can’t get any worse lol it does! I try to stay hopeful and positive. But you know you just get so dam tired of being in one wave back to back. I hope you don’t lose your business !! Wow what would you and your family do? I’ll be praying for you guys and for you to keep healing. What a freakin thing we are going through. So good to talk to you. Stay strong God bless you ❤️
@windowsNwaves 11 дней назад
@@brendamalone3880 thanks a lot Brenda, that is very kind of you. I am not sure exactly what we will do yet. We are looking at our options. I hope you get a break from these waves soon. I will be praying for you too.
@windowsNwaves 11 дней назад
@@juliemauger6183 Hi thanks for sharing this. I am familiar with CBT but not DBT. It seems DBT is like CBT but modified for people like us!! I am digging into to it. Thanks! I have adopted other tactics and therapies, yes. Walking and birding have been up at the top of the list. I have also tried meditation and breathing techniques, and the latter have been particularly helpful. Also, looking into physical causes of anxiety linked to diet etc -- especially now that I have MCAS. Taking certain supplements and avoiding certain foods have had a major impact.
@ThanujaDil 15 дней назад
Did you have constipation or other digestive issues? I am oscillating between severe constipation and mild diarrhea.
@windowsNwaves 15 дней назад
Digestive symptoms were probably only symptoms I did not have. *touching wood* But I know that is a very common symptom for many.
@brendamalone3880 16 дней назад
I need to educate myself on histamine I know that has a Hugh negative effect on myself. So confusing on what foods to stay away from. Thanks for talking about this. ❤
@windowsNwaves 15 дней назад
I certainly think it's worth it for a lot of people to try an elimination diet even if not specifically for histamine, just to kind of do a reset and see if there is a physical cause for some of the things happening. Doing that changed everything for me. This is a good list as far as histamine goes: jodiettenberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/low-histamine-mcas-diet.jpg
@brendamalone3880 16 дней назад
Aww so sorry you went through that. Glad the comments are on now. Sending you love and prayers . You seem to have healed a lot it will continue for you and all of us. ❤