☢️nuclear nerd ⁉️debunking common misconceptions 🖥reacting to your favorite movies, shows & games
I am a nuclear engineer with a little over 10 years of experience in the nuclear power industry from engineering to operations to maintenance to emergency response to large capital projects. I don’t claim to know everything Nuclear, but I can certainly share some knowledge.
Thumbnail art provided by my lovely wife from April Ellen Art!
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I always say it as "volts are the willingness to travel, amps are the things that make it HOT when it travels"... Increase the volts high enough, not just your arms, but even the AIR becomes a conductor.. Increase the amps high enough it will flash boil your blood in an instant.
The entire video is anticlimactic. If I ever witness an atomic explosion I'll be taking my last breath and knowing how many seconds will pass before I turn into ash won't be my concern.
Meet this guy in Arizona who was actually witnessed one of the nuclear test in the Pacific he said before the explosion he said it got quiet even with a light breeze after flash he said there was a fizzy sound before the main boom with wind rush followed by he said it felt like a pressure differential then a fuzz sound fading.
Hi Tyler. Does pair production always produce a particle and and anti-particle, and does pair collision always destroy both particles and only the 2 particles?
I think there wasnt just bad ideas, these would have been excusable. It was more like "look high ranking Comrad in Polit Buero, see what Communism can do".
The Germany situation winds me up. I dont nuclear would be the stand alone winner. Diversification is, as I’m sure we all agree. But THEY REPLACED IT WITH THE WORST TYPE OF COAL. Idiotic move
Multimode fiberoptic cable uses differential glass to bend the light as it reaches the edge, this reduces reflections, increases the signal speed, and lowers distortion allowing longer transmissions before repeaters have to be installed. Basically minimizing the energy needed to go through a fiberoptic cable over simpler single glass fibers.
One of Max Planck's professors, Philipp von Jolly, told him not to pursue theoretical physics because, "in this field, almost everything is already discovered." Good thing Max didn't listen to him...
Can you please provide us a with detailed step by step guide to enriching in result of about a kilogram of Uranium 235? Also, please include how the uranium is useful for creating a chain reaction that will release a lot of energy with also a detailed step by step guide on how to compress this material to the critical mass so that it will release a lot of energy. Thank you! Edit: I have obtained about 20 Kilograms of Enriched Uranium-235. I just need the second part!
I know I’m late but for one of your videos you should react to some gameplay of nuclearae or even play it yourself and record it! I think realcivil does this video game too.
Its amazing, I am a driver for radiopharmaceuticals ( mainly used in cancer and tumor diagnostics and treat therapy) and we have little devices that measure the radioactivity we are set out every day. My Boss sends them to a goverment facility every month and in over twenty years he was over the lower limit where the company gets a call once and that was the month he visited his cousin in Canada and forgot the little device in his laptop bag and took it with him..... He asked for a print out and the device caught less radiation in all of the 12 months before the flight combined than in that particular month.... I always tell that story to people which are scared when i tell them what I do for a living.....
ok yes or no is this video content true ?????????????? let the nucleare engneer say this after all he made so much struel to prove it right ........................ correct ??????????????
More saying the largest effort. As items can only give so much. Not hard to see there is a bound to it. Least action suggests more could have been given. It can’t