James Tabor
James Tabor
James Tabor
This Channel contains a growing archive of interviews, lectures, and related videos from my forty years exploring the academic study of the origins of Christianity and ancient Judaism. Some of the videos are older than others and the emphasis is on CONTENT not slick video quality--although I will be posting newer HD productions as well. This material is based upon our surviving historical sources, particularly ancient texts and the material evidence of archaeology. Major topics of my own focus have been the historical Jesus, John the Baptizer, James the brother of Jesus, the apostle Paul, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jesus. Questions of focus are: Can the original message of Jesus be recovered? How did Paul differ in his gospel message from that of Jesus? How did a new religion known as "Christianity" emerge from its late 2nd Temple Jewish origins. What have we learned from the Dead Sea Scrolls and other late 2nd Temple Jewish sources?
Update from Mediterranean Tour
14 дней назад
Did Paul Really Write These Two Texts?
Месяц назад
Arrived in Israel!
2 месяца назад
@Demosophist 57 минут назад
If he was an Ebionite Nazarite, he didn't eat cooked food of any kind.
@TONYYAH12 Час назад
If this is true. Then why did the messiah died for us then please explain this
@dannybarnes5445 4 часа назад
These so called intellectuals wouldn't have a clue
@itwasrightthereinfrontofyou 5 часов назад
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:27-28 is the same as Isaiah 43:24-26 “I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom” Mtt 26:29 define faith man? Faith=remembering knowing that his blood = this new covenant where by his blood you are made new. It is in his name YHWH Word/Law behold Nail Behold the name of savior no other. Malachi 3:16 then keep the parable of the wedding garment in Matthew. Simple and light. But even more what of those who fear him?
@juliecavanagh7399 6 часов назад
So he changed the tense from past tense to present tense. So what. It still reads as God being the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
@MotherEarth-I 6 часов назад
RE: Transfiguration. We should read the transfiguration event from Mat 16:21, Luke 9:22, and Mark 8:3. Jesus tries to give words of encouragement and minimize the fear of his disciples concerning what is going to happen. “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it” (Mat 16:24). --- The triumph of Emergence as a righteous shining sun on the sorting-out day (Day of Judgment). The transfiguration event was a demonstration of God Power (wrongly understood as kingdom!). Those disciples observed the power of God as Jesus told them (Mat 16:28, Luke 9:27, Mark 9:1) after six/eight days. Only God has the power and authority to invade minds. The event was not real, God made them see what they saw. The essence of the “Gospel” is endeavor of face-to-FACE (will-to-WILL) living --- every blessed moment of joy and experience of growing, relating, expanding and extending to others as an encompassing source of goodness, resembling All-encompassing God--- and becoming a true fabric of DIVINE ORDER of the creation. Let every little leaven invisibly spread all over and become integral to the truth of reality and its flow. On the Day when the contingent entity 'heavens and the earth' (solar system) will pass away, the truth will not. Useless and worthless weeds (bluffing chatters!) though are not fitting to any sustainable fabric and are a good fit to the pit of fire and perfectly acceptable! Let’s turn away from Paul and his idea of space-living that did not happen and return to Jesus and his teachings making the earth a better place to live and for everyone. Jesus did not tell his disciples that he was a source of electricity, and they should plug themselves to him! They were told that they should follow Jesus and his purposeful words. Paul was not there!
@matthewgerwing6520 7 часов назад
It's almost like there was a world before all the chaos...there was civilization before the 'In the beginning....the earth was in a devastated state. Meteor? Earthquakes? Solar flares. Dunno. If the ancients had their own ancient civilizations they looked too, they are completely lost to us.
@joyartemas 9 часов назад
Lost in interpretation. Earth is our planet, not the universe as you say what you mean by the word World. Earth IS land. You just changed the term from specific to a more general one. There could be land somewhere else in the universe or world. So, yes, your transparent translation is a lot more confusing.
@zdzislawmeglicki2262 12 часов назад
Relatively few witnessed the eruption of Vesuvius and lived to report on it. And it took a while for the news to reach the Empire's many capitals. By that time there must have been plenty of confusion about the event. Rome itself remained intact, as did other Imperial cities, Alexandria, Cesaria, Ephesus, Athens, etc. And it's not like Romans did not know about volcanoes. Mount Etna and Strombolis used to erupt as often at the time as they do today. Was the Book of Revelation influenced by the Vesuvian eruption? It was written on the island of Patmos (it's in the Aegean, close to Anatolia, a long way from Pompeii) in 95 CE, 16 years after the eruption. If the author witnessed the eruption first hand (but how likely is that) the event was so memorable that it would find its way to the papyrus, yet it was not the end of the world as all involved could see. More likely the memory of it, this far from Pompeii and 16 years later, would have faded.
@mihailn.6517 12 часов назад
i can't belive i'm at minute 22 and still don't know any difference between the bible and scrolls. if this is how you teach at university....i bet many will fall asleep by half...
@carlreijer4478 13 часов назад
Would Paul have known Tigranes VI? The great grandson of Herod the Great?
@eiriksinclair5986 13 часов назад
The first page was a collection of mythos compiled by the Daughters of Crete. The Garden of Eden is Arcadia Peloponnese, where the nymphs were located. The Orion Seven Cities created the four rivers of 'people' not water. Often accepted as the Swa*tika symbol, thus its hidden history. 'U' is Orion Seven Cities of Aegean coastline, 'r' is the boot of Italy. La Biblia of Crete was given to the Land of Ur in Mesopotamia which the Orion 12 of Jupiter mistranslated the Bible to adopt its own territory as the Garden of Eden. Simple. Orion Circle.
@carlreijer4478 13 часов назад
Can you do an episode on Paul in Perge?
@CTechAstronomy 14 часов назад
I’ve never understood how Death is our enemy. It’s just part of life, does everyone really want to live forever?
@nubtube7313 14 часов назад
Thoroughly enjoyed the recap of your tour, but it is the Greco-Roman motif itself that places another major roadblock in the Talpiot story. The area itself was under Greco-Roman influence for a considerable period by the time Joseph of A. shows up, but it's more likely he would have still had a traditional Jewish tomb built. And considering the amount of time it takes to build such a tomb, it isn't something he could have built between Thursday and Sunday of the same week. At any rate when Joseph buries Jesus' body, Christianity as a religion isn't well formed as an idea yet, and it would be several more years before Paul starts preaching, which makes any connection between Joseph of A. at the time of the crucifixion and the Greco-Roman decoration at Talpiot a practical impossibility. But there is a cup worth pouring more thought into, and it reminds me of that line from an Indiana Jones movie; "he chose... poorly". Who was the Jewish religious order that crucified Jesus at odds with? Obviously in the immediate aftermath his Jewish followers, but none of the Jews at Jesus' trial would have uttered the word Christianity, let alone predict the Roman empire itself would convert to it. But in the decades that followed the crucifixion, that same Jewish religious order would have heard about Paul's preaching to the Gentile masses and the growing Christian movement that resulted, and it would have helped redefine their enemy. The type of tomb the boxes were found in not only suggests they were placed there at a later date, but points a finger of guilt squarely at the Jewish religious order responsible for the crucifixion. Looks a lot like Professor Plumb did it in the library with a candlestick holder.
@Steve-u9k4p 15 часов назад
Very nice. Ty
@The-Secret-Team 16 часов назад
Purity and pollution. Cultural.
@bloomerb4162 17 часов назад
Thieme? In the beginning, it was not the beginning. So what He did to the earth was not the 1st beginning. God restored the earth, it was already there. Restored it for Adam. This can explain why the earth is so old as well.
@jamesn7711 17 часов назад
It took him forever to get to his point and then his point was, literally, his own translation, using the tanahk as a springboard. You can see how he is leaving room in his text for controversial biblical ideas instead of taking God at face value. Scripture interprets scripture. We don't.
@nevadaross1129 17 часов назад
Repent, pray, humility in this dust formed image of God. Just as Paul could not completely describe the Transfiguration, ye think Paul can describe the mystery of a Trinity or other Almighty configuration ? Psalm 46:10
@keithmiller3422 18 часов назад
Your comments at 17;40 have also been applied to the destruction of Alexandria. Could both be true?
@keithmiller3422 18 часов назад
Beautiful picture at 11:42. Brings to you good thoughts. However, I can't help but wonder why you didn't notice that the horizon was not curved, but was essentially flat! Seems even experts have a tendency to over look the obvious when it goes against Hellenistic inspired thoughts of the Cosmos. Genesis give an entirely different viewpoint of Earth's Cosmos separate from the totality of that of the Universe. Earth's reconstruction along with her cosmos which was separated from the rest of the Universe by the firmament happened some 6,000 years ago, but the Eternal One was not sitting around doing nothing before that.. The story of Lucifer's demise as recorded in Isaiah was what caused the necessity of a new beginning of the arena that Lucifer dominated before his destruction. Surely you've heard of this theory. Dr. Donald Gray Barnhouse proposed it years ago. Many have presented their views on why there seems to be ancient ruins that predate the Genesis account while ignoring the Isaiah account's implication.
@Leonugent2012 20 часов назад
If Jesus didn’t preexist then the virgin birth is a lie. Scholars are required to assume that the virgin birth was a lie. I just as gratuitously assume it was true. It’s a twist on the old math proof cartoon. Jesus doesn’t preexist then a miracle doesn’t happen and now I’ll compete my argument
@crownfiredesigns 20 часов назад
Thank you Dr. Tabor
@crownfiredesigns 20 часов назад
Thank you Dr. Habit
@anthonycostine5067 20 часов назад
Fascinating talk. Enjoyed the David Bowie reference!
@slavhondacivicsi 20 часов назад
18:42 sounds like 2024
@mariodesilva8193 20 часов назад
@mariodesilva8193 20 часов назад
Beautiful presentation that is true, thank you James❤
@peterhook2258 21 час назад
Big project...there is an Ammon Hillman gaining in popularity among many who enjoy academic and scholarly truth as a pillar of their truth seeking. The issue is he is appearing as an expert indeed in classical Greek and claiming the OT was a product of translating Greek into Hebrew. Now this is indeed counter popular opinion, again showing the draw for those of us who enjoy truth regardless as a foundation of their seeking. Now...he is very entertaining and engaging and the problem is he KNOWS more about his area of expertise than many and thus the students of truth are left at the mercy of his knowledge lol. Now his hugest claim is that the Abrahamic and even early Christian culture , even pre Constantine was a product and outreach of human trafficking's. A scholarly refute to this , that is undeniable would be VERY refreshing. And if he is right...that would be groundbreaking. If a brilliant mind could counter his claims easily, it sure would be nice. If you have a peer who is exert enough to counter his narrative about the historical Yehua or even the historical Paul they could easily build a super huge audience in this new debate he is bringing about. Just a suggestion for some scholar out there with enough knowledge to at least provide a polarized view of the opposite. Peace . Any scholars out there to take up an academic pursuit in this regard to clarify some of the sensational views of this Ammon would be appreciated. Till that happens I'll continue to listen and learn from all sources lol. sorry to riddle this video with this , my own adhd baggage however I know that the enjoyers of Talbots material may know or have some sources qualified to do this.
@LyleFrancisDelp 21 час назад
The Simcha film on Pompeii....are you referring to the specific episode of "Secrets of Christianity"? If so, I've seen it and think it to be correct.
@stephenballard-f9h 21 час назад
I wonder if Revelation 18 is referring to the great fire of Rome in 64AD, which Nero blamed on the "Christians" ? Even if Revelation was written at a later date, Revelation 18 my be a remembrance of that earlier 64AD event - Rev 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.
@Joshua123N 21 час назад
EXPOSING JESUS AND HIS LIES (NO.3) JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SIN, KEEP SINNING AND BE HAPPY; OTHERWISE, WHY REPENT? When we sin, we sin against God and the aggrieved party. That is why only God can forgive your sin if the other party refuses to forgive you. For example, in the case of David and Uriah (2 Samuel 11:15), since Uriah was killed in battle, only God could forgive David. Fortunately, David turned directly to God in repentance and asked for forgiveness. The Golden Calf incident is another example when God rejected Moses' offer to pay or die for the sin of the people for idolatry (Exodus 32:31-33). Below are some passages where God explained that He does not enjoy seeing a sinner die but would rather see them repent and live. How much more, if Jesus were truly His Son and sinless? But we know that God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh that Israel is His firstborn son, not Jesus, the Anti-God (Exodus 4:22, Hosea 1:10, Jeremiah 31:9). (Exodus 32:31-33, Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20, Ezekiel 18:23, etc.) However, we have Jesus claiming that God wanted him to die for the forgiveness of sin in Matthew 26:28, Matthew 20:28, and especially Matthew 26:39, where he claims that it is God's will for him to die for the forgiveness of sin: Matthew 26:39: "Going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.'" As for Leviticus 17:10-11, where it is stated that "blood atones for sin," it must be understood that those verses clearly state that blood cannot be consumed, whereas Jesus urged his followers to drink his blood, even figuratively, in Matthew 26:27-28. Can any Christians show me one example or one instance where Jesus OBEYED God instead of going against Him in everything? Do you now understand why Jesus is a false prophet and Anti-God?
@CliffJekel 22 часа назад
Almost everything you explore in this lecture is contextualized in the mainstream presentation of the Orthodox Christian world including iconography, the texts of the services, the church calendar and hymnography. Check out the services of Holy Saturday, iconography of the Transfiguration (metamorphosis), burial service for a priest, baptismal rite, etc. If one starts from the perspective of American Protestant sects, very basic stuff can seem revolutionary.
@David..832 22 часа назад
It doesn't surprise me a roman pharisee ends up in rome
@willburr5929 23 часа назад
Dr. Tabor, this is one of your best!
@michelhaineault6654 23 часа назад
I believe Jesus resurrect from the dead as Lazarus did , il was a bodily resurrection and he was eating and drinking but it's only later when he disappear in the clouds that he was transform into is eternal state.
@beverlykoloian 23 часа назад
I like James Tabor's hypothesis but it raises additional questions for me The main question I have is why the disciples, family members, female followers or others in the movement were not aware that Joseph of Arimathea had moved the body, had plans to move the body and had no idea where he had moved it. Joseph of Arimathea is presented and identified as someone who was very sympathetic to the Jesus movement and he was likely intimate or in communication with its followers and key members. Yet in James Tabor's hypothesis he appears to moves the body to a new location after passover out of concert, and out of communication, with any of the movements key members or family members. I dont think this is plausible. The members were aware Joseph initially put Jesus in a tomb and knew where the tomb was. It makes sense they would have likewise been aware or informed if Joseph moved the body early on. The members (especially the women or family members) would have likely been involved in moving the body cleaning, and giving respect to the body as it was moved. Even if they hadnt...once they realized the body was gone, the first person who would have been contacted for information would have been Joseph of Arimathea. If he had in fact moved the body he would have told Jesus' followers and the resurrection narrative would not have gained traction. As I've said I appreciate James Tabor's analysis is intriguing, but not completely satisfying.
@erniejudah6976 День назад
He was freed from Rome
@erniejudah6976 День назад
Bishop Clement of Rome 68AD, Paul died an old man in Spain🧐🥷🏽
@longcastle4863 День назад
When I read Acts and Paul’s authentic letters and then some of the other epistles-so that it becomes pretty obvious just how stressful and contentious the fighting was (between the Peter/James and Paul factions) over whether new Gentile Christian converts needed to keep the Jewish law or not-I can’t help wondering if it was the Peter/James faction who actually set Paul up into getting arrested in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
@stephenballard-f9h 21 час назад
That is my thought also. Gustav Volkmar said in 1857 that Mark's Jesus is a parable for Paul. Paul is the sower who went out to sow his word in Antioch among other places Gal 2:11-14. But birds of the air (scribes/teachers of the Law) sent by the chief priest James devoured up the seed that Paul sowed. Other seed fell on rocky ground like Peter, and when persecution arose from James, then Peter and the other Jewish believers in Antioch separated like hypocritical Pharisees from eating with Paul's Gentile believers. But the Gentile believers brought forth a hundred fold to Paul's word. On Paul's last Passover, the Zealot chief priests of the Way conspire with the Judas Sicarios to have Paul killed. But instead Paul falls into the hands of the Romans authorities and is accused by the Quisling high priest Ananais of being a ringleader of the seditious Nazarene sect. Ananias was himself later murdered by the Zealots when war broke out with Rome. Therefore it seems unlikely the Judas Sicarios would have conspired with the high priest Ananias to murder Paul and his Roman guards. Instead the Judas Sicarios (Sicarii) conspired with the Zealot chief priests of the Way, James and the others of the council of the Way. It seems to be a parable, perhaps because the plain facts are too embarrassing and too dangerous? The Jerusalem church denied Paul, Paul's Gospel, and Paul's Jesus Christ, and chose instead the teaching of their own Jesus Barabbas (Rev 2:27). For which cause the lord of the vineyard destroyed those wicked husbandmen who made the Temple a den of insurgents and a desolation? I think we fail to see this because we are so used to imposing Paul's and Mark's tax paying and pacifist Jesus onto the early Jewish Zealot church. And this is partly what Mark intended for those who do not understand the parables. That seeing they may see but not perceive, and hearing they may hear but not understand. They are outsiders, according to Mark. But according to Mark, Jesus's own family also do not understand Paul's Jesus and Paul's Gospel, and they also are outsiders, and that is so that they will not be forgiven and so that Isaiah 6:9-12 will be fulfilled in them. They could not watch one hour for their lord to return from his far journey and the fullness of Paul's Gentile harvest to come in. Therefore what will the lord of the vineyard do when he comes?
@JonJaeden День назад
Why were Roman and Greek statues similarly endowed?
@mgclark46 День назад
The earthquake of 62 was devastating to Pompeii, and it was still in a state of disrepair in 79.
@allthingsfrench1391 День назад
My goodness. The Bible is not secular history, it is Salvation history... Sacred History. The story of Paul is the story of Christed Man when he Experiences the Birth from above. Literally in your skull, Golgatha, Calvary. Jesus was not a man who walked the earth 2000 years ago, he is you. This is the biography of every man. God became man so that man could become God. God sleeps within every man. There is a definate process of awakening, you cannot make it happen. Paul to the Galatians: Do you not know that Jesus Christ is IN you. The Bible is addressed to the Imagination of man. All the characters in the Bible are states of conciousness. Your own wonderful human Imagination is God. Paul is talking about the awakened man. Henceforth we regard no man after the flesh, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth regard him thus no longer. The Bible, the greatest book ever written . Presented in allegory and dark sayings to hide the Truth from the profane. It all takes place within the mind of man.
@MoapaManuel День назад
Imagine if Romans got Jewish holidays wrong, kinda like Americans and Cinco De Mayo lol
@jasonbailey1002 День назад
Always good to hear about Simcha’s work
@Ammeeeeeeer День назад
Instant click and like! 🤩 Interesting point about how hot Italy is in early September, I remember visiting Italy (Rome and surrounding areas) during earlyNovember and thinking the weather was very pleasant, neither too hot or too cold. Granted this was a decade ago 😁
@paineite День назад
isn't this the ossuary that Eisenmann disputes? Does he still hold a view against it?
@alenhorvatek4477 День назад
Wrong. Island Mljet in Adriatic sea was place wrack is founded.Folow Jesus not Paul.
@shirleychen7412 День назад
Paul was the most honest in his conversion to follow Yeshua, and did not place rituals over Gentiles. He earnestly and humbly brought the good news and hoped both jews and Gentiles would love one another and serve loving Yeshua. His future views of all becoming one under Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Hamachiach and singing a new song. Having relationship with the living GOD through Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Hamachiach.
@garystanfield2274 День назад
Grace is a pagan deity that took the place of many words. All creation will not be saved. The na,me Jesus Christ is a pagan Christian lie that goes back to Constantine. "You have no clue to the meaning of John 3:16.