
Our Earliest Witness--Was Jesus' Resurrection the Revival of a Corpse? 

James Tabor
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This is just the introduction to a one hour interview I did with Thomas Westbrook. I really enjoyed it...he offers clear summaries along the way and also allows me to talk freely. I encourage you to subscribe to his channel and hear the entire presentation:
• Early Christianity Was...
Please excuse the flattering rundown of my credentials, Thomas felt it was needed to establish who I was to his much wider audience--He has 300K subscribers!
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@william3347 16 дней назад
The tomb was definitely empty. My understanding his physical body was both resuscitated and transformed from a mortal dead body to a glorified eternal living body. Post resurrection Jesus could eat, and bore the scars, but he could also appear suddenly in a closed room, and could be recognizable to others at will. An expert scholar on Jesus and Christianity, who doesn't believe either, will have a certain bias people should be aware.
@jdaze1 18 дней назад
Resurrection in the NT is the miracle NEW BIRTH. We have the same physical body but a new spiritual body as Paul explains in 1 Cor. 15. We are regenerated into a NEW creation, A NEW Man, a NEW Adam. That's why Jesus sat and ate with his friends, because the resurrection is spiritual not physical. The gospel story was clearly edited over the decades by blind guides or leaders who just flat out lied. The contradictions are prevalent thruout the NT and easy to rightly divide if people would just remove their trinity colored glasses along with the 1700 years of false teaching.
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
The evidence offered by the shorud is that we get a recreated body, possibly according to our DNA blueprint, which may differ somewhat from our actual pre-death body.
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 18 дней назад
Thank you for all your precious knowledge. I was taught by two older Greek Presbyters the last 10 years, I was raised a Lutheran (Greek and traditional Lutherans - family connections). I have been given some interesting insight throughout the years which you have mentioned in some of your past documentaries and books. I have worked in the church and taught since I was 12 years old. Again, thanks for your work, it confirms some of my own findings.
@outaEaRtH-H302-YaShaYa 18 дней назад
The stories of the spies in the Book of Numbers and the Book of Deuteronomy present a similar narrative but with some differences in detail and emphasis. Here’s a detailed comparison of **Numbers 13:1** and **Deuteronomy 1:22-23**: ### Contextual Overview: - **Numbers 13:1**: This verse is part of the account where God instructs Moses to send spies into Canaan. - **Deuteronomy 1:22-23**: This passage reflects on the same event but is recounted by Moses as he speaks to the Israelites, recounting their history and mistakes. ### Key Comparisons: - **Source of the Command**: - **Numbers 13:1**: - God directly commands Moses to send the spies to explore the land of Canaan. - "The Lord said to Moses..." - **Deuteronomy 1:22-23**: - The initiative to send spies comes from the people rather than being God's direct command. - The Israelites are the ones suggesting they send men to explore the land. - "Then all of you came to me and said..." - **Purpose of Sending Spies**: - **Numbers 13:1**: - The purpose is set by God, indicating a divine intention to explore the land. - **Deuteronomy 1:22-23**: - The focus is on the people's desire for reassurance about the land. - They seek to obtain information and a report on the land. - **Number of Spies**: - **Numbers 13:1**: - Moses is instructed to send one spy from each tribe (totaling twelve spies). - **Deuteronomy 1:22-23**: - An implicit understanding that the number of spies is the same, but the emphasis is on the people's request, framing it as voluntary from the people's side. - **Narrative Tone**: - **Numbers 13:1**: - The tone is more prescriptive, focusing on God's directives to Moses. - **Deuteronomy 1:22-23**: - The tone is reflective and accusatory, addressing the Israelites' past mistakes in their desire to send spies. ### Theological Implications: - **Divine vs. Human Initiative**: - Numbers emphasizes God’s sovereignty and plan, while Deuteronomy reflects on human doubt and disobedience. - **Consequences and Lessons**: - In Deuteronomy, revisiting this story serves as a warning to the Israelites about forgetting God’s promises and acting out of fear and distrust. ### Conclusion: The differing accounts of the spies in Numbers and Deuteronomy highlight the nuances between divine direction and human agency, emphasizing important theological themes such as faith, obedience, and the consequences of fear and lack of trust in God’s provision. While both passages recount the same event, the way they frame it serves different purposes within the narrative of Israel's journey.❤ Did God command animal sacrifices in the time of Moses? No, God did not command animal sacrifices in the time of Moses, or ever, and here is proof, straight from the Bible: Jeremiah the Prophet, Hilkiah the High Priest, and King Josiah existed together around the years 641 to 609 BCE. In 2 Kings 22:8-13, Hilkiah found the Law Scroll of Moses in the temple and read it to King Josiah. After hearing it, the king tore his robe, declared that they had not been following what is written in the scroll, and instituted a series of major reforms. In Jeremiah 8:8, the prophet claims that the lying pen of the scribes had changed something about the Torah recorded by Moses, likely in response to seeing this original Torah scroll discovered in the temple: “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the Law of the LORD is with us,’ when in fact the lying pen of the scribes has produced a deception?” (Jeremiah 8:8, BSB). Jeremiah also declared in Jeremiah 7:22-23 that God did not speak to the children of Israel at the time of Moses regarding animal sacrifices but instead told them to listen to His voice and walk in obedience to His commands. So the lying pen of the scribes evidently added commands for animal sacrifices to the Torah given by God to Moses. And when Hilkiah, Josiah, and Jeremiah found the original Torah scroll (and saw that God did not therein say anything about wanting animal sacrifices), Jeremiah prophesied as such while King Josiah instituted reforms to return to the ways of the rediscovered original Torah scroll. If Jeremiah, Josiah, and Hilkiah found the original Torah scroll that was devoid of any commands regarding animal sacrifice, and they corrected the error through reforms, how did commands of animal sacrifice get added back into the Torah? In Psalm 51 David declares that God does not desire animal sacrifice but instead a humble spirit and a contrite heart. Then at the end of the Psalm he is recorded as saying after the wall of Jerusalem is rebuilt, he will offer animal sacrifices to God and God will delight in them. Why does David suddenly become a hypocrite, going from admitting that God does not desire animal sacrifices to saying he will offer God animal sacrifices? There is a clue in the final two verses of Psalm 51 where it says that once the wall of Jerusalem is rebuilt, then God will delight in animal sacrifices. But wait, this is anachronistic since in the time of King David the wall of Jerusalem was still standing. It wasn’t until the time of Ezra-Nehemiah that the wall was down and had to be rebuilt: “You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned down. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, so that we will no longer be a disgrace” (Nehemiah 2:17, BSB). This time of Ezra-Nehemiah also happens to be when it is recorded (in Nehemiah 8:1-11) that Ezra brought out a version of the Torah that the people had not known and taught it to them anew, immediately thereafter instituting a festival that included animal sacrifice and involved eating and drinking while the people shed tears of grief. So apparently at the time of Ezra-Nehemiah, the wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt, animal sacrifice was reinstated, Ezra taught such to the people as if it were straight from the Torah given to Moses, and David’s psalm about God not desiring animal sacrifice received a second ending saying that when the wall is rebuilt, God will delight in the animal sacrifices. Surely Jesus, as the incarnate Word of God, would have been aware of all this, so why didn’t He do anything to correct the error? He did! He went into the temple, liberated the animals being sold there, overturned the tables of those who were selling the animals for sacrifice, and unmistakably commanded them to “get these out of here” and called them a den of robbers, saying the temple is intended to be a house of prayer, not a slaughterhouse marketplace. The followers of Jesus likewise made it clear that Jesus intentionally ended the system of animal sacrifice through His death on the cross as our High Priest forever (Hebrews 10:3-14). Jesus stated in Matthew 5:17-18 that He by no means came to do away with the Torah, or even to change one jot or tittle of it, despite clearly and unmistakably ending the sacrificial system. This proves that the sacrificial system was never part of the original Torah given by God to Moses and that it had instead been falsely added to it later. Do you know anything about the Kohathites were a family of Levites who were responsible for handling the holy furnishings in the tabernacle. Because they were a “mobile church”, God gave them detailed instructions for how they were to pack up, transport, and set up the furnishings of the tabernacle in a new location.They had the precious TORAH ?Do you know there’s 3 Torah’s menAre you aware of the original commands of ABBA written on blue sapphire stone more than 10 commands got smashed then there was another written Did you on that the Torah given to Moses was lost and re found TORAH HAZOT
@jamesdawson4800 18 дней назад
Why only "33" years? Wonder what that's all about...
@TheLittleThorn 17 дней назад
33 is completely symbolic. His birth and death dates cannot be confirmed historically or from the text.
@jamesdawson4800 16 дней назад
@@TheLittleThorn So the point I was making is that these people know exactly when the earth was created...3969 BC. Each day of creation is 1000 years. 3969 to 2969. But when we read about when Shem had his son, it was 2 years after the flood. 2969 to 1967 BC. 1967 to 967 967 to 33 AD. 33 AD to 1033 1033 to 2033... That is when everything will burn... YASHUA died at 30.5, because it says he was "about" 30 years of age when he started his ONE (1) year ministry. He died in 33 AD. but was only 30.5 years old...
@TheLittleThorn 16 дней назад
@@jamesdawson4800 BS!!! No one knows how old the earth is. 33 is `symbolic`and represents `1/3"
@debklien1846 16 дней назад
#JamesTabor So thankful for you, I too was raised in the CofC, appreciate your insights and lessons…I was given a small library of books years ago… I’ve got a 1916 copy of a small leather bound Essenes book…it’s written in code… I thought ( maybe) you might be interested…would love to know what it says…
@donsena2013 14 дней назад
No one basically familiar with Paul’s writings even thinks it could have been from a corpse. If there’s any doubt, see 1 Cor 15: 35 - 50
@OttoNomicus 14 дней назад
There are theories that he took some kind of drugs that put him into a state that looked like death. Whatever really happened, I would say he failed his mission to convince people of whatever he was trying to convince them of. The obvious thing for him to do would have been to write a book. Maybe he was illiterate, I don't know. Relying on word of mouth doesn't seem to have worked very well, because, as it is, it's debatable whether he even existed.
@AtheismActually 18 дней назад
Why does "Alexander the Great" at 0:51 look rather like Shia LaBeouf? 🤨
@ArrepentiosyVividRepentAndLive 18 дней назад
Jesus bless you! You all unbelievers will meet Jesus Christ the judgment day. The day you die, in that precise moment all your doubts will be solved, and there you'll know Him and then the judgment. If you don't know Him while you are alive, then after dying it will be to late. Therefore I remind you in the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, to repent and turn to God so your sins may be forgiven and you receive the Holy Spirit from God's Presence. Keep Holy until your last breath, all written is and now all you have been informed, SIN NO MORE! Amen.
@DoloresLehmann 18 дней назад
Honestly, if someone told YOU you were an unbeliever and then claimed everything you are claiming here, but for Allah and Muhammad instead, would you be inclined to believe them, repent and become a Muslim? I guess not. Why should anyone else be convinced by what you are saying?
@ArrepentiosyVividRepentAndLive 18 дней назад
@@DoloresLehmann Hello dear Dolores, how are you? Very interesting question. As a matter of fact, millions are going to die that way, deceived in idolatry for gods that are not God Almighty. Why should anyone else be convinced by what I am are saying? First, is not what I am saying, but preaching and then these are not my words but Jesus´. The answer is because Jesus Christ is the only one who left no bones behind in his grave, because He resurrected. What happens with those who die in ignorance? Well it is written how are they going to be judged as the former pharisee Saul of Tarsi explained (now known as apostle Paul) in Romans 2:14-16, as follows: "for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel." I hope this answered your question, and if not, I am here to serve you willing to respond further concerns that you may express. Have a wonderful day Dolores. :)
@DoloresLehmann 18 дней назад
@@ArrepentiosyVividRepentAndLive You really seem like a nice person; another personal question, which Spanish-speaking country are you from? I'm originally from Argentina. The problem with your arguments, though, is that you claim knowledge of things you simply can't know. You base them on assumptions you can't know if they are true. And if just one of those assumptions happened to be untrue, your whole argument crumbles like a house of cards. I'll go through these issues one by one, but first, just for the sake of your convenience, I know the Bible. Quite intimately. I'm one of those people who has actually read it cover to cover. I'm also familiar with most of Christian theology. So you don't need to go to great length to explain those things to me. Just allude to them and if anything is unclear, I'll check back. The most fundamental of those assumptions is that the Bible actually is, in its entirety, the word of God. There's no actual proof for this. I haven't found a single Christian who could explain to me how they even arrived at that conclusion. Usually, they just accept it as a fact because others told them so. And then, they come up with post-hoc rationalizations to back up a conviction they already have. "deceived in idolatry for gods that are not God Almighty". That's according to your belief system. According to theirs, of which they are convinced for the exact same reasons you are convinced of yours, Christians are idolatrers who worship a person instead of, or additionally to, God Almightly, and will be going to hell for that after they die, a fate they want to evade. "and then these are not my words but Jesus´." And you know that because the Bible claims it? We can actually know, from studying the Bible, that he couldn't have said everything the Bible claims he did. So, at best, those are the words you believe are Jesus'. "The answer is because Jesus Christ is the only one who left no bones behind in his grave, because He resurrected." Again, this is a claim. Not a proven fact. Some parts of the Bible claim it, and others don't. If you take Paul, he preached the resurrection of a spiritual body which is explicitly NOT the body buried in the grave, just as a wheat grain is not the same as the wheat plant. Additionally, even if Jesus did bodily resurrect from the grave, and this was a proven fact, that would prove nothing more than Jesus being the only person bodily resurrected. And none of the other claims. As for the Paul quote you provided, no, that actually doesn't answer the question, it evades it. What does it actually mean that they will be judged according to the law written on their heart? That if they lived in observation of said law, they will be saved? Not according to what Paul says elsewhere. So, if they are going to be condemned anyway if they don't believe in Jesus, what role does it play if they even observed the "law they are to themselves" or completely disregarded it? The outcome will be the same. And what about those people whose law written on their heart tells them to obey Islam? Or Hinduism? Or Buddhism? Or whatever other religion there is?
@ArrepentiosyVividRepentAndLive 18 дней назад
@@DoloresLehmann I am from Costa Rica, hello! . Well there is not much to talk about with you, you already decided NOT TO believe, that is all and the Holy Spirit knows every heart. Paul himself was killing Jesus' followers, until he had a revelation, as former pharisee he gives his testimony of Jesus resurrection until the point that Paul was murdered (beheaded) because this truth you refuse to believe. This way talked Jesus about this particularly argumentation right now happening between you and me, in Mark 4:11-12: "And He (Jesus) said to them, “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables, so that: ‘Seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand; lest they should turn, and their sins be forgiven them.’ ” This last paragraph Jesus quoted it from Isaiah 6. Well there is nothing more to say dear Dolores. Estimada nueva amiga, ya te lo comenté, cuando mueras todas tus dudas serán resueltas y sabrás cual es la verdad, pero lo verás con Cristo cara a cara y justo ahí te acordarás de esta conversación. El Evangelio es este: arrepiéntete (cambia de camino de las tinieblas a la luz y cree en Jesús), y conviertete verdaderamente a Dios, para que obtengas el fruto del Espíritu Santo y ahora puedas ver con otros ojos. No tienes una idea del abismo del que salí yo, muy cerca de la muerte, y luego de 52 años de haber estado perdido viviendo sin Cristo sino para satanás. Doy testimonio del milagro de haber salido de drogas, alcohol, lujuria, idolatría, mentira y vanidad, de todo esto salí en el Nombre de Jesús. Acts 4:9-12 "If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Nor is there salvation in any other, for THERE IS NO other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” un gran abrazo amiga.
@DoloresLehmann 18 дней назад
@@ArrepentiosyVividRepentAndLive „Well there is not much to talk about with you, you already decided NOT TO believe.“ No, that is not true. I’m very much a believer. I’ve just decided to unlearn the lies I’ve been taught and to seek fort he really existing God, not an internally inconsistent version of him cobbled together by humans. „the Holy Spirit knows every heart“ That’s true, and exactly because of it I’m very peaceful in my heart, knowing that I’m safe in the hands of the God who is love itself. I’m not afraid of God knowing my heart and my motivations. As you know „there’s no fear in love.“ „Paul himself was killing Jesus' followers, until he had a revelation…“ There are many, many stories of people who claim similar experiences that caused them to believe in Allah, or to abandon Christianity for Judaism, or to turn to Buddhism, etc. The veracity of the experience is no proof of the veracity of the religious or ideological superstructure they submit to as a consequence. And Paul being beheaded is a legend, not history. As to Mark 4:11-12: There are many people claiming that they are the ones „it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God“ and all the others are „those who are outside“, but the problem is, even if they all base their convictions on the same Bible, they don’t agree with each other. So how can you know that you are truly among those who are inside, and not among those who are mistaken? „cuando mueras todas tus dudas serán resueltas y sabrás cual es la verdad, pero lo verás con Cristo cara a cara y justo ahí te acordarás de esta conversación.“ Sí, y tú también te acordarás de esta conversación, y en ese momento reconocerás que estuviste equivocado en algunos puntos, igual que yo en otros. Ningún ser humano posee toda la verdad. „El Evangelio es este: …“ No, el evangelio que Jesús predicó (al menos en tanto y en cuanto somos capaces de saberlo) es este: Cambia de sentido (arrepiéntete es una traducción inapropiadamente restrictiva de la palabra metanoite) y acepta que el reino de Dios está al alcance de la mano. „No tienes una idea del abismo del que salí yo…“ Y me alegro mucho por tí que hayas logrado salir, sin duda con la ayuda de Dios, pero como ya escribí arriba en el caso de Pablo, la veracidad de tu experiencia no es prueba de que todo lo que te enseñaron a creer en base a ello sea la verdad. Si hubieras hecho la misma experiencia en un país árabe, te hubieran enseñado que fue Alá quien te rescató, y lo hubieras creído con el mismo fervor, rechazando los intentos de esos infieles Cristianos para evitar ir al infierno. I acknowledge that you have decided not to answer any single one of my questions, and I deduce from your words that your reason for it is „that I wouldn’t understand it anyway since I don’t have the witness of the Holy Spirit“, right? But I suspect that at least in some cases it’s because you couldn’t even explain it, and you resort to the self-assuring mechanism that „I would understand if only I was a Christian“. If that’s the case, let me tell you, my friend, that you are deeply mistaken. From my perspective, the perspective of someone who has fled the cage of religious dogmatism into the arms oft he living God, your mind has been taken hostage, and you approve of it, because you’re convinced that the one doing this was the Holy Spirit, but let me just ask you one question: What if, just hypothetically, it wasn’t? Would you be able to detect the deception? También un gran abrazo para ti.
@resurrectionnerd 18 дней назад
Whatever Paul's view of the resurrection was, he gives no evidence of this sequence of events. Resurrection -> earthly appearances -> ascension -> appearance to Paul This is the later developed Luke/Acts chronology of events but ask any apologist for where Paul corroborates this sequence (as opposed to all the appearances being post-ascension) and they won't be able to find anything.
@markmoore3530 18 дней назад
Greetings, this message is sent in love. Paul would use the word resurrection to describe the second coming of Christ, because Christ said. "I am the resurrection". Peter and John called the second coming the revelation, James simply called it the coming of the Lord, and said it was so close that he was standing at the door. All of the New Testament authors told their immediate audience that Christ was coming in their lifetime. Why? Because Christ said he would return in the lifetime of his audience, establish the kingdom, and that all written prophecy would be fulfilled in their lifetime, his words, his testimony. Yes, men teach all kinds of Star Wars embedded second coming events, but Christ was sent to fulfill the law. He came the exact same way his Father had come many, many times in the scriptures, it was no different. When Paul pens 1 Corinthians 15 he starts out by explaining the gospel. Simply, Christ was sent, crucified, resurrected, to atone for sin, not flesh. Believing in this means you have been born again/resurrected/raised from the dead/ quickened, while you are breathing. The resurrection started with Christ. He immediately started raising the dead and told his apostles to do the same thing. They were not preaching to cemeteries. Thus, Paul over and over states: if the dead are not being raised, then Christ was never crucified to atone for sins, your still in your sin. Thus, this was a right now, happening event, current event. Thus, the resurrection was in full swing. Did it have a consummation? Yes. The apostles/disciples were commissioned with taking the gospel to the known world, accomplished, per the scriptures. Now Christ can come, at the end of the age (age of the covenant they all lived under). As Paul starts to conclude chapter 15, he makes it clear that the old covenant would vanish away quoting Hosea and Isaiah, and the last feast trumpet, Sukkot, would be blown. The harvest, fishing for men, was completed. your friend
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
Paul wasn't a witness to the death and resurrection. Why would he opine on it?
@resurrectionnerd 18 дней назад
@@blain20_ He claims to have been a witness to a resurrection appearance - 1 Cor 15:8. No one witnessed the resurrection itself but Paul does claim to have met Peter and James who would have obviously told him what their views were. So that's why it's strange that Paul gives no mention of a physically resurrected corpse walking around. That view developed later obviously.
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
@@resurrectionnerd Paul saw Jesus in the sky, not walking around.
@resurrectionnerd 18 дней назад
@@blain20_ I know that.
@peahummer2360 18 дней назад
You asked, “Was Jesus actually physically raised from the dead?” “Proof of His resurrection” is made very clear in Genesis 49:6-8 You had better believe early Christians believed in Jesus physical resurrection that fulfils Genesis 49:9. Wherein the Father says “From the prey my SON (at the cross) THOU ART gone up” Genesis 49:8 Judah, you are he whom your brethren shall praise: your hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; your father's children SHALL BOW DOWN before YOU. 9 Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, THOU ART gone UP: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? 10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh (Messiah) come; and UNTO HIM shall the gathering of the people be. The 'Shroud of Turin' is a second witness to the fact that 'He is Risen'. Shalom to all, REPENT the Kingdom of God and the authority of His Messiah is at the door.
@johnmichaelson9173 13 дней назад
That's not proof it's just stuff from the same nutty book that claims he was raised from the dead.
@petermoller8337 16 дней назад
All religions are fictional 😊
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
His body was energized, dematerializied, and then recreated. It would've looked like he was being beamed (a la Star Trek) from lying on the stone slab to standing nearby. This flash of light from every molecule toasted the shroud and face cloth. The disciples didn't immediately recognize him, so it's possible he was recreated according to his DNA blueprint instead of just being put back like he was some time before death. If so, the presence of the holes is unexplained by this theory.
@johnmichaelson9173 13 дней назад
Or it's just a imaginary fantastical story in which they added a supernatural element for effect.
@Elizabeth-Scott 11 дней назад
Very cute
@howaboutataste 18 дней назад
If you read Mark, or any of the gospels, as a literary work rather than a historical recounting, the crucifixion/resurrection story is about the "damnatio memoriae" of Iēsous by the Judean religious authorities. (Including the Pharisees, which is notable because Jesus takes the position of the Pharisees against the Sadducees on 100% of the issues and quotes Hillel, so must BE one.) The ending of Mark makes perfect sense. He escapes the death sentence to live eternally because you, the reader, are reading the story! All the mythology allusions (OT, Homer, Virgil, the life of Titus and Vespasian, Astrology/astrotheology) ensure that the story will be remembered and shared in perpetuity. The gospel IS the resurrection of Iēsous to eternal fame from the condemnation pronounced upon his public memory. No corpse involved. No ascent of spirit involved, other than figuratively.
@bobSeigar 18 дней назад
Barnabas -> Bar N Abas This was quite literally, a body. Also, the earliest manuscript of Mark has a few notable issues. 1) it is not called Evangelion. It is called Kata. (Descent) 2) During the Pesher Scene, there is no thief with Christ. It is a rhetorical question. "Is this man God or Man?" 3) The "K" in Markion has been manipulated. 4) Straight men have an Anima. Why is this a record of a meeting with an Animus? Was yhe first account Mary, or was it a homosexual man? 5) Paul is a Mystic, specializing in Hekalot & Merkavah (Chariot)
@obeypaulministries8805 18 дней назад
So what do you Believe then? Is jesus still dead in that tomb? Why should we even put our faith in Jesus? Is there anything that is impossible for God or Jesus?
@ChristianCarrizales 18 дней назад
Ah yes, I’m familiar with Holy Koolaid. Going to check out the whole video 👍
@Steve-u9k4p 18 дней назад
Good stuff👍
@sperrybrown2404 18 дней назад
So luck to have him & this platform to connect.
@Ammeeeeeeer 18 дней назад
So...its a trailer? 🤔😆
@user-tl4qg2gh1l 18 дней назад
Ah the magical 33
@chrimony 18 дней назад
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows the true origins of Christianity. It's the actual jewish sect that Josephus wrote about, the Essenes.
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
@chrimony 18 дней назад
@@blain20_ Not an argument.
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
@@chrimony No arguing is needed. You're just dead wrong.
@chrimony 18 дней назад
@@blain20_ If you had an argument, you would give one.
@blain20_ 18 дней назад
@@chrimony No, I would just tell you you're dead wrong according to publicly-available information and leave it at that. I don't play by your made-up rules, igmo.
@Gideon_Judges6 18 дней назад
So "the earliest Christians" weren't the apostles who saw the literal wounds on Jesus or Mary who saw the empty tomb? This early preview doesn't do the gospel justice. I hope your full video in context isn't heretical.
@Rsvohi 18 дней назад
Why is your standard what is deemed “heretical” instead of desiring the truth?
@peahummer2360 17 дней назад
@@Rsvohi Have you read Genesis 49:8? He is God's son who "has gone up"!
@Rsvohi 5 дней назад
@@peahummer2360 yes, but what does that have to do with my question?
@quetzelmichaels1637 18 дней назад
I don't believe Jesus got himself crucified. Jesus is the first and last, beginning and end, author and finisher and the first and last Adam. Adam, the Son of God, wields the fiery sword on the day of vengeance as judgment (sacrifice - made to be sin), setting up the abomination of desolation in himself, as the Temple without one stone left standing upon another. The way of the Lord in the desert needs to be put into context with the previous passage: Sacrifice/ first Beast - Indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins. Resurrection/ second Beast - Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! (Isa 40:2-3 NABO) Just as it is appointed that human beings die - be judged - appear a second time, so also Christ …will return Heb 9:27-28 …as the (Red) Dragon (Demon Sin) stood before the woman about to give birth, to devour her child when she gave birth. (Rev 12:4 NABO)
@johnmichaelson9173 13 дней назад
I don't believe any of that. 🙂
@quetzelmichaels1637 13 дней назад
@@johnmichaelson9173 How about htis one 😀 It's one of my favorites. I skipped Christian studies. David, the Morning Star, rides the donkey. The bride of David rides the foal of the donkey. Blessed is the kingdom of our Father David that is to come! (Mar 11:10 NABO) Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father (1Co 15:24 NABO) Christ rides a horse - of many colors, or aspects, or perspectives. White - The wine press I have trodden alone (Isa 63:3 NABO) Red - Do not think that I have come to bring peace (Mat 10:34 NABO) Black - I came into this world for judgment (Joh 9:39 NABO) Pale Green - Its rider was named Death - Christ rising up from the Abyss (Rm 10:7) - all of Hades is at his heel (Rev 6:8 NJB)
@johnmichaelson9173 13 дней назад
@@quetzelmichaels1637 I got kicked out of Christian studies for maintaining that it's a Scientific fact that the Sun was in existence before the Earth was formed so genesis is bollocks. Anyway if you call your doctor maybe you can get tablets that might help?
@quetzelmichaels1637 13 дней назад
@@johnmichaelson9173 Vegetation was created before the sun and the moon. You're broccoli! After trying to make sense of world views on the Bible, it has been confirmed. The waters parting for Moses is more familiarly known as the highway in the desert. The waters (are) ... peoples, nations, and tongues. (Rev 17:15 NAB) Earth is Hell or, the Abyss Adam, the Son of YHWH, descended into and rises up from as the rider Death on a Pale Green horse with all of Hades at his heel at the resurrection. The Star of Bethlehem is called "Wormwood". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- YHWH: The God of Metallurgy Earth is YHWH’s Everlasting Lake of Fire and Brimstone, his furnace of roaring flames where, in his furious wrath, he will gather you up, put you in, and smelt you. If your name is not found in the Book of Life, he will refine you, remove your dross, and purify you until the Devil, the False Prophet, and the Beast (false beliefs) are cleansed from you. There, you will be tormented or, tested for purity by questioning. *Strong’s: Brimstone 1a) divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to ward off disease *Strong’s: Tormented: 1) to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the color of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal 2) to question by applying torture *Just as silver, bronze, iron, lead, and tin are gathered into a furnace and smelted in the roaring flames, so I will gather you together in my furious wrath, put you in, and smelt you. (Eze 22:20 NABO) (it is better to marry than to be on fire (1Co 7:9 NABO) Be fruitful, and multiply (Gen 1:28 KJV) The gates of the Abyss/ Hades will not prevail against it, (Mat 16:18) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished! "I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! (Luk 12:49-50 NABO) For by my wrath a fire is enkindled that shall rage to the depths of the nether world (Abyss), Consuming the earth with its yield, and licking with flames the roots of the mountains. (Deu 32:22 NABO) Down I went to the roots of the mountains; the bars of the nether world (Abyss) were closing behind me forever (Jon 2:7 NABO) Do not say… 'Who will go down into the Abyss (nether world)?' (…to bring Christ up from the dead) (Rom 10:7 NABO) We saw his star (of Bethlehem) at its rising (Mat 2:2 NABO) Up from the Abyss (Rev 17:8 NABO) The star was called "Wormwood” (Rev 8:11 NABO) It was given the key for the passage to the Abyss. (Rev 9:1 NABO) Its rider was named Death, and Hades followed at his heels. (Rev 6:8 NABO) I hold the keys to death and the netherworld (Abyss). (Rev 1:18 NABO)
@quetzelmichaels1637 12 дней назад
@@johnmichaelson9173 Vegetation was created before the sun and the moon. You're broccoli! After trying to make sense of world views on the Bible, it has been confirmed. The waters parting for Moses is more familiarly known as the highway in the desert. The waters (are) ... peoples, nations, and tongues. (Rev 17:15 NAB) Earth is Hell or, the Abyss Adam, the Son of YHWH, descended into and rises up from as the rider Death on a Pale Green horse with all of Hades at his heel at the resurrection. The Star of Bethlehem is called "Wormwood". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- YHWH: The God of Metallurgy Earth is YHWH’s Everlasting Lake of Fire and Brimstone, his furnace of roaring flames where, in his furious wrath, he will gather you up, put you in, and smelt you. If your name is not found in the Book of Life, he will refine you, remove your dross, and purify you until the Devil, the False Prophet, and the Beast (false beliefs) are cleansed from you. There, you will be tormented or, tested for purity by questioning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished! "I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! (Luk 12:49-50 NABO) For by my wrath a fire is enkindled that shall rage to the depths of the nether world (Abyss), Consuming the earth with its yield, and licking with flames the roots of the mountains. (Deu 32:22 NABO) Down I went to the roots of the mountains; the bars of the nether world (Abyss) were closing behind me forever (Jon 2:7 NABO) Do not say… 'Who will go down into the Abyss (nether world)?' (…to bring Christ up from the dead) (Rom 10:7 NABO) We saw his star (of Bethlehem) at its rising (Mat 2:2 NABO) Up from the Abyss (Rev 17:8 NABO) The star was called "Wormwood” (Rev 8:11 NABO) It was given the key for the passage to the Abyss. (Rev 9:1 NABO) Its rider was named Death, and Hades followed at his heels. (Rev 6:8 NABO) I hold the keys to death and the netherworld (Abyss). (Rev 1:18 NABO)
@Muhammad856-r2k 18 дней назад
And for their saying, “We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of God.” In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him. Rather, God raised him up to Himself. God is Mighty and Wise. There is none from the People of the Scripture but will believe in him before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them. (Quran, chapter (the women), verse 157-159)
@Thesortvokter 18 дней назад
Near Death Experience.
@SSmith-dn9ib 18 дней назад
After crucifixion???
@Thesortvokter 18 дней назад
@@SSmith-dn9ib No one hung as short a time on the cross as Jesus. Only four or five hours before he was doped and smuggled down and into the cave where they brought aloe and healing herbs.
@SSmith-dn9ib 18 дней назад
@@Thesortvokter Even so , after the whippings ,crown of thorns and hours nailed on a cross/ tree; anyone would need a lot longer to recover enough to simply walk about !!!???Have you had serious injuries or surgery? I have, or ask a doctor or nurse and we are talking 2000 years ago in the case of Jesus without any kind of modern medical care and/or equipment .
@Thesortvokter 18 дней назад
@@SSmith-dn9ib Believe what you want, none of us can be sure.
@SSmith-dn9ib 18 дней назад
@@Thesortvokter Whatever, indeed believe what you want but my comment is based on medical facts, I notice you cannot refute as you didn't; and yours is based on fantasy.
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