Candana Bhikkhu
Candana Bhikkhu
Candana Bhikkhu
Here, viewers are introduced to the Dhamma via the earliest (Theravada) Teachings of the Buddha (from the Pāli Canon), presented in a straightforward manner that address daily challenges, with helpful tools provided to gain wisdom from the Dhamma, in a relatable fashion.
In addition to Dhamma talks, you will also find recordings of the Pāli Canon's major books, such as the Dhammapada, Udāna & Itivuttaka, the Dīgha Nikāya (long discourses), the Majjhima Nikāya (middle length discourses), Anguttara Nikāya (numerical discourses), Samyutta Nikāya (connected discourses), an ongoing life project of retranslating and weaving back many of the Suttas (discourses) without leaving out any of the repetitions.
Bhante Candana can be reached at bhantecandana@gmail.com
Please Note: If you like to contribute by supporting Bhante in his daily requisites, as he continues teaching and providing free online translations of Suttas, you may consider donating via Go Fund Me: gofund.me/9d161e0e

Human "Ghosts," (July 10, 2024).
14 дней назад
@noonespecial4171 4 месяца назад
Hello Bhante, I know you've turned comments off but I just had to thank you for the suffering video a few days ago, that is powerful Dhamma and I wish you'd allow comments because everyone really needs to hear it. Sadhu and Metta! 🙏🙏🙏
@Moriah7913 6 месяцев назад
Is there a written pdf of these chants to follow along to somewhere?
@LongHoang-nx4ir Год назад
🙏🙏🙏 venerable, is there an English translation?
@MatiasPajulahti Год назад
See the description
@shunlaiei5981 2 года назад
@kunaeng2942 2 года назад
Sadhu sadhu sadhu...
@karenaharonyan7959 3 года назад
*Բարև ձեզ։ Այո դուք ճիշտ եք։*
@aslimkumsarrr9177 3 года назад
namo budsha
@holylandgaya1457 3 года назад
Namo I
@holylandgaya1457 3 года назад
Namo Buddhay Namo Buddhay Namo Buddhay.
@mr.andrew_andrew 3 года назад
I never knew Pali chanting could be this way. Is this how they chant in Sri Lanka? This touched me deeply, thank you Bhante.
@candanabhikkhu 3 года назад
Dhamma Greetings Andrew. I am glad that you are enjoying this version of the Mangala Sutta. In answer to your question, I do not think they chant this way in Sri Lanka, as I wanted to do it in a way that felt natural to me and more flowing from one verse to the next, at least as I chanted it. Perhaps my past chanting of old hymns during my teenage years at an Armenian Monastery has had some influence in the way I chant these wonderful suttas today, many years later. Blessings of the Triple Gem to you and all your loved ones!
@sergeypyak390 3 года назад
Sadhu! Thank you very much for your channel! All the best to you.
@wheelbarrowfriend2035 3 года назад
Thank you
@anandaji4075 4 года назад
~namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa
@hlamaung5809 4 года назад
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu
@alhassanait1749 4 года назад
You have beautiful voice ☺ 💚
@jyozen5281 4 года назад
Beautiful teaching and voice. Thank you for sharing.
@candanabhikkhu 6 лет назад
G. B. Chandana was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1970. During the Lebanese 17 year civil war, as a child, he was seriously injured. This near-death experience with the symptoms of PTSD and physical disabilities incurred, led to the development of a keen interest in his mind to gain a better understanding of life’s true purpose, especially given the constant presence of death and impermanence at every corner of one’s life. G. B. Chandana began exploring meditation and yoga in his teenage years after having spent 3 years in a monastery at the age of 15. Later, he moved to the USA to reunite with his family, where he met and practiced meditation and yoga with teachers from several lineages. In 1995, he found his way to the College of Buddhist Studies where he met Venerable Havanpola Ratanasara, who introduced him to the Theravada Buddhist tradition and became his preceptor, giving him the name “Chandana.” Since then, he has been granted numerous recognitions, including that of Master of Dhamma (MDh), as well as being ordained as a Lay Minister by the Sangha Counsel of Southern California. For over 20 years, Chandana has been teaching and guiding meditators to establish tranquility and understanding in their lives while facing their daily problems, as they apply simple tools all of which are geared to bring more wisdom and understanding. Having graduated from the California School of Professional Psychology - Alliant (CSPP), Chandana has been helping underserved populations as a Mental Health Therapist, specializing in the areas of mindfulness, relationship health, anger management, anxiety, trauma & PTSD, eating disorders, and domestic violence, while using evidenced-based interventions inspired by his daily practice of meditation. In addition to being an artist and a certified yoga instructor, Chandana holds meditation retreats on Mindfulness, Metta (Loving Kindness) and Vipassana (Insight), as well as conducting speaking engagements on the subjects of body, mind, emotions, and relationships around the world.