We give you Breakdowns, Analysis, Easter Eggs, and Video Essays about your favorite movies and TV shows. Especially if your favorites including superhero movies and Star Wars.
@Eves_Louellyn 2 минуты назад
Damn. Soo who’s real life obi? He must’ve been that one shitty friend that takes sides forcibly
@Rodacre 2 минуты назад
Ryan - I love this take on Lucas and the personal influence on his films! Definitely some things I hadn't considered before but certainly make sense. I wonder how much of that was intentional in his storytelling versus what kinda seeped in from his subconscious? Well done, sir! If you'd like to take a deeper dive into Lucas's contributions to the technology of filmmaking, check out Michael Rubin's book, "Droidmaker: George Lucas And the Digital Revolution" It chronicles the the history of Lucas's vision to streamline the film production process complete with the early back and forth between Lucas and Coppola up through the emergence of digital production. Highly recommend!
@TheIceCrypt 3 минуты назад
I wonder what would have happened had George not neglected his first marriage. If he’d leaned more towards family earlier on perhaps he could have still created ILM but with Marsha at his side later on.
@enbentz 3 минуты назад
Omega will be in Andor Season 2. Calling it now.
@Boncomics 8 минут назад
9:46 BadWolf....Doctor Who season 1 [9th regeneration].
@mr.o6240 9 минут назад
The Prequels have a fan base that loves them while The Sequels that were made as an antidote for the Prequels failed. 🤔
@thespicemelange.1 10 минут назад
Marsha Marsha Marsha
@wwestfa 12 минут назад
It may be the last time we see a major blockbuster series about one mans life in the metaphor of film until Mr. Arey makes the "Calling...." series. Calling In is about taking sick days to make you tube videos on a phone to express complex interests against a blank backgorund. Calling Out is the amplification and validity of gaining interested viewers and feedback to create a commentary empire. Calling Up is about rising above the algorithm and rasing other platforms with collaborations and getting the attention of the highest form of intelligent life in the universe..... your mom.
@ShaunHTX 16 минут назад
I've been saying this FOR YEARS! The prequels were always a personal story about George and his feelings about his divorce and where his brain was during the Bush years. Also the relationship Luke (also george) had with Darth vader (his father).
@RR_1138 16 минут назад
Prequel Trilogy, Original Trilogy, Jar Jar , I liked it all 😊 Force Awakens no
@DanielHedman-lr1pw 16 минут назад
Great analysis Ryan! This really shows that Star Wars is George Lucas and that every step that Disney takes to move away from that just further alienates the fans that love George's Star Wars movies.
@supers4972 21 минуту назад
I know Georges daughter. She is a part owner of an MMA gym in Vegas and when she fought in Japan she had storm troopers walk her to the ring.
@diogomp81 21 минуту назад
I don't get expectations these days, we're beyond spoiled. This show is PITCH PERFECT, as is Andor, for example, both examples of absolute top notch Star Wars writing and execution that's leaps and bounds above some of the actual movies. What a ride indeed, this series hit all the feels, some pretty tough gut punches and a tear or two, especially this finale - from a god damned cartoon, of all things. Brilliant. Bravo. Absolutely incredible that this piece of art exists.
@robertpizza2310 21 минуту назад
Brilliant Analysis....Not sure Lucas consciously did it this way but the parallels are striking
@allthingsnerdy5474 22 минуты назад
james gunn said rocket from gotg is him personified
@braydenlorelli7857 25 минут назад
Did nobody else see that one of Hemlock’s assassin clones had the goggles on their helmet like Tech?! They emphasized that for a full 2 seconds of screen time! Watch when echo & wrecker are on the floor that Hemlock gassed.
@eknielsen72 27 минут назад
Rewatch episode 1 season 1. Through the wall of a cage happened on day 1. Thanks to Dave Filoni for the HOPE!
@kapnerad 27 минут назад
I mentioned this last time but once again we see a character getting a hand cut off in the Star Wars universe :) I couldn't help but think about either the Imperial Guard in The Last Jedi or the Knights of Ren seeing the Clone X Squad that Hemlock unleashed on the Bad Batch. Each with their own individual weapons and fighting styles.
@ValentinaTepedino 30 минут назад
My “Good Soldiers Follow Orders” T-shirt got ruined on the first wash 😢. The print started c¡to come off, I was only able to wear it once 😭
@y.srants8442 32 минуты назад
I’m lost inside that girls eyes she don’t stop staring😫
@k2sworld 33 минуты назад
Of course. All of this is true. Artists create based on their own experience and what they know. But, you missed one thing. Anakin's mother, Shmi, dying is an expression of how he felt when his own mother died, since she was the one who supported and believed in his creative side. Once she was gone, all that was left was his all-business/no time for fun or frivolity father. So, when presented with the fear of losing Padme, Marcia, he becomes obsessed with protecting her by becoming the all business/ no time for fun or frivolity father and, in a way, died creatively... as Francis said; he never made all those movies that he'd planned on making and the world (and art and filmmaking) suffered for it. He's still my hero and I have spent a lifetime learning from him, and his mistakes. Lastly, I don't think that we will "never see another Lucas/auteur filmmaker again". Hollywood is dying, FAST, and, like all endings, it will usher in a new beginning and that is where the new Hollywood, like what emerged in the late 60's and early 70's, will come from again... because it's like poetry... it rhymes.
@TheJaker5 33 минуты назад
How are streaming platforms a “barren landscape”?
@99clmsntgr 34 минуты назад
She literally removed her rose-colored glasses and sees the world as it is. 17:51
@carlosalfonsosanchez7946 35 минут назад
I just thought of one additional parallel between Anakin and George seen in the Phantom Menace. Anakin pilots a YELLOW Naboo fighter. Same color as his youth car.
@k2sworld 29 минут назад
...as is the speeder Anakin "borrows" in Attack of The Clones to go after Obi Wan.
@jeffreymiller6847 36 минут назад
Boring end to a boring series
@takionjose6657 36 минут назад
Blue beetle was way too predictable I mean mcu is too but I felt like BB was for kids who've never seen a heroic movie
@automotiverenderings 41 минуту назад
A nice touch in the last episode title. That first words spoken by the Bad Batch group was Wrecker saying "The Calvary Has Arrived". Who's cutting onions 😅
@paking5387 41 минуту назад
The prequel Star War movies were awesome. The 3 original are awesome too! The new 3 movies sucked hard core!
@inferno27 42 минуты назад
When Magneto sent out that electromagnetic pulse, it more closely resembled what he did way back in X-Men 25 during the Fatal Attractions storyline. What followed that in the same issue is some of the greatest and most iconic moments from all X-Men history. I suspect those will also be shown before the season is over! Hold onto your butts, true believers!
@pyrho1 42 минуты назад
I drive by Skywalker ranch sometimes. It's a beautiful area
@darthvader7442 43 минуты назад
I know screen crush only cares about money instead of the fanboys watching their content, but FFS too many forced sponsors man! Its annoying af!!!
@justonebossert3448 46 минут назад
Matt Singer needs to get you on Blank Check for a Phantom Menace re-release episode immediately
@OliverThrone 46 минут назад
I like these video essays you do. Keep it up. George is my hero too so this means a lot to me as an artist too
@Nostradevus1 46 минут назад
Why does magneto look like a grandmother?
@edmackdaddy 47 минут назад
Someone needs to recut the prequels by replacing every reference to jedi with director.
@irishviking383 47 минут назад
I'm not sure if anyone else caught this, but after Scott, Jean, and Cable eject from the Blackbird, one of the Prime Sentinels remains standing on top of the plane in a nod to the scene from Dr. Strangelove when the one guy rides like a cowboy while sitting on a nuclear bomb after it drops from a plane.
@WojakWisdom 48 минут назад
0:00: 🌌 Exploring George Lucas's personal reflection through the Star Wars prequels. 3:07: 🎥 George Lucas's passion for cars, science fiction, and film stemmed from his desire for escapism and creating his own world. 6:42: 🎥 George Lucas's personal life influences his filmmaking decisions, impacting his relationships and career success. 9:41: ⚔️ George Lucas's personal life influences Star Wars prequels, shifting focus to Darth Vader's story. 12:55: 🎥 The Star Wars prequels serve as a reflection of George Lucas's personal life and experiences. 16:04: 🎥 Exploration of how the Star Wars prequels reflect George Lucas's personal life and struggles. 19:22: ⚔️ The parallels between Anakin and George Lucas in facing traps and destinies in their respective worlds. Tammy AI: Get video info faster & better
@jamescarlson 49 минут назад
I really like this theory, and I think you've made a great video essay!
@MotownCountry 50 минут назад
the other cable....Nate GREY!
@user-ok2hn5ek2f 50 минут назад
Great video.
@jeffjohnson6763 51 минуту назад
It’s Tommy!!! LETS GOOOO
@TheCHILDRENofTV 54 минуты назад
Tommy ruins everything
@nickfickes4324 54 минуты назад
bro ryan covering star wars n colton covering marvel is gotta be the best 1 2 punch on youtube.
@davidthom6664 57 минут назад
It's likely more of a military badge indicating a division rather than a "guild".
@solvseus 57 минут назад
I like how Bad Batch ended. Not just the ending itself, but that unlike a lot of current nerdbait, it actually HAD an ending.
@theseven61218 58 минут назад
The title could also be a reference to the first line wrecker said in the clone wars "the cavalry has arrived"
@Benthecanadian99 59 минут назад
Will be watching episode 8 little later on today
@canuck_gamer3359 Час назад
Just like anything, an argument can be made here for both for and against. The main problem is that George in on record as having described his initial plan for Star Wars to be 3 series of 3 films each. He specifically said that he had the idea of explaining where Darth Vader came from. The problem is, he didn't specify much so your theory is as good as any.
@whafrog Час назад
If any of this is true, it shows a remarkable capacity for self-reflection, because he's basically saying he's the evil one, driven to it by circumstances and decisions that seemed good to him at the time.
@kapanabg Час назад