@noin9509 Год назад
Anime is cringe.
@Serial.Desig-N.1 2 года назад
Toradora is a good anime
@wayoftheneet2839 3 года назад
Thanks mate
@Jensonolp 3 года назад
damn thanks so much saved me a lot of time
@user-du1vj3ro1j 3 года назад
Hello, could you please tell me where you got your dictionary files from? The ones I use for yomichan and anki dont work
@leonardodavinci4259 3 года назад
I just need to say this particularly because I enjoyed this interview quite a lot as you asked Matt new and interesting questions and brought up a lot of interesting points yourself. But you have this annoying habit of if you come up with something to say or your interlocutor says something that fires a connection in your brain, you don't wait for the next chance to say what you had. You interrupt them right then and there to say it. And sometimes it's a tangent or something simply just about you that's kind of irrelevant to the point they were trying to make or doesn't add anything to the conversation. And sometimes you just keep coming up with these tangents one after the other that the conversation gets derailed and progresses way off course. Which is fine if it happens once every while. But not when the other person is in the middle of making an interesting point. My advice is if someone says something that lights a switch in your brain, but bringing it up immediately (much worse when it's interrupting the other person mid sentence) might end up spiraling into a whole different discussion, then bite your tongue and shelve it off at least until the person you're talking to have finished making their point. Otherwise good job and keep it up buddy :)
@TheYamiKara 3 года назад
I am increasingly aware of this, and I'm trying not to do it. It's pretty hard to rewire though. Next time I'll take notes as I go and write down stuff as it comes to mind
@krispiekun4807 3 года назад
Hey Miso, I have a question. I'm trying desperately to sub an anime that is probably never going to get picked up by anyone. Obviously I don't know any Japanese, but I'm trying to discover a way to somehow auto translate the audio from the episodes into english text. I'm aware that will not be extremely accurate, but anything is better than nothing. If you know of anything that could do this, get back to me. You've been inactive for a while, so I hope you're still around.
@GabrielThomasStevens 4 года назад
where do you download anime from?
@outis99 4 года назад
I know it's not related, but I've been trying to play アザナエル and I just can't install it, shows me a bunch of errors which I think have to do with the fact the game installs in Japanese with japanese folder name and all that
@doors_of_perspective 4 года назад
where did you get it? I'm can't work their site and on amazon.jp they only have a preowned CD.
@TheYamiKara 3 года назад
Sorry but I can't give specific advice about that
@user-df5hw2sm3f 4 года назад
What's the background music. I swear it is on the tip of my tongue. Is it persona? Slime girls? Fuck Idk. Tell me miso!
@TheYamiKara 3 года назад
It's one of my compositions haha
@user-df5hw2sm3f 3 года назад
@@TheYamiKara Good fucking stuff man
@baysuleyman1 4 года назад
Hi Miso, I just wonder what your mother tongue is. Isn't English your L1? I ask this because you say something about American accent at the beginning of this video.
@qw1626 4 года назад
i also get a bit of health anxiety , sometimes when watching anime i get a brief second of tinnitus and freak out. they are also sometimes a little sensitive it may be from playing guitar loudly for years but i get a lot of anxiety about it getting even worse due to constant immersion.
@nicolasdevilliers5441 4 года назад
"Bros don't let bros do WaniKani and Genki."
@nicolasdevilliers5441 4 года назад
The song playing in the intro is really cool!
@MusiCrazyEsperanza 4 года назад
Heyyy here from MIA 💓
@qw1626 4 года назад
funny watching you play the VN, its like me playing it but you look up the words for me haha
@TheYamiKara 4 года назад
I actually didn't put this video up for almost a month because I wanted real 'video game footage' because I thought a VN would be too distracting. Its hard to make myself play video games though and didn't want to delay the upload even further for such a stupid reason haha
@LordKniife01 4 года назад
can you type out the name of the monolingual dictionarys for the phone?
@TheYamiKara 4 года назад
I use EBPocket (epwing but with no deconjugate etc), 漢字読み方, コトバンク and the weblio dict. Also google assistant
@caocaosama 4 года назад
@user-df5hw2sm3f 4 года назад
No u.
@qw1626 4 года назад
新明解 is on sale for ¥1340 at the moment on the play store if anyone is interested play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.ne.biglobe.shinmeikai.gp it was not avaliable in Australia for me so i had to change my google play account to japan (wasnt too hard). 大辞林 is still ¥2700 yen though
@funstuff5789 4 года назад
What country are you from and don't tell me that you're not a native English speaker.
@TheYamiKara 4 года назад
Wales as a kid, moved to south africa, and refused to adopt local culture+ accent so now I don't really sound british either, I just sound pretnetious haha
@funstuff5789 4 года назад
​@@TheYamiKara That explains a lot. Your accent is a bit odd and I thought you were Swedish, because of your look. So I was wondering how you acquired such a flawless English.
@isaac10231 4 года назад
How on Earth do you balance school and studying... It's been a year for me, and it's fucking hard for me make progress with school and studying (also doing engineering) as well as a job (not at the same time). I'm at like 2.2k sentences, a few hundred monolingual ones, but my listening is low at like 30-40% for something as low as pokemon, (I didn't listen while doing RTK cause I didn't understand the theory). Like I'd come back from work, listen to anime and just pass out on my bed lol. Any advice?
@gabrielm.6730 3 года назад
so, how's it going?
@mattvsjapan 4 года назад
I want to be on a Misocast in the future
@BoostRoo 4 года назад
Am I correct in hearing that you said you mined 243 cards from 1 ep in voracious? You pressed E that many times?
@BoostRoo 4 года назад
Do you have the Discord contact details for this apps creator? Mine keeps crashing everytime using Chinese subtitles. Really annoying.
@rajthimmiah3859 4 года назад
Creator's email is at the bottom of the voracious website
@TheYamiKara 4 года назад
If anyone has a question they want me to answer next time, leave it in the comments ☆彡
@qw1626 4 года назад
thanks for this man. nice to be able to relate to someone as it seems the only people on earth i can relate to nowadays are ajatters hahaha. made me laugh when you brought up the anime girls on the book covers, i always have to cover that shit up, god damn
@MigakuOfficial 5 лет назад
Pasting audio into the card exporter is coming. Also with the hotkey Ctrl-Shift-V you can paste in a picture from the clipboard into the card exporter and it will be resized. To paste a sentence automatically into the card window press Ctrl+C, then let go and press X. All of these hotkeys are written on the dictionary's welcome screen. They are subject to change though, but the current hotkeys will always be displayed on the welcome screen.
@mattvsjapan 5 лет назад
You can use the hotkey "Ctrl+c"→x to automatically move whatever you have highlighted into the card exporter. Also, you can already control how much images are resized in the add-on's settings! i.imgur.com/6EiZja4.png
@ohtalkwho9816 5 лет назад
Good set up. I've yet to actually play a visual novel, got any good recommendations? I'm down for most anything but I wouldn't mind some horror or adventure that still has decisions and everyday life conversations. Like the channel man good work.
@TheYamiKara 5 лет назад
Depends if you are talking about easy visual novels or good visual novels. For horror I played 沙耶の歌 in english a while ago and it was super short. I don't know if I have ever played an adventure visual novel. I would recommend ウミネコのなく頃に just because it holds a special place in my heart, but I would also imagine it's not an easy read.
@2DSwagGod 5 лет назад
Just what I was looking for. Thanks bro
@TimberFraming 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video. How good has your comprehension gotten? As an example, when watching Hunter x Hunter.. do you feel like it is only a few words here and there you don't know or can you put a percentage on your comprehension? 50% 80% 90% ?
@TheYamiKara 5 лет назад
So hunter x hunter gets progressively harder IMO from the tornament arc and my comprehension is probably 70ish, which is too low to feel comfortable, but I can follow the plot. Ikamusume and Eromanaga sensei is probably about 90 percent-ish but lightnovels still have lots of new words (3+ per page). (^^♪
@TimberFraming 5 лет назад
@@TheYamiKara Cool, 70% is quiet high! I just started hunter x hunter myself, at around E25 now... first anime i watch without sub, so I struggle a bit, but prob. aroun d 40-50%. Have you found some subs for it, i found a pack with eng/ja subs, but the ja subs was only correct for first ~10 episodes
@TimberFraming 5 лет назад
@0000 Z Thanks, i'll try that
@InakaLUKE-qv6wn 5 лет назад
I personally wont use this do to my own reasons, but I will say that this does look useful for anyone maybe wanting to speed up the process. Regardless, very cool to see a new face in the community! It would be cool if you made a vid talking about where you in the process, and maybe if there are any other interesting little tips/things that can speed up the process it'd be nice to see a vid on those.
@TheYamiKara 5 лет назад
Will get on that as soon as possible!
@lytepk 5 лет назад
Thanks chief <33