Andreea Luca
Andreea Luca
Andreea Luca
Hosted by Andreea. This podcast is for "the 7thousand," faithful Jesus-followers, scattered as they may be, who feel tired, discouraged, and on the verge of quitting. Who feel like real Christians were a thing of past generations and that our current generation is doomed. We're not doomed. Keep fighting the good fight. Keep enduring. Keep standing in the gap. "There are still 7,000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal."

Available on Spotify
Red flags to watch out for (using the Bible)
2 месяца назад
What's going on: Celebs posting God-content
3 месяца назад
My take: Women in ministry
3 месяца назад
Put an end to approval-seeking
4 месяца назад
Friendship ghosting and how to handle it
4 месяца назад
@AchillesVanes День назад
Solomon said himself for the men to not waste our strength on women and the destruction of kings. Pursuing and chasing women is a complete waste of time and energy.
@the7thousand День назад
Thanks for your comment! I get the disappointment. And yet... here you are listening to the series to see what men and women think. Could it be deep down you know your Creator made you to pursue marriage? :)
@AchillesVanes 11 часов назад
@@the7thousand God given marriage was always arranged marriage. Unfortunately dating and pursuing in the way that you claim is not godly and actually evil in the way that you get to casually demo people and damage others.
@the7thousand 9 часов назад
@@AchillesVanes I agree with you that casual hookups and demoing people is wrong. But I don't think arranged marriage is the only biblical way. Also Solomon had a fall so not everything in Ecclesiastes is from the light of setting an example. The bible even says he was led astray because he married many pagan women, so a lot of what he says in Ecclesiastes is realizing his own mistakes. Pursuing promiscuous women is destruction of kings. But that doesn't mean don't pursue a wife altogether.
@AchillesVanes 9 часов назад
@@the7thousand I actually respect that you took the time to respond to me. Just please understand when I say this: a lot of women today have no intention of actually becoming wives and obeying their husbands. To them it's only about security financially and having the status of being taken. Men are only being used as commodities to women today and some even say they don't want their children and still expect a man to stay.
@AchillesVanes 9 часов назад
@@the7thousand women have put their happiness first instead of God and their husbands. They manipulate the scriptures to try and tell men that they should do anything for wives and if anything goes wrong it's automatically their fault every time. Being a man is a lot more heavy metal than being a woman ever is.
@AchillesVanes 2 дня назад
30:45 Us men today don't want to grovel at a woman's feet like our parents and grandparents did before. You either come with us or don't come at all because we already have our hands full with 60+ hour work weeks and we're not going to spare any time creating a power point presentation to a woman who isn't interested in us to convince her to love us.
@baygol_doegh77 3 дня назад
The personal faith journey of a life partner in Christian dating and marriage is often a taboo topic. In a committed long term relationship you need a compatible; but, also, faith supportive companion for life. Great job sister. God bless.
@Dillun34 3 дня назад
You are so attractive and gorgeous inside and out!
@ImDavidHasselhoff 3 дня назад
I don't think it's ever a good idea to try and convert someone in order to date or marry them. If they do convert, then their reason might just be you, and not God. Point them in the right direction and let go of any romantic feelings for them. Don't get close to them either. If you see them later on in life and they're Christian, then you can consider dating. As far as men being less spiritual than women goes, I don't think it's a problem. As a Christian man, my relationship with God and how I talk with him is private, and I don't want to advertise it to people. Everyone's relationship with God looks different, and what matters is that we're pursuing to grow deeper with him and not inhibit our partners from doing the same. If you can do that in a relationship, then it doesn't matter if one is more spiritual than the other. Let grace and love cover our deficiencies like how Jesus has done for us. I think settling for a sitting man is just fine as long as he's standing in the future. It's not your job to make him stand though, it's God's. If you see godliness in his life, give him a chance.
@alexglib8499 10 дней назад
Very relevant discussion for our times. Social media is definitely one of the more pressing issues in modern society. I guess I disagree with the notion that you should always straight up delete it. I think moderation is still a better way to go here (though that might be me being too idealistic ). But that’s personal decision. If a person feels like it has a negative impact on their life, especially their spiritual life, then it is appropriate to quit it all together. Overall, I think the thing itself is not bad, but abuse of it is. But each person should definitely evaluate their social media use, keeping in mind some of the points that you mention. Do you think social media affects relationships/dating? I think it does and in a negative way. I feel it creates a sort of distorted sense of reality, like first in terms of beauty standards but definitely other aspects as well.
@the7thousand 10 дней назад
Hi there, yes you're right not everyone needs to delete it. Ideally it should be manageable and effect quality of life. However especially for those in the dating phase of life, I think it does distort reality as you mentioned, and quitting altogether might be a good option for those in that boat
@JaxxedGaming 11 дней назад
The answer, women's accountability. Which is also, ironically, absent in this entire video. She answered her own 30min video question with her own video.
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
All I'm saying in the video is "men have left the church, but women don't despair by settling for ungodly men." If that's offensive not sure how to help.
@mihaeruzza91 12 дней назад
Am ascultat multe din episoadele tale si sunt foarte benefice, cu anumite exceptii cu care nu sunt de acord dar apreciez ca ai facut niste chestionare si ai relevat anumite detalii importante. Poti fi gasita pe instragram/fb/mail? 😊
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
Buna! Multumesc, apreciez! Da, stiu ca nu osa agree la toate punctele cu toti, dar totusi cred ca multi, mai ales Romani, nu vorbesc despre unele chestii si deacea sunt multe probleme. Nu am Instagram acuma dar sunt pe FB, sau pe email: andreealuca1994@gmail.com
@JaxxedGaming 15 дней назад
Why are comments turned off in your recent video?
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
Hello, it was originally turned on but some comments on there were not beneficial and people started cursing so I decided to turn them off. Hopefully on the next one people have more helpful discussion :)
@AchillesVanes 15 дней назад
The problem is that women leave men in relationships 9 times out of 10. They act as if they want a man to be with and go on to reject the entire platoon for the sake of "waiting" and "not settling" when it's really a smokescreen for not knowing what they want. They are known to be ruthless and mocking to men either behind close doors or putting him on blast out in public. What men understand now is that there is no one to help them in these situations. When a man tries to pursue, he risks his reputation and potentially his participation in that social environment if things don't pan out how he hopes. The undercover feminism in the church has helped nothing but boost women's ego, destroy families and use up their bodies on men whom they cut off just to act "pure" again.
@mikeadopalopacus6436 15 дней назад
Andreea thank you for being bold and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone. This video as well as your newest video kind of fall into the same category I want to throw my two cents into. You are my sister in Christ and I never want to invalidate or discount your experiences. In saying that I just want to briefly give a look into the man’s perspective on these issues. As a man who has never stopped going to church but has not been super plugged in for the past 4-5 years. From my experience the church puts men to a higher standard than that of my sisters in Christ. I agree that men should step up and lead but I feel as though the standard is impossible and even though Jesus love and grace is sufficient the church will not be as forgiving. I also have seen that issues either working against or struggles that females have is elevated more than a man’s. If a man has a struggle he is to keep it to himself and take it to a brother in Christ. I feel that has amplified the rebellion of men in the church. As far as dating it’s too exhausting. I’ve tried dating unbelievers and believers and to be honest they have been pretty similar. It’s very discouraging, they want a mysterious “bad boy” that gives them a thrill and disregard a man of God who is trying to please his creator but isn’t a very attractive, tall, outgoing, and funny guy. Again I say this not to be antagonistic but to see how we can come together as brothers and sisters in Christ. I have watched your video and will see ways that I can improve in my life and walk with Christ, again thanks!
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
Hi thank you for sharing the perspective of an actual church going guy :) A lot of non church goers have been commenting so it's nice to hear from someone that kept the faith. I agree there are issues on both sides and I don't believe men should keep things to themselves. I think one of the things the modern church needs the most is discipleship and men's groups where men can really grow together for things like this. I agree with you about dating being exhausting, honestly on both sides. Both sides have experienced christian ghosting, time wasters and non-commital situationships that lead to nowhere. I believe social media is a huge problem which I talk about many times on here, along with some other things. This episode is not meant to bash the men. It's to encourage the women that still attend church but are not finding men there because men have left. I'm not saying men don't have reasons to be dissatisfied, but this episode was more meant as an encouragement to women who want a church going man and are finding very few lately.
@mikeadopalopacus6436 6 дней назад
@@the7thousand Thank you for replying! Obviously we are only human so things will never be perfect. But just thought I’d share my perspective but you obviously you know the female perspective and experience that I never will. It’s a tough thing to unravel but I try to stay positive and not get discouraged. Thanks!
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 15 дней назад
EDIT: IM PROUD OF THE MEN WHO CALLED HER OUT FOR FREEZING COMMENTS. US MEN OF GOD WANT TO BE HEARD. Cutting comments only further pushes the burden that men feel. Why are your comments off on the men not going to church? I feel likea lot of men have things to say. I stopped going becuase it wasnt best for my family. We dont care about free day care or free coffee. We want to learn the word of god. I need to do best for my woman and my love for God. And a lot churches don't love God like they claim. Also, as other have claimed. David and soloman has multiple wives. Solomon had HUNDREDS.
@Reallgeemachine 15 дней назад
I literally came her only because the comments were gone. What christian is afraid of hiding the message of christ? Her issues with alienation with her faith are because she is not humble. Galatians 5:2 So many modern women enter into the female belief covenant and see everything through that lens. They even see their relationship with God through their feminist lens. To a person like this Christ is of NO USE!
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 13 дней назад
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
Hi I appreciate your response. They were on, but at one point some users got really rude and even started cursing all women to bareness and really immature things like that so I had to turn it off. I left on a trip and wasn't able to babysit on there so I just turned it off. Turned it back on, hopefully this time people can be more mature about it.
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
Hi I'm not afraid of hiding Christ. The comments were on but a user started cursing all women to bareness which I will not stand for so I turned it off when I saw people weren't genuinely interested in the content of the video, but just got triggered without realizing this is a very anti-feminist podcast and they were taking their anger out on the wrong audience.
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 10 дней назад
​@the7thousand one user needs god and you mute all Christian men's voices. Perfect logic.
@acuerdox 15 дней назад
them men, always ruining things, when will they learn?
@PochoNews 15 дней назад
Telling man to step it up, as like calling a woman fat. It’s such an insult that women throw around in the wonder that men have gone their own way and stop dating. If #MeToo didn’t kill it, all the pervasive Iga testicle narcissistic TikTok videos of girls make things that men are trash pretty much did you all in. Now men are just getting passports and going overseas or they’re not dating at all because western modern women are not worth anything. There’s thousands of videos proving this all over the web but women don’t see it and they don’t want to see it. They’re too busy chasing dopamine online with their multiple websites. I know you’re trying to make sense of this, but they don’t care about making sense they don’t care about logic they’re thinking I’m not getting what I want from men and that’s a problem. Therefore may need to change. Really? That’ll never happen so I’ll man can do now is just walk away and not look back and watch the destruction of society that that they built for you but it turns out a lot if you weren’t worth it. So let it burn. US birth rate 2016-1.82 2017-1.77 2018-1.73 2019-1.71 2020-1.64 2021-1.66 2022-1.67 2023-1.62 The US will be at 0 birth rate in 2056 or sooner.
@estarr86 15 дней назад
Jesus is "the one" every other man will fall short. Your marriage is what you make it. The new age theology of a "soul mate" has been tremendously successful at keeping women out of potentially beautiful and fruitful marriages. That and social media and dating apps.
@shamanahaboolist 15 дней назад
I think you need to let go of your delusions about what a "real man" is. Milennial men are sick of this type of entitlement and that's why we're leaving you to it.
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 15 дней назад
@ImDavidHasselhoff 15 дней назад
In regards to your most recent video, I saw the comments were disabled to avoid angry joes, I understand. I just wanted to give my take on why millennial guys are absent from the church. I'm 23, and I haven't been part of a church or group for several years now. My old church was very fond of shaming men for "needing to do better" and praising women for no reason really. There was also a small group I briefly was a part of, but it was full of gossip and drama, the guys and girls would fool around and it was not godly at all. Based on these experiences, I have no desire to join another church, and I have very little trust for people in general. My Christian mother divorced my dad after 27 years of marriage and 8 kids (all from this single marriage), and she maintained a two faced life, where she made my dad's life a living hell while smiling and putting on bible studies. I am currently living life, working, going to school, the gym, and leveling up. With today's 'metoo' movement, I am VERY averse to asking girls out, and I have zero luck on dating apps, even when I make it clear I'm not into hookups and want a godly and healthy relationship. Basically I'm done with trying for something I've been told I'll never be good enough to achieve. Whether it was the church constantly telling me I need to be better or the dates I've been with Christian women amounting to nothing, I'm just done. It's very frustrating because I know I have that heart you mentioned, where I may not be 'kingly', but I want to grow and be that way with a wife. Even though I have that, no Christian girl has given me a chance to express it. Don't write off guys with GOOD hearts just because they aren't 'Davids' yet. Some advice I would give to you and Christian women looking for Christian men is MAKE THE FIRST MOVE! Start a conversation with him, invite him to sit with you, ANYTHING. And keep it to yourself, don't tell all your girl friends in the church! It just leads to gossip and drama, many girl friend groups are toxic and will sabotage each other, even ones at church. A godly man just wants peace and a wife to share it with, so if I were to pursue you and you reject me and tell your friends, you just destroyed a little bit of peace in my life, and likely ruined my chances with any women at the church. Church is for God, it's not highschool. Those are my two cents, I appreciate your perspective.
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 15 дней назад
Good on you bro
@mikeadopalopacus6436 15 дней назад
I empathize and agree with this a lot. You are always told you need to do better and more and the women of the church are welcomed with open arms. I’m all for tough love but it’s exhausting when you are living up to this impossible standard of perfection. You’re held under the microscope while the women are never held to the same standard.
@Reallgeemachine 15 дней назад
I said this comment to someone else but I think it might be of use for you too. "I literally came her only because the comments were gone. What christian is afraid of hiding the message of Christ? Her issues with alienation with her faith are because she is not humble. Galatians 5:2 So many modern women enter into the female belief covenant and see everything through that lens. They even see their relationship with God through their feminist lens. To a person like this Christ is of NO USE" It seems your last church has abandoned the covenant with Christ and joined this modern dogmatic belief system that pits men and women against each other, dehumanizing men and glorifying female impropriety. This is far beyond shaming women or men, or search for high value this or that. We are at risk of losing our ability to even have a meaningful relationship with Christ all together. My message to everyone in the west... Wake up before you fall too deep into alienating ideological movements.
@mikeadopalopacus6436 13 дней назад
@@Reallgeemachine well the majority or at least many comments on this video are replies to her video with comments turned off. Which is interesting because I think that is the case because, me personally at least, am tired of the message of “where are all the good men?” Or “why won’t any men date me? I follow God.” There’s no introspection just it’s the man’s fault, and the church and ladies are not to blame. This isn’t to say men aren’t a part of the problem but me personally am kind of tired of always being called the problem when I love and follow Jesus.
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
Hi all, thanks for your responses. As mentioned previously, the comments were on but people lost that privilege because they started being really immautre on there.
@DenseCortex 15 дней назад
Men arent going to church because there are literally zero incentives to do so. You come into the church as an isolated male, you dont know anyone, everyone there already knows eachother, they have their own pre-exisring social circles going back many years, decades even, they have a far deeper knowledge of their religion than you do, you dont know how any of this church stuff works, and they treat you as an outsider. Breaking into their social circles is extremely difficult. Outsider males are viewed with suspicion. You talked about men not approaching women in the church. Why would you want to approach strangers you've never met before and have no rapport with? In the past families/friends would introduce their sons and daughters to eachother. There was a type of matchmaking culture in place. Now men are expected to cold approach random women they dont know, carry the conversation, and build rapport spontaneously from nothing, no shared history, no mutual friends, ect. Cold approaching is not natural, there's a reason men are so resistant to doing it. Also, the modern churches are run by women. They put women on a pedestal and ignore the needs of men completely. Men have no positve role models to look to that will give them masculine advice. And the church never criticizes the poor behavior of modern women, it just ignores it and treats women like disney princesses, while simultaneously laying all the responsibility on men to fix the worlds problems. You arent guaranteed a wife, family, and house anymore. Modern women have higher standards than at any point in history, they're shamelessly promiscuous and completely self-absorbed in social media for validation. And it doesnt help that you are telling women to wait for mr perfect in spite of supposedly having so few options in the church, using god as an excuse to justify having unrealistic standards. Thats just disgraceful and insulting to the lord. Why even bother with Church? Its not the beacon of the community it once was, where you could meet a good chaste woman to bear your children. Its lost its principles. Now the church supports lgbtq, feminism, abortion, promiscuity, mass immigration, and many other anti-white/anti-male things.
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 15 дней назад
Preach brother
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
Its easy Date older guys
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
His "character" haha 😂 Does he have a trust fund? Does he play along with the purity culture modest image but then secretly knows to ravage you in the bedroom? Can he seamlessly integrate into a puritanical strict repressive environment of the girls family but also somehow personally be an expert with the ways outside of it?
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
Its not that hard the physical sex stuff gets things going, then the socioeconomic stability and social aspect along the way keeps it sticking
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
Lol you need to be with a girl who wants another guy as her first choice but as the guy you have to enter a relationship where she isn't really that into you and the guy is a simp basically because she wants the stable provider guy
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no edgy music, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic Plus the idea in the church that the guy has to "be the sacrifice" like Jesus turns them into simp loser incels chasing shallow emotionally unavailable women that secretly go for the guy that breaks all the rules but the safe boring guy to take care of the money stuff. Didn't king David have a bunch of wives and concubines? Yeah exactly. Some guys can do whatever they want and others are treated like loser slaves. That's why all the white conservative evangelicals supported Donald Trump The women want to put up a facade to fit in with their modest purity culture community but then get with the guy that breaks all the rules in a weird culture of concealment because the all or nothing thinking is so sex negative people eventually act out in secret ways they feel they can't with their partner It creates a weird culture of concealment and inauthenticity where experimentation is forbidden, and you always have to just "get the hint" where guys are at the same time supposed to be pure and innocent but then the women secretly like the guy who ravages them in the bedroom at the same time. Nobody can figure that out.
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no edgy music, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic Plus the idea in the church that the guy has to "be the sacrifice" like Jesus turns them into simp loser incels chasing shallow emotionally unavailable women that secretly go for the guy that breaks all the rules but the safe boring guy to take care of the money stuff. Didn't king David have a bunch of wives and concubines? Yeah exactly. Some guys can do whatever they want and others are treated like loser slaves. That's why all the white conservative evangelicals supported Donald Trump The women want to put up a facade to fit in with their modest purity culture community but then get with the guy that breaks all the rules in a weird culture of concealment because the all or nothing thinking is so sex negative people eventually act out in secret ways they feel they can't with their partner
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic Plus the idea in the church that the guy has to "be the sacrifice" like Jesus turns them into simp loser incels chasing shallow emotionally unavailable women that secretly go for the guy that breaks all the rules but the safe boring guy to take care of the money stuff. Didn't king David have a bunch of wives and concubines? Yeah exactly. Some guys can do whatever they want and others are treated like loser slaves The women want to put up a facade to fit in with their modest purity culture community but then get with the guy that breaks all the rules in a weird culture of concealment because the all or nothing thinking is so sex negative people eventually act out in secret ways they feel they can't with their partner
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
Didnt king David have a lot of wives and concubines? Lol
@AchillesVanes 15 дней назад
Most of the lineage post-flood did.
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
Another thing is that the church teaches guys they need to be a "sacrifice yourself" for women (aka be a loser simp incel). Its suicidal thinking and sexually negative. If things are good and authentic you don't need to repress yourself, you naturally stick together Equality is better, though if there is a natural imbalance in power like age that's cool if you navigate it the right way
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool Gay people and trans people and goth girls seem way more fun and appreciate me more without using their sexuality as a bargaining chip and don't require the guy make a lifelong commitment or afford an expensive formal staged wedding up front with a 50%+ divorce rate the minute you lose a job and complain that their unrealistic standards can't be met, controlled and shamed by everybody. As the guy, you have no leverage. Plus this idea of being "worldly." It often means you can't have any fun. No weed, no going out, no creative sexual ideas, no social deviancs and complete conformity - you are controlled and owned like a slave. The church girls will judge you for all that, restrict you, coerce you, so you feel trapped. You can't like anything fun or trendy. No video games, no concerts, no cartoon shows unless its Disney. There is jealousy all the time where they create a dead bedroom over time but then get jealous if you do anything outside of the marriage. Then the religious girls secretly do all the bad stuff anyways, except with the sucker guy that is the incel simp paying for everything in a one way dynamic
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
The issue is that millennial guys growing up in the church in southern california (im part romanian also) were given conflicting and impossible messages. In purity culture guys were told sexual expression and experimentation was bad or something shameful to be hidden that you can't be open about. So you had guys literally given books saying you aren't allowed to even look to anybody you might be attracted to (like "every young man's battle") unless you have the independent socioeconomic stability to make a lifelong commitment and pay for a wedding. So only guys who were psychopathic or liars could succeed or get laid under that kind of system, the rest get ignored because they can't afford to be the provider guy until they are much older at which point they often want to date much younger women rather than people who are judgmental and sex negative. They get tired of it and drop out and instead get a strategy to hook up until something sticks. The way it works is during the natural experimentation process oxytocin exaggetates outgroup differences leading to secure attachment in the context of socioeconomic stability. Another thing is nobody is waiting until marriage to hook up, so if a guy feels he has to hold out after the age basically everybody has hooked up already it doesn't feel right. You need the sexual expression to get things going in the first place. Disney sold millennial women on standards nobody can afford and sets guys up for one sided puritanical relationships and contractual dead bedrooms based on legalistic thinking rather than passion and physical and emotional chemistry. The Bible is not scientifically accurate and is not historically accurate and has been used as a tool of control and power for older generations which millennials may feel doesn't speak to their needs or experiences and is more about controlling them and repressing and exploiting them. So they drop out These days i think chaos magick and satanism is kind of cool
@williamtburt 16 дней назад
I came here after watching your most recent video. It's interesting to hear both sides, from within a community of strong morals. I'm sorry to hear that many men have left as of recent times. It really is due to economic pressures, in my opinion. Millenials see the economic model that their parents grew up in, and see that as a minimum. To think of less, is a depressing thought, for sure. I want to say something about how hard it is to meet expectations. It seems to be a very American thing for new families to 'need' an extra house for their kids to start a family. In many other countries I see multiple generations living within the same household. The level of comfort that we live with is a miracle that is very hard to reproduce (infrastructure, manufactured goods, food abundance). The internet is giving men understanding, compassion, and advice. And I think it's playing a part in men walking away from the church and finding a truer brotherhood online.
@joseywales1150 16 дней назад
Hey so the comments on your newest video have been paused.. But I wanted to comment on the video. The men have been gone since I was a child and I am 55 years old born in the south grew up in an ALL black church. My great uncle(WWII gen) who himself was a preacher said the men stopped coming because most of the preachers where unredeemed pimps and hustlers of the street. These men saw that they could get more play and more money if they became pastors. The honest men of the community saw straight thru the fassad and refused to go to church. Pastors preach feelings to the women to keep them in the seats rather than preach The Truth which is harsh. Bishop Patrick Wooden out of one of the Carolinas said during the riots, you can't have a black community without the black male nor can you have a Bible believing church without the black male.
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
Hi thank you for your perspective! I had to pause comments on the video because people were being really rude and hurtful while the video was meant to encourage women who are devoutly following the Lord and genuinely discouraged by the lack of God-led men. I agree with you we NEED men in the church that preach the truth. Not all churches are doomed, some are still tying to follow the Lord and so what I do is I try to attend those churches that are biblically accurate and let God do His work in men in drawing them to Himself.
@trevornestor1508 16 дней назад
​@the7thousand the truth hurts but the sooner you get the message the better
@user-bk2tm1ls9f 15 дней назад
​its rude and hurtful to disregard the comments of godly men.
@Reallgeemachine 15 дней назад
@@the7thousand Through Christ even prostitutes can be redeemed. That doesnt mean he guarantees them a husband, a big house, and a happy life. It just means they are worthy of Gods love and they have the option to walk the path of redemption. They still have their entire life to carry their burdens though. Only humility will help the modern woman, and few will ever choose that willingly. Get ready to see things change drastically once women HAVE to change due to failing global economies. As for the men... Well look where the modern men in Ukraine are... In the arms of angels, I have accepted my fate and I see theres mechanisms at play far beyond my control. It is what it is.
@the7thousand 11 дней назад
The comments were definitely not from godly men. That's not how godly men behave.
@BJARRGH12 16 дней назад
All the men are leaving Protestantism for Christian Orthodoxy.
@RivIrie 16 дней назад
Many millennial men in and out of the church saw their fathers graped by divorce courts. Can’t speak to gen z perspective but they seem to be marrying earlier as they should. They gen z were probably raised by slightly more conservative and more well-off parents. Many millennial women acted like fools in their 20s (sleeping around) and then go to church around 30 to try to clean up their act.
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
I've been faithfully attending church since my youth. For someone that's been around the church culture that long we see a quite different perspective then what most see in liberal, progressive churches in the US.
@RivIrie 16 дней назад
@@the7thousand that’s all I see here in California - grotesque and fake
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
There are a few good churches in California too. Not all but there are still a few, just takes some time to sift through and find a good fit.
@WingItWithEthan 16 дней назад
My experience with “Christian” women is they’re all the same as secular women, or women thinking they can be born again virgins, and suddenly want a traditional man… I laugh at modern women.
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
This podcast is not for those kinds of women. This podcast is for women that have faithfully lived the Christian walk - for women in this camp we see a very different perspective than what you mostly see in the more progressive, liberal US churches. BUT, I will say we shouldn't laugh at modern women maybe they had a genuine repentance. That's not what Christ did with the woman at the well. As long as a soul is still alive, there's still hope for that person to find Jesus.
@Malevolentguppy 16 дней назад
This cracks me up. It's always the same with "christian" women, just like the world. There are plenty of good Christian men around, but since they don't turn you on, they're consigned to friendship. It's most definitely about worldly stuff first (how attractive he is, how much money he makes, etc.), with the Godly stuff tacked on after. I remember when the prattle about "finding my Boaz" was making the rounds in the church. What they were actually looking for was the man that had the financial qualities of Boaz, but not the age; you certainly weren't finding scads of younger women looking for older men to marry. Feminist indoctrination has also had its effect on society and the church. How often have i had to sit through a sermon on mother's day and listen to the sainthood of mothers, and even women in general, then got to listen to a father's day sermon telling men they need to do better. How long do you suppose men, that already get attacked by the world, are going to put up with the same thing in the church? Let's add to that how often I've heard advice along the lines of, "if there are sin issues on her part, within marriage, then you need to do more servant leadership." What insane person would sign up for a relationship where the other peesons sin is now your responsibility? Or maybe how often the sunday school classes for men always revolve around service and responsibility, but those for women are fluff poeces like "finding joy", as if men only exist to be good attentive slaves, so the women can nurture theur feels. Its rare to find a woman media person willing to have men on that will speak plainly about what it's like for men, but you can find a thousand that will tell you what they think it's like. One last thing. I've seen far more couples in church where the woman is overweight and the man is not than I've ever seen the reverse. When that starts to change, I'll believe that women are looking for Godly Christian men first and the wordly lusts second. Until then, it's just cope.
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
Hi thank you for your comment. While I don't deny men have their own struggle, I'm speaking from a more conservative perspective which has its own unique culture and is quite different then the men-women relationships you find in most progressive churches in the U.S. My community is quite anti-feminism. However, I do agree with you the feminism has done a lot of damage to society. But I still believe a man that wants to seek the Lord will do so despite a feminist-influenced society. And I do believe there are plenty of good men out there. It would be great if more men started doing this so that way they could have a platform but it's unfair to expect us to invite them on. Nobody invited me to podcasts so I started my own to give my two cents on issues I have encountered in my personal life.
@cobannie 16 дней назад
Men DO speak up on these issues, and start YT channels and podcasts to voice concerns and speak simple facts. They are shutdown by YT and social media policies falsely labeled as Misogyny, Hate Speech, and the mere suggestion that men should just stop dating or marrying women is labeled as “violence” against women. They are often labeled as “Incels” as if their celibacy is involuntary- when in fact it is QUITE voluntary. Better to remain celibate than to risk being trapped or falsely accused by modern female sociopaths. Literally guarding your own wallet and limiting your personal liability risks in life is seen as a crime of sorts. Now when men avoid females in the workplace for fear of false accusations against them - women are reporting men to corporate HR for NOT TALKING with them - even if they have no occupational interactions required by the job. As for the church, even the conservative traditional churches will SHAME men for not ‘stepping up’ in life. Good Christian men know that they only NEED Baptism, Confession/Absolution, Communion, and Faith in Christ - and they’re saved and will go to heaven. So they can avoid Church only stop in once in a while for a Communion, watch church online, and they’re good with God. No need to bother with the entrapments of mankind. I’m happily married to an amazing wife, but I also understand just how rare and amazing she is… Traditional, Christian, Feminine, and she brings Love, Peace and Joy to our family / home. Out of the 12+ close friends I have from my college years that got married - only 3 of us are still married. About an 80% divorce rate, and most of their divorces were hell. In America a significantly Higher number of Women own houses than Men. They got them in Divorce when they got custody of their kids and used their children to crush their husbands in court for extortion levels of money. Marriage is a creation of the Church, and it is the ONLY Contract in the world where one party almost ALWAYS wins cash & prizes for Breaking that contract! My wife once asked me if she died, would I remarry? No. Absolutely NOT. Not because I dislike being married. I work with statistics and I understand just how rare she is and how I’d never likely find another woman as amazing as her. It would be like getting hit by lightning twice and surviving. Slim odds.
@alexglib8499 16 дней назад
Really interesting episode! There is something special about the millennial generation. Though I guess, each generation has their specific positives and negatives, they all have their unique struggles but also common ones that we all share.
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
I agree there is something special about it, and the same way we have our struggles I believe God also has plans of victory for us. Like you said each generation has its battles.
@vallee9884 16 дней назад
What you said about dont settle is fine, but its sad to see women conclude that they should put in less work when the men are the ones not going to church and stuff. Guys will do anything for a girl who builds them up
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
Hi thank you for your comment. I don't believe we should put in less work when it comes to certain things. But i've also seen many cases where women put in the work to help a man be his best version, and he just abuses her time, energy and emotions and never commits. Many, many instances of this.
@elenatunnicliff6782 17 дней назад
Conspiracy theory : What if this relates to the feminist movement? In that the movement shut men down so much and shut them out so much that they noblonger feel safe in places that make them feel weak or vulnerable, the church. Or because they were told for such a long time that they don't matter now they dont feel like they need community or the church in general. This is just conspiracy though, not serious. But food for thought.
@curtishand6180 16 дней назад
Downvoted for padded delivery
@alexglib8499 16 дней назад
Definitely a conspiracy theory :) People do say that men tend to have less preference for a community (including formal church) than women. The causes for this are pretty complex could be related to personality traits or effects of society, though not sure if feminism specifically.
@Malevolentguppy 16 дней назад
Why is it a conspiracy theory? You can't swing a dead cat without men on social media talking about this sort of thing. The feminist indoctrination in society and the church has absolutely wrecked relationships, between men and women, and men and God.
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
I've heard this argument before and I definitely think the feminist movement ruined society in general. However the churches I've attended does not promote feminism. I believe a lot of factors have impacted men. Because women are more emotional we tend to get more vulenrable which is why I believe a lot more of us have remained in the church through the rough seasons. But because men don't open up as much for fear of appearing weak or whatever other reason, I feel a lot of them have left the church and gone after other friends with whom they felt they belonged that have had bad influence on them.
@scammersnightmare 17 дней назад
David is a man after God's heart. He was looked down by his family because of his faith in God. They called him crazy and told me "don't expect too much" and just be normal. When Samuel came and recognized his faith by God, not even Samuel himself. He was fired up as any young man/woman would. He had a choice, just to stay alive to wait until the prophecy came true or risk it all for God. He did the latter. Consequently, God rewarded him many things just because he followed God with all his heart as he couldn't stand people blaspheming God. Moral of the story maybe, we give our best to God, risk it all, despite there maybe some bad news (we all have our valley death) but for those who put their trust in God will never be put to shame. Just like Zechariah's wife Elizabeth, a God honoring barren priestess (who spent day and night serving God in His temple), she gave birth to John at old age. Considering God's timing, God had this plan for John to be a witness of Messiah all along!!
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
That's true we should definitely give our best to God and entrust Him with the rest.
@Jimson-wx8uq 17 дней назад
Youre beautiful i think u will find a guy soon
@scammersnightmare 17 дней назад
If I am not mistaken, she is encouraging us to submit our desires to God and do our best for God and aim high. Let God be our provider and He will reward us.
@Dillun34 17 дней назад
Do you even interact with comments?
@the7thousand 16 дней назад
Hi Dillun, yes I quite often respond to comments but do miss some every now and then.
@youtubevideoseoexpert0 17 дней назад
Hello, I just finished watching your videos, and I have to say, your content is fantastic!💕 I believe your videos could reach an even wider audience with some improvements. I have analyzed your channel and identified some areas where changes could increase your viewership, subscriber count, and overall channel performance. I created a report highlighting areas for improvement on your channel. If you're interested, I'd happily share it with you!
@the7thousand 17 дней назад
Thanks I appreciate it! I'll say that's not something I'm interested in right now
@youtubevideoseoexpert0 17 дней назад
@@the7thousand Ok thank u
@adinacoroian 18 дней назад
Good stuff Andreea!!! Thank you for sharing!
@the7thousand 18 дней назад
Thank you Adina <3
@scammersnightmare 20 дней назад
Love how you use Jonah as example. Just a note, Jonah is the man of God. Bible is a redemptive love story of God interfacing with us. Historically, "Nineveh is notable in the Bible as the capital city of Assyria, a longtime enemy of Israel. (imagine they killed your loved ones and corrupting your people by idol worship.)" This story shows God's compassion and mercy for the gentiles and HIs people's enemy and animals (as oppose to God commanded the killing of babies, animals, women and children 1 Samuel 15:3). God's love is very explicit in the final portion of this book. The depth and tenderness of God's love in this book brings me to tears. Foreshadowing the love of Christ on the cross for the gentiles, a theme about love your enemy.
@scammersnightmare 21 день назад
God speaks to us in a small voice. But as sheep, we can only recognize our shepherd's voice, not anyone else and they don't know where to go and feed/survive themself without the shepherd. Goats will just go anywhere. However, only by submitting ourself to God daily and spent LOTS of quality time with Him do we develop a strong sense to hearing shepherd's voice. The shepherd may lead us to valley of death, we fear not, He is ever closer to us. For His rod may give us pain, but it is His love to give us this pain, steering us away from snares, therefore, it becomes our comfort as the Psalmer said. In this pain, we are comforted because we know we are with Him and are safe as sheep blindly trust the shepherd till the end. "Prepare a table in the presence of enemy" just means that He is in control, our cups overflow, means that He wills to bless us. Therefore, if I am single for life, so be it, as long as He is with me. The suffering will only draw me closer to Him. Therefore, it is only gain not loss. The married couples still need to serve one another and less independent, different type of burden. After all, we are called to desire God and please God (Jesus said, I serve not myself but God )above all else. This is the will of God for us. Singleness or not, becomes very insignificant.
@scammersnightmare 22 дня назад
Psalm 23 has been the guide to me every single day. Listening to you make me feel I am not alone. Many others are on the same page. May God be glorified through us.
@the7thousand 22 дня назад
You're definitely not alone <3 Thanks for sharing!