Meditation is the cure for humanity.
Transformer ses blessures - Phap Lieu
4 года назад
Rencontre avec Phap Lieu
4 года назад
Le Chant de l'Être - Antoine Charlot
4 года назад
Rencontre avec Antoine Charlot
4 года назад
Travail & Enfants - Thierry Chavel
4 года назад
Accompagner l'Autre - Thierry Chavel
4 года назад
@lio3639 Месяц назад
Ce qui est bien dans ce genre de domaine c'est que on peut raconter n'importe quoi personne n'ira vérifier
@naratologie 2 месяца назад
Luc ou enseignes tu ? Dojo nomade ? Lin tso 0:25 😊
@Maria-bd1ei 3 месяца назад
Merci à vous
@GERALDGERALD-j4h 5 месяцев назад
Merci beaucoup
@corinyoyoyo43 8 месяцев назад
Ishindenshin avec moi même j aurai du mondodider avec ce petit singe boudha ici et main tenant..la prichaine fois certainement mushotoku
@samidemrenaissance5969 10 месяцев назад
Merci 🙏 pour ce beau témoignage ❤
very honor ma ma india diamond
@bcaurant Год назад
Merci pour cette interview 🙏
@yyakinikou1614 Год назад
wondelful mind, thank you..... you inspire us
@ilincatudori3759 Год назад
@nicolevaladier9138 Год назад
Merci pour votre lucidité je vous comprends totalement.. sécurité affective pas monde cotonneux comme une barbe à papa mais dans un respect sans projections..reprendre notre pouvoir personnel notre vrai moi pour rayonner aider travailler ensemble pas utiliser le pouvoir pour dominer
@didiersimon4320 Год назад
Bonjour Sophie Je découvre votre existence et votre expérience. Nous avons eu la grande chance de rencontrer à plusieurs reprises votre cher Papa. Quel joie de retrouver en vous les fondamentaux qui l'animait . Merci à la Vie pour ce bon sens et cette sagesse . Bien à vous Respectueusement Didier
@Jakusen Год назад
Bonjour, merci pour cette vidéo, puis je la partager sur ma chaîne ? Merci. Richard Jakusen
@guyrivoallan9248 Год назад
Alcools et pinard...
@plailot Год назад
@arntor9673 Год назад
Il y a deux chemins dans l'entrée au dama . C'est de vouloir être se que l'on es ,et ne plus être se que l'on es .
@Joey_1138 Год назад
Merci infiniment pour ce partage !
@martialruffin4490 2 года назад
Bonjour,,,,,, c'est étonnant,,,,,qu'il y ait des barreaux aux fenêtres derrière 🤭, merci pour la description, technique, très détaillée,de ce qu'est le zazen😔
@StarsShineForYou63 2 года назад
L' exposé de Sophie Rabhi-Bouquet confirme une réalité dont j'ai pris conscience récemment. L'origine de mon mal être, de décennies de dépression provient de la violence éducative ordinaire. Un grand merci pour la diffusion de cette vidéo.
@14NINASKY Год назад
@Aj-uu5is 2 года назад
I love her energy and wisdom. Thank you for sharing this!
@gliderfs621 2 года назад
Pray God to help us. Please God, save your Creation, and those who love what You Created and You in the same time. 🙏✝️❤️☸️
@fredericbeauvois5872 2 года назад
@sebtiana2729 2 года назад
Merci super
@bloomp7999 2 года назад
Bravo pour cette chaîne, et pour tas persévérance a faire ces vidéos précieuses
@Prajna_Meditation 2 года назад
Merci à toi pour tes retours. Belle continuation sur ton chemin !
@bloomp7999 2 года назад
15:13 très important pour moi, en 2019-2020 j'étais partis dans une quete de spiritualité en méditant intensivement, je me suis tellement détaché du monde matériel a la fin que j'ai effectivement finis en asile psychiatrique, Exactement comme il dit ! (J'en suis sortit quelque mois après)
@arnaudporcher5605 2 года назад
Bonjour, merci pour ce commentaire. J'ai aussi dans l'idée de participer à une retraite intensive de méditation et j'avoue que la seule chose qui me freine est ce risque de "perte" de l'ego, peux-tu m'en dire un peu plus? Tu continues la méditation ? Comment éviter cela? Merci de ta réponse.
@benoitgelly5389 2 года назад
Roland Yuno Rech , m'aide beaucoup en plus d'une psychothérapie que j'ai fait durant 20 mois a raison 4 hr par mois avant le covid ! .... le tout mis ensemble , la vie est moins lourde pour moi ! Gassho 🙏
@joellebugnet9354 2 года назад
Oui cela paraît très juste.. Ça rejoint plein d'autres choses.... Merci Sophie... Vous êtes aussi passionnante que votre papa
@joellebugnet9354 2 года назад
Passionnante à écouter....
@francoisestirn1734 2 года назад
Merci pour le partage, je suis heureuse de vous écouter mon besoin de connaissance de l'être humain vient de s'enrichir. J'ai trouvé un extrait D'aveline et de Michio Kushi que je note sous cette vidéo.De l'enfance à l'adolescence nous développons notre conscience intellectuelle. Elle croît et fonctionne comme une spirale vers une plus large dimension de l'environnement extérieur sous la forme de l'imagination, de la spéculation, de l'évaluation, des suppositions et autres facultés que nous appelons d'ordinaire " compréhension" .
@Helen-ng8xx 2 года назад
Quel beau programme de vie
@bobbi2044 2 года назад
@eumeswil 3 года назад
Merci milles fois.
@b-engely21 3 года назад
Voila ! ... l'égo : de 15min a 16:40 environ . diminuer l'égo mais prendre sa place = il faut toujours bien en garder une partie ; si non comme il dit : vous etes mure pour la psy . merci Roland Yuno Rech . Gassho !
@ChaLemon 3 года назад
Merci beaucoup pour ces vidéos inspirantes et éclairantes !
@LB27950 3 года назад
Merci pour ce témoignage inspirant. Luc
@UdayBST 3 года назад
😂 😂 Waao you actually put terir pics😂😂literally these people dont have real spark in tgeir eyes
@hectorhernandez2265 3 года назад
Merci de ton magnifique témoignage; Luc....je n'oublie pas notre séjour commun avec Jean Claude en corse, en 88....amitiés
@davidusnazarus1700 3 года назад
Bullshit. universe is not loving, its a hostile place for life let alone humans.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Myles Power article on pseudoscience activist frauds: "With a quarter of the world’s population currently in lockdown, time has never been better for these frauds, as they desperately try to shoehorn their particular flavour of conspiracy and quackery into the current crisis. Some, like Vandana Shiva (who I covered in my last instalment), are master manipulators who eloquently weave the ongoing pandemic into their narrative, to further radicalise their rabid fanbase and push their agenda. Others, however - like MIT senior research scientist and fruitcake Stephanie Seneff - are not so skilled. Seneff, a woman who claims that one in two children will be autistic by 2025 by simply extrapolating back from current trends (and therefore presumably thinks that number will increase indefinitely), appears to remain on her never-ending quest to blame glyphosate - the active ingredient in Round-Up - for, well, everything. Despite not having any medical training, and previously aligning herself with a cult to help them promote bleach enemas to autistic children, this computer scientist not only believes she is more than qualified to comment on the current crisis, but also that she has found circumstantial evidence linking it to - you guessed it - glyphosate. Seneff disguises her findings in the blog post “Connecting the Dots: Glyphosate and COVID-19”, where, unlike Vandana, she has all the eloquence and panache of Alex Jones dressing up like a gay frog to warn us about the dangers of atrazine." mylespower.co.uk/2020/04/19/capitalising-on-corona-david-icke-and-5g-conspiracies/
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
"In June 2014, Indian and international media reported that Navdanya and Vandana Shiva were named in a leaked, classified report by India's Intelligence Bureau (IB), which was prepared for the Indian Prime Minister's Office.[47] The leaked IB report raises concerns over the foreign-funding of Indian NGOs whose campaigning activities, the report claims, are hampering India's growth and development. In its report, the IB said that Indian NGOs, including Navdanya, receive money from foreign donors under the 'charitable garb' of campaigning for human rights or women's equality, but instead use the money for nefarious purposes. "These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western governments," the IB report states.[48] Investigative journalist Michael Specter, in an article in The New Yorker on 25 August 2014 entitled "Seeds of Doubt",[10] raised concerns over a number of Shiva's claims regarding GMOs and some of her campaigning methods. He wrote: "Shiva's absolutism about G.M.O.s can lead her in strange directions. In 1999, ten thousand people were killed and millions were left homeless when a cyclone hit India's eastern coastal state of Orissa. When the U.S. government dispatched grain and soy to help feed the desperate victims, Shiva held a news conference in New Delhi and said that the donation was proof that "the United States has been using the Orissa victims as guinea pigs" for genetically-engineered products, although she made no mention about that those same products are approved and consumed in the United States. She also wrote to the international relief agency Oxfam to say that she hoped it wasn't planning to send genetically modified foods to feed the starving survivors."[10] Cases of plagiarism have been pointed out against Vandana Shiva. Birendra Nayak has published on her plagiarism involving copying verbatim from a 1996 article in Voice Gopalpur in her 1998 book Stronger than Steel.[51] Several paragraphs of an article by S Faizi on the Plachimada/Coca-Cola issue published in The Statesman in 2015 were plagiarized by Vandana Shiva in an article she published a year later.[52] Journalist Keith Kloor, in an article published in Discover on 23 October 2014 entitled "The Rich Allure of a Peasant Champion", revealed that Shiva charges US$40,000 per speaking lecture, plus a business-class air ticket from New Delhi. Kloor wrote: "She is often heralded as a tireless 'defender of the poor,' someone who has courageously taken her stand among the peasant farmers of India. Let it be noted, however, that this champion of the downtrodden doesn't exactly live a peasant's lifestyle."[53] Wikipedia - Shiva en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva#Indian_Intelligence_Bureau_Investigation
@nikhilshah7096 3 года назад
You sound so utterly stupid, posting this on every single video of hers. Bless you with bit of brains, heart and life to you!
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@nikhilshah7096 'Utterly stupid' is defined by a lack of any proof of what you say, no matter how outrageous. I prove what I say and in fact I have posted no personal opinions here. I defer to degreed experts, trusted journalists and peer reviewed studies. There are over 60 footnotes in the source I linked, they prove what they say with citations like all honest reporting does. You failed to post a refutation of the link I am providing in good faith from the Indian government investigation. Which of the facts stated in my citation are wrong, and why? Please post your evidence along with verifiable unbiased non-activist links to your sources. Failure to do so will make you as ludicrous as Shiva and prove my point nicely.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
*Indian environmental scientist blasts anti-GMO celebrity Vandana Shiva for ‘baseless’ assault on biotech crops* June 9, 2020 "A reader curious about celebrities’ role in the radical environmental movement emailed me recently. He wondered if …. their claims about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) were credible. [Editor’s note: Vijay Jayaraj holds an M.Sc in environmental science from the University of East Anglia, England] He was particularly interested in anti-GMO claims by …. Vandana Shiva. Shiva is no newbie to GMO. She speaks often against it. Her celebrity status gives her high visibility. Recently, Shiva claimed that Bill Gates perpetuates Monsanto’s work by promoting GMO in India. She said GMO crops have a lower yield than non-GMO. She also said farmers would not choose GMO if not for Gates’s influence. Her claims are baseless. I come from a region with high agricultural output. I know many farmers. The Indian government has no control over their choices of seeds. Farmers are concerned about their livelihood. Most prefer crops that give larger yield. Why? You can guess. They give higher profit margins. Farmers prefer [biotech] crops. Only a few experiment with organic farming. Many so-called “organic” products in India have high traces of toxins. That makes them dangerous. But they also cost twice as much as non-“organic.” Expensive, organic coconut oils from India sold in the United States may not be completely organic, despite certification. Shiva is popular in the media. But 95% of the farmers I know (hundreds in my own family circle) reject her ideas. India’s two major political parties support GMO. True, a few individuals side with the anti-GMO lobby. But the dominant position is based on solid scientific testing. Yet anti-GMO groups have blocked GM crops through court interference. Shiva is a leading agent. Shiva’s claims on GMO farming are false. She calls Golden Rice a hoax. Golden Rice is a GM variant that can help eradicate vitamin A deficiencies that cause blindness and death. Scientific authorities in nations like the US and Canada declare it safe and beneficial. Over 100 Nobel Laureates have hailed it. Although Shiva is involved in an anti-GM cartel, she is ignorant about GM. She is neither a biologist nor an expert on genetic science. Her bachelor’s degree was in physics. She specialized in the philosophy of science. Her doctoral dissertation mused on the “hidden variables and locality in quantum theory.” Vandana Shiva is a radical environmentalist. Her anti-GMO policies reduce poor farmers’ profits and deprive other poor people of affordable food. Pop-culture celebrities like her, who pontificate on matters on which they know little or nothing, are a menace to agricultural and economic development." clashdaily.com/2020/06/pop-culture-celebrities-a-hurdle-to-agricultural-and-economic-liberation/
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
About the anti-biotech activist Vandana Shiva: Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety. "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/
@Mr196710 3 года назад
Yes, she is fighting corporations that are much too powerful for her to win. I have been studying her for the past 15 years and all her intelligence and integrity won't matter in the end. What is your angle? Truth?
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@Mr196710 No. Not even close! She is fighting proven peer reviewed science to make money on her $40,000 lecture fees and to make money for the organic foods cartel. You have been wasting your time as a sucker for 15 years - holy shit, you prove that some people never wise up. I have no angle, I simply respect real peer reviewed science and I agree with every word in the open letter to Shiva I posted above because it is all factual and beyond debate. So does this actual crop scientist - *Indian environmental scientist blasts anti-GMO celebrity Vandana Shiva for ‘baseless’ assault on biotech crops* June 9, 2020 "A reader curious about celebrities’ role in the radical environmental movement emailed me recently. He wondered if …. their claims about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) were credible. [Editor’s note: Vijay Jayaraj holds an M.Sc in environmental science from the University of East Anglia, England] He was particularly interested in anti-GMO claims by …. Vandana Shiva. Shiva is no newbie to GMO. She speaks often against it. Her celebrity status gives her high visibility. Recently, Shiva claimed that Bill Gates perpetuates Monsanto’s work by promoting GMO in India. She said GMO crops have a lower yield than non-GMO. She also said farmers would not choose GMO if not for Gates’s influence. Her claims are baseless. I come from a region with high agricultural output. I know many farmers. The Indian government has no control over their choices of seeds. Farmers are concerned about their livelihood. Most prefer crops that give larger yield. Why? You can guess. They give higher profit margins. Farmers prefer [biotech] crops. Only a few experiment with organic farming. Many so-called “organic” products in India have high traces of toxins. That makes them dangerous. But they also cost twice as much as non-“organic.” Expensive, organic coconut oils from India sold in the United States may not be completely organic, despite certification. Shiva is popular in the media. But 95% of the farmers I know (hundreds in my own family circle) reject her ideas. India’s two major political parties support GMO. True, a few individuals side with the anti-GMO lobby. But the dominant position is based on solid scientific testing. Yet anti-GMO groups have blocked GM crops through court interference. Shiva is a leading agent. Shiva’s claims on GMO farming are false. She calls Golden Rice a hoax. Golden Rice is a GM variant that can help eradicate vitamin A deficiencies that cause blindness and death. Scientific authorities in nations like the US and Canada declare it safe and beneficial. Over 100 Nobel Laureates have hailed it. Although Shiva is involved in an anti-GM cartel, she is ignorant about GM. She is neither a biologist nor an expert on genetic science. Her bachelor’s degree was in physics. She specialized in the philosophy of science. Her doctoral dissertation mused on the “hidden variables and locality in quantum theory.” Vandana Shiva is a radical environmentalist. Her anti-GMO policies reduce poor farmers’ profits and deprive other poor people of affordable food. Pop-culture celebrities like her, who pontificate on matters on which they know little or nothing, are a menace to agricultural and economic development." clashdaily.com/2020/06/pop-culture-celebrities-a-hurdle-to-agricultural-and-economic-liberation/
@Mr196710 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon You took the bait-good!! You doth protest too much and now we know why. You are attempting to portray yourself as a run-of-the-mill objective, caring protector of 'science'. She appears to be the Bain of your existence. What would be your occupation by chance? You stated that the 'fact's are beyond debate. Maybe the problem with the world today is sycophants like yourself who virtue signal because they want to align with government grant receiving peer-reviewed puppets is the problem. Someone like yourself with no history in science who just wants to virtue signal is what's wrong with this world. I have been in science for over 25 years and we run across people like you every damn day!
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@Mr196710 Horseshit!! YOU took the bait when you believe Shiva's smooth talk. I'm retired. My hobby is defending science truth and confronting liars on GMO videos, Bill Gates interviews and I attack every Shiva video I can find with exposures of the truth about her fraud. I will never stop. 130,000 comments and going strong. Even without posting a single video I have earned 83 subscribers while YOU have just 3 after 13 years. You have absolutely NOT 'been in science'. You have been into pseudoscience if you believe Shiva the Destroyer.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@Mr196710 "In June 2014, Indian and international media reported that Navdanya and Vandana Shiva were named in a leaked, classified report by India's Intelligence Bureau (IB), which was prepared for the Indian Prime Minister's Office.[47] The leaked IB report raises concerns over the foreign-funding of Indian NGOs whose campaigning activities, the report claims, are hampering India's growth and development. In its report, the IB said that Indian NGOs, including Navdanya, receive money from foreign donors under the 'charitable garb' of campaigning for human rights or women's equality, but instead use the money for nefarious purposes. "These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western governments," the IB report states.[48] Investigative journalist Michael Specter, in an article in The New Yorker on 25 August 2014 entitled "Seeds of Doubt",[10] raised concerns over a number of Shiva's claims regarding GMOs and some of her campaigning methods. He wrote: "Shiva's absolutism about G.M.O.s can lead her in strange directions. In 1999, ten thousand people were killed and millions were left homeless when a cyclone hit India's eastern coastal state of Orissa. When the U.S. government dispatched grain and soy to help feed the desperate victims, Shiva held a news conference in New Delhi and said that the donation was proof that "the United States has been using the Orissa victims as guinea pigs" for genetically-engineered products, although she made no mention about that those same products are approved and consumed in the United States. She also wrote to the international relief agency Oxfam to say that she hoped it wasn't planning to send genetically modified foods to feed the starving survivors."[10] Cases of plagiarism have been pointed out against Vandana Shiva. Birendra Nayak has published on her plagiarism involving copying verbatim from a 1996 article in Voice Gopalpur in her 1998 book Stronger than Steel.[51] Several paragraphs of an article by S Faizi on the Plachimada/Coca-Cola issue published in The Statesman in 2015 were plagiarized by Vandana Shiva in an article she published a year later.[52] Journalist Keith Kloor, in an article published in Discover on 23 October 2014 entitled "The Rich Allure of a Peasant Champion", revealed that Shiva charges US$40,000 per speaking lecture, plus a business-class air ticket from New Delhi. Kloor wrote: "She is often heralded as a tireless 'defender of the poor,' someone who has courageously taken her stand among the peasant farmers of India. Let it be noted, however, that this champion of the downtrodden doesn't exactly live a peasant's lifestyle."[53] Wikipedia - Shiva en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva#Indian_Intelligence_Bureau_Investigation
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
About the anti-biotech activist Vandana Shiva: Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety. "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/