Ricardo R Gonzalez Urology
Ricardo R Gonzalez Urology
Ricardo R Gonzalez Urology
Ricardo R. Gonzalez, MD
Associate Professor of Urology,
Houston Methodist Academic Institute
Weill Cornell Medicine; TX A&M

This channel is for urology patient education. Subscribe for regular content and updates on clinical trials and research opportunities.
@nelsangelin9667 14 часов назад
My questions primarily between laser and aquablation. With either of these, is the urethrae damaged in the process? What is the factor of what is removed or destroyed? I found the cystoscope procedure was fairly painful with burning though far better than going through a biopsy. My prostate was measured to be about 100 ml. Is either of these surgeries painful?
@joeldriver-sp2rg 23 дня назад
This would seemingly be the least invasive thing to do for BPH and stents are commonly used in arteries to open blockages. I would just wonder about the body rejecting it and how effective it would be over time as the prostate continues to press on it.
@jackmeov1123 Месяц назад
You lost all of your credibility by not mentioning EMBOLIZATION, which is also approved by the FDA. This tells me you are focused on your money making scheme and not the patient choices or health. Embolization is indeed the least evasive of all of the procedures. Why dont you talk about embolization?????
@jamessabini3541 Месяц назад
i’ve been doing so much research and this has been the most informative to the point video I’ve seen yet. thank you for this great presentation to help people like me suffering from enlarged prostate
@sschrenzel 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the video. What is the risk of incontinence with the various procedures?
@kennyw871 3 месяца назад
Excellent presentation, but you did not mention Prostatic Artery Embolization. Why is that the case. Thank you.
@reinaldoalfaro 3 месяца назад
Lo felicito Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez por su exposición ya que es muy explicito en aclarar que es la prostata y su funcion, cuales son los sintomas de su crecimiento y los diversos tratamientos que afortunadamente existen hoy y no tener como unica alternativa la ciirugía abierta...Me ha despejado un manto de dudas que tenía respecto de la enfermedad y sus tratamientos...Muchas gracias!!
@juliosuave8028 4 месяца назад
Crazy! I work in aerospace and have used Nitinol in aerospace applications for its shape memory properties.
@julianabonilla602 4 месяца назад
This presentation was incredibly informative. Thank you Dr. Gonzalez
@juliodiaz7133 4 месяца назад
En argentina existe algún lugar que se haga esos tratamientos
@celiolopescamposcelio8157 5 месяцев назад
Como participar deste tratamento?
@RRGonzalezUrology 4 месяца назад
Si vive cerca de Houston, TX, puede mandar correo a BPHtrial@houstonmethodist.org
@da7heaven 5 месяцев назад
the difficulty in the decision matrix is normalizing the effect for patients already taking multiple prostate/bladder related meds. If one would stop taking all those meds for a few weeks, what would the symptom risk/reward look like?
@user-jq2lu5lz2k 5 месяцев назад
Muy buenos días Dr. Gracias por su extensiva explicación muy entendible y de gran ayuda. Tengo 69 años y tomo la tamsulucina y orino muy bien sin ningún esfuerzo. Gracias que DIOS lo Bendiga, saludos desde FRESNO, CA. EEUU
@Dwight201989 5 месяцев назад
Im 34 years old I’m getting HOLEP March 5th for my enlarged prostate 55 cm…I can’t wait to get my sanity back! ❤
@juanbautistamartinez3002 5 месяцев назад
Dios les bendiga
@bradturner8981 5 месяцев назад
Brilliant presentation.I had Rezum procedure in June 2022,couldn’t be happier with results.
@orlie6220 5 месяцев назад
Is this procedure what is known as itind?
@RRGonzalezUrology 5 месяцев назад
No. iTIND is already FDA approved and available. These are four new devices that are meant to be potentially permanent implants to create space inside of the prostate to alleviate obstruction. Two of our trials have closed but the Expander 2 study (Urocross expander) and the Butterfly Medical trial remain open at our site and at other US sites available on clinicaltrials.gov
@ericmyers2167 5 месяцев назад
Why wasn’t Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) mentioned? Is that not considered a viable option?
@RRGonzalezUrology 4 месяца назад
It was added to the AUA guidelines as an option for select patients after the video was completed. It is a good option if no median lobe and prostate >60 ml, especially in men who are not good surgical candidates.
@JMLUSA1 6 месяцев назад
THANK YOU DOC!!!!! This IS the BEST BPH Video I've seen so far! I have been so under educated on this problem that I didn't even recognize the symptoms and now I have urine retention and have to self catheter Every Time I need to void, while I research for my choices of treatment! CRAZY This has slammed into my life in a VERY serious way in a seemingly 6 week period of time! I'm a 22yr retired Navy Vet! I've heard of the way VETS get treated after serving, but now I'm experiencing the BOTTOM of the list Attitude in the MILITARY Medical insurance world! This VERY educational video is SO Helpful to me and I thank You Sir.
@wholeNwon 6 месяцев назад
Informative but the distracting music is a big mistake.
@RRGonzalezUrology 6 месяцев назад
I appreciate your opinion and feedback.
@jimrp9710 6 месяцев назад
Are you still recruiting patients for the trial?
@RRGonzalezUrology 6 месяцев назад
Yes, clinical trials are ongoing for prostate stents throughout the US. Trials available are the Expander-2 trial, Butterfly Medical BPH trial, PROVEE Proverum BPH trial. If you are in the Houston area, send email inquiry to BPHtrial@HoustonMethodist.org
@alcidesarroyo2971 6 месяцев назад
El ubrologo retiro el prepusco del pene por hijiene y corto el nervio de la felicidad sexual y perdi el 70 por ciento de la erecion del pene el nervio esta en la parte inferior del pene desde la cabeza del pene a lo largo del pene esa operacion fue en el año 2009 quiciera esplicarle mas claro el tema a los ubrologos
@umakantgairola9422 6 месяцев назад
What about PAE
@RRGonzalezUrology 6 месяцев назад
PAE is an option in the MIST category of treatments (not surgical) that can treat prostates >80 ml. It can also help those large prostates that repeatedly bleed.
@juliocesarquevedoreyes6089 6 месяцев назад
Muy profecional.. Lo felicito...
@rafaelfuentezdiaz.3891 6 месяцев назад
Hola ?.Dr que relación tiene la prostatitis,con la caída de cabello?.
@edwardheraldrubiosanchez3975 6 месяцев назад
Habla de sintomas y medicina para tratamiento de sintomas, pero no dice nada de causas y como revertir la HPB Todo es negocio de la salud
@tomhysell596 6 месяцев назад
What about PAE treatment
@RRGonzalezUrology 6 месяцев назад
PAE is an option in the MIST category of treatments (not surgical) that can treat prostates >80 ml. It can also help those large prostates that repeatedly bleed.
@johng6637 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Doctor. I have to ask. Which treatment modality would you elect if you were faced with the need for treatment. You may not be able to answer but it is difficult to navigate these various processes because various institutions have spent large amounts of money to establish a particular treatment that they are then vested in.
@RRGonzalezUrology 6 месяцев назад
It really needs to be personalized to prostate size and symptoms. Large centers like ours offer the full array of options. This allows us to individualize to treatment to each man.
@johng6637 6 месяцев назад
@@RRGonzalezUrology Thank you
@samkitty5894 7 месяцев назад
I would not only be happy to participate in these trials, I would pay you to install this stent in me. Is anyone doing it in North Carolina, USA?
@samkitty5894 7 месяцев назад
Is it true that urine (uric acid) could react with the stent material causing the build up of plaque that could block the flow? That is the excuse few doctors gave me.
@samkitty5894 7 месяцев назад
Medical science has broken down the human DNA to its smallest form, yet the most effective treatment for BPH remains century old TURP procedure...where thy shave of prostate tissue and leave you to bleed in pain for weeks, maybe leave you sexually dysfunctional and incontinent. The newer procedure boil/burn prostate tissue via microwaves, laser of hot steam...again, leaving you in severe pain. Why did the science allow men to suffer for so long?
@americanazheck 7 месяцев назад
Im opting for aquablation
@rigobertobarrera2530 7 месяцев назад
Excelente Dr.desde Cucuta colombia tomo tamsulosina.cuanto es recomendable.mi urologo me la receto x un año.es bueno mi pregunta att.don Rigoberto Barrera.
@ricardonunez2376 7 месяцев назад
muchas gracias dr x su grand informacion..estoy tomando tamsulina despues se me baja a 1.5 y despues dejo de tomarme el medicamento x 3 o 4 meses y me vuelve a subir de hasta 5.5.hace un ano me hicieron la biosa y sali normal .no tengo dolor ni nada lo unico que tengo es que cuando me dan ganas de orinar me desespero.ya tengo 3 anos con lo mismo..gracias dr
@anselmamar4549 7 месяцев назад
Doc yo no puedo orinar nada traigo zonda mi próstata me mide61,67x51.04x65.59Mm,
@albertovasquez8577 7 месяцев назад
Excelente explicación Dr González! Muchas gracias…
@gerardolemus6553 7 месяцев назад
Tengo inflamación pero muy poca inflamacion y orino normal no orino de noche no tengo sintomas y estoy tomando Tamsulosina
@pablosarmiento-hk9gv 7 месяцев назад
Cuanto vale la consulta Dr ..porq veo q no quuere dar un criterio clinico q le hacen los q estan padeciendo esta enfermedad ..Gracias
@JuanTorres-zy8kh 7 месяцев назад
❤ excelente video muchas gracias y que bueno que ase cirujias
@JuanTorres-zy8kh 7 месяцев назад
❤ excelente video
@janetw9430 7 месяцев назад
What about a Prostate Artery Embolization procedure? It cuts off blood supply, does not cause errectile dysfunction, quick recovery.
@RRGonzalezUrology 7 месяцев назад
PAE is an excellent option and is categorized in the "MIST" treatments (effect between that of med and surgery). It is the MIST therapy that I prefer for patients with prostates >80 ml who are not in retention, renal failure, with stones or with recurrent infections.
@AubreyForever 7 месяцев назад
I doubt that as long as you continue to not hold out going to the bathroom but always go when you have the urge, BPH will not damage your kidneys. Patients should not delay urinating.
@dr.muhammadansar9582 7 месяцев назад
Very nice presentation sir
@johnely5050 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for a very informative video. Greatly appreciated.
@carlosostos3676 7 месяцев назад
Gracias Dr, González yo estoy tomando ese medicamento y me siento muy mal falta de aire náuseas y sobre todo la eyaculación mw siento mucho más débil en ese momento mi médico me quiere hacer cirugía y ahora voy con mas opciones gracias Dr muchas gracias, cuidese.
@JavierValencia-mx4dj 6 месяцев назад
Así vas a mejorar de la próstata con el té de epilobium parvioflorum después de tener un PSA 28.1 baje en 6 meses a 1.8 Es muy importante cuidar la próstata, ya que la próstata es la glándula sexual de los hombres, es la que produce el líquido seminal si está glándula se inflama ahí comienza la perdida de erección y apetito sexual y canser de próstata con el tiempo es muy importante ir al Urólogo cada año, si tenemos estos síntomas es que padesemos de hiperplasia prostática benigna o prostátitis. Tomar epilobio en té con ortiga mayor durante 6 meses esto nos va ayudar a mejorar 1- anciedad de orinar cada nada 2- chorro de orina mermado 3- sentir que no emos vaciado bien la vejiga 4- levantarse en las noches a orinar varias beses, 5-perdida de erección 6- ardor al orinar orinar x gotas hacer fuerza al orinar. Si hace esto va a mejorar y a prevenir todos estos síntomas. A. Hacer la dieta alcalina que consiste, en dejar de comer todo lo que este causando que la próstata se este inflando como. No fumar, no licor, no picantes, no grasas malas. B- comer pollo, verduras, pescados, frutas y mineral zinc hidratarse bien almenos dos litros de agua diaria antes de las 5 de la tarde. C- ejercitar el cuerpo almenos media hora diaria. D- tener relación sexual con tu esposa almenos dos beses x semana. Si sigues estás instrucciones vas a mejor y evitar estos síntomas y la Cirugía que te deja sin erección. Me puedes escribir para aclararte cualquier pregunta que tengas respeto ha este tratamiento. wahsaapp +573146217282
@carlosostos3676 6 месяцев назад
@@JavierValencia-mx4dj aquí en Estados Unidos no se consigue nada de eso aquí al menos en dónde yo vivo no hay farmacia naturista necesito viajar voy a intentarlo a ver si encuentro eso gracias de todas formas.
@mdduet 7 месяцев назад
Is this trial still open?
@RRGonzalezUrology 7 месяцев назад
Yes, there are multiple stent trials open. www.clinicaltrials.gov Search for: Butterfly Medical, Prodeon Urocross, Proverum PROVEE trials remain open
@josebartologarmendiaasenci9127 8 месяцев назад
Doctor muy buenas noches. Excelente explicación. Quería consultar si es posible. Tengo un psa 4.59, peso de la próstata 32 gramos. Me recetaron. Me recetaron tamsulosina más finasteride, uvacam 100 mg y serenoa repens 320 mg. Llevo dos semanas de tomar. La vejiga llena 275 ml y después de orinar 95 ml. su opinión sobre el tratamiento.
@RRGonzalezUrology 8 месяцев назад
Este canal is para informacion general urologico. Recomendamos que consulte con su urologo para evaluacion y tratamiento personalizado.
@joseantonioosoriosalas3474 8 месяцев назад
DC.buenas tardes el tramiento con tamsulucina no responde en Chile no conozco este tipo de tratamientos tan efectivos favor solucionar
@RRGonzalezUrology 8 месяцев назад
Buenos dias. Este canal is para informacion general urologico. Recomendamos que consulte con su urologo para evaluacion y tratamiento personalizado.
@jesusbanos8361 6 месяцев назад
No es un tratamiento y te deja impotente cuidado
@marioduran8224 8 месяцев назад
How about AEP??
@RRGonzalezUrology 8 месяцев назад
Anatomic endoscopic enucleation of prostate (AEEP) is done with a variety of technologies, particularly laser. I address this at the end of the video as the safest surgical option (particularly for high risk men on blood thinners). I offer HoLEP, ThuFLEP, and GLEP in particular.
@jefferymcleodbeyoursfalway3170 8 месяцев назад
Remove the prostate