Talk of Wiles 2014
3 года назад
Dog of Barbara Ann
3 года назад
UniBrush Commercial
5 лет назад
thats my son
8 лет назад
PTSD in American Sniper
8 лет назад
10 лет назад
If at first you don't succeed...
10 лет назад
Smashing Things (2014)
10 лет назад
@mertmustafayalcn1860 15 часов назад
oh no he killed kids in a foreign country and he feels bad poor him
@CaeridLock. 5 дней назад
Huh that was way to close to real life, I've been doing this for 10 years, is that what ptsd is? learn something new every day I guess
@wingsofheartproblems6400 13 дней назад
Me: (Suttle Racist Comebacks) COD Lobby: Inbred Rape IncestJokes
@CeeJay1998 19 дней назад
This guy had 160 confirmed kills thas f*****g crazy hero or not that had to mess you up in the head 160 fathers or mothers or children lives extinguished in a country that is not even your own whether its right or wrong that is the type of sh*t that will leave you with trauma you dont come back from unless your a robot. 160 lives ended can't even imagine I've grown up in ghettos and seen black on black crime and how it can have a effect mentally on us and that doesn't even touch something like this. Rest in peace man I really hope you find true peace of mind in death. 🙏🏿
@Neek1700 23 дня назад
I feel like they know the stuff they were doing was fun and just miss it
@skulldead77 24 дня назад
He was brainwashed into fighting a stupid war only to come back and abuse an innocent animal wow such a tough guy I know it’s just a movie but still
@littlewazzock9508 25 дней назад
I henstly don't know why it's hard for people to understand pstd I myself haven't experienced it but I know there shit people have seen that I never have to
@iLLSHiNEz 25 дней назад
1000 yard stare
@BoogsieClarke 27 дней назад
It is critically important that we extend our support to the families of both current and former service members, ensuring they are fully informed about the profound impacts of war. Simply returning our soldiers to their families without addressing the emotional and psychological toll of their service is insufficient. These families need to understand that their loved ones, who have served with honor and sacrifice, will return changed by their experiences. There are three key groups affected in this situation: the soldier, the trauma they carry, and their loved ones. Addressing PTSD is a collective responsibility that requires government intervention and support to provide the necessary care and resources for all involved!
@yaboideviin3240 28 дней назад
Brad Cooper did Chris Kyle, no doubt about it
@sisterfister698 28 дней назад
I was a Navy ET supporting SOJTF-A 2013-14. I have seen bad things, but nothing I've seen will compare to those SOF guys. They sacrifice a lot for us.
@rodgodx345 29 дней назад
War can change a person.
@prosaic.7944 Месяц назад
All these ruined minds and broke lives. For what? Was he sent to Iraq to defend US borders? Or as cannon fodder to feed the military industrial complex?
@skrbl174 Месяц назад
''Your PTSD is not service related.''
@Commanderguest3477 Месяц назад
I’m reserve now but served in Somalia. I know it wasnt near Vietnam or Iran but it was pretty dang close. Constantly falling asleep to explosions, kids latched on to their moms, and coming back home and I can’t watch something with a loud booming noise. Idk why (I was just 18 when I joined so maybe it’s cause I was a “kid”.) I love shooting guns but if it’s on tv, I have to grip on to the couch until the episodes over.
@RaodyOPS Месяц назад
Can someone explain to me please… why was America killing people in another country… like not once did the people they were fighting stepped foot on American soil… SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN
@cpclowner11Bravo Месяц назад
This was the most difficult scene to watch other than the ending
@KoRyanArt Месяц назад
Saddest movie
@danielsavage8418 Месяц назад
The war ends, but can life continue
@lovemadness9291 Месяц назад
There are four types of people who join the army ; first are those who are in the family trade, second is patriots eager to serve, third is those who just need a job, and last are those who want a legal means of killing so they join up.
@lovemadness9291 Месяц назад
I was so disappointed in Clint Eastwood for making this movie, especially never having spent 1 minute in the middle east. Watch green zone instead, it is far more truthful and not a call of duty reject like this.
@legendgamer676 Месяц назад
He even started scanning the garden when people walked past him. Bradley Cooper nailed the experience of a flashback. It is so hard to explain to other people what it’s like. It’s as if the traumatic event never passed and is still somehow alive in the present moment. It hurts to talk about it aswell, horrible condition.
@onceagaindc Месяц назад
Man its horrible
@tampontea1706 Месяц назад
The human mind is very fragile be careful what you put in it
@Lionsdenm3dia Месяц назад
@wilderness135 Месяц назад
Mr. Scruff Face was the dog
@AhmadTheEditor6891 Месяц назад
I’m actually suffering from PTSD rn. It’s not about war or about what I did. It’s actually about my life and events that I am suffering from. I used to have better life until 2015 things changed for me. And I no longer feel the same after all these years. By that in 2024 I now miss school and I am suffering from depression that started in 2023 at the age of 18. Then I try to battle it, but it was getting worse. I just don’t want anyone to know the truth about me. If any one of my family and friends find out, they will start to worry. I just can’t stop thinking about it. I just want to find solutions how to end it so I won’t deal with it.
@Guymobile94 Месяц назад
PTSD is very common too get, but letting it change you, is what makes your life very different and not common.
@CarloseduardoJaspion Месяц назад
4k 60fps
@nabid2000 Месяц назад
American movies be like: boohoo we volunteered to go invade and destroyed another country and now im feeling vewy sad about it, please empathise with me🥺🥺
@user-bz9dx1yb7g Месяц назад
เก่งแต่กับเด็กและผู้หญิง พวกมึงเนี่ย
@dayneroman9162 Месяц назад
If you think you are experiencing PTSD you need to let your “inner bitch” come forward and be seen. If you do not you will be dead in a year. You’re obviously tough enough to bury it, but you and your people need someone tougher than that so they don’t need to bury their problems in front of you.
@babang78788 Месяц назад
Well it’s combative subject if you volunteer to enlist for combat or anything that involves confirmed kills in action then the PTSD shit is you feeling sorry for your self you volunteered for it you were not drafted you were not forced to enlist & kill for your country it was a choice
@LR-cc4ex Месяц назад
It’s hard to explain, but looking your family in the eyes after what you did doesn’t feel the same anymore, some sort of guilt or anguish arises.
@seankahle1385 2 месяца назад
joining the Marines, then the state troopers
@parr40 2 месяца назад
Friend of mine I grew up with served in the same war, he hasn’t been same since man, some of the shit he has told me gave me fucking nightmares, I feel for anyone who has had to engage in combat, it’s absolutely awful. Don’t get it twisted, you don’t have to kill the enemy to have it fuck with your mental health, he told me just seeing dead bodies on the ground and receiving threats to your life is mind numbing enough, he said the stress levels are off the charts
@parr40 Месяц назад
I also had an highschool teacher that served in Vietnam, he taught drivers Ed, there was a bad vehicle accident by our highschool, head on collision.. bad bad life threatening injuries and they had to call Life Flight to fly them to the hospital, the local fire department had to set up an landing zone for the the life flight helicopter, which was very close to our classroom, used our girls softball field, apparently the sound of the helicopter flying in & landing was an trigger & he started to freak out, he stared yelling for us to get down, he was laying on the floor & crawled into his closet screaming, two teachers across the hallway heard him screaming & ran into our classroom and eventually escorted him out of our room, it was absolutely frightening to see how fast his mood switched man, it was terrifying to witness
@parr40 Месяц назад
* He actually returned to school after a couple weeks but he retired at the end of that semester
@parr40 Месяц назад
What was crazy about my friend that served in the Iraq war, said he only seen one of his buddies get killed by gun fire, it was from a ricochet, hit right above his Kevlar. But the worst one was an suicide bomb and roadside bomb, he said it was violent deaths
@peepeepoopoovdbhxvbcc6683 2 месяца назад
Guys, if he says he needs a minute, he needs a minute. Troops coming back from World War Two had days to weeks all crammed into a ship together coming home, which gave them time to reflect on their experiences among other people who completely understood what they went through. They turned out pretty good. Vietnam vets, on the other hand, where flown straight home from a losing war and dumped back into society like a shovel full of dirt, and look how so many of them turned out. These people should be owed some time to run and understand what they’ve gone through before having to bring it home to the family.
@jerwastaken 2 месяца назад
1:40 when you’ve graduated & see back to school commercials.
@mr.nibblenips4231 2 месяца назад
He can thank the Bush family.
@sharonr2121 2 месяца назад
There is hope. God became a human as Jesus and died to take the penalty for everything wrong you’ve ever done, then rose again. Sin is disobedience to how God tells us to live (mainly in the New Testament). If you want to be with him for eternity and be saved from hell, believe in him and what he did (John 3:16), and turn away from habits of sin (Luke 13:3). Your actions are evidence for whether your faith is real (James 2:17), but you’re not saved by your actions directly, only by God’s mercy (Ephesians 2:8-9). We all mess up and sin, so when you do, just confess your sin to God (1 John 1:9) and continue on fighting. It won’t make life easy, but God can give you hope. By the way, whoever reads this, I hope you have a great day!
@midnightfalconx3562 2 месяца назад
Rest In Peace Soldier
@donsta155 2 месяца назад
the watching the tv off hits home
@noahdevine4492 2 месяца назад
So much to process… razor edged for months/ years then put in an environment where the tree line is the tree line.
@raymondlanser1342 2 месяца назад
You’re fine!
@CelebritiesFromEarthTV 2 месяца назад
Weak mind
@junw9827 2 месяца назад
de que guerra ? si le hizo EEUU y solo fueron a acabar civiles como en la mayoría de las guerras que ellos crean por dinero
@TheChair2004 2 месяца назад
Doesn’t change Kyle,
@user-user-user-user. 2 месяца назад
Chris Kyle killed women and children as well as enemy combatants. Good evidence also suggests he inflated his “kill count” and was obsessed with his image and how it would ‘sell’ after his combat tour.
@TheChair2004 2 месяца назад
He killed women and children who posed a threat, and there’s no evidence
@earningzekrom4173 2 месяца назад
Thank you all for your service!
@pyroAdapt 2 месяца назад
Ita cringy how much patrotic people who drink the koolaid of thinking all veterans are heros trest this dude like some deity because of this movie lol. Not only was he a confirmed and known liar and made up alot of his stories but that also makes alot of what this movie shows to be questionable as well.
@JakobIlar 2 месяца назад
@MathewWoodard 2 месяца назад
What can someone do to help a person in this situation?