The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
Relevant Radio’s “Patrick Madrid Show” broadcasts on 150+ AM & FM stations nationally, Monday through Friday, 6-9 am Pacific, 9-noon ET. He delivers daily three fast-paced hours of compelling commentary on a wide variety of issues, including God topics, current events, technology, social issues, apologetics, and more.

Check out his unpredictable conversations with an international audience of listeners who call in to discuss!
Society has hijacked yoga
Год назад
Endless happiness
2 года назад
The Trolley Problem
2 года назад
It's Just...
2 года назад
There is Never a Reason for Abortion
2 года назад
Please Help Me With My Abusive Behavior
2 года назад
Should I Follow My Conscience?
2 года назад
No One Knows the Day or the Hour
2 года назад
@64hermano 11 часов назад
Game, Set, Match over Sola Scriptura
@denisehilton3592 2 дня назад
That was wonderful i just love Marybeth Mcdonugh who played Errin Walton i atill watch the reruns because i love the ahow so much❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
@zwijac 4 дня назад
Please disable comments. It is extremely hard for me not to viciously attack the callers. I need help, don't give me the opportunity to do it.
@user-xx8zc9ml9n 14 дней назад
There is only one mediator The MAN Christ Jesus Creator of Heaven and Earth
@user-xx8zc9ml9n 15 дней назад
How can the dead in heaven pray for the living
@MrLarsson92 19 дней назад
For me it's quite funny how most of your explanation is just common sense - that the Catholic church is older than the protestant (which everyone knows unless someone has been living under a rock their whole life), but then the logic starts falling apart in your explanation: Ofcourse people wouldn't have asked when the 'Catholic Church' was first mentioned: "What do you mean with the 'Catholic Church'"? If I mentioned today the church as "the global church", noone would say to me: "What do you mean, what denomination is that? We have never heard about a church called 'the Global Church'". Ofcourse everyone would understand that I'm describing the Church as being global. The word Catholic means Universal in greek. It is not a name originally. So that guy in the 2nd century basically reffered to "The Universal Church", the one church which is the same through the whole universe, with other words: A Church not built by human hands, but which consist of living stones - everyone who in their hearts believe and follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. What is the name of this church? Well, it can be described as 'the Universal Church', but it's not it's name. We find it's name in the Bible: It is called "The Church", "The Body of Christ", "The Bride of Christ", "The Church of God", "Congregation of saints", "The Temple of the Living God", "The Flock of God", "The Family in heaven and earth". And btw. according to the Bible every believer is a royal priesthood. Priest in the new covenant is not someone who serves in a holy building. This belongs to the old covenant. The priests in the new testament ARE the holy building, and it includes every believer because now we all have connection with the Holy Spirit, the same holy one which the High Priest could only enter into his Holies of Holy presence once per year in the old covenant. Yes, now we can read in the Bible about the fact that we have leaders, whom we should follow and honor and we have some leaders appointed as Pastors (meaning shepheards), Apostles, Teachers, Prophets and Evangelists. But priests are not mentioned as a position/calling, because we are all called to this service before God and also between God and the people who doesn't know Him. Especially the Bible gives no instructions about a Pope system, where the Pope should have the title/name "Father". Jesus warns specifically against this since only God is our Father.
@J.T.Stillwell3 19 дней назад
How can anyone create without a material cause?
@sherlockholmes2591 2 дня назад
Is there more to this world than the material? Perhaps God's essence is not material?
@J.T.Stillwell3 2 дня назад
@@sherlockholmes2591 your question assumes the existence of “the material” and I’m not even sure what that is. All that I have ever experienced is in the mind,
@corilv13honey9 Месяц назад
@leoinsf Месяц назад
There are two kinds of people in the world: Catholics and human beings! The Catholic Church caters to "scaredy-cat" people who were born into "scaredy-cat" families! "Fear" is the common factor for most Catholics! Sadly enough, "laziness" also is common-place for most Catholics who refuse to question anything! Sitting in a pew is not too hard for the typical lazy Catholic who hasn't had an original idea most of their lifetimes!
@davelaz5582 Месяц назад
If there any Catholic teaching that authoritatively declares that a soul has to be rational to be immortal? After all if we survive as souls then we never need our bodies again so why are we separated for a time and the period of separation is fine with God but yet we must eventually reunite with our bodies. Why reunite if we can exist in perfect happiness without them?
@lanbaode Месяц назад
"Men Can't Be Priests" By Rosemary Radford Ruether. A synod of bishops from the four corners of the earth, and a full panoply of Mother Superiors, recently converged on the Holy City of Rome to consider the vexed question of the ordination of men. The Holy See had received many tearful appeals from the cruder sex claiming to have a call to the priesthood directly from God Herself. But Her Holiness had firmly replied to these appeals that the call must have been a wrong number. Our Holy Mother in Heaven would never call to the ministry those so obiouslv disqualified by reason of gender. But the men had refused to take no for an answer Throwing down their picks and shovels, they had declared that they would do no more maintenance work for the Church until there was equality of rites. They sent petitions to the Holy See, filled with arguments for the ordination of men, both theological and practical. Atthough, of course, they could cite no example from Jesus himself, the incarnation of Holy Wisdom, since he most evidently had ordained no men to the priesthood (or women either). It was said that confining the ordained ministry to widowed women over sixty-five was causing a crisis throughout the world. More and more older women felt the juices still flowing after sixtyfive and were not willing to embrace blessed widowhood. Some preferred to run for Prime Minister or Chairwomen of the Board, rather than turn to the sacred service. Finally Her Holiness decided to gather the Holy Mothers of the Church together, with a number of the best qualified peritae, who had spent a lifetime studying the odd characteristics of the male gender, from a safe distance, of course. They hoped to come up with a definitive answer, once and for all, to the vexed guestion of the ordination of men. After long and careful study, in which the Holy Mothers had enjoyed a good many laughs on the subject of men and their foibles, a final decree was drawn up defining the reasons why men could not be ordained. Ihe decree was proclaimed by Her Holiness ad urbe et orbe, and the Holv Mothers departed for their respective seats of wisdom, feeling very pleased with themselves. The decree Ad Hominem stated to their satisfaction, and, hopefully, for all time the weighty reasons for their gut prejudices. The first part of the decree deduced a good many reasons from men’s biological and psychological natures that disqualified them from the priesthood. It was said, first of all, that men were too violent and emotional to be priests. .Anyone who has watched groups of men at football matches, ice hockey, soccer or cricket games, not to mention political conventions, has seen their volatile tendencies and penchant for solving conflicts with fisticuffs. To ordain such creatures would be to risk disgraceful brawls at the altar. The male proneness to violence surely disqualifies them to represent the One who incarnates graciousness and peace. The cruder and heavier physical frame of the male clearly marks him out for the physical tasks of society, digging ditches, mending roofs and the like. The finer more spiritual tasks of society are intended by our Mother in Heaven for those more refined spirits and bodies, women. This separation of roles is clearly evident in Scripture where the males are said to have been created from dirt, while women were created from human flesh. Moreover women were created last, clearly marking them out as the crown of God’s Creation. It was even suggested by one Mother Superior that Adam was a rough draft, Eve being the more refined and complete version of human nature. The Mothers had a good many laughs on that one, and some decided to make it into a bumper sticker. It was also felt that men were needed for military defence. A man’s place is in the army, declared one wise perita, and all the Holy Mothers nodded in agreement. Besides men would look silly in red dresses and lace. The sacred garb is clearly intended for women Profound matters of a theological nature were also discussed. One perita has prepared a long paper proving from the symbolic order that men could not be ordained. The division of humanity into male and female is a profound mystery that symbolizes the relationship of the transcendent and the immanent, the spiritual and the material. Women represent the spiritual realm, men the material. The material must be ruled by the spiritual, just as Holy Wisdom presides over the physical cosmos as her household. Moreover since the Church is female, those who represent the Church clearly should be female as well. There should be a physical resemblance between the priest and the Church as Holy Mother. Obviously this means that all priests should be mature women. The Church is also said to be the Bride of Christ, and brides are female. The priest, as representative of the Church in relation to Christ, represents Christ’s bride. Therefore only women can be priests. Finally it was noted that most of the people who come to church are women. Men tend to stand outside the doors of the church gossiping or else sneak off to sporting matches. To have a man on the altar might distract a woman from her prayers. It was solemnly noted that men are sexually attractive to some women. For women to have to sit listening to men preach or watching them stomping about the sanctuary might lead their thoughts to descend from the higher to the lower realms. It was hoped that with so many clear reasons, from both the natural and the theological realm, against the ordination of men, this would settle the matter. Male impertinence would be silenced, and they would slink back into their proper sphere. Roma locuta: cause finita.
@davelaz5582 Месяц назад
If the pet is not eternal, then there is no sense having, one falling in love with the pet only to lose that pet forever. If If my pet does not make it to heaven, why even have a pet only to suffer a meaningless loss?
@Overlord277 Месяц назад
This sounds like his intro story to the Socratic method video. Very good btw.
@JJdaymetoo Месяц назад
Spoken like a true Protestant. Fortunately for US, and unfortunately for YOU.... we have written and documented historical records to reinforce our claim that the Catholic church is the one, true church founded by Jesus Christ himself... Try this for starters. Ask Siri on your iPhone or google " Who Founded the Catholic church?" Secondly, go to the encyclopedia Britannica. The most used encyclopedia in the university system. Research: "The church started 2000 yrs ago by Jesus." "To be deep in history is to cease to be protestant."
@peterzinya1 2 месяца назад
@LelaAukes 2 weeks ago Beautiful Mother Maria thank you to be with us. I love worship glorify you and your son Jesus our God almighty
@alexandertorro Месяц назад
I wonder if you are actually a Protestant pretending you are Catholic so you can gaslighing everyone and put a bad rap on Catholosism! You wrote ("worship")...Mary. Mary is not to be worshiped. But again, I have my suspision, you are doing this on purpose as a Protestant, so you can let everyone know, (:See everyone, Catholics do worship Mary!") So, are you a Protestant?
@alakdan1964 2 месяца назад
Thank God my four children (1F and 3M) were all straight.
@rickchamberlain637 2 месяца назад
The catholic church is the devil's one true church
@billgates3699 2 месяца назад
‼️Hear me! I have seen the miracle. I wish you could understand that I was an angry hateful atheist that mocked God and anybody religious. My RU-vid comment history is definitely testimony to that 😂 However, as an atheist I smugly said once “God, if you’re real then prove it. Just show me one tiny miracle, anything, and I won’t question you ever again.” And I was absolutely certain that I was just talking to myself. But then I felt my heart soften and I convinced myself “ok, give God a chance. If he doesn’t answer then that’s that but if he does I have to hold up my promise”. Well, that night a vision came to me while I was awake and he told me something that was to happen tomorrow. I didn’t know what the hell I just saw but the next day his prophecy came true EXACTLY and unmistakably. God held me accountable and made me eat my words 😂 true to my word, I will never question Him again. More so, I learned that it’s not just God or “a god”, it is Jesus that is the true son of God and he made it very very clear that he loves me and is proud of me. Well actually proud of what I’ll be whenever I return to him in heaven, not so much what I am down here. Sorry, I can’t be an atheist anymore. I challenged God and I got an answer like a slap in the face. I am the real life case of “if God is real show yourself or else I won’t believe it” gone wrong 😂 Keep in mind I never read or studied the New Testament before Jesus appeared but as I read it I began to understand the vision, the message and the purpose of what He did for me that day. I don’t want to start a debate, I only want to spread a message: give God a chance with ALL your heart. Surrender. Ask forgiveness from Jesus (out loud, don’t keep it inside), ask him to give you a sign, most importantly admit to him that you’re a sinner and you want to be forgiven. What’s the harm in trying if I’m just making all this up? Please just surrender your heart, even for just one weekend, and ask for forgiveness and make him the same promise I did 😂 that seemed to really seal my fate because he will always make you eat your own words I tell you. He’s done it multiple times since then and made me very humble. Also, I didn’t do all the things I just said in that last part because I didn’t know who or what Jesus is but now by the Grace of God since he sent Jesus in a vision to me with His message I can at least say that the asking Jesus forgiveness from sin can help to soften your heart to a real earnest apology and heartfelt attempt at finding the truth.
@peterzinya1 2 месяца назад
Only catholics think the CC is the true church. All the people it tortured and burned alive dont think so, neither does anyone with half a brain.
@vincentrabbit8497 2 месяца назад
@peterzinya1 2 месяца назад
What has Mary done about her homosexual pedophile priests? Nothing.
@CitySlickerButtKicker 2 месяца назад
Her situation's exactly like mine
@filiamaria8 3 месяца назад
All the rules and doctrine in the Catholic church are all in line with God's rules. So basically, if we cant follow the teachings of the only church He instituted which is basically also His teachings ,then it isnt the church's issue...sometimes it's just because we are too focused on ourselves, our worldly desires and our convenience, that we forget the focus should be in Christ no matter what.Truly loving God is not tiring at all, nor will it ever frustrates. transferring to another wont be a solution in connecting with God, rather it is leaving Him and His gifts esp in the real presence in the Eucharist, thru His church, it is not perfect but He promised to protect it til the end of time. 🙏 I pray for more Catholics to focus on God and His teachings.
@JohnWeichel 3 месяца назад
@denisehilton3592 4 месяца назад
hi Mary thank you so much for discussing the series on the waltons and your character as Errin Walton. i love hearing you talk sweetly about Each TV Character and your co Stars. i love all the Waltons and the shows . i hope to meet all of you soon. inhad planned to fly out to waco for the Walton fest, but things here at home arise and now i won't be able to make it. i am working on writeing my first book you are my inspiration. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Finis.Terrae 4 месяца назад
I cant believe there's even discussion about this topic. Only God is holy,calling a cow holly is denying of what God is = HOLY therefore its a blasphemy. One even worse is ''holy hell'' or ''holy shit'' i mean...if people only knew what they were actually saying,rather than saying stuff for the sake of saying something
@JustEye_La 4 месяца назад
#prayers for Stevie Nicks. She needs CHRIST! So that when her soul departs this world, Sarah will be waiting for her. Sarah is forever with Christ ✝️
@maryprochilo4498 4 месяца назад
3 yrs later.... the holy spirit is on the move! I'll bet she's a catholic now 😊🙏
@jamesmonahan9408 5 месяцев назад
Confession is so very powerful
@marisol033 5 месяцев назад
TONY JUST PERFERS TO TALK ...then just sit and listen. He needs to learn how to listen and pay attention to simple words. God does not use complicated wording to get his point across. All these human problems are not god's fault.
@rickyireland3047 5 месяцев назад
Such a brilliant interview. Thank you. 🙏💜🏡
@joshuar9560 5 месяцев назад
Up next: Patrick tells an anorexic how to lose those last 7 pounds.
@loganbothwell543 6 месяцев назад
The Catholic Church follows traditions of men which Jesus absolutely condemned and told them they were all hypocrites. So then the Catholic Church are hypocrites and spreaders of a false gospel. They have made their own rules, but they make them and break them at will. They fight among themselves and are not unified. Whereas you go to a true Bible, believing church, they believe in the Bible as a true word of God, and the Bible only.
@loganbothwell543 6 месяцев назад
The church actually means believers in Christ. There is no one true church only Christianity.
@jzak5723 3 месяца назад
Nope. ONE TRUE CHURCH and that's it. There can only be one church which teaches all truth and no false teachings. One false teaching eliminates a church from being the true church. If the Holy Spirit was sent to guide the church into all truth, then that means ALL TRUTH.
@helenrabbitt8780 6 месяцев назад
I have to laugh at some people who don’t agree with your explanation Patrick there just don’t know what the Bible says but they think they do
@peterzinya1 2 месяца назад
The bible says not to make and or bow befor images. That is the favorite pastime of these Mary worshipers.
@helenrabbitt8780 6 месяцев назад
Great explanationPatrick and so true
@hglundahl 6 месяцев назад
9:22 I have a similar experience with a priest, and of all a Jesuit priest. And "that priest personified the Church" is not totally bad as theology. My reaction has involved Mgr Lefebvre, and I am now into Pope Michael II. Nothing further away from the Catholic Church than the Orthodox whom "John Paul II" and "Benedict XVI" considered "another lung the Church has to breath with" ... You see, the priest, if he is in communion with a bishop who is in communion with the real Pope, has what is called "la grâce d'état" -- the grace of his state. God is in that case giving him the grace he needs to save souls. If such and such a father confessor had not been in a false church involved in modernism and therefore outside the Catholic Church, how do you explain the failure? Note: * I was willing to sacrifice far more back then to save my soul than I am now; * even so, there were sacrifices I ultimately didn't want to make, but which have been foisted on me backhandedly afterwards, more specifically, I have never actually promised solemnly and eternally to be celibate, but been treated as if I were engaged for celibacy, as if any attempt on my part to marry were the equivalent of Luther breaking his and Catherine of Bora's vows; * I realised back than I was not communicating my actual problem very well, but was pretty actively stopped by more than one priest from so communicating, to wit, they a) refused to talk to me outside confession (apart from saying hello or speaking of non-personal things) b) or turned my attempts to talk this through into "conversation with confession" thereby turning all they had heard from me into something to treat sub rosa. Neither a) nor b) were this Jesuit, who had acted in a similar fashion, therefore starting my clumsy attempts to get God's forgiveness before getting to confession years later, which started my story as converting with "already a vocation" ... All three, the Jesuit, the father confessor a, the father confessor b, were in communion with the (supposed) Bishop of Stockholm. Hubertus Brandenburg. A man in communion and good standing with "John Paul II" whom he called "my colleague in Rome" ... A man I was visiting pretty often the last years before he died, was involved in ecumenic conversations with a Methodist pastor, whose son ceased to visit him, perhaps because he thought the man homosexual. More like his diet made him somewhat pansexual, he hated his gums, and could eat cheese very well without them, which is obviously not the best fasting food to avoid temptation with, I did not cease to visit him because of some a bit uncomfy vibes. He definitely never tried anything vicious with me. However, what was the Church doing for his soul? Well, he was left a bit too alone with this Methodist, started to accept some of the Protestant arguments, I tried to keep back against that ... but he asked, if I was right, why was he encouraged to talk with the Methodist? Well, perhaps Hubertus is a bit in cahoots with Protestantism. OK, but why doesn't the Pope fix that? OK, perhaps the Pope (as I still called him) etc ... When years later I got out of Sweden, bishop after bishop in communion with "John Paul II" / "Benedict XVI" were continuing a horrible pastoral which had already been too much for me back in my country. I can see no other conclusion than that these people lacked and lack the grace of the state, and therefore either are not validly ordained, or not in communion with the true Pope.
@clairebussell2155 6 месяцев назад
In my mind if God made the 200 innocents Holy and worthy of heaven because they were martyrs then why wouldn’t He do the same for all the aborted babies? Evil has killed all of them! St. John Paul 11 said that the girl killed at Columbine went straight to Heaven why wouldn’t they?
@RR_DM 6 месяцев назад
Well; his father decided to donate his body to science so others may benefit from the research on his body🏍 and this contract implies autonomy...
@salcalderon2125 7 месяцев назад
Going on RU-vid would invite many doubters to challenge our Catholic faith. Then again, those that know Patrick Madrid would think twice. 🙏🏽
@yalidoletupua9530 7 месяцев назад
Adapting Jesus to one culture is called Cultural Adoption here in Fiji. It is not seen as negative but as a way!!
@yalidoletupua9530 7 месяцев назад
Love this Channel!!
@catholicfemininity2126 7 месяцев назад
Sorry to sound salty here, but what is up with these Catholic men marrying women who are so wimpy... I'm not talking about soft and gentle... I mean soft on sin.... the mom in this story seems like an enabler or like she's too scared to say anything to her kids or doesnt' give a crap.... I don't get why men marry women like this... when there are other women out there that are just as pretty but are faithful Catholics... it's a total mystery... and hey, it's their loss... they'll have to struggle praying for their wife for her salvation. I apologize from my rant.
@gilbertoguerra7681 7 месяцев назад
Glory to God
@johnswanson7504 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this!
@johnswanson7504 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this.
@First-Name 7 месяцев назад
Poor Tony, Jesus made things clear and simple for us yet man and the forever slithering tongue of the devil plants seeds of doubt and confusion.
@genevieverose931 8 месяцев назад
Thankyou, very good point about circumcision within days after birth. Jesus being God sent his Apostles out and they baptized whole households which in any understanding is children and babies included❤. Why would you not want to protect the soul of your child, especially when it is everywhere seeking vulnerable souls.❤
@gellis022 8 месяцев назад
i dont understand God, i have been going through hell my whole life, i searched this becuase i was curious if He had emotion, so basically my pain is nothing to him i wish i never existed, he made a mistake
@YeshuaIsrael722 4 месяца назад
Keep going keep going keep going Jesus loves you❤
@kimbui926 8 месяцев назад
James 1:27 21st Century King James Version 27 Pure religion, undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
@koolertrek 8 месяцев назад
I really like this show!