Jordan Owen
Jordan Owen
Jordan Owen
Author, Guitarist, Cat lover.
Thoughts of “The Acolyte” (2024, Disney+)
19 часов назад
Yes, I Really do Support Kamala.
21 день назад
Robin DiAngelo Accused of Plagiarism
Месяц назад
How to Save Heavy Metal Magazine
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King Diamond Teaches Adverbs
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PATREON BACKERS: Prompt my Stories!
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Red Pill Dating Advice Refuted by C.S. Lewis
2 месяца назад
I May do Patreon again- what do you think?
2 месяца назад
On Separating Art From the Artist
2 месяца назад
The L&N Don’t Stop Here Anymore
2 месяца назад
On Project 2025
2 месяца назад
On Repairing the Gay Community
2 месяца назад
@neonspec День назад
Great video. Totally agree with you. I am super excited for this series of records. I am hoping that Front Toward Enemy is released on Chapter 2 because, having heard it, can confirm that it is indeed very Little Horn-sequence. It’s more than that though. It’s the biggest “fuck you”, fully raised middle finger to all those who dared to fuck with this man and the wider public needs to hear it. Roll on November 22nd 🤘
@neonspec День назад
Little Horn esque ** my apologies
@redandblue323 День назад
we need your take on Chris Chan and Flutter being sighted in Finland.
@jordanowen42 22 часа назад
I’m sure the department of homeland security is breathing a sigh of relief.
@Jaykilljoy-tt9tt 2 дня назад
Never been a big Manson fan, but I definitely like his music and a few of his albums. Like Mechanical animals. But I've always loved and preferred his former friendship band Jack off Jill. Jack off Jill is actually probably my favorite band of all time and unfortunately Manson for some reason decided to throw that relationship away by talking badly about the lead singer in his book. Plus, some accusations and stuff with the lead singer of JOJ, Jessika. Just the whole thing is weird and has a slight bad taste in my mouth. Some say Jessika is a compulsive liar. I've heard that. There are accusations against her and the band of doing messed up stuff on stage, but I am concluding that was all rumor and gossip to create controversy. Like what is the evidence of that? A ton of bands have had weird gossip and rumors about them including their alleged "obscene" performances. But over all....I love some Marilyn Manson and I love my Jack off Jill. So so what?! And in terms of cultural climate and that sort of thing. I've been studying the satanic panic for like....15 years or so now and there is so much but I'll give 3 totally different time lines. 1.Medieval Europe; the great witch hunt happened during what are known as "The bitter years". Of course medieval europe was really really bad, but the "bitter years" were the worse of the worse even for medieval Europe. It was a time of dancing plagues, mass famine, the black death, and war between England and France broke out. The church had fragmented; catholic vs protestant. As basically an act or terror the church and overall authority figures started to push the idea that old pagan superstitions were evil, demonic, etc and they pushed the idea of witches. So there was a witch hysteria. They believed that witches would fly to the sabbath; the gathering of witches to worship satan where they would dance, eat butter, fornicate with satan, demons, and each other, and commit mass infanticide. Eat and drink the blood. The panic died down because the religious authorities put an end to it and when did that happen? When the states were consolidated. When the institutions had become far more established....but of course the witch craze went on. With Mathew Hopins and Salem for example but those were very isolated incidents that occurred years, decades later. 2.Satanic panic: The 1960's was a time of great change. You had Charles Manson and those murders in 1969. The tail end of the decade. During the 60's people began to experiment with different belief systems. Question authority. The hippie movement, LSD, The satanic panic really began in the 70's as a reaction to the 1960's counter culture and fears of what was happening in the 70's. The rise of cults, serial killers, etc. Around the same time period you had radical feminism and christian fundamentalist on the rise. You had the "Believe the woman" feminist mantra and abuse within families was also being taken far more serious and apparent. SA was not taken as seriously. Within authority circles; FBI, law enforcement, child protective services, etc "confirmation" was seen as a dirty word and within feminist circles there were all these ideas about Freud and his theories. Such as suppressed memories. A lot of christian hoaxes and fraud was going on in the 70's. Christian conspiracy theorists and old pseudo science in psychiatry. Such as Sybil and the whole idea of multiple personality disorder. By the late 80's, the religious right became mainstream...and it's amazing. I literally watched video of the protesters at a Marilyn Manson concert this month and you had two groups; radical feminists and then you had christian fundamentalist and the radical feminist organizer literally walked up to the christians and basically ended up converting the christians to their cause. it was hilarious. So all of this lead to the satanic panic of the 1980's; christian fundamentalist, pseudo scientists from the 30's,40's,50's, 70's fears and anxieties and hucksterism, radical feminist, child advocates running amok, and the beginning of the "metoo" movement where "Believe the women" morphed into "Believe the children" and what was claimed about these satanic cults? That they committed mass infanticide. Drunk the blood, ate the flesh, etc. Even the persecution was identical to the witch hunt. During the medieval witch hunt the accused witch was asked "Who did you see there [at the sabbath]." which would snowball into 5, 10, 20 people being accused. The accused were also tortured to confession....what happened during the satanic panic? Instead of the accused being tortured it was the accusers being tortured into confessing abuse and then accusing people and of course since it was all fake, made up by the authorities it would snowball into 8, 20, 30 people. 3.Satanic panic 2.0 and the many branches: The satanic panic died down in the 90's while at the same time it spread across the globe; Canada, Italy, New Zealand, and the U.K....suspiciously right around the time the same people responsible for the satanic panic in the 80's began to spread their nonsense in those specific countries. Doing their "training seminars", but I'm sure that is just a coincidence and the conspiracy theories are correct "there was no self fulfilling prophecies. No contamination. No social contagion. None of this nonsense came DIRECTLY FROM US, the cults exist. We just HELPED these people spot the cults. You can ONLY find the cult if your looking for it." So yes, it was dying down in the U.S, but what became of all the people who helped create it? Well the christian fundamentalist continued with the "Pokemon and Marilyn Manson are satanic", the conspiracy theories were left to the fringes of the internet, the pseudo scientific frauds became total fringe "therapy", and the radical feminist got what they wanted on college campuses; total kangaroo courts. Then we get into the 2010's; SJWism and Pop feminism entering into the mainstream just like the religious right in the 80's. Then you had Donald Trump and conspiracy theorist and theories entering into the mainstream, and then we go from Pizzagate to Qanon....where they claim what? Literally the same exact sh*t that they claimed about witches during the great witch hunt and what they claimed during the satanic panic...only with a political twist.....it's all democrats and the left. Of course, what also led to it? Decades and decades of the government and any and all authorities losing any and all trust, decades and decades of neo liberalism. The Bush era and the great recession, the catholic church hiding away their abuse, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstine, and Bill Cosby. All these powerful people being exposed as long time abusers, social anxieties like stranger danger, christian fundamentalism and christian nationalism fighting to stay alive, covid and 2020. Have not listened to the latest song, but I have listened to As sick as the secrets within and Raise the red flag. Love As sick as the secrets within. Reminds me of the good old days of Manson. 90's and early 2000's Manson. Raise the red flag...kind of reminds me again of the 90's early 2000's, but the main reason why I really love that song along with the music video is because of this "It's time to beat up the bullies And wash the bullseye off my back My red flag is your white one soaked in blood" "Your loyalty lies On the wrong side of the future" I don't know about you, but damn does it feel like a cathartic song, for all the BS Manson has gone through with Rachel Wood.
@nathanielbables8652 3 дня назад
Ivan L. Moody would definitely know a thing or too about getting sloshed on stage, screwing up shows, and going into recovery.
@redandblue323 3 дня назад
Maryland Manson
@thegenericnerdking 3 дня назад
I have issues taking Manson at his word regarding the suicide threats. Because there's another interview where he talks about cutting himself 150 times on his arms and face. There aren't any scars on his face and arms. The live shows are amazing, I was a stones throw away from the stage and he's definitely not lipsyncing 😁
@StevenT-33 2 дня назад
Yeah but including multiple times he's mentioned how much she hurt him and how he wanted to die with her etc
@thegenericnerdking 2 дня назад
@@StevenT-33 I feel you on that. But I feel like using Manson's edgy comments like that is the equivalent of using wrestling promos as evidence an assault took place
@Marshdweller 3 дня назад
Mike Portnoy ❤ \M/ I also love Tallah where portnoys son plays drumbs.
@yancoh307 3 дня назад
Great to hear from a real fan. I am also stoked about the new album. Glad it is only Part 1. Maybe he has a lot more planned. You are right: His behavior in this has been opposite of what you'd expect from a narcissistic abuser. I hope he will eventually give another interview, but the concert footage has been awesome. I actually have that CD with "Front Toward Enemy" and can confirm it sounds a lot like "Little Horn" (which I saw him do live in Atlanta once upon a time). There is a true version online at times, think I saw it on TikTok, but the sound quality is still not as good as the physical single, or the copy I put on my hard drive. I hope it will be part of this series, because it is not a throwaway song. It reminds me of "Apple of Sodom" or "Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes" for being a B-side but packing a surprising punch. I think "Sacrilegious" is okay, loved the glam/industrial sound of "Raise the Red Flag", shared the feelings you expressed about "Sick as the Secrets Within". That's the one that brought me to tears the way he used to a long time ago. And I thought he nailed it live too. I could not see him on this tour, but just the videos ... damn. I saw that documentary too and appreciate your comments about "Heart-Shaped Glasses". I don't know what all is going on, but the stuff he got cancelled for was very questionable. I wonder what else Howard King may have said that didn't make the final cut, but he sure did not mince words. Really stuck his neck out for Brian, as he calls him. I also loved Pogo in there, how they've buried the hatchet, and also how honest he was. He never said Manson was innocent of everything, he just told the parts he did feel sure he didn't do. I saw where he came to one of the shows. I thought he was brilliant when he was in the band. Frankly I need this music along with the new Smashing Pumpkins stuff to deal with a sad thing in my extended family from summer and the upcoming political upheaval. The release date and title = pure genius. So much in your video, I probably forgot to cover some of it. But thank you for playing fair, respecting people in controversies like this, instead of being a dick, like you mentioned sometimes people on RU-vid are. That thing you said about that kind of music having its fire again ... I feel that coming back too ... hundred percent.
@alphonsofrett2757 3 дня назад
Thanks for sharing your hard work
@paklaselt2198 4 дня назад
I saw it just now. I agree that the entire segment on hate hoaxes felt unnecessary because they didn't even explain what made these incidents hoaxes, and that author interviewed about it mentioned at least 5 of them to choose from. Odd. I also felt that it was strange they had such high production value for what was supposed to be undercover infiltrations of a group seminar (the dinner, and the group at the beginning that figured out who he really was). These things usually aren't filmed for a reason, and it is odd they would agree to it and still not know they are being punked by the one guy who already seems out of place. Also the frequent scripted sequence didn't really mesh well with what was supposed to be real. Most of the time, there is just a narration over real footage and that works much better to get the same point across. Good comedy but again I wondered if they put more effort into trying to be funny instead of being right. I guess I would have liked to see more pushback. All in all, I'm glad people are talking about this so called grief (grift) counseling and how much of a scam it really is. Also was I hearing things, or did that lighter skinned lady at the "race to dinner" thing say she was both white and also not white at the same time? That bit confused me and several other people
@DanielBMS 6 дней назад
This video explains so well why red pill dating advice starts out so strong and then devolves to setting their impossible agenda. At first they are actually addressing situations many of us are in that nobody else is talking about. In a short period of time they turn out sex negative and come up with unhealthy coping mechanisms.
@Coldsummer91 8 дней назад
I just saw it today. The parts that got the biggest laughs out of me were(Spoiler Alert for thise that didn't see it)when he goes to the biker bar and he reads the one shirt on that guy and he thinks it says Vegetarian but it said Vaginatarian, and also when he ran that meeting group at the end and he brought his uncle so he could yell at him for making a joke about mexicans at thanksgiving years ago then asked the one Hispanic person there is she wanted to say something and she said "Fuck you". All in all its not as funny as something like Borat but its pretty solid.
@OutlawSpaceWizard 8 дней назад
You hit the nail on the head with the comedy. Conservative comedy sucks ass beacuse they're too conservative to commit, the same with left wing comedy. they have thier moments, but they're too fucking p.c. to go all the way. Thus the current state of our culture.
@ThomK30 8 дней назад
Good video, I think you've pretty much summed it up perfectly here, I very recently in life got into LOTR and the Christian message is obvious at times but it never feels like it interferes with the stories context or tries to push that message at all, Tolkien was raised by a priest so of course it influenced his art, just as his experience in the war also shaped his world view, but not at any point does LOTR Or the Hobbit feel like propaganda like modern woke-ism does, its how writing and story telling should be done IMHO
@paklaselt2198 8 дней назад
I'm seeing it Wednesday. I'm surprised it has been playing here as long as it has and for how many showtimes too, it seems pretty niche.
@spacekitt.n 8 дней назад
went in not expecting anything and it was the worst movie i have ever seen. my god conservatives cant make a good movie to save their life
@Sithkiller 8 дней назад
your dude bro voice is funny af, It reminds me of the Postal dude from Postal 2 😂
@jordanowen42 8 дней назад
Better than the dude from Postal 3 I guess.
@Sithkiller 8 дней назад
@@jordanowen42 yeah that game was ass
@JokerCat9 8 дней назад
A-Shoo-ska, lmao.
@maroonblood151 8 дней назад
You just hate Trump. Libertarian is fully about individual rights. I don’t think you are a libertarian then because it’s further right than Conservatism outside of abortion which could arguably focus on the “individual” mother.
@jordanowen42 8 дней назад
Rest assured I do have an actual background in Libertarian ideas and what it all means. Trump just *trumps* all else right now. And no, libertarianism is not further right of conservative. There’s left and right libertarianism and social conservatism by its very nature is authoritarian.
@freiherrkarzavonkarnstein2159 8 дней назад
Well-said! I agree with you on your substantive points on the excesses of both Robin DiAngelo and the alt-right. That being said, I saw the movie over a week ago after you had mentioned it in a video. While Walsh effectively punks the living daylights out of DiAngelo and company, I found it hard to be engaged with this movie. For one thing, Walsh has a monotonous voice and 90% of the time looks and sounds like he is phoning it in, like Matt Damon channeling Brent Spiner's "Data" in *The Martian* . From what I heard about Walsh, (I don't get the Daily Wire where I live), he is supposed to be some big right wing star like Bill O'Reilly, and like Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan used to be. If that is the case, that could partially explain why the right is not as popular as they used to be. Walsh is boring and unappealing. He completely lacks O'Reilly's and Limbaugh's and Buchanan's pugilistic energy. In fact, Walsh has far more in common with Ferris Bueller actor Ben Stein trying to "take down" PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins than he does with O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Buchanan. Also, I noticed that a couple of the people in the anti-racism workshop in the first scene also appeared in the anti-racism dinner closer to the DiAngelo segment. Were they actors? And why would these hucksters--who charged on the order of K's per session--allow one of their sessions to be recorded, and thus rendered transmissible to non-payers who could get it without coughing up the K's? Also, Walsh's "Uncle Frank" looks a lot like the bald guy at the "Veteran's" bar except that "Uncle Frank" in the wheelchair scene has hair while the "Veteran's" bar interviewee has pretty much the same face. That aside, I agree with you that most ordinary people do not have time for extremists like either DiAngelo or her enemies. In Quebec, there is a law, Bill 21, passed by the current government, that bans Orthodox Jews from joining the civil service. Yet most of the French-Canadians I know (who are working class and not highly educated yuppies) are not anti-Semites.
@SLAMBANGO 8 дней назад
It was an OK film in my opinion. I'm glad I supported the cause, but I do view it as a sort of charity. The price of admission wasn't really worth the show as far as entertainment goes. I only laughed maybe 4 times.
@johna6670 8 дней назад
I respect your honesty regarding your personal struggles. I disagree with you about Kamala and will vote Trump, but I'm not here to debate with you (unless you'd like to debate). I really enjoyed your video and there is nothing wrong with having different opinions. Thank you.
@Father518 8 дней назад
I would encourage this guy to do some real research on Kamala and look at different political views. He doesn't see this weird movement that is happening that could be harmful to children
@jordanowen42 8 дней назад
Kamala would have to try *really* hard to be worse than Trump.
@spacekitt.n 8 дней назад
trump tried to do an insurrection last time--please look into it yourself instead of swallowing the right wing narrative. trump absolutely was ready to override the constitution and steal it for himself. while i dont love kamala, shes at least a baseline of sanity that the country needs to thrive. even economists are saying trump would crash the economy.
@theshenpartei 9 дней назад
We really need more movies like “am I racist?” Exposing grifters like Robin Diangelo and done it in a comedic way and this film provided a template on how it should be done. Also you should have seen the rotten tomatoes reviews on the film it was for brief period it was “certified grey” as Matt Walsh called it. And as stated before diangelo nuked her twitter after the clips got released as well the other people in the film also nuked their accounts like that race2diner lady. Also she posted letter after she nuked her account stated she got “frauded” (yeah,ok robin sure). Plus You are not the only one praising the film just look up Jeremy Jahns review and he got attacked for it. Once again im going to wait for the film to come out on physical media.
@froggacuda1605 9 дней назад
Very cool and very insightful review. It's rare to see someone who can look past politics and review based on content rather than, as you said, just demonizing your perceived political opponents. As an example, I'm convinced that Run, Hide, Fight would have been a huge hit if it had been released on Netflix instead of getting absolutely review-bombed simply for being Daily Wire. Again, insightful review!
@maroonblood151 8 дней назад
Problem is Netflix would never deal w Daily Wire. It’s like CNN and Fox News forming an alliance
@Manwithopinions 9 дней назад
Unfortunately, There are no theatres near me that are showing the movie. I wouldn't mind watching a pirated version of it
@Zzyzzyx 8 дней назад
I drove a total of 3.5 hours to and from a theater that's showing it ... totally worth it!
@Nathanatos22 9 дней назад
6:59 The Daily Wire is funded by oil and gas fracking industries, so I wouldn’t call them “independent.” Movies like this are a pretty transparent attempt to gateway subjects that even central-left moderates would agree with (crossdressing is a little weird; not everything is “racist”) into promoting their main agenda, climate-denialism, to help further fund the fossil-fuel industry. I hate that nobody talks about this and just accepts the red-herring culture-war narratives these plutocrats promote. In any case, I’m glad you at least have enough sense to not vote for Trump.
@voiceofreason467 9 дней назад
Jokes on you... YTube removed the ability to block anyone.
@jordanowen42 8 дней назад
Yes, you can.
@voiceofreason467 8 дней назад
@@jordanowen42 Then why can't I block anyone on my channel who comments? Is that like some feature for RU-vid partners or some shit?
@jordanowen42 8 дней назад
I have an option called “hide user from channel,” that’s all I know.
@paklaselt2198 8 дней назад
They change the language to soften it, yes hiding is just blocking
@Checkers1993ify 9 дней назад
RE: The Run Hide Fight being Die Hard in a school shooter scenario thing. Yes, that is one description of it and it tends to be the most popular, but personally I'd characterise it as being part of a separate genre/subgenre. In the years immediately after the Columbine massacre, there were a bunch of movies that came out that were based around school shootings, though to my knowledge none of them ever really did that well. Specifically I'm thinking of stuff like Home Room, Bang Bang You're Dead, and Zero Day, though there have been others. I don't know if this particular genre ever got a name, but I've always thought of them as post-Columbine movies. They're all based around a school shooting, they're all inspired by Columbine (and I think Run Hide Fight was more heavily inspired by it than some others), and all can be viewed as a commentary on school shootings more broadly. Taken in that light I think Run Hide Fight isn't awful. I wouldn't say it's the best post-Columbine movie I've seen, but I don't think it's irredeemable and I don't think it's in as poor taste as some people make it out to be. (And yes, I am aware that watching multiple of these movies is probably not something to aspire to, but oh well.)
@theshenpartei 2 дня назад
Don’t forget elephant
@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster 9 дней назад
I'm still voting third party, but I can understand your point. Sorry if that means I'm getting blocked
@jordanowen42 9 дней назад
All good.
@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster 9 дней назад
@@jordanowen42 I will disagree on one thing. You say trump derangement syndrome is not real, and I agree the term is overused but man I don't know what other than derangement could lead that one gay reporter to say Trump's underage son should be rp'ed in prison
@spacekitt.n 8 дней назад
kamala is the better choice. trump is just that bad. im voting for her, ive voted 3rd party all my life but this moment is too pivotal so im voting democrat for the first time. america can handle 4 years of bad policy, but i fear 4 years of trump would be a disaster. look what he did with covid, do you think that guy could handle another national crisis? absolutely not in my opinion. kamala is at least a baseline of solid governance
@spacekitt.n 8 дней назад
@@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster thats just taking an extreme example to represent the whole. would you want the other side to do that to you. these people are trying to turn us against each other to distract from the real enemy, the ultra rich, who continue rigging the system right under our noses
@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster 8 дней назад
@@spacekitt.n To each his own, I personally wouldn't want her to be the first woman president given how awful she is on certain topics
@JokerCat9 9 дней назад
Your rhythm analogy reminds me of the force in Star Wars. “You must feel the force around you”
@Bendilin 9 дней назад
I wish more people would listen to Marilyn Manson. Not neccesarily his music, but his political comments.
@JokerCat9 9 дней назад
Big difference between the alt right and the RINO’s on Fox News.
@LucTaylor 12 дней назад
Glad you're feeling better. I loved her as Wednesday
@jordanowen42 12 дней назад
Me too!
@emmadezwaan 13 дней назад
Well, I'm glad my father never cheated on my mother, his second wife, his lifetime mistress and all the sidechicks. No threat of men cheating, is there.
@watitduful 14 дней назад
38:35 He was rolling like that?? Why is this guy not in prison?