Hi! Been enjoying videogames ever since I was little and have found many hours of enjoyment watching others through RU-vid and Twitch. Figured now might be the time to go ahead and give back a little and contribute to the community I've loved and enjoyed.

After all, I've been told for YEARS I've got the perfect face for radio.

Uploads are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with additional uploads on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday whenever time permits. I'm currently working full time and then going to University, so free time is awful hard to find (please don't hate me if the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday uploads are spotty).

RTS is my jam, but never say no to a video game - you'll never know where your next favorite series is gonna come from.

Nordhold: Origins Round 2
4 часа назад
Nordhold: Origins
9 часов назад
WARTALES // EP 10 -  // Oh My Lund //
21 час назад
@Coridimus 8 часов назад
Don't worry about the whinging and bellyaching. When I lived in Canada, I quickly learned that Canadians LOVE to whinge and bellyache. ;)
@fal1026 13 часов назад
The only change to the Tassa I would suggest is trying to preserve your ATM-12s, & use everything else you have in stock since there's more slots available.
@fal1026 13 часов назад
Meaning your ATM-6s or 3s, & squeezing the range BC in was definitely a good idea as well, getting to shoot 1st always matters in this game where all the better guns fire further away.
@fal1026 14 часов назад
Your 2nd Archer is the perfect example of the fillin using your overstock that can be refitted & sent back out at will.
@fal1026 13 часов назад
Also I didn't realize the weight savings of SRM(C)s was that dramatic? All the more reason I believe that all your front liners that aren't specialists with expensive gear should be loaded up with your IS gear so you can use up the stuff you don't really plan on using in the future while farming Clan gear now, & getting ready for the real upgrades.
@fal1026 14 часов назад
Need a leg shot BC for when the delicious gear shows up.
@fal1026 13 часов назад
At some point you should revisit some pirate worlds, & see about getting more taggers, that thing is really good.
@monostripeexplosiveexplora2374 15 часов назад
@keebbles 20 часов назад
Archer combine srm4 and srm6 clans. But that gives up special ammo. Drop a double and add acid n infernos? Or tandem for cracking tanks from inside?
@keebbles 20 часов назад
Also, isn't pilot of archer your flyer in training? I was imagining your Ajax with 4 Vulcan wing mounts vs BA units... I'll be in my bunk.
@soulstrumlp9517 16 часов назад
Adding in special ammo since we're using IS gear isn't a bad idea, except that Idgit's accuracy is so terrible with standard he'll never hit with special. Once we get him levelled or if we can find a few more missile orientated BC's and get those installed he's pretty much stuck with what he's got.
@keebbles 20 часов назад
Yah gots the machines that go ping! Sheathed beacon could have locked em all first move vs tag. Let's you know who's got beer stashed in their mech. 😊 Very important according to salvage techs.
@coyotehavoc5118 День назад
Happy Battletech Sunday morning.
@soulstrumlp9517 День назад
It's like Christmas, only without having to get the family together or have to go out in the cold lol
@Rhazagal 2 дня назад
This one went immediately to my wishlist. I do love me a nice tower defense!
@keebbles 3 дня назад
You need to re-enable laser ams after a crit turn. Two are set to dmg vs lance/self and another is just off. Second, the lrm archer could have indirect fired and cleared mission by now, allowing you option to evac with salvage on table. You still suffer from lack of effective long range in lances. Too many brawlers with srms. Some DF weapons giving options might be an idea to consider. EMP ammo is never selected either. Gives heat dissipation problems and good chance at a shutdown. Half acid half emp to open is never bad idea. Works on vehicles too.
@fal1026 3 дня назад
Those ER L pulse (C) would've been amazing on the LK with insulators, they already have the best stats of all the other L lazers, & the heat was actually fair for the weight/range/damage with basic being 45, ER basic being 55.
@fal1026 3 дня назад
I don't think extreme range BC works on weapons that are below 900? The medium range would be more useful for the Bane, & if you run into a long range BC that should be good with the UAC/10s 720 limit. Also you can drop gunnery, find a slot A/B upgrade instead for the weight savings, just add the bin back since you don't have lazer backups.
@soulstrumlp9517 3 дня назад
Extreme range is based on 3/4's of the difference between Optimal and the weapon's listed maximum distance, not on a flat range bracket. For example, if my AC/10 had an optimal of 480 meters and a maximum of 720 meters, then 480 to 660 meters would be considered 'Long' and everything above that would be considered Max/Extreme range. The thing with the Bane is she's a very slow walking brick, roughly same speed if not a little faster than the Omega. Very rarely will we wind up with our targets in the medium (half of optimal to optimal distance) bracket, but I will agree having a long range BC (optimal to 3/4 of max) would be beneficial.
@fal1026 2 дня назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 that changes things then! 🤔theoretically you could put range BC, then extreme range BC on something that uses SRMs/HMGs/flamers, & create a true mid-range monster...
@fal1026 2 дня назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 now I'm wondering if the penalty of LK's targeting system would be countered by the short-range BC, & range BC? That way you can not care about being rushed by things like aircraft, & tanks.
@fal1026 3 дня назад
LK can use Endo-steel, & you could consider some armored leggings(if you have)or sprawl for the CT.
@Coridimus 3 дня назад
Doesn't the Beagle Probe give you night vision anyway, or am I misremembering?
@soulstrumlp9517 3 дня назад
That's a negatory good buddy, but I think 3062 some of the probe gear does give you nice boosts.
@Coridimus 3 дня назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 So noted. Good to know.
@rainmaker7667 3 дня назад
Think you forgot cockpit upgrades for the Bane
@soulstrumlp9517 3 дня назад
It comes standard with clan gear, there's not much we have in stock that'll be better than what's already in place.
@tasoth 3 дня назад
The LK Still has a thermal exchanger, which I don't think it needs anymore.
@coyotehavoc5118 3 дня назад
Great work on the battle. Kept the opponent at a distance for a decent amount of time and accomplished the objective pretty clean.
@coyotehavoc5118 3 дня назад
Could you drop two double bins from the bane and into the rifleman?
@soulstrumlp9517 3 дня назад
We're pretty tight for tonnage as is on the Rifleman but we can have a look
@onenaser 3 дня назад
I add it to my wishlist, thanks for sharing
@MrMyu 3 дня назад
Before even starting the video, my first thought is 'To shreds you say?'
@vadersjester 4 дня назад
Let's go south! Mostly because I went North in my run and want to see what's down there lol :D
@userjoe4870 4 дня назад
How were they even spotted for the arrow shot?
@soulstrumlp9517 4 дня назад
The AI cares not for the rules us mere mortals must follow.
@StunForge 4 дня назад
Thank you for showcasing the game, seems like you had a good time with it! :)
@soulstrumlp9517 4 дня назад
I almost never play tower defense games and I literally booked 10 hours into the demo alone. Can't wait for 2025!
@onenaser 3 дня назад
best of luck with Game development 🖤
@charlesc1583 4 дня назад
I have heard of this game from another youtuber seens like a fun RTS.
@StunForge 4 дня назад
Dev here! Its more of a Round bases Strategy :) But it is alot of fun, i promise! :D
@soulstrumlp9517 4 дня назад
No lies detected. I'm late on a project because of the demo lol.
@keebbles 5 дней назад
I thought raptors were protomechs. Squads of 4, too. That mission would be sooo different if it had been. Makes notes to build a lizard/Dino themed squad next campaign. 😊
@keebbles 5 дней назад
Clan endo and ferro for Raptors. For meme needs talons and claws too. All 8 jjs. If possible PWS and flamer in head. After that as many er smalls and mediums it can hold . DHS too so it can vent jump and laser heat. PWS give free +3 heatsinking in atmosphere. Plus extended jumps. Tsm maybe too. ECM or stealth might be good too. Sure it's light, but is an omni. And if you do Solaris 7, it's all you'll need to start.😊
@awlsond5367 5 дней назад
You can't change the structure on omnimechs though.
@soulstrumlp9517 4 дня назад
Aye as mentioned there's no changing the structure on an omni - you get what you get. As for the flamethrower idea I'm a little torn that there wasn't one built in already in the head lol
@fal1026 5 дней назад
Should've taken that MRM, it could've been another possible TW rework with the rest being ER Smalls.
@soulstrumlp9517 4 дня назад
Debatable on the MRM - we just stripped out the Ryoukin since she wasn't performing well with the MRM loadout, I don't think the TW with it's larger built in core and less tonnage for weapons would work any better.
@fal1026 4 дня назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 well that sounds like streak-2 monster it is then, & just take comfort in the fact you'll never miss a shot?
@fal1026 4 дня назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 also TW quirk wouldn't help the longer range shots with MRM, but the hint is in the name: "Medium Range Murder".
@fal1026 5 дней назад
Whelp, you have lazer spam for centurion.
@fal1026 5 дней назад
I balked at the short time, but I'm intrigued.
@Coridimus 5 дней назад
The mecha-godzillas had me chuckling, then luaghing like a madman when I watched it fall over!
@coyotehavoc5118 5 дней назад
Busy day ahead? *gets mecha godzilla, puts in storage, rampages. Rampages* Have a great day! Not complaining, still got BATTLETECH fix.
@rainmaker7667 6 дней назад
When in doubt just put all the medium lasers on an omni and watch both you and the enemy melt together.
@soulstrumlp9517 5 дней назад
Nothing like twin stackpoles to bring everyone together lol
@mohammedessam8197 6 дней назад
@coyotehavoc5118 6 дней назад
@pete7872 6 дней назад
Continue please!
@keebbles 7 дней назад
TW w large chems lasers x2 and 2 clan mdm pulses should fit and allow 1 ton ammo each lrg chem too. I'd drop artemis and go with the CEI LRMs as it can use any lrm ammo. Add utility. Baring that, change Jaguar to Direct fire laser boat and move SRMS to TW.
@fal1026 7 дней назад
I still say TW should be SRM monster, LRMs could be used in an Archer refit, & the remaining pulses could be used on the Jag since it's 10 tons lighter anyway in combo with some of those Med(P).
@seere3rd 7 дней назад
When you were looking for that unobstructed shot early in the mission against the rifleman I was like the game is trolling him. It kept lagging as you move the mouse over the two hexes that would have given you an unobstructed shot
@freddinkins6147 7 дней назад
I like the ATM switch bud, keep doin you! Also both games you're currently playing are cool! Thanks for the entertainment!
@soulstrumlp9517 7 дней назад
Glad you like them!
@coyotehavoc5118 7 дней назад
1:19:36 Light PPC/ER Large combo or too much heat? At least range until pulses are aquired.
@soulstrumlp9517 7 дней назад
Little of column a, little of column b. Tonnage is just under, but the increased heat is just enough to offset any cooling and we don't have the tonnage for more heat sinks. Not to worry, this problem is solved in the most most arse backward way probable because one shouldn't build war machines while tired lol
@coyotehavoc5118 7 дней назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 understood commander.
@coyotehavoc5118 7 дней назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 I was going through the numbers and I get what you're saying. I was also thinking to download the game on my laptop, does it require internet connection to run?
@coyotehavoc5118 7 дней назад
Laundry? Dishes? Dusting? ROUGETECH!
@paullewis7287 7 дней назад
I think on the timberwolf I would have kept your last remaining pulses and added the 4 er medium magna lasers to keep damage up. Definitely and remember on any laser u have a couple laser heat sink attachments to use too. So u still could have had 3 lasers on each arm
@keebbles 10 дней назад
You always seem to miss bc gunnery in builds and looting. Is there a reason? It complements headshot builds a lot. Too hit, anti-jamming, recoil comp. Pretty good tech.
@soulstrumlp9517 10 дней назад
It's not bad, but gunnery is a percentage of a percentage vs say a tracking BC where it just deletes a full evasion point from a target. Ideally a build would have all of these things in it, but if you're tight for space it becomes a tossup between an item that may give you .5% increase in all areas, or a flat 1 in a specific area. Don't quote me on the .5% thing, I know Roguewiki has the formula on how each stat point affects skills in the game but I haven't looked it up at the time of writing this.
@fal1026 10 дней назад
I still think the Jag should be your pulse carrier, & the TW go back to SRM boat, the accuracy is really good, & you can carry more to dump on targets the Jag marks.
@soulstrumlp9517 10 дней назад
The downside is we're running the elite pilots mod - they tend to dump heat with no issue at higher ranks because 'balance'
@fal1026 10 дней назад
@@soulstrumlp9517 heat really wouldn't be the strategy since you have bins of acid? Anything that isn't guaranteed to go boom with a wall of dead fire, or standard would be drowned in acid for the rest of the gang to meltdown, & the Jag has good initiative so everything will also be tagged 1st.
@fal1026 10 дней назад
The headshot BC isn't really all that, you definitely should've taken the engine.
@soulstrumlp9517 10 дней назад
I'm running on the theory that they're a bit hard to come by, but I also have a feeling that it might be beneficial on something a little faster or smaller that can headshot a knocked target.
@keebbles 10 дней назад
​@soulstrumlp9517 my best headshotting mech was a double ac2 ultra with TC, BC Headshot, gunnery, range and optics. Though it's er lg clan lasers x2 seemed to do the kills more often. Master at legging at range too. Had dreadnought gyro. No worries on recoil. But at same time my marauder w/2 ac5p, incindiary ammo, and 2 plasma rifles and 2 er med lasers,constantly did headshots and or shut down the enemy. No tc or bc... just pilot with good gunnery skills for guns. And tactics for support. Running a mantis with supercharger tsm flamers and small pulses this go round. Claw pinchy action. As noted earlier in other posts I got headhunted across map x4 in first combat round with no LOS. I was playing with commander dies, you lose. Game didn't stop at end of turn for some reason. Next round left me with a legged scout and no weapon vtol (lost to crits) I just ejected. No point after that. Never saw the enemy, other than turrets two valleys over.😢 Mission 55... cursed for me. Every 5th seems deadlier than normal. Enemy skills were supposed to match Mission not my pilot skills. And no clan tech in area yet, other than what I brought with me.
@fal1026 10 дней назад
I wish you had multi trac on everything so you'd stop basically stack polling your salvage... 😆
@paganhorde4463 11 дней назад
Wartales is quite the rabbit hole. oh and youtube stuff