Pentek, now Mercury Systems
Pentek, now Mercury Systems
Pentek, now Mercury Systems
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Mercury - A “Why” company
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Mercury Systems Homepage Video 2021
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Talon Recording Systems
3 года назад
SOSA Industry Perspective (AOC)
4 года назад
@PrashantBabu-k6t 3 дня назад
This is the best video I've seen on frequency folding. The fan fold technique makes it so easy to understand. Thank you for this video!
@thanatosor 13 дней назад
So that's where they use FPGA
@baghdadiabdellatif1581 19 дней назад
Thank you
@ChaplainDaveSparks Месяц назад
I absolutely *LOVED* this presentation! I graduated in 1976 with a BSEE, but all of this was a practical impossibility due to the relative slowness of existing compute power. Imagine trying to implement these ideas with an 8 bit microprocessor (think Z-80) running at a _”leisurely”_ 4 mHz.! And yet … all of the *COMPLEX MATH* was possible, just nothing fast enough to run it! Perhaps we ought to think ahead and create (theoretical) concepts, even if they have to wait *DECADES* to be practical. You know, the old humorous chemical equations that had a block labeled *_”An then a miracle occurs…”_* 😀
@theoryandapplication7197 Месяц назад
thank you very much
@kozlovskyi 3 месяца назад
omg. Finally I got my answers
@panduwilantara3070 3 месяца назад
very amazing explanation, now i understand about SDR include I/Q Signal
@terjeoseberg990 6 месяцев назад
At 1:40, that’s the weirdest sine wave I’ve ever seen!
@terjeoseberg990 6 месяцев назад
At 7:40 I believe that’s only true when you don’t care about the negative frequencies.
@rolaki 9 месяцев назад
Thank you
@Frankey2310 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, sorry if it's there and I've just missed it, but but how seems like you left out something major, i.e. HOW does this "digital complex mixer" get I and Q from just the sampled amplitude values? From what I could gather from the source code of uSDX (seemingly the only source on the subject), what it does is sample at 2 * Fs, treating even samples as I, odd as Q, but linearly interpolates the Is, replacing each one with the average of it and the next one. What this clearly does do is shift one of the streams in time by one sample period, so that the synthetic Is coincide with Qs. While the thing does work in the end, - the device does seem to receive SSB, which is the only use for the I/Q data there, as far as I can tell, - I can't possibly see a) how can those I values be correct beyond the simple assumption that both domains are (-1; 1), and, more importantly, b) any basis for the downright strange assumption that a shift by one sample in the array is equivalent to a 90 degree phase shift. This technique, which quacks like a dirty hack for the anemic 8-bit MCU it's written for, is called a "Hilbert transform" in the comments. Whatever. Correct or not, the whole transition from amplitude samples to I, Q pairs doesn't seem like an "implementation detail" you can just omit here, especially when the end result of the formulation is supposed to be a general SDR, and not some special case transceiver.
@phillipneal8194 10 месяцев назад
Excellent presentation. But the devil is in the details. Where do I get an ADC and a DAC breakout board at a cheap enough price( < $20) that will handle 200 MSPS ?
@ananthadattadhruva8689 11 месяцев назад
I am also concerned why you have not talked about AFE series of converter ICs, hope you can include them too.
@ananthadattadhruva8689 11 месяцев назад
Now we also have a different kind of SERDES protocols, such as ESI stream that seems to be having same charecteristics of JESD with deterministic latency.
@ananthadattadhruva8689 11 месяцев назад
I think even if we consider the clock cycles of 1600, and the JESD204 works happily at 4.5Ghz it is at 355ns, and for the LVDS it is around 99ns considering the 1Ghz sample. So yep 4 times slower, so detection capability goes down accordingly.
@tttuberc Год назад
This video is really helpful for me. Thank you very much
@mwerensteijn Год назад
Amazing video, very clear explained, thank you!
@aravindammu89 Год назад
Saw ur comment in bh registration video . Im aslo from kerala ...planning to get BH series number . Have u got BH Number
@gooblygob Год назад
What is the benchmark for an acceptable synchronous delay? Is it measured w.r.t to the sample rate? In your measurement, 27 ps time delay is 10% of the sample period, how do we know that's good enough. What are the results of out of sync data in time and frequency domain. Thanks
@AbuSous2000PR Год назад
this is a massive technology i hope we keep it in the US
@ahmednor5806 Год назад
@randomguyonthenet 2 года назад
Great video i was searching this for month's THX
@phillipneal8194 2 года назад
Nice presentation. Very clear.
@phillipneal8194 2 года назад
This is wonderful. I just found it on youtube. Thank you very much.
@robc3863 2 года назад
Looking for a detailed overview of the Tyloe quadrature demodulator that shows how the recombination of the 4 samples, 0/270, 90/180, results in the I and Q signals.
@thomaskosvic6103 2 года назад
The term bandwidth is used profusely in this presentation but is not defined mathematically or graphically in this presentation as far as I can see.
@zarathustra498 2 года назад
Great video, its incredible how a deep understanding of a complex system by a skilled operator can do wonders. Check out the story of Zoltan Dani who modified an outdated radar system to "see" the stealth aircraft.
@robv3872 2 года назад
very good!
@superbcutter16 2 года назад
is there anyone who can help me how to design a GNSS/GPS receiver using Simulink or GNU Radio
@kumark353 2 года назад
Excellent presentation of software Radio with much needed basics
@zhenyang7201 2 года назад
Very cool. Does it support PXI RF transceivers?
@adornesallyanne4064 2 года назад
elhh0 vyn.fyi
@samihawasli7408 2 года назад
Great presentation! As a front end guy I got roped into helping with the digital side of things. Your talk really helped to clarify a few things. Question though: On slide 11. If the situation were revered and we were working with a D/A, would the exact same thing happen? The D/A Fs = 40 Mhz, and we are trying to produce 30 Mhz, we would see an alias at 10 MHz?
@terjeoseberg990 6 месяцев назад
@antronx7 2 года назад
Wow, this ain't your typical RTLSDR usb stick.
@hariwi39 2 года назад
Clear explanation of presentation, thanks
@mrjoehimself 3 года назад
best radar video on youtube, hands down
@mahendraprasadyadav806 3 года назад
Speed of light wrong said
@chihokang8839 3 года назад
Thanks a lot. This is the best explanations on SDR that I've ever seen. This is the real deal.
@russelm5107 3 года назад
Perfect and Simple and Humble and to this and to tan and con and the back! Perfect Okay!
@henkvisser3925 3 года назад
Excellent presentation!
@TheAwakeForever 3 года назад
@huutruongle 3 года назад
It's a most perfect fundamental SDR presentation I've ever seen. Thanks for your contribution.
@ianventer4017 3 года назад
Hi, everyone just a question regarding the SDR transmission, where will modulation occur? I presume in the DSP stage but at what frequency? Why cant it be directly modulated onto the IF frequency avoiding the need for the digital upconverter? Any response appreciated
@deqortestowy 3 года назад
Very nice presentation but... 5:12: there is a mistake in the first formula. You say: cos(f1)sin(f2) = 1/2*{sin(f1-f2) + sin(f1+f2)} which is wrong. It should be: cos(f1)sin(f2) = 1/2{sin(f2-f1) + sin(f1+f2)}. Second one is OK. Both formula should be presented in this way: cos(f1)sin(f2) = 1/2{sin(f2-f1) + sin(f2-f1)} cos(f1)cos(f2)=1/2{cos(f2-f1) + cos(f2+f1)}
@elnoggernog 4 месяца назад
Actually this is not really wrong since a negative frequency in the cos is the same as a cos with the positive frequency. Negative frequencies get "mirrored" up in the spektrum. Its only better to undertand in this case.
@TheSemtexCow 3 года назад
Suburb explanation of fan folding. Thanks.
@TheSemtexCow 3 года назад
Thanks for such a simple to understand video, its helped me understand a new subject.
@zsbali 3 года назад
5:35 I don’t understand what you mean on simplify it by removing the high frequency component. Why don’t you simplify it by multiplying by 0? That would be more simple.
@martinmbex2504 3 года назад
impressive. informative
@eliknowsbest4946 3 года назад
The best example, deserves more views
@hassantj5775 3 года назад
Very impressive. & easy to digest. Really a wonderful job.