Ricky Gervais on Hitler
14 лет назад
@valenciasainz 13 дней назад
My cat says meow.
@valenciasainz 13 дней назад
Ricky o Ricky, if his accent was thick British he wouldn't have been this famous cause most people wouldn't understand him. British comedians from the 80s 90s and 00s are the funniest, especially in live performances.
@user-og1ux8nr3i 4 месяца назад
Hitler got some of his ideas from USA.
@BigenZrays 5 месяцев назад
Wowh i was 3 yearl old than damn !!
@IshayuG 5 месяцев назад
Absolutely hilarious as well, but in fairness to Nietzsche, it was the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who came up with that idea. So you know the whole Israel vs Palestine kill all the Jews thing goes a ways back.
@mattwillman10 5 месяцев назад
Harvard president or Hitler?
@richardgrier8968 6 месяцев назад
There still is Adolph's meat tenderizer. Just saying.
@NHL4740 6 месяцев назад
Popular name for aborigines in the day. Because they fucking hate the poms.
@PickleRick65 6 месяцев назад
Nietzsche died when Hitler was 11 y/o.
@user-qm8bc4bu1t 5 месяцев назад
He never read it. He was an idiot...
@daleenalberts5829 7 месяцев назад
Nov 2023
@robdowsing3361 7 месяцев назад
Not sure this is in great taste😢
@Reb3nga 6 месяцев назад
Yes it is. A fine taste like good wine
@mynona2491 7 месяцев назад
"I'll do that quick so no one can take a picture" Screenshots 14 years later : 😬
@mauropuglia7991 8 месяцев назад
0:08 Along with more than 6 million people
@Tricolorrr533 8 месяцев назад
Hitler killed the hitler mustache too. It was just him and chaplin at one point
@ja-qk4vd 8 месяцев назад
In China kids, or their parents, did occasionally choose Hitler for their English name.
@caroskaffee3052 8 месяцев назад
it's honestly so much funnier when (british) comedians do not imitate a horrendous german accent when making jokes about hitler or the holocaust
@exyliax110 10 месяцев назад
2023 anyone watching?
@gh-vi9tk 4 месяца назад
2024 now
@jwchandl17 10 месяцев назад
We can key you now
@ldeledgar1763 10 месяцев назад
Soo funny
@moodown 11 месяцев назад
it is strange to me that he looks younger with beard
@knatspray 11 месяцев назад
He has the surprising ability to turn into Hitler on a moments notice
@ericstevendennis3206 Год назад
I had been riffing with my friends for years about how Hitler ruined the name Adolph for the world, but unfortunately I had done so with not nearly as much talent and charm as Mr. Gervais.
@Southpoint2019 Год назад
This guy is the key to defeating the “woke regime”
@gh-vi9tk 4 месяца назад
Need more Ricky's!
@sabercircle7634 18 дней назад
@HeisenbergTheFirst Год назад
1:36 my favourite Gervais moment ever!
@chrisdesu Год назад
That joke is stolen and whined up from an Eddy Izzard joke.
@salihtekin1131 Год назад
"Becareful in the future!"
@sareth90 Год назад
Hitler was 11 when Nietzsche died in 1900, so their meeting is not very plausible...
@TheSaltydog07 Год назад
Its "Nee-Chah, people. It's German.
@NiiCo415 Год назад
“What”? 😂
@Degenevesting Год назад
The gypsies do we need them 😂😂😂
@adolphsanchez1429 Год назад
Friedrich Nietzsche AND the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church's official doctrine was that the Jews were responsible for Christ's death, and that was promoted by the Church since its inception until the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. The Church put on "passion plays" to foment hatred of the Jews for centuries. Hitler was a self-described Catholic who repeatedly stated the Nazi movement was a Christian movement. Most Nazi policies were based on Catholic Church policies and actions including book bans and burning. Also, the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews, but we never mention that they murdered an additional 4 million members of the LGBTQ community, gypsies, intellectuals, immigrants, and minorities, something the American Republican Party will be doing in a matter of years.
@benconner884 Год назад
@TheWetworm Год назад
Not wrong. Hitler's whole racial Aryan supremacy thing basically came from English scholars. Nek minnute Hitler reads this and goes on a rampage, meanwhile England's all like "nothing to do with us"
@bobtudbury8505 Год назад
don't forget 20 million ukraines starved to death by lefty stalin
@boglenight1551 Год назад
Jews weren’t the only victim of the Holocaust
@unworthy1582 Год назад
It is time to get right with Jesus. You aren’t going to automatically enter into heaven if you have lied or stolen or had premarital sex. Even one of those makes you worthy of hell fire. Don’t deceive yourself! The punishment of sin is hell fire. Jesus died so you can get a clean slate and forgiveness of a future sin when we confess it. When you start to follow him you have to strive to obey what he commands. No one will enter heaven without the blood of Jesus over you. No other way but through Jesus.
@SonOfTheDawn515 2 года назад
2:07 only care about the jews who died in the Holocaust and not the other 4 million victims? Such as Slavs and others.
@niller88 2 года назад
With all the shit that "What's the deal with airplane food" gets, it's funny how many of these hacks do the same "What's the deal with Hitler" thing to death like it's somehow new or relevant.
@technomind88 2 года назад
@user-qm8bc4bu1t 5 месяцев назад
Sehr lustig 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅
@technomind88 5 месяцев назад
@@user-qm8bc4bu1t wtf, ich war froh dieses unlustige video vergessen zu haben, und jetzt bin wegen deinem kommentar wieder hier...
@user-qm8bc4bu1t 5 месяцев назад
@@technomind88 hihi Ich bin hier jetzt 😊 unlustig weil Sie sind trans? Ich bin bi auch, aber ich denke Nietzsche war so Kool 🥰 und Hitler war es nicht 😩Ich liebe Nietzsche 🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🩹
@technomind88 5 месяцев назад
@@user-qm8bc4bu1t wtf ☠
@brunoheggli2888 2 года назад
The guy is so unfunny!
@SunnyDayz16 2 года назад
This would NOT fly today ☠️
@wallgolfing 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is Lord and King and Our Savior!
@SonOfTheDawn515 2 года назад
Provide evidence he even existed and we'll start from there.
@GeweerBeer 2 года назад
Fun fact: the name Adolf was banned in many countries, some have only recently unbanned this name.
@remiwi2399 2 года назад
isn't this the transphobe??
@SonOfTheDawn515 2 года назад
Oh boy! Someone holds an opinion unpopular today?! For shame!
@bingletoncoochiesmith9138 2 года назад
“Nobody can take a picture” Screen shots: am I a joke to you
@lockystevens906 2 года назад
If u don’t find any of his shit funny that’s on u he’s howl fkn thing is always explaining that just don’t watch him if u hate his stuff
@JACKALz 2 года назад
God hasn't punished them enough, and they still haven't learned, I think Moses made a mistake.
@SonOfTheDawn515 2 года назад
Moses most likely never existed... Much like your god.
@senorpepper3405 2 года назад
@billyumbraskey8135 2 года назад
"i do that quick so no one can take a picture" way ahead of his time.
@noahwattel4226 2 года назад
Honestly Hitler's youth is quite tragic, it's not an excuse but... well it makes some sense.
@user-qm8bc4bu1t 5 месяцев назад
Huh? He was spoiled.