Sharing the Gospel and explaining scripture, especially focussing on prophecy and the return of Jesus to Israel.
@yvonnesegers3214 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this!
@johnthatcher2014 3 месяца назад
excellent - a great intro to your book
@yvonnesegers3214 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this!
@kdogg3285 5 месяцев назад
Great video, nice to see the brake test. Cheers.😊❤
@worldcomingtoanend 7 месяцев назад
Prophesying and speaking are different things
@sarahusrey-ld4zu 3 месяца назад
how so?
@johnthatcher2014 9 месяцев назад
excellent exposition !
@SabineVlaming 9 месяцев назад
Thank you, dear sister, for clarifying these issues. Many blessings.
@johnthatcher2014 10 месяцев назад
Wow, I need to work thru this slowly and lake notes...so good
@SabineVlaming 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this beautiful and insightful study! Many blessings,. 💕
@OneIdeaTooMany Год назад
What a great video
@prasillawatikumar8199 Год назад
Rego is due
@popeyesworld4930 Год назад
The true Israel was located in Africa ( South Africa ) and Israel of today is now located in what is known as North East Africa , which was changed into the Middke East ? Really Edom ?
@gustav1235 Год назад
Very interesting, thank you. But i'm very confused by your understanding of Romans 6:23 and the wages of sin is death.
@edwardmacintosh2915 Год назад
I use this story to tell people of the Muslim faith in a nice way What does the ram represent in this story from your quran This is where the veil is layed by God in others eyes A clear picture of the same events of the whole purpose what God was going to do with his son This is why Abraham rejoiced that he seen Christ's day
@johnthatcher2014 Год назад
a refreshing new look at an old problem. An excellent and thoughtful explanation. I pray this will help many resolve what appears to be a moral conflict.
@Matt-yc3ff Год назад
Thank you for this careful, generous & gracious assessment 🙏☺️🙏
@alsowritten Год назад
You are so welcome
@nicksanders9148 2 года назад
i wish more people understood things like this
@thelawless1523 2 года назад
how u understand "Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.” Death of the body or the real deal death aka separation from God? Would Christ stress over death of the body? He could just clip His fingers and resurrect anyone. i think He was talking about the final death, the one he will bring with Him. and some who heard those words will taste death on that day when He returns. what u think guys?
@birdee1428 2 года назад
Well done! I just found your website and channel. Is it your belief that the Coming (parousia) of Yeshua and the gathering of those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life is at the end of the final 7 years?
@alsowritten 3 года назад
See also 'Mark of the Beast' alsowritten.wordpress.com/2021/08/12/mark-of-the-beast/
@leahschmidt4067 3 года назад
What is your (Biblical) interpretation of Ezk 38?
@alsowritten 3 года назад
The nations who attack after Christ returns when they dwell securely without bars and gates because Jesus is there - See alsowritten.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/they-shall-dwell-in-security-by-derek-warr-1977/
@leahschmidt4067 3 года назад
@@alsowritten this makes sense as the “dwelling securely” could only be defined by Yahweh and Messiah. This divine declaration should mean Messiah is present. I’m just starting to wrap my head around how much the Bible is speaking to Israel, the promised land; that makes up God’s covenant…versus the earth or the world at large…your work comparing scripture to scripture has been very helpful to me. I will continue to pursue and compare. I have been unsettled about other dogmatic views on who and what Gog and Magog is. Thank you.
@alsowritten 3 года назад
Hi Leah, just thinking... you might find my latest blog article of interest regarding how much Israel is in prophecy God Bless alsowritten.wordpress.com/2021/08/12/mark-of-the-beast/
@leahschmidt4067 3 года назад
Makes so much sense….
@johnthatcher2014 3 года назад
this is an in depth study of events before Christ's return. I'd suggest viewers pause at each quote and take time to take in the full context - may even be a good idea to have a pen and paper handy to write the sequence of quotes. An excellent outline of the subject.
@alsowritten 3 года назад
Great tip!
@seicento2tone 3 года назад
@ImSuitsMe 4 года назад
I have been feeling like an Israelite like never before.
@johnthatcher2014 4 года назад
a wonderful message. People listen !
@johnthatcher2014 4 года назад
excellent - a really fresh way of looking at Rev. The visions are in parallel - just as in Daniel.
@smokeybirdman 5 лет назад
Very true. Many children of God, brother's of christ there are all through Christian churches from Catholic to christadelphian. I kno this, have seen this. Peace to you
@johnthatcher2014 5 лет назад
excellent presentation - more people should watch it
@sarahjoiner6992 5 лет назад
Thanks for your thoughts on this topic Robin. A lot to think about.
@Eamurrill 5 лет назад
Daniel's 4th Beast only has 1 head. Dan 7:20 v'reshah H7217 בראשׁה. This is head, singular. That 4th beast has 1 head with 10 horns. But, if you add up all the heads of Dan 7, you get 7 heads, which are the 7 heads that make up the Beast of Revelation. 1 lion, 1 bear, 4 leopard, 1 terrible beast + 10 horns = 7 heads + 10 horns. The 4th beast is the head that receives the "head wound". It receives the head wound in Dan 7. Then, John sees that head with 10 horns "come back to life" as 1 of the 7 heads of the beast that comes out of the abyss. Other than that I don't disagree with you on much else. Your idea that the 7 heads are the 7 original "land occupiers" is interesting to me. I think for this to work, the 7 heads of Dan 7 have to be representing those "kingdoms" in some way
@alsowritten 5 лет назад
Hi Rachel, Thanks for watching and for your comments. The Beast of Daniel 7 is given more detail in Revelation 17:9-13 "The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. The beast that was, and now is not, is an eighth king, who belongs to the other seven and is going into destruction. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast. These kings have one purpose: to yield their power and authority to the beast." Perhaps you would be interested in reading my book on my blog which explains it in much greater detail - alsowritten.wordpress.com/2017/08/05/revelation-the-time-is-at-hand-book/
@nixrate 6 лет назад
want an overly anal retentive test. Something only ever seen in nanny state Australia.
Love your art
@Pacifica74 6 лет назад
Isn't there a verse that says a woman shouldn't teach?
@alsowritten 5 лет назад
That's what this video is addressing. In 1 Cor. 14 there is a statement that 'women are to be silent in church'. This video puts forward the argument that Paul is responding to the matters they wrote about (see Chapter 7:1 - "Now for the matter you wrote about") . Paul quotes the customs the church wants to impose - such as women wearing headcoverings and not teaching the men - then he gives his opinion of their traditions. In other words - both sides are quoted without quotation marks leading to a jumbled mess. People have wrongly followed the traditions of men that Paul was opposing. I hope you take at look at the youtube.
@Watchandserve 9 лет назад
It is not only women with wrong doctrine who must be silent!!! Surely this is obvious!! Women have the great support role... The example of the woman of Shunem is the guide. So much can be done by this patient, supportive work. Let's do it!!
@4TheMostHighJesus 9 лет назад
Wow interesting I'm gonna check out this book. What if?
@alsowritten 10 лет назад
Hi Jani, yes that's interesting :-)
@Gospel4US 11 лет назад
I pray you will find success of sharing this beautiful book.