2 года назад
Vay Hek Destroys Strata Relay
9 лет назад
@rival3006 20 дней назад
Is this what happened to Vesper Relay?
@GethPrime 2 месяца назад
Why was strata relay reconstructed?
@MaxPower-cm5py 3 месяца назад
Fuck fortnite events all my homies love Warframe relay destructions
@hunterontherun807 4 месяца назад
God the classic ambience and bleeps and boops of the classic orbiter sounds is such a nostalgia blast.
@AlantiaReal 4 месяца назад
Its funny how the relays don't get destroyed
@sebastianrodriguez8992 4 месяца назад
I love how everyone just collectively agreed "Yah know what why save it? I wanna see it go boom"
@robertmarianomolina295 4 месяца назад
Funny this got recommended to me, just yesterday I checked and saw that the fomorian is at around 99.98%. I guess today's the day.
@theholyplank9326 5 месяцев назад
just to think, this year will be the 10 year anniversary the tennos got strata relay blown up
@greggersonny 5 месяцев назад
imagine over the years this happens to every relay, so DE has to make a new hub/relay at like, the sun or something
@bengieDMZ 5 месяцев назад
Warframe community - let’s a relay get destroyed. DE watching them let it happen- “you… you weren’t suppose to do that”
@plasticchairguy6471 5 месяцев назад
I love how tennos are peacekeepers and wants to do the right thing but they just sit there and wanted to see a relay getting destroyed
@delcaprascalar1860 5 месяцев назад
I started playing a year around now i'm rank 21 and goddamm i willing to not play these alerts in hope to see The Razorback armada destroying a relay 😂
@odafalz4156 5 месяцев назад
Do they still do events like this..assuming nobody fights the Fomorian?
@quantumblur_3145 5 месяцев назад
McDonald's playplace
@helix6206 5 месяцев назад
Actions Have Consequences in warframe unlike Certain Game that if you lose the eve... Oh wait that NEVER happened because the devs ALWAYS Rigged the events 😂
@I_am_a_cat_ 7 месяцев назад
That is the nastiest color scheme I have ever seen
@Follower_Of_The_Onions 7 месяцев назад
I was there when the jedi temple....I mean the relay fall.....It was the great time hahaha good old warframe
@robinshilva9779 7 месяцев назад
OMG what this is gold they should have just make it dark sector , like that one relayand make another one damn
@realhumanbean7915 Год назад
Man you don't get this type of assembly anymore, you know. It's been so long since I've seen another red text cult member.
I find it funny that Vay Hel is giving this victory speech meanwhile the Tenno there let it happen because "We just want to see what happens." Imagine Vay Hek finds this out
@ATTACKofthe6STRINGS Месяц назад
We’re literally magical teenagers with Goku powers and shitposting attitudes. I think that even the worst warlords would balk in fear realizing that we allow things to happen to us out of curiosity, if they knew just one of us could easily wipe out platoons and garrisons of their best soldiers. Could you imagine any world power, real or fictional, on the 10 year anniversary of destroying some support-powered rebel’s space base, celebrating. They give their victory speech then, amidst the celebrating crowd, they spot a handful of spicy adolescents glowing before sudden genocide? Dude, if I was in Hey Hek’s shoes, and a handful of nightmare teens I though I beat called me and said “we were curious”, I’d check myself into whatever the equivalent of an elderly home the Grineer have and spend the rest of my days quietly crying and playing failed checkers against a goldfish.
@DraMiaouh Год назад
An historical event
@pointlessink6084 Год назад
The community decide to test the water out, that was pretty savage
@WolfKriegV Год назад
Lmao .....just goes back to orbiter casually.
@EnsignGeneric Год назад
Imagine being a Grineer scout watching the station in the final minutes before the attack. The Fomorian is lining up a shot, and Tenno orbiters are arriving in their dozens or hundreds and launching their landers. And they're all...boarding the station? The one your boss has openly declared he is going to destroy? No, that can't be right. You check the camera bugs you planted inside. Yes, there they are. Warframes shoulder to shoulder, staring up at the giant glowing countdown hologram or repeatedly leaping through it. You check the open com frequencies. They're laughing. Then the Fomorian fires, the station explodes, everything inside reduced to ash and carried away on the solar winds. And they're still laughing. You see a thing like that, I bet you never sleep again.
@ovencake523 11 месяцев назад
then the alarms ring on your ship. intruder alert? no, it cant be. they all died. Marine Platoons rush through the hallways of the galleon before the alarms suddenly stop then everything is gone in several kuva bramma blasts
@Ask0rr 4 месяца назад
This is gold.
@tomashernandezsouto516 Месяц назад
@@ovencake523 THEN you take a evacuation ship and escape from the great ship but then you hear some kind of... wings?
@lordcaedus8713 Год назад
Everybody went and breathed Vay Heks air extra hard after that
@sympathiea Год назад
You can't breathe his air if there's no air to breathe I guess
@ignisdark Год назад
Damn it I missed this event
@thatidiotoverthere6311 Год назад
Happening rn with Kronia
@13Zero666 Год назад
@ariviovae7966 Год назад
i started playing in 2019 so i had no clue as to why some of the relays were destroyed. anyone got details about the vespa relay?
@Asrtyulg Год назад
Soma with the atterax. That takes me back
@Mocha-Latte Год назад
Funny to see ordis has been muted for almost a decade
@manarii_longbras Год назад
thanks 🙏
@jolly_oh_golly8443 Год назад
R.I.P Strata Relay
@phips9764 Год назад
that one german in the chat....... smh
@MaruchanPrime Год назад
Vay Hek: *Destroys Tenno Relay* DESTRRUCTION Tenno: *Celebrate and leave* Vay Hek: ???
@tonybablony2041 Год назад
Warframe used to look so different, so interesting how things change!
@zerogeass9930 Год назад
Is this guy color blind?
@JK-nj3bt Год назад
Strata means loss in Polish lol
@zenraloc Год назад
This is why I come back after 3 years to see relays in pieces wtf
@1MDA Год назад
You couldve prevented this
@delcaprascalar1860 Год назад
I started playing some months ago, i'm rank 8 and now seeing the Saturn relay being threatened by this goddamm thing and learning what it means makes me afraid and curious
@elricardo2901 Год назад
Why DE doesn't let us rebuild a relay???
@1MDA Год назад
Hapened once for what I know. It should be rare, people cant just let relays blow up for fun
@elricardo2901 Год назад
@@1MDA oh, that makes sense, but still makes me a lot of noise see a lot of relays destroyed
@1MDA Год назад
@@elricardo2901 True, its a painful sight
@Karuiko Год назад
Strata got rebuilt. Though it looks nothing like it used to.
@QuantemDeconstructor Год назад
I still remember the red text from this happening
@disparu6007 Год назад
It would of been amazing if somehow you were all put into archwings after it blew up and had the objective(shread the ship).
@Chris_all_myt Год назад
I feel like an updated kuiper relay would look awesome
@kalwardintv2271 Год назад
I waitin' when Corpus will destroy relay.
@SinbadNaiver Год назад
Huh...so that's what happens when a fomorian destroys a relay.
Oh so thats why there are a some relays that are destroyed
@chase_h.01 2 года назад
The only win the Grineer ever had, and we basically gave it to them lol