New History of Spain
New History of Spain
New History of Spain
New History of Spain is a RU-vid channel and podcast that provides both a chronological series to explore the history of Spain from Prehistory to the present and thematic episodes about topics related to Spanish history, such as medieval Iberia, the Spanish Empire, the Spanish Civil War, or Franco's dictatorship. Presented by David Cot.

Subscribe for the most well-researched videos on Spanish history on RU-vid!

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@jaumejoseoranies7948 3 дня назад
Yes! This kind of principality is similar to a republic but with hereditary prince or count. The sovereign had to swear the laws in order to access the position. If not he didn't became count of Barcelona.
@gwynedd4023 4 дня назад
ok cool video
@maud3444 5 дней назад
I've often wondered why the Valencians or Baleares don't consider themselves to be Catalonians. They speak the same language, no?
@newhistoryspain 4 дня назад
They do speak the same language yeah, although in the Valencian region for instance the use of the language has substantially declined. They just developed different identities as they didn't belong to the same political entity (the Crown of Aragon is just how we refer to all the possessions under the same monarch, but they barely shared common institutions, unlike the Crown of Castile). So you could argue it is the same as an American and British not considering themselves the same even though they speak the same language.
@maud3444 4 дня назад
@@newhistoryspain Gracias 🙂
@jaumejoseoranies7948 3 дня назад
​@@newhistoryspain In the western part of the autonomous community (CA) of Catalunya it's mostly spoken the same dialect as the CA of València. The north-western dialect is like tortosian valencian spoken until near Castelló de la Plana. Nothing changes when you cross the Sènia river but the Spanish province and the CA.
@user-rb3bb7mi3u 3 дня назад
Very simple, they speak similar languages, but are not catalán, same as Nigerians are not British and they speak english.
@JoRdi-ul4xg 5 дней назад
los catalales odiamos cualquier institucion monarquica de todas formas, no se cual de nuestros raritos realmente dice que fuimos un reino.
@mugen7819 5 дней назад
very well explained. very informative. good use of examples too. thank you.
@newhistoryspain 5 дней назад
I recommend you to check other videos in the channel, like the story of an influential Spaniard in the Kingdom of Hawaii 😊
@Benito-lr8mz 7 дней назад
Soy Valenciano y como esta comunidad antiguo Reino de Valencia dentro de la Corona de Aragon a secas de hecho en la acta de union con el Condado de Barcelona se especifico que apareciera primero y digamos como nombre del reino como Corona de Aragon como sabras mi region fue su " padre fundador" el gran Jaime l de Aragon " El Conquistador" saludos
@robertmyers6488 7 дней назад
I love Spain and you bring really unique information. I hope your channel grows.
@newhistoryspain 7 дней назад
Thank you Robert!
@robertmyers6488 7 дней назад
@@newhistoryspain I am very impressed by the story of Berenguela. So much smarter than her grandmother, yet so much less know. Before, we visited in 2021, my daughter and I watch a good RU-vid series that ran from her to the rise of Trastamara. We went many places but I made a point of going to the Cathedrals in Murcia and in Seville where respectively two parts of Alfonso X are interred.
@MrCount84 8 дней назад
Oh yeeeaaaaaaah this guy is finally back!!!!!!!!!!
@newhistoryspain 10 дней назад
Patreon: patreon.com/newhistoryspain Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/newhistoryspain
@newhistoryspain 10 дней назад
Patreon: patreon.com/newhistoryspain Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/newhistoryspain REFERENCES: Baydal, Vicent, and Cristian Palomo Reina. Pseudohistòria contra Catalunya: De l’espanyolisme a la Nova Història. Eumo Editorial, 2020. Palomo Reina, Cristian. “Noves perspectives per a una qüestió no resolta: Per qué Catalunya fou un principat i no un regne?” Anuario de estudios medievales 50.1 (2020): 323-352. Palomo Reina, Cristian. Identitat i vocabulari polítics a Catalunya durant la guerra de successió. 2018. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, dissertation.
@xc8487 17 дней назад
The problem is that facism is an inherently unstable ideology that is almost impossible to keep sustaining without it's own practitioners eventually causing it's fall. It's also usually pretty bad about adopting the worst aspects of multiple economic and social ideologies.
@davidhinkley 15 дней назад
That describes Capitalism to a tee. So, I agree.
@xc8487 15 дней назад
@@davidhinkley Capitalism has been around for about 500 years. Facism has really only existed for about 100-150. Capitalism is also an economic system, not a political system.
@newhistoryspain 15 дней назад
I think fascists regimes can be sustainable if they are not expansionist/imperialistic. If they attempt to constantly expand their borders, then yeah, that attitude puts the entire world against you.
@monsternbt 17 дней назад
israel is Fascist State
@RogerKrow78 17 дней назад
Just watch RU-vid, you will witness fascism promoted and endorsed by RU-vids algorithms. You are welcome to prove me wrong but will likely only expose RU-vid in the process.
@newhistoryspain 15 дней назад
Yeah social media platforms actively promote right-wing ideology, it is not just that they show up more because they generate more engagement.
@pc_suffering6941 17 дней назад
Fascism is something one doesn't like. Anything can be a fascism if you try hard enough.
@davochinomalo 17 дней назад
La mejor definición la ha dado la escuela de Gustavo Bueno.
@sonnysantana5454 17 дней назад
a nationalistic view and love of country , a strong respect and love of the their military , a strong belief in god and industries , but this is the 1930's & 40's interpretation , now they white wash and blame it on the opposition and twist it around
@xanmontes8715 17 дней назад
Mi madre... Thank God someone is saying this.
@RobiFM90 18 дней назад
I disagree, fascists are not extreme right wing on economic policy, they are not Libertarians or Ancaps
@NikasInParis_777 17 дней назад
actually they are fascists are corporatists which is based of medieval guild systems which then became capitalism or they are capitalists
@RobiFM90 17 дней назад
@@NikasInParis_777 a corporatist is not a Libertarian or a Anarcho Capitalist, the further right on the economic spectrum.
@NikasInParis_777 17 дней назад
@@RobiFM90 well thats in libertarian economic right you see as but authoritarian right economic principals tends to be corporatist, nationalization, or free marketism and less total freedom as you say
@RogerKrow78 17 дней назад
Let's be realistic, is any government any resemblance of what it labels itself? They've all devolved into some form of corruption they are all basically some form of totalitarian tyrannical dictatorships. It's all propaganda and illusion. The sad part is how they've convinced billions they are handicapped of any choice and must accept tyranny. Imagine how the future will look back on these times and those who were too weak willed to sacrifice anything for the fate of the species. We deserve to fail and slip into oblivion as our will is weaker than the will to oppress the species into extinction. Congratulations to social media and governments propaganda campaigns for the belittlement of the mental state of the species and its degeneration. Good job.
@RobiFM90 17 дней назад
@@NikasInParis_777 I disagree, I see many many corporatist in Center, Center Left and even Liberal parties. Fascism to me is a centrist chamaleon movement, they are certainly no neoliberals or Libertarians or Ancaps, most of these want the abolition or reduction of the state (right wing economic extremism) which is something that fascism definitely does not want
@haydenarias 18 дней назад
As a new subscriber, I have to say this is really good content! I recommend this video on Neolithic Iberia by Survive the Jive as a complement to your video! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-xJLTXmHuEbI.html
@newhistoryspain 21 день назад
Patreon: patreon.com/newhistoryspain Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/newhistoryspain REFERENCES: Eco, Umberto. "Ur-fascism." The New York review of books 22 (1995): 12-15. Griffin, Roger, and Matthew Feldman, editors. Fascism: Critical concepts in political science. Routledge, 2003. Griffin, Roger. Fascism. Oxford University Press, 1995. Paxton, Robert O. The anatomy of fascism. Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. Payne, Stanley G. Fascism: Comparison and definition. University of Wisconsin Press, 1980. Ucelay-Da Cal, Enric, Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta, and Xosé M. Núñez Seixas, editores. El catalanisme davant del feixisme (1918-2018). Editorial Gregal, 2018.
@RobiFM90 22 дня назад
@RobiFM90 23 дня назад
A donde puedo conseguir tu show/podcast que es en Español? Ese canal Español tiene patreon?
@newhistoryspain 23 дня назад
Sí, La Historia de España - Memorias Hispánicas en RU-vid o en podcast. Tiene Patreon en patreon.com/lahistoriaespana
@RobiFM90 23 дня назад
@@newhistoryspain gracias por responder, y el contenido es lo mismo en ambos canales? Llevo como dos años viendo tus vídeos en RU-vid y Spotify pero solo en Inglés. No sabia que existía en Español
@newhistoryspain 23 дня назад
He cambiado un poco los guiones para simplificarlos, en ese sentido creo que está mejor en inglés. También ahí no uso música de fondo. Los contenidos pueden ser un poco diferentes, hay contenido en español que no tiene sentido hacerlo en inglés porque no atraería a una audiencia anglosajona, y es posible que también ocurra al revés.
@RobiFM90 23 дня назад
@@newhistoryspain soy puertorriqueño! Mi tatarabuelo era de Girona! Me subscribí orita al patreon del canal en inglés pero quizás cambie luego al de Español
@fusseluflecki 23 дня назад
@padresfan60 24 дня назад
It's good to have you back David 👍
@newhistoryspain 24 дня назад
Thank you, Shane!
@remomojapelo1840 24 дня назад
I've fallen back in love with learning about European history recently so thank you not only for the video but for also giving us the sources to investigate if what you said is true. Cheers 🤝
@newhistoryspain 24 дня назад
Sadly this is something that should be considered required for all history creators, but it is not common to disclose.
@conradobillan 24 дня назад
Mejor en español!!!
@newhistoryspain 24 дня назад
Este canal está dirigido principalmente a estadounidenses y británicos, no hace falta que un español venga aquí 😂
@Benito-lr8mz 24 дня назад
Es muy triste oensar que la mayor parte de extranjeros y increiblemete alguna gente de aqui piensen que antes de los Romanos viviamos en cuevas y eramos poco menos que animales ya que muchos empiezan en la epoca Romana
@DawudShaukat 26 дней назад
I thought Spain was a strongly catholic country. Why isn’t your outlook towards such people more negative? Wouldn’t it be more objective to refer to them like you would with criminals?
@endermix5859 26 дней назад
Spain was imposed catholicism during a 40 year dictatorship and after it people have left most of catholics believes. Though there's still lots of traditions on Spain that come from catholicism😊
@MetaleroNui 25 дней назад
Wtf do you mean
@remomojapelo1840 24 дня назад
Please elaborate on what you mean. Because if I'm understanding you correctly then you're saying if Visogothic Spain was so anti-homosexual and the sources speak so unkindly of homosexuals, then he should speak as unkindly of them. However, I disagree with you there because I don't believe you have to sound like the lawmakers of that time to speak about what they implemented. I should be able to speak about anti-Jew laws in Nazi Germany without sounding like an antisemite because "that's what the sources and lawmakers said". If you are saying that he should sound homophobic because he is a Spaniard and most Spaniards are devout Catholics then I also disagree with you. Projecting your own views onto history is wrong on so many levels. Speaking as a neutral observer is often times best unless you need to clarify that what you are speaking of is truly right or wrong. Referring back to that Nazi Germany example, it would be unjust for an educator not to call the Nazis out for how evil they were. And similarly it would be unjust for the presenter to not talk about how brutal the laws were because they were.
@RobiFM90 22 дня назад
Jesus taught that we can hate the sin, but not the sinner.
@DawudShaukat 19 дней назад
@@remomojapelo1840 what?! So you should call out Nazi evil but not homosexual evil? What double standard is this?
@IronySpidery 26 дней назад
This is exactly the kind of content I want. Spain, and especially its empire, is a subject I find so facinating and engaging. As a resident of a former Spanish territory (Texas, USA) Im in.😊
@newhistoryspain 26 дней назад
Thank you, I will certainly do videos on Spanish Louisiana, California, etc. before we get there in the chronological series (which will take years). Tomorrow I will publish here episode 5 on the Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian Peninsula
@dylanjones7485 26 дней назад
@nalat1suket4nk0 26 дней назад
This sounds like the most random subject your classmates have decided to make a presentation on
@newhistoryspain 26 дней назад
😂 i've way more random stories i could make videos about, but they probably wouldn't get many views
@ktall6749 26 дней назад
You should check out what happened to gays in Sodom and Gomorrah.
@Igor-kv1eg 26 дней назад
As a spanish speaker, let me suggest you improve your pronunciation cos it is v difficult to understand at times. Shame cos the rest is quite good.
@newhistoryspain 26 дней назад
Fácil de decir, difícil de hacer 😂 al menos hay subtítulos
@Kinotaurus 26 дней назад
I had no problem understanding...
@LimeDude9999 26 дней назад
@@newhistoryspainas an English only speaker. I was able to follow you okay 👍 nice video
@Gen.HamzaAlSaeed 26 дней назад
Would it not make more sense to relay events without taking a side? The vast majority of people support and condone the persecution of such people.
@azazelazel 26 дней назад
Absolute nonsense. Gay marriage has been legal in Spain since 2005.
@miguelpadeiro762 26 дней назад
It would make sense to relay events by supporting basic human rights What's next, we are gonna relay information on slavery "as a purely grey area"? No. It's evil.
@Extravidrigt 26 дней назад
It takes a great amount of either ignorance or evil to promote the castration and murder of people for simply existing. Have a blessed day.
@AFellowCyberman 26 дней назад
No and no. What are you yapping about?
@greeenjeeens 26 дней назад
It didn't seem like he was advocating for anything outrageous? If people think he is some kind of activist perhaps they are a bit sensitive on issues of sexuality.
@blueowlclassic 26 дней назад
Informative and well-researched video. Interesting to see how seemingly quickly attitudes changed on the practice of same-sex relations.
@newhistoryspain 26 дней назад
Thank you ☺️
@SireJaxs 26 дней назад
Get over it.
@scot1913 26 дней назад
Get over what
@chrisbrown8640 26 дней назад
@@scot1913 They got a bum deal....get over it !
@TonyGModesto 26 дней назад
What is this comment even trying to communicate. It’s just a part of history.
@stargazer7184 26 дней назад
Your videos are quite excellent. I am so happy to have found your channel. I will refer many friends to you.
@newhistoryspain 26 дней назад
Thank you so much ❤️
@Julian-tf5rb 27 дней назад
This is not entirely accurate. Paganism in general is not homophobic like Abrahamic religions. Depending on the kind of Paganism in question, it can outright glorify homosexuality, especially male homosexuality.
@samuel-fg6wh 26 дней назад
modern paganism sure, but history hasn’t been exactly kind to *anyone*
@Julian-tf5rb 26 дней назад
@samuel-fg6wh At the risk of repeating myself, it depends on the kind of Pagansim in question. With Greco-Roman paganism, homosexuality was accepted as folklore. The concept of "Straight" and "Gay" did not exist as we know them in modern culture. You have to divorce yourself of many of the cultural biases you may personally have when trying to understand the ancient past.
@newhistoryspain 26 дней назад
We are talking about several Pagan religions of the Roman Empire in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, and again there was a generalized attack on sex for non-reproductive purposes.
@Julian-tf5rb 26 дней назад
@newhistoryspain With respect, other interpretations of the past do exist. History is a lore. It is not a science. Some interpretations of homophobia as we know it in modern times stem directly from Abrahamic religions. Again, Sir, or Ma'am; I do not wish to be rude. But there is a reason we have a difference of opinion here. I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree
@miguelpadeiro762 26 дней назад
Yeah, the Greo-Roman world didn't glorify male homosexuality. It did demonize female homosexuality and praise male dominance, but only dominance. As male, if you were the "taker" in a homosexual relationship, you would be humiliated and decredulated by society as a man, and that would branch out into all corners of your life, defiling your reputation in politics, etc. Basically it was accept for men to put their sword in any sheath, but for a man to be treated as the sheath was considered effeminate. This is why great male figures in ancient times took male lovers with no fuss. But once rumors started circulating that "they didn't wear the pants in the relationship", then there would be trouble. But iirc, Germanic pagans were even more extreme by downright no accepting any sorts of homosexual behaviour.
@ericmoore6769 27 дней назад
Very well done.
@newhistoryspain 27 дней назад
@RomanOllieOC 28 дней назад
I can’t wait for all those Islamists revering you because you said something nice about their dear al-andaslaverylus. heheh.
@newhistoryspain 27 дней назад
You want to end up banned, don't you?
@RomanOllieOC 26 дней назад
@@newhistoryspain I’m just warning you that all of these Mohammed and Ali and Hasan and Tariq only subscribed so they could hear you praise al Andalus cuz maybe they find slavery good idk. When u make vids about fruity stuff, they won’t support u. You can see how many saying it’s based. Btw I actually agree, it is based, but yea I don’t agree with them in anything else. U should be good Spaniard and care about your people idk why you are strange
@Kukainis Месяц назад
based climate image 👌🏻
@Zodroo_Tint Месяц назад
The industrial revolution truly took its toll on our climate if it affected even the ancient egyptians.
@HamidGulsher Месяц назад
Interesting video. Personally, I see al-Andalus as closer to what a state should look like than modern liberal democracies. The reason is that minorities knew that they were minorities but they were given rights, hence the state was functional. In modern Europe, ideological minorities such as ideological Muslims, ideological Christians and nationalists are told that their beliefs are liberalism when they are not. This results in dysfunctional societies such as in the U.K. the Christians and Jews in al-Andalus knew that they couldn’t publicly oppose the state ideology, yet they were given rights and could practise their religion (apart from the Almuwahid era)
@Yakaru1 Месяц назад
Very interesting and thorough debunking. I guess I should be glad that Spain also has its fair share of lunatic history buffs. (I added a link to this video in the comment section of a blogpost I did debunking Fernadez-Morera's atrocious right wing Catholic attack the history of al-Andalus. Much of his argument sounds like some of your commenters!)
@newhistoryspain Месяц назад
Yeah, sadly I think in every country there are a lot of bad history takes, mostly because of nationalistic narratives.
@KhalidibnAli-ut5zb Месяц назад
Good video and you speak English well.
@newhistoryspain Месяц назад
Thanks Khalid
@Great-Documentaries Месяц назад
How can it be that I am your 25th subscriber? Congrats on your new channel and format. Best wishes from former Spanish territory in North America.
@newhistoryspain Месяц назад
Yeah unfortunately it seems like the channel launch has been a disaster. Honestly I thought with the RU-vid algorithm now promoting more small channels I would have gotten some a few hundred views and subs. I hope I don't have to cancel things again, since there wouldn't be more comebacks.
@chiefinstaffgeneralofapost7253 Месяц назад
Eh seems biased. Why are you being so academic as a Spaniard? You should tell our side about how we were enslaved for so many centuries and won our freedom despite huge odds. Why are you sympathising with invader? They’re legit the villain of the story