A Life After Layoff
A Life After Layoff
A Life After Layoff
Learn how to reclaim control in your career and become in-demand by those employers with my FREE weekly newsletter - alifeafterlayoff.ck.page/90f448df25

In it, I provide weekly recruiting insights, detailed step-by-step career strategies for you to start acting like THE owner of your career, my thoughts on the labor market, AND sharing exclusive offers/promotions with newsletter subscribers!
A Life After Layoff teaches you how to act like the CEO of your career.

I'm a recruiter, HR Professional, and hiring authority for the past 20 years, working for some of the world's largest and most well-respected companies, including Amazon, FedEx, ABB, Ford Motors, and more. My mission is to peel back the curtain on major hiring processes to give you the best chance of getting noticed by recruiters, navigate the hiring gauntlet and ultimately land your dream job.

Is Working Remotely Killing Your Career?
14 дней назад
How To Avoid The "Layoff List"
Месяц назад
The Collapse of The Traditional Career.
2 месяца назад
5 AI Tools Every Job Seeker Should Be Using!
2 месяца назад
How Unemployment Benefits ACTUALLY Work!
3 месяца назад
@eugenepohjola258 5 часов назад
Howdy. It seems to me certain interview patterns come in waves. During my active years I often got the question: "Why should we hire You ?". A couple of times I replied: "You have seen my CV. Why should I choose this opportunity ?". That pretty much wrapped up the sessions. Never heard from those again. I suppose a softer way would be to answer: "Hm. I let my CV advocate for me.". Regards.
@emcrack7 6 часов назад
Laid off in October. Now I am making an entry level salary again.
@user-qp6ku1tp5p 6 часов назад
I've had two internships one in accounting and one in sales. Can't find anything right now.
@user-qp6ku1tp5p 6 часов назад
also involved in student orgs and 3.8 gpa.
@kevin___ 6 часов назад
Perhaps this guy recruits for waitstaff. would like to know if a company recruiter has such a limited attention span. I'll not apply then. Waste of my time.
@iamchriswick 6 часов назад
No petson ever resf resumes anymore; there is software for that.
@brianshocklee2021 6 часов назад
Capitalism is not just an economic model. It's a government. The money makes the rules.
@MrOsasco 6 часов назад
Thia channel is depressing.
@toysorbust 7 часов назад
The 3 things that I had to agree to before commenting 😂😂😂 What is the water for?
@pleskbruce 7 часов назад
I'm retired now after a 42-year career in financial services. I couldn't agree more with all the advice in this video. Having changed jobs and employers a number of times in a number of circumstances which include 12 bank mergers, the best advice in my view is to never go into an interview without having good questions for the interviewer. Interview ease should always remember that you are interviewing the employer as much or even more than they are interviewing you. Re-listen to this video because it is just that good, and a second listen will always reveal things missed during the first listen that caused one to ponder and miss succeed information.
@poopface011 7 часов назад
I asked a woman I work with in her 50’s how she started in this industry (electrical power distribution, companies like Siemens, ABB, etc..). She told me she was an English teacher after college and wasn’t making enough money so through a reference from a friend, got a job at a GE factory doing various tasks. From there, through hard work, she worked her way into and up the project management ladder. People in that generation do not understand that that type of flexible career path, molded through hard work, simply does not exist anymore. I can not think of a single example of my company hiring anyone other than an experienced professional to integrate into the ongoing engineering activities in my 7 years of experience. Even with a reference, it doesn’t matter. Your resume better show you came from a competitor doing the exact thing you will be doing here. And if all you have is a degree, it better be an electrical engineering degree with something else to set you apart from everyone else.
@OopsMyBad1979 8 часов назад
I find it funny that so many are upset with the company while blatantly ignoring that she admits to not closing any sales. Which is what she was literally hired to do. Complaining that she did 80%-90% of her job while not finishing the most important last 10% (closing the sale) is just baffling to me.
@derekedmondson9909 8 часов назад
So…because recruiters and managers have the attention span of a gnat, we are all going to dumb down our communications? Why don’t we just use stick-figures?
@its_me_luv6941 6 часов назад
No it’s bc u write a whole essay instead of bullet points to make it easy to read idk why this is such an issue.
@alfredonieto4412 8 часов назад
Hi Sir, what an interesting topic! I've seeen so many times, the side of good number of job opportunities (openings) that are just empty! No people interested, nor willing to take the initial price of giving an extra effort to learn the position ,to master it in otder to provide great value to the organization. Best wishes.
@tobiasbrunner4309 8 часов назад
“what their hot buttons are”. Love it. Appreciate your work, it is helpful. Thank you
@lov4128 8 часов назад
No no you have to play stupid and dumb down your resume to get a job.
@seban-jackedweeb5513 8 часов назад
Bro, literally just say that humans are lazy and want to get it over with. There's nothing wrong with that. Just be honest, like an AP exam grader. They are just say straight up that, if it's not in paragraph form with clear separation of answers, they're just not reading it and move on to the next.
@elberethreviewer5558 9 часов назад
I've made this mistake.
@theoryofclubs-bv8gy 9 часов назад
My company screws me over weekly. Next month I'm going to work most of the shift on our heaviest day, but I'm not going to do anything. Then around 8 pm I'll just walk off the job. I can't wait.
@ElderonAnalas 9 часов назад
yup, i hate this performance metrics BS. I worked with Amazon customer service in the Associates department. (the department where you get the tools to make ads on your websites with HTML code and stuff) right after a big policy change about having access to the API system used by some tools. The policy change basically said, "You have to show Amazon that you can make sales before you can use our automatic API tools" wich, more or less mean "you have to know how to actually write website code and put ads in manually on your site before we'll give you the keys to have your simple drag and drop Wix or SquareSpace template tools be able to make ads for you" So, I have a bunch of calls coming in about not being able to use the API and make thier "mini-store" website that does nothing but redirect people to amazon, since they watched a simple "get rich quick" tutorial on youtube about making a one of these cookie cutter "shops". And, I do my best to explain the policy changes, what that means, and that they'll need to actually do some coding and manually update their ads and products. Since, using the API basically costs Amazon like, 1 penny, every time someone loads an add on a webpage and that page sends a request to amazon servers to deliver the product picture, real-time price, etc. People were not happy about this, and were not website designers or anything like this. They couldn't do that stuff. And they would be calling in with the whole "the customer is always right" attitude that we'd bend over backwards for them. And I had to explain in much longer and nicer words, You're not a customer, you're a business partner. You signed our contract, these are the rules, you have to follow them. I was let go for not getting enough positive customer reviews on my performance. TL:DR If you use Amazon customer service, and the agent genuinely tried to help you, please answer the survey email positively. It may cost someone's job.
@frankmoran4556 9 часов назад
Well i guess i know i will never work for a dolt like you. What kind of boss tosses a resume in the no because it has a page of text? "May gey overwhelmed" it's a handful of sentences bro how much do you struggle to read? 💀 💀
@yg78t76t7 9 часов назад
Never get married to your job! Always have a back up plan.
@AnnTarrell 9 часов назад
While you offer good advice, I feel like it places the entire onus on us when we can’t afford a high risk strategy. Moving to a better town for instance. If you move prior to landing a job, you may end up homeless if you can’t get hired within a reasonable amount of time. Jobs are slow to hire out-of-towners, but constantly complain about not being able to hire talent in their cities. They don’t read the Glassdoor reviews, and refuse to take accountability for where they, a person of power, could make meaningful changes. Stagnation is another thing. People stay because they need money and because they’ve been told that job hopping (less than 2 yrs) is bad. So essentially, jobs want you to stay in a bad position for the purpose of “looking” dedicated and trained. I know you are a well-meaning advisor, but I honestly feel like companies are the problem. They’re judging people based off antiquated measures and refuse to update their approach to finding candidates that are willing to stay. It’s they who pay, not us. Most can afford training or an operational assessment. While we can tweak certain things, we are still at the mercy of these companies. We can be the perfect candidate and still not be chosen.
@summertime69 9 часов назад
Imagine being an employee where you are expected to read the transactions coming in for full context, then determine the appropriate action to take, and take it, but recruitment gets to just throw you aside because they don't want to read 1 page.
@David_303 9 часов назад
One of many problem, but a GIANT one, is that we expect the FED to do all of our fiscal policy, thy only have one tool. Congress is where this stuff needs to be done. Please look into Modern Monetary Theory if you haven't already. Everything we've been told about fiscal policy is wrong, the government is not a household that needs to borrow money. Who did we borrow money from for the Covid stimulus? They just added zeros to bank accounts. Economists Stephanie Kelton and Rohan Grey take Jon down a Modern Monetary Theory rabbit hole, where they learn that the Fed could actually do a lot more than it is. www.youtube. com/watch?v=0G6obeUKWmw
@David_303 9 часов назад
Love how fired up you are in this video and speaking truth!!!
@kungdu 10 часов назад
Company don't pay to win so bounce out.
@InfinityDz 10 часов назад
I wanna work, I just don't want to interview and look like the guy at the end of your intro
@Hulk-mc7bp 10 часов назад
Has anyone actually seen hard work and efficiency being rewarded at work? Anyone being promoted for their merit rather than for knowing the right people? I don’t think so.
@redstarthunder12 10 часов назад
as a former recruiter. i can attest that we never cared about college, i been preaching college is useless for years. Second, just cause someone is rejected from hundreds of jobs doesnt mean much. i can attest that i would be looking to fill 4 spots... and gets thousands, yes thousands, of applications. Most resumes arent looked at. just the reality of it.
@chocotv3573 10 часов назад
How to respond if we were asked a weird question in the job interview?
@sephondranzer 10 часов назад
It really *is* a lot like being under arrest, only you don’t have the right to remain silent - you have to say something. It all is being used against you though…
@manojbp07 10 часов назад
Why can't the recruitment team ask an llm to summarise if they are so lazy, I mean chat gpt or gemini etc.
@TheVeryAgilePM 11 часов назад
I am in this place. I am glad you are coaching these HM. Overqualifed along with you'll get bored. 7 months of being laid off.
@pris_pris 11 часов назад
People are never gonna learn 😂
@johnsmith1953x 11 часов назад
*This HAS HAPPENED BEFORE: 2001-2003 and 2008-2012* ITs worse now as there are wayyyyyy toooo many IT people. There are STEM now working (or trying to) work in IT as there are no RESEARCH spots in the USA. The IT workplace is FLOODED; however, Hotel, waiters and BANKING $$$$$ bigtime...for now....
@JamesMCrutchley 11 часов назад
Saw a job posting for Walmart. They were looking for a greeter. They said they would consider any applicant but without a college degree you could not actually apply.
@Hello-vf9ue 11 часов назад
Opinion from a female millenial in her 40's. The workforce in my experience has been a very abusive experience and ive worked in lots of different places and in more than one state. Many people there are unhappy and in no mood to be a team player. Bosses are often unhelpful and unresponsive. Full time jobs are often draining and all consuming leaving little time for a personal life. Most workplaces dont honor God so nor are they founded on God so the morale is low and the foundation cracked. It took me until around my early 30's to get to more like a 50k dollar salary (and I have seven years of college), taking alot of part times during the recession to get to where someone would hire me full time. So lots of slaving and the pay hasnt always been amazing either. Thats it in a nutshell.
@KingdomOfZeal 12 часов назад
Human Resources is NOT for humans or to get resources. The only reason I went to hr was to submit my resignation from a toxic boss and workplace and to ask for severance finding another job (which I got since they didn’t want to get sued!)
@d.e.b.b5788 12 часов назад
we found out that the executives suck every penny possible from the company, and then plead insolvency. They the bail with a golden parachute guarantee, while the line workers lose their jobs.
@theravenousrabbit3671 12 часов назад
Most issues with your CV is hiring managers being lazy pieces of shit basically. They don't care about getting the best person for the job, they care, like everyone else in the west, doing as little work as possible. Voila. So make the hiring manager's work easy and they will probably hire you.
@BooDamnHoo 12 часов назад
Welcome to adulthood, baby. This has happened to most people multiple times in their lives.
@AustinWurzel 12 часов назад
Dear Bryan, Good day Sir! Let me kindly ask you a following question: I was at the job interview at the biggest bulk carrier company Oldendorff. I have prepared myself very efficient way. From my side as well presentation was prepared (which I actually looked/inspired from another HR channel). From my point of view and as well from eyes of interviews they were very impressed by my preparation and my approach. The key question from their side was why I have decided to switch my job and what is my motivation. My current role has a lot of necessary skills for the applied position. I have explained them the same, and told that based on my current skills and knowledge I consider myself of capable to so the job they have posted. The last question was - why you have decided to leave your current company. I told them - I would like to be honest with you, I like my company, my colleagues, my managers, my top managers, but I am looking for the opportunity where my financial opportunities could be matched. I have explained that want to gain more skills and knowledge and as a result have better financial perspectives. My current salary is quit higher to the market level and considering my young age. The amount I have applied for was mentioned in my CV what was around 60k Euro per year, what looks like they have accepted inviting me to the interview, seen this number themselves. Sorry for such long introduction. My question is if my "honest" answer that I want to have better salary is wrong and I had to play around other stories? I had other interviews, when my "honestly" was actually positively accepted. After that I have waited for 2 weeks prior recieving negative feedback. Would truly appreciate your comment though. For my case the only reason I want to switch to another company, because I want to have 6 figures ASAP. What is best way to explain my motivation, not showing companies that it is money.
@tammiepulley7167 12 часов назад
There is still a pay off for working hard. It’s just way less pay off. But what is the alternative? Being homeless? The owner class is really squeezing all they can. Brian I look forward to hearing any positive ideas. I’m over 50, semi retired and watching your channel for a few years. As I have said in your comments section before, everyone out there please consider gig work. I did it for 20 years. Now with ACA health insurance it is a viable way to survive, and possibly thrive if you learn how to play the gig game. (Ie always negotiate your hourly wage way up from initial offer). Always be networking and a student of local business events. Be aware if a company is under new government requirements-that translates into jobs in order to meet those s government requirements. Very much in banks and healthcare. There are many jobs to help install EV charging stations now, as an example.
@JR-gp2zk 12 часов назад
Glassdoor sold out years ago. It was the best way to avoid toxic companies. It seems horror stories and complaints can be removed by companies or the Glassdoor algorithm pushes them down. Glassdoor is useless now.
@nicolae-alexandruluca7853 13 часов назад
There are a few inconsistencies with your speech as I am a recruiter I don't just toss away people like that, if the companies say no we still look for possibilities and if all companies we have a contract with say no then that is the moment things get dicey
@jennycarroll713 14 часов назад
You should write a book!
@OJK9 14 часов назад
Very important video to watch! This pretty much sums it up. As Brian eloquently says here, the job market is tied to several other aspects of our economy (I'm saying "our" and I mean mostly the Western World, but I'm sure a lot of it applies globally). The housing market, especially here in Canada and mainly in the big cities - which is where most jobs are, is beyond reach for young people, AI is both a blessing and a threat - but it definitely has significant affects on the job market, and of course the effects of inflation in the post-COVID world have significant negative impacts on everything we do. And our representatives in government are being reactive at best, and not proactive, and this is not the place to speculate why that is.
@caldwellfisher5288 14 часов назад
"Why do you want to work for this company?" "Well I cant stand hanging around all day at home, and I'm bored silly.
@ViciousSadistic 14 часов назад
Fear corps. If you feel the need to fo a layoff. Use this as your sole metric. Hours worked to progit gained for each individual. Guaranteed there are dozens in th c suite that generate zero invome but get paid big numbers. Delete those people. They font increase revenue they are useless. You know... the 3 letter people who take the most and give the least.
@Understatedalways 14 часов назад
I am tired of the lie that people should be tolerant of everyone. I am a different kind of thinker and the negative comments made to my person are atrocious. Just because I don't fit your mold...quit trying to change my personality and ways of doing things on the job. You didn't earn my degrees.
@pagrant 15 часов назад
I had a number of temporary jobs via employment agencies at companies , never been fired, but been let go, as some were very short term contracts. Another red flag I had was the one time I was asked no questions , he just asked 6 people to come to the interview and he picked someone with how we looked , thankfully I did not get the job.