Beyond Serenity 444
Beyond Serenity 444
Beyond Serenity 444
🦋 Lost and confused on your ascension journey?
🪶 Your life seems to be falling apart around you
☯️ Things that used to resonate no longer makes sense to you
🦢 You feel isolated and alone, like no one understands you
🦌 Friends and/or family seem to be falling away from your life
🔥 Romantic connections are confusing and the experiences seem to make no logical sense
🌀 The highs and lows of emotions are like nothing you have ever experienced
🦉 You have periods of what feels like deep spiritual depression leaving you feeling broken on the floor
🚂 You are seeing strange synchronicities and signs which you can no longer ignore as coincidence

You are not alone in your experiences. This channel is here to provide support, tools, and guidance as you navigate this painful transition. A life of unconditional love, abundance, and joy is much more than possible, it is meant for you.

For more help & support visit beyondserenity444.com/
Kundalini Energy 🔥 Twin Flame Awakening
4 месяца назад
@ra.fa.el-369 День назад
its the feminine who's the narcissist who never apologizes and projects onto the masculine... please stop this gender bias feminist propaganda. women treat men like shit then go and gossip about it
@user-hu1io6ue9m День назад
My dm loves his girlfriend so much and he said she is my suitable partner for my all life . He wants to stay with her for his all life ... Is it mean i have no chance? Even when i do inner work? I know you say we don't have to wait for union but i did one year inner work and he didn't change at all.. I have no hope ...if i do inner work i will grow but i won't be with him
@beyondserenity444 10 часов назад
Union is absolutely available to you if you make the energetic shifts. What is playing out in your physical reality, including what is unfolding with the physical body of your DM, is simply a reflection of your energy. While ever you are focused on what is going on with you DM in the 3D and while ever you are making changes with expectations and the intention of achieving physical union, you are in an energy of fear, and you are preventing yourself from shifting into union energy. It is the paradox of this journey. Everything you seek outside of yourself must be found fully within first, before the changes will be reflected in your external reality.
@StefanieQuaedvlieg2312 2 дня назад
So beautiful, thank you! ❤
@beyondserenity444 10 часов назад
Thank you and you are so welcome 💕
@user-hu1io6ue9m 3 дня назад
I miss him I haven't seen him for one year Why nothing has changed
@beyondserenity444 3 дня назад
Your life will not change until you have changed. This journey is calling you to step into your highest version of self. While ever you are focused on time, what is going on with your DM and if/when union will occur, you are keeping yourself stuck and preventing yourself from reaching inner union. Often in the earlier stages we must get very strict with our minds to continually re-direct our thoughts and take our focus fully off DM. You have an important role on this planet and you will continue to be pushed by your higher self until you step into it. Take it day by day. What is one thing you can do today to bring yourself joy? What is one small step you can take each towards stepping into your soul purpose? Lots of love 💕
@user-hu1io6ue9m 3 дня назад
@beyondserenity444 Some people when they start changing their dm comes in but even when I changed in some areas, he didn't show up even once
@beyondserenity444 2 дня назад
​@@user-hu1io6ue9m Every soul has come in for a unique experience, and your journey is unfolding in the way that is best for supporting your soul's individualized growth. For some divine counterpart DM may be in and out of DFs life more frequently and for others DM may seem to completely vanish for an extended period. However it plays out is perfect for you. Comparisons to how the journey unfolds for others can be toxic, keeping us trapped and preventing us from progressing along own path.
@lsls-lb7qv 4 дня назад
I don’t believe in it just an idea fooling desperate people
@beyondserenity444 3 дня назад
As anyone who is truly on the journey can attest, the experiences are very real. The intention of the content of this channel is not to convince or fool anyone. Rather it is to to help and support those who are moving through these confusing unfoldings, and to empower them to step into the best version of themselves. Doubt is very prominent on this journey, and a large part of what we are learning is to tap into our own internal guidance system. I encourage others to connect with their own inner knowingness of what resonates as true for them. What resonates at any given moment may morph and change depending on the particular stage of the journey in which one currently resides. Lots of love 💜🌻🦋
@joshuaquinones2442 4 дня назад
Everything you said is true. Thank you. I just want to add that physical bodies do in fact matter as they are in fact energy. When I began this journey, I was the Divine Feminine despite being in a man’s body. It took me many years to discover that since I am a physical man, it is my natural role to be the Divine Masculine as well. And so my Dark Night of the Soul journey transformed my soul and my role from feminine to masculine. Now my twin flame, who is becoming more and more feminine each day, is beginning to chase me. Anyway, I hope this interests you. Love ya ❤️
@beyondserenity444 4 дня назад
It is beautiful to hear your perspective on the journey as a physical male. It is my belief that divine feminines who have incarnated in male physical bodies have some very unique roles to play with helping to heal and integrate the wounded masculine and feminine energies on this planet. It is a unique challenge and experience you are here to embody. It is something that interests me to continue to learn more about, thank you for sharing 😊 💜
@patriciapeeters7 4 дня назад
Such a beautiful metaphor, thank you 🙏✨️❤️
@beyondserenity444 4 дня назад
Thank you and you're so welcome 💕 🦋
@beyondserenity444 4 дня назад
Thank you for your beautiful comments, questions, and sharing of your journeys. Each and every comment helps to serve as inspiration for future videos 🌺 To accelerate your shifts, my daily messages have been created to bring you into alignment with union energy beyondserenity444.com/b/HYqnO For 1:1 support visit beyondserenity444.com/ Lots of love 💜 💜 💜
@dupecompany 5 дней назад
Love doesn't hurt. Divine Masculine is divine...not toxic ❌
@user-hu1io6ue9m 5 дней назад
I'm not checking him but suddenly I miss him so bad ...I can go to work do exercises but at the end of the week suddenly I feel missing and starting crying
@beyondserenity444 5 дней назад
The missing and longing is a part of the journey. It is inviting you to go deeper into yourself. What is it that you are missing from your own life and not giving yourself? What voids are you looking to DM to fill? This stage of the journey is helping to show you what shifts you need to make within your own life so that you can become whole and complete within yourself. 💕
@user-hu1io6ue9m 3 дня назад
@beyondserenity444 thank you❤️
@beyondserenity444 3 дня назад
@@user-hu1io6ue9m You're welcome 💕
@SoulEagle 6 дней назад
She’s not helping. She is making things worse getting in the middle. This whole system and city is corrupt.
@SoulEagle 6 дней назад
She keeps questioning me and listening to my opps side of the story first. I call BS and she takes sides. She needs to mind her own business. She dont know anything about social work, mechanics, or my workplace drama firsthand. She listens to my evil mob family over me. I am done with her. She needs to accept that.
@makethatchangelifecoaching4009 6 дней назад
My inner work was about this. I opened a very tall solid white door, with gold trim and my name in gold cursive and I saw my mother and father in the door and I saw the beginning of their relationship and my mother never told me these things but I saw how they treated each other. They both were two damaged people not able to emotionally invest in each other or their children. My mothers goal was she wanted children. She ideally wanted a family, but she couldn't have the love of her life but my father was available and her low self esteem, she settled. He was already an alcoholic, but she thought she could change him. She spent a lot of time alone. He wasn't available. He spent a lot of time in his room, he was developing skitsophrenia and did a lot of self Isolation. He had a low self esteem and my mother was controlling. He was easy to control. Handing over his money doing what he was told. She forced him to go to work at a steady job and he did it at first. He didn't know how to be a partner or a lover or a father. She had to teach him. Her attempts to fix him failed. She told me a little of this but I saw it clearly. He sank into deeper depression and illness and started drinking more, hiding his bottles, missing work, giving his money away, mom couldn't pay rent so she decided to go to work and he stay at home, that was a disaster. He didn't take care of the kids. He was also verbally abusive, not terrible but he picked on her insecurities, calling her fat in subtle comments. When she tried to dump his beer and find his liquor, I saw mainly whiskey bottles, he got angry. He was never physically abusive to him until she threatened to kick him out. Which she finally did because he wasn't doing anything for the family. In my inner work, they weren't able to give me affection because they never recieved it but they both loved their children. I told myself that you no longer need their affection. They both love you and you are enough. You don't need others love or validation. You love yourself and you will heal yourself.
@user-hu1io6ue9m 6 дней назад
How will our spirit guide answer us ? He is not guiding me .I'm alone... It seems God wants my tf be with his girlfriend. They are together for two years...
@beyondserenity444 6 дней назад
You are never alone, your guides are always present, waiting for you to tap in. (I can dive deeper in future videos). The 3d body of your DM has soul lessons within that relationship, just as you have soul lessons within the separation. Shifting your attention off what is occuring in the 3d with your DM is one of the best things you can do for yourself. The focus on his physical body is keeping you trapped.💜
@szilviakulinnebarna5109 5 дней назад
I desperately needed your video today, thanks for it!!🙏🙏🙏 After a couple of days spent in a fairly balanced, joyful state this morning I found myself being filled again with sadness, anger, anxiety, and on top of it all with doubt - I just sat on my bed crying, playing and replaying in my head our most significant 3D situations with my tf - over and over and over again (something I haven’t done in the past 5-6 months). Suddenly I could not hear the voice of my soul, all I felt was loneliness, pain and despair. I do know it was some kind of energetic block being dissolved so it happened for a reason, but still it was awfully hard not to let myself sink completely. Even though I do not know any of you in 3D it’s a reassuring feeling that there is a soul family out there I am part of, that I’m not crazy and things happening to me are real and all are being part of a bigger plan! I am grateful that I could hear your video and that I could read the comments from df s living all around the globe. I’m still not fully back to my balance but I do believe this (also) happened for a reason. Please continue to share your thoughts, your work is of huge support for me and I bet also for a lot of other df s 🙏❤️❤️☺️🙏 I’m sending unconditional love to all of you!❤️☺️
@beyondserenity444 4 дня назад
@@szilviakulinnebarna5109 Thank you for your beautiful words, for sharing your experiences, and for helping to remind other DFs we truly are all in this and not alone 💕
@andreagriffin3546 7 дней назад
Wasn't gonna cry today... this DF role is not for the faint of heart or weak of spirit. It's the hardest thing I've ever been through ❤️‍🔥
@beyondserenity444 6 дней назад
Absolutely it is not for the faint of heart, and you are on this journey because you have the strength and tenacity within you 💜
@andreagriffin3546 6 дней назад
@beyondserenity444 yes. And I'm finally ready to set it Free.... 🔥🔥🔥
@Grewupwithnointernet 7 дней назад
It’s brutal!!
@beyondserenity444 6 дней назад
It is brutal in the moment. However it does not last forever. There will be a day that you make it to the other side and you feel better than you have ever felt in this lifetime 💕
@juliepeoples 7 дней назад
God I needed to hear this so much. I have never felt so alone in my life. I have removed toxic people out of my life. And anyone new who tries to enter I put up a shield lately. It's like I can feel so much negativity around them and I run for the hills. I have fallen to my knees so many times needing my twin, but understanding it's not happening for a reason. I keep trying to move forward and have faith to keep me strong. It has been painful, but I know how blessed I am to have met him
@beyondserenity444 6 дней назад
I'm happy the video reached you when you needed it 💕 The feeling of aloneness does not last forever. In those times of needing your DM there is a 3D absence however the energetic presence of your spiritual DM is always there 🦋
@Rachel-qn8hy 7 дней назад
Beautifully put ❤
@Rachel-qn8hy 7 дней назад
Yes we feminines need to all start embodying our divinity, not to allow men to feel they can just have us or take us. We are worthy of balanced, loving, and truly divine relationships. Hold firm is the word and remember your worth and sovereignty!!! Balance not masculine patriarchy and those women that push that are truly unhealed, dysfunctional women!!!
@matthewh8729 6 дней назад
Masculine/feminine in the spiritual world is not the same as 3D gender. You could be the masculine and your counterpart could be the feminine. I understand everything you say about men in the 3D world. And you’re not wrong. The 5D is a very different world to 3D.
@Majo_amna7 7 дней назад
Aren't twin flames meant to be together always????
@deepalirn 8 дней назад
In the twin flame relationship is the female the Divine feminine and the male rhe divine masculine???
@danalana111 7 дней назад
no it´s the energy...can also be the other way around
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
Physical gender is not relevant. Divine counterparts can be two males, two females or either combination of male/female. We simply use the terms divine feminine and divine masculine to refer to the energetic polarity of the physical body. 💜💜💜
@Rachel-qn8hy 7 дней назад
No its energy!!!
@scorpiogirl3781 8 дней назад
I can identify with every single word you say…thank you for sharing your wisdom 💙
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
You are so welcome and thank you for sharing your resonance 💜🦋🌈
@salkarin 8 дней назад
You always touch the core of my soul 🙏
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
So beautiful to hear of your resonance. Thank you for sharing 💕 🦋🪻
@andrewstavrakakes 8 дней назад
✌🏼 7:54
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
🙏 🦋 💜
@andrewstavrakakes 8 дней назад
YAP 2:23
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
@Diana-zb5jw 8 дней назад
Thank you 🙏🧡
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
You are so welcome 💜🌻🦋
@StrongLadyZoe 8 дней назад
🙏Thank you so much for this video. I don’t know what more I can say right now.😥
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
You are so welcome. Thank you for being an inspiration 💕
@beyondserenity444 8 дней назад
Sending a huge thank you to all the beautiful divine feminines I have connected along this journey and a thank you for all the beautiful comments you have shared, supporting and inspiring myself and others. Lots of love 💜 💜 💜 For 1:1 support visit beyondserenity444.com/ To accelerate your shifts, my daily messages have been created to bring you into alignment with union energy beyondserenity444.com/b/HYqnO
@Mili.369 8 дней назад
I’ve been on this journey since 2020.It was painful at times, but also very profound.I shed so many layers, and at this point i feel peace within myself. This journey is so much more than union.In fact we’ve never been together, he got married meanwhile.I found everything within myself 🙏🏻💜
@beyondserenity444 8 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your beautiful shifts and transformation 💜 🦋
@milenasaskor 7 дней назад
We share the same story but i still didnt find peace ,thank you for sharing 🙏
@StrongLadyZoe 8 дней назад
I m mostly in hermit mode and I want to stay in this mode until I die in this vessel I don’t trust people at all it has been too much betrayal in my 3D life so I just exist and TF journey is a road to hell so I wish I never was born. // If I choosed my life before I was born on earth in this vessel I must be an idiot if I choosed two narcissistic creatures as parents and the same with my siblings and a loveless life with so much evil against me since I was born from both other children and adults many have tried to kill me in different ways but of course I survived it was my mission to survive obviously. But the only thing I have learned so far is to be an ICE-Queen totaly detached from people and just ACT 24/7 because I hate my life on this Devil’s playground with all evil against innocent precious beings. I hate this world’s system which is created by demons the fallen ones that is why it is moneymaking in murder. I hate hypocritic people who hug a cat but accept to cut the throat of a rabbit in this satanic meat-industry there animals are enslaved and treated like garbage by torture from human monsters. I hate to be here and see all this evil against innocent so I surely don’t belong on this condamned earth realm. That is why I have choose my hermit mode because I feel helpless to save these defensless vulnerable kindhearted precious beings in a satanic society there massproducing for murdering of innocent is accepted as normal! Its not normal with this evil its horrific betrayal and a ultimate mockery against the intelligent design made by love from a loving creator source. So why am I here then, when I can’t save anything and just exist in this satanic loveless mess??? What was my purpose to come to this demonic place called earth? I feel totaly lost here and as long as I have to be here I m closed off so I don’t need to feel any pain at all because that makes me weak and I like to be strong so I just exist and try to be a kindhearted existence towards nature like when I m having contact with bugs and insects who gladly comes to me and sit on my hand without hurting me at all like a wasp 🐝 or a bee 🐝 or a friendly dragon-fly or a butterfly 🦋 or a beetle 🪲 or that magpie I have contact with right now this summer who loves my cherries 🍒 and visit my trees. Last year I had some birds in one of my cherry trees and I told them to invite their friends and eat as much as they wanted from that tree and next day that tree was filled with birds and they ate every cherry 🍒 on that specific tree. Explain that if you can? So I love animals but accept humans existence but I don’t feel connected to them at all. Explain that if you can. This is all my life since childhood like this I just handle other humans and I m friendly to them but I don’t feel connected to them at all… I rather talk with the young bulls on the field and play harmonica for them then to sit on a café and have a meaningless conversation with a human being who I don’t feel connected to at all. Explain that if you can? What I mean is I feel it inside me totaly that I don’t belong here on this earth realm but I have no idea from where I m and that makes me very sad and confused and ALONE in contact with humans. But I feel complete in contact with animals even bugs. Explain that if you can. I m not rude I tell you my experience just and my thinking as this existence I m. Now you know…
@beyondserenity444 8 дней назад
You're comment inspired me to create this video. If it helps even one DF you have succeeded in helping to shift the the darkness into light. 💜 💜 💜ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BC9o1RmCvQw.htmlsi=iW5w6Nga8Lhh2a4t
@StrongLadyZoe 8 дней назад
@@beyondserenity444: 🙏Thank you so much for the new video. I don’t know what more I can say right now?😥
@beyondserenity444 7 дней назад
@@StrongLadyZoe You are so welcome. Thank you for inspiring 🦋 💜 🌺
@Cherrybombbullies 6 дней назад
I’m exactly the same as you… waiting to die…. Completely cut off from everyone and in despair… ❤
@ines-awan 6 дней назад
Dark night of the soul Ho’po ono I am sorry Please forgive me I thank you I love you As a mantra is really helpful. To vibe high. I do not watch tv . Cleanse your house and mind , transmute those dark energies. Trust your Angels send by the lord of the Universe. Stay humble and grateful. Watch the words that you utter for instance not hate but dislike etc. Stay socially selective, nature grounds us, healthy diet, journaling. Art sing and dance and positive affirmations in the mirror help me.🤲🏽🌺🤲🏽 Love and Light
@scorpiogirl3781 9 дней назад
This is not a quick journey at all, I now see in hindsight how soul has been leading the way, how much I’ve grown over the years. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom ❤
@beyondserenity444 8 дней назад
You're so welcome. Thank you for sharing and helping to inspire other DFs to trust in soul and trust in the journey 💕
@Nick1921945 9 дней назад
Why is most of this video about how to put up with things or just letting things occur or leaving them behind instead of directly trying to change the problem with a solution? I understand that it is masculine to be direct, but if you want a better life, you literally cannot just let things happen. You have to inspire change by at least doing things that are adjacent to solutions. You cannot just let the wind blow and assume change will happen on its own. Being forgiving and compassionate are one one thing, but neither of these behaviors will create change in someone who is not interested in change already. If they are your twin flame, then they should be willing to work with you. A twin flame would not treat you like trash on a reoccuring basis. And you should also not just forgive a serious problem. Confront it and stop the problem or talk about why you feel its wrong. If you cant work out a problem, then it is time to leave them behind because they are not mature enough to have a partner. Same goes for you. If you are not mature enough to communicate problems, then you arent mature enough for a relationship either. TLDR; You are lazy and need create change if you want change. Almost nothing with people happens by accident.
@beyondserenity444 9 дней назад
I absolutely agree that there are no coincidences and if we want to create change we need to change. One of the biggest leanings of the twin flame journey is that we are the creators of our reality and a primary way we influence and change our reality is through a place of fully stepping into our sovereignty and power.💜💜💜
@shelbykunz3177 7 дней назад
@@beyondserenity444 Yes, but it's also really important to realize who you are, not just stepping into power like it's a place to be, what do you DO with that? What do you DO when you are aware of your purpose? ...Transmute the dark back into light! You are meant to go through sharpening and tough things, you're literally sent by God to do that very thing! Taking things too seriously as if you are so blocked off from allowing yourself experiences of dark as well as light, defeats the purpose of being on a planet where both exist equally. Everything is give and take, if you're only capable of self love, that's great! We're all on different parts of this journey. Ultimately though, the point is to learn to be the beacon of light that you are through the darkness. Not just keeping yourself completely out of the battle. For if you weren't here to experience dark things, why are you here at all? This is a planet for Advanced Consciousness, and we all signed up to play these roles. Appreciate what you do find loving in another, keep looking for the Divine, not the failings. When we get too caught up in what makes a "perfect" relationship, those are literally expectations that hinder growth. We are MEANT to experience both! So when you eventually find that one thing in your twin, that freaks you out like OMG I can't ever live with this person until they're fully healed! (The kind of energy I see a lot with love/light ONLY spiritual crowds...) You're not truly integrating your darkness, you're avoiding it. Unconditional love is real, and it literally means there are no conditions which must be met to see the love in another. You don't have to ALIGN with someone else, but if you're waiting for a relationship that is so profoundly perfect on every level... You've MISSED the entire point of twin flames all together. PURPOSE! Soul purpose, coming together to INTENTIONALLY work on an aspect of GROWTH that your soul is seeking to complete their mission with! If you're so scared of any hardships, you're too scared to look in the mirror, for that's what a Twin Flame relationship really is at it's core... A freaking fantastic mirror for you to see the remaining aspects of things your Soul wants to HEAL! It cannot heal from what is prevented from arising! So again, rather than this whole idea of endless boundaries like you're protecting yourself, realize that once you've activated your bubble of light, you don't need to hold onto issues that come into your existence anymore, and then you can TRULY learn from your twin the way your soul wants! Mind you, most twin flame relationships aren't even sexual/romantic! They're for PURPOSE of growth together that is a massive catalyst for transmutation of suppressed emotions! -- You're MEANT to bring them out together! This is why Twin Flame relationships are so explosive with love AND pulling away. Until you are capable of standing your ground and saying, I'll hold your hand through your darkness, do you want to join me on the same journey? You won't truly understand what a Twin Flame relationship is about. There are no "perfect" matches, period! For if you don't have something to learn and transmute with another Soul, do you really think that's what your Higher Self wants for you at the end of The Shift? No. Learning to see glimpses of the worst in yourself, so that you can work on transmuting it back to a loving perspective, is, has, and always will be the key. You have to keep letting go though. You don't have to be a doormat for abuse, but you do need to recognize it's only a matter of time until a true TWIN relationship will be presented with something extremely difficult! That's the POINT! Stronger together! It takes self love to let go of the expectations of what love really is. Forgiveness for ALL beings! If the point is to love your inner child and have fun again, stop getting all worked up when you see something you dislike in another. It just means that you may not be aligned, and you'll find someone later who is properly aligned with your path. From there, have fun growing together! We're all just walking each other home.
@Dispeh 9 дней назад
it's interesting how this goes... "through separation, union is revealed, unveiled."
@beyondserenity444 9 дней назад
This is a redo of a previously posted video due to a video segment copyright issue 😊 To accelerate your shifts, my daily messages have been created to bring you into alignment with union energy beyondserenity444.com/b/HYqnO For 1:1 support visit beyondserenity444.com/ Lots of love 💜 💜 💜
@user-hu1io6ue9m 13 дней назад
When i wasn't chasing him and focusing on myself for months he didn't even massage me. . Why people say if you focusing on yourself they will back
@beyondserenity444 12 дней назад
This is so much bigger than simply focusing on yourself for a few months . This is about you going through a massive transformation on every level, shifting to a higher level of consciousness and attaining inner union. It is not what the mind wants to hear but it takes longer than a few months to move through the transformation. While ever you are in the energy of doing something with the expectation of achieving outer union and looking at time, wondering when something is going to happen you are operating in a lower level of consciousness. Becoming whole and complete on your own without any need for the physical body of your DM or anyone else to make you feel happy, whole and complete is where you will find peace and is an essential step of the journey which must occur before outer union.
@user-hu1io6ue9m 13 дней назад
Would you make a video about how to balance shared snergy
@beyondserenity444 13 дней назад
Yes, absolutely. It is multifaceted and runs far deeper than can be captured in one video. I will sit with the best place to start 💕
@user-hu1io6ue9m 13 дней назад
@beyondserenity444 thank you 🥰 I'm waiting. Because I'm in a country that I can't pay To abroad's account to sign for courses.
@Mili.369 14 дней назад
Wow so beautiful…I remember how obsessed i was at addictive phase.Now it’s completely different, i let go thought about union and surrounded to my own journey living most authentic life 🙏🏻✨ ♾️
@beyondserenity444 13 дней назад
So beautiful and inspiring to others to hear of your progress, thank you for sharing 🦋
@crystalmhendrixson 14 дней назад
Love this! ❤ Thank you
@beyondserenity444 13 дней назад
Thank you and you are so welcome 💜💜💜
@Evolveyouawakened 15 дней назад
The twin flame journey is a gift....to be the whole of who you are
@beyondserenity444 13 дней назад
Absolutely! 💜🌻🦋
@N555M 15 дней назад
resonate 100% 🙏🙏🙏
@beyondserenity444 13 дней назад
Beautiful 💕🦋🌈
@EvaMariaBlanca-my3op 15 дней назад
You are so right!❤
@beyondserenity444 13 дней назад
@tyronecooke3781 15 дней назад
Another great video. The cake will be baked when it's at the perfection stage 👌
@beyondserenity444 15 дней назад
Thank you and absolutely!!!😊 🎂 💜
@beyondserenity444 16 дней назад
To accelerate your shifts, my daily messages have been created to bring you into alignment with union energy beyondserenity444.com/b/HYqnO For 1:1 support visit beyondserenity444.com/
@user-hu1io6ue9m 16 дней назад
I'm afraid...i scare he makes his relationship more serious.. I can't sleep ... And i can hear my heart beat... What should i do ... Did i lose him forever?
@beyondserenity444 15 дней назад
This is an incredibly painful and challenging part of the journey, but you have the strength and you will make it through this. The sleepless nights will end and the fear will dissipate. Right now the focus needs to be on loving you.and becoming the best version of you. As long as your focus remains on him you are keeping yourself trapped. What can you do to love yourself today? What small action step can you do today to start creating the life you truly desire? The love you seek will remain perpetually out of reach until you have found it within yourself.💜🌻🕊️
@user-hu1io6ue9m 15 дней назад
@beyondserenity444 After I learn to love myself, will him come? I love to be with my tf, not someone else, and I will do everything for that
@user-hu1io6ue9m 17 дней назад
As df shouldn't we need someone to hug in our bad days in our illness? What's kind of this love that we have to get old alone and couldn't hug our dm while he is living happily with another gilr... What's kind of god take your love and give to an other person. Why i should ignore my human side and my need to his body and his presence
@beyondserenity444 17 дней назад
This journey is pushing you to shift into learning how to embody pure unconditional love for yourself, where you are no longer dependent on anything or anyone external to you. This love will be reflected to you in your external world, but not until you have stopped looking to anyone else to make you feel better and you have found the love within yourself first. It can feel very painful, confusing and frustrating as you make the transition. But you are on this journey because you have the strength for this and you are shifting into something so much better than your mind can comprehend.
@agata2692 19 дней назад
Can there be multiple separations after the reunion?
@beyondserenity444 19 дней назад
Absolutely. Multiple separations are very common. Each reunion and separation allows for deeper transformation of each divine counterpart. There is a weaving of energy as you move towards balance and inner union.
@eleonoraivanova-kd2zb 16 дней назад
It's the best way to use dismissive avoidant man for growth. That is the gift for now. I guess the label just helped me deep deeper than imaginable on my healing. I forgive myself and the other. We are both children of God. May there be resolution that is for the best for all concerned. Negative patterns and fear based thinking cleared and cleansed. May we shine brighter than ever and dissolve patterns of hurt and outgrow the 3d input to a 5 d input