TJ3 History
TJ3 History
TJ3 History
Welcome to TJ3 History! I create awesome videos centered around World War II air combat history. If you enjoy aviation history, this is the place for you. Hope you enjoy my content!
How the US Navy Fought the Kamikaze
28 дней назад
The Brutal Reality of Flying the B-17
Месяц назад
Why the Japanese Feared the F6F Hellcat
Месяц назад
The Brutal Reality of Flying the F-4 Phantom
2 месяца назад
The Brutal Reality of Flying the F6F Hellcat
2 месяца назад
A B-29 Superfortress Story You Won't Believe
3 месяца назад
The Most Deadly Aircraft of the Pacific War?
3 месяца назад
How a B-17 Gunner Did the Impossible
3 месяца назад
Best B-17 Nose Art During WWII?
4 месяца назад
The Bomber that was NOT Supposed to be Shot Down
5 месяцев назад
5 Things You Never Knew About the B-24 Liberator
5 месяцев назад
How Bud Anderson Became an Ace - Old Crow Pt. 2
7 месяцев назад
What You Never Knew About the Battle of Midway
8 месяцев назад
@stevesebek7962 14 минут назад
must be maverics grandfather
@mikemike2815 47 минут назад
Interesting history hobbled in the telling here by a distracting quiz format.
@Sugarsail1 58 минут назад
99 kills my arse. The Germans were drinking when they were counting.
@binartiknahipon247 2 часа назад
where is ajinamoto now
@anilrama4410 2 часа назад
Awesome video dude, by the way, how did you get that camera shaking effect?
@billt6116 3 часа назад
Today's military is taught to take the high road. In World War 2, Combat was based on hatred for the enemy... Different time.
@oscarolie5743 3 часа назад
I love your posts, and learn from every one of them! But on the B-24 weakness in the wing because of the landing gear you showed us the wrong rl downing: That B24 was hit between the fuselage and nr 3 engine, so had nothing to do with weakness of the wheel-well...
@SpaNT650 3 часа назад
Stop laughing about my cold exposed rear position ... And don't call me Shirley ❗😎
@HEr-gh2hp 3 часа назад
Those Wright-Cyclone engines were junk! They were known to overheat, and catch fire. And they were lousy at very high altitudes.
@RAvery41 5 часов назад
The narrator of this says you can get an autograph from Pappy or others. I think if you did not get to meet any of these aces, just having a copy is not good enough. I want the autograph of my uncle Heinze Knoke, German Luftwaffe, do you have one? Just being sarcastic, excuse the comment.
@twolak1972 5 часов назад
He devised a way to bust up a luftberry circle that sounded insane bit his commander witnessed it first hand and afterwards said it was the most incredible display of flying he had ever seen. MARSAILLE was the greatest fighter pilot of WW2. No american, russian or british pilot could hold a candle to his flying prowess.
@RichardSmith-pb8qk 5 часов назад
A very interesting video, thank you, and with a redeeming ending indeed.
@CoolArrow28 5 часов назад
I’ve visited the Missouri before, and there is a dent on the eastern side of the ship.
@denni98 7 часов назад
Like to see B1 or B2 bombers nose art?
@gregorymiller5113 7 часов назад
Thankyou. Victors will always write their version of history. Thankyou for the prospective from the other side of history.
@ColKorn1965 7 часов назад
@davidmccarty6445 7 часов назад
Glad he made it home, warriors deserve respect.
@charlied1675 7 часов назад
My father (Charles Hubenthal) and Mr. McPherson both flew in Squadron 83 off the Essex and were friends. My father passed away last year, just shy of 102. I hope Mr. McPherson is well.
@Quackadam 8 часов назад
Great imagery of those beautiful planes. Great content as well. Thank you.
@bryanbeers7209 9 часов назад
Wasn't one of the Japanese aircraft depicted a Ki-43 Oscar, instead of a Zero?
@andrewosborne8993 9 часов назад
My old neighbour was a Lancaster tail gunner in WW2. He was a German and had very dark sense of humour.
@scottlarson1548 9 часов назад
One small part of Kenji Yanagiya's flight was left out. When he was bleeding and trying to get back to his base he flew over some Japanese navy ships and considered landing in the water in the hope they would pick him up. He decided not to because that would delay whatever mission they might be on.
@allenthomas8985 10 часов назад
You ask the the wrong question, you should ask was it wrong for them to bomb Pearl Harbor and KILL our men
@dragospeta3812 11 часов назад
They had no television in 1941 1942. One of the first television and brodcast station was in 1942 (?)- 1944 in Paris France in a hospital for german soldiers.
@jarrodyuki7081 11 часов назад
istp estp take eight zyrtec a day and watch howls moving castle and spirited away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Hagmire 11 часов назад
I love when former enemies come together and shake hands after the war, you can always see a mutual respect between them because of shared horrors.
@eddieraines2844 12 часов назад
Good stories..
@bigblocklawyer 13 часов назад
Imagine how many notches John Browning had on his belt.
@davidh8924 14 часов назад
Did this guy just admit to war crimes?
@larrycooper9487 14 часов назад
You placed much emphasis on the as you called it, “killer squadron” being just off the surface of the water “blazing across the Pacific”, when in fact, the entire squadron was at low level. Only just before approaching land did the two flights of P-38s separate for the attack, one for high cover, and one to shoot the bombers. You should have given more credit where it was due and that would have been to Maj. John Mitchell. He brilliantly planned and led(navigated) the entire low level mission. The “killer flight” just followed until their lead climbed to cover. Ref: Lightning Strike by Donald A. Davis
@mmabagain 14 часов назад
Wow, there’s a missionary with such Christian compassion. 😒
@renzelesteban3113 14 часов назад
Worthy adversaries. My salute for their bravery and unwavering show of honor.
@malcolmcarter1726 15 часов назад
Actually I think that you will find that the Allies bombed the axis into submission. Not America!
@jonhohensee3258 15 часов назад
Why do we need a side view of the speaker?
@Rotorhead1651 16 часов назад
The TV show "Baa Baa Black Sheep" was active when I was in highschool, back in the 70s. One of the teachers there, Mr. Olsen, was an expert on WW2, and specifically, on the pilots and aces of the time. According to him, Boyington, while a legitimate Ace, was shot down fairly early in the war, and spent the rest of it in a Nipponese P.O.W. camp.
@OddShallot-nj5nf 16 часов назад
@WanderfalkeAT 16 часов назад
Oh how much better the 109F was and what a shock to Spit Pilots it was together with the Focke Wulf! For a year they raided the English Channel and the East of England. And only after a German landed a Focke Wulf accidentially on a English Airfield after he downed a Spitfire and lost orientation - The Mark 9 was made and at least against the 109F and the 190A3 they had a chance again... Let's keep the patriotic enthusiasm a bit dampened, shall we? And NO I am not German and my Grandfather fought against the NAZI's! Before you start to accuse me of being one, while your goverment supports Banderite NAZI's in Ukraine and Zionist Mass Murderers in Israel!
@Zerox_Prime 16 часов назад
I suspect Yamamoto's leadership doomed Japan. The Rising Sun had already set when the Admiral was assasinated by American pilots.
@bernardcohen3245 16 часов назад
I was a pilot in wwll. I was killed though
@davidb2206 18 часов назад
Stalin would never have done this. Wehrmacht and Polish dead (such as Katyn Forest) were buried in mass, unmarked graves with no identification or record.
@jolhu 19 часов назад
Thank you, @TJ3 Learning, understanding and remembering these events is one way we honor all veterans after their nations called for warriors. Making sure our children know and honor the sacrifices made for their freedom is another. Taking care of veterans for as long as they live is another. The work put into this video and those like it honor our veterans. Teach children this history, no matter how attached to their cell phones they may be. Pry the phones from their naive, greedy little fingers, and show them the prices paid for their phones. Explain the direct line from the IRL warriors to their cell phones or ironically, to their shoot-em-up and other video games. Honoring veterans is more than showing up to a parade or barbecue, waving a little flag, and using the day as a play day or an excuse to get high or drunk.
@tomserna6722 23 часа назад
I personally believe that even if the US got every Carrier and capital ship sunk at Midway, it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the war. They would have just gone on the defensive for 6 months while they new flattops were being built, I mean what did they have? Like 30+ Fleet Carriers at the end of the war?
@sinhaashish935 23 часа назад
Even death had a hard time catching Sugita What valour, what bravery 🇯🇵
@scottaznavourian3720 День назад
Yammamoto.was lucky. He knew from the minute he canceled the third wave attack at pearl harbor japan was screwed...
@mattg5022 День назад
In the first few seconds of this clip the narrator said something about p-38s - sounds like game over right there if they would ever get the drop on the Betty in any way shape or form which they did …just a guess.
@bloodyconstraint920 День назад
Aphrodite killed Joe Jr. but that was in a PB4Y.
@CringeAfterburnerkid День назад
Why does this look like war thunder
@Ngrus-lo7be 16 часов назад
Because it is
@user-kz3kz7tz5k День назад
※映画は洗脳のツール。アメリカが正義で日本軍が悪に描かれている。日本軍が市民に自決を強いた、日本が無謀な侵略戦争を行った等の嘘を刷りこんでいる。命が大事だと結論付けて、英霊の死を犬死だと嘲笑している。英霊達の必死の抵抗が無かったら、日本は簡単に植民地にされていた。幕末の英雄達が命を捨てて明治維新の偉業を成し遂げた事を無視するのか。我々は先祖の偉業に胡坐をかいて、その恩恵をむさぼっている愚民で好いのか。人生は社会の為に何をしたかで価値が決まる。そう言う大事な事を否定して、嘘で大衆を洗脳する。そうした目的で映画は作られる。  すべての戦争はメイソンが仕組んでメイソンが勝つ様にシナリオが書かれている。  日本はABCD包囲網によって経済封鎖され、石油を禁輸された。近代国家にとってこれは死を意味する。電力が止まって製造ラインが停止し、エンジンを搭載する機械、兵器が使えなくなっては他国の侵略を防げない。だから、自衛の為に先手を打って真珠湾攻撃を行ったのである。それは米国民の戦意高揚の為である。アメリカは勝利し、最高の金のなる木の植民地・日本を獲得した。アメリカはハイテクノロジーで産み出される、メイドインジャパンで稼ぐ奴隷の上前をはねて、贅沢を享受出来る王様になれた。アメリカの沖縄返還は形だけのもので、未だに日本を実効支配して植民地にしている。自爆した英霊が最後まで戦ったのは、その植民地支配が過酷にならない為の最後の抵抗である。大和魂が続く限り日本は復活すると信じて永久に目を閉じたのである。  ミッドウェー海戦は1942.6.5 ミッドウェー島を攻撃して出てくるアメリカの機動部隊を叩く作戦なのに、必要のない第2攻撃の為に魚雷を陸用爆弾に交換した。敵空母発見の報告を得て今度は陸用爆弾を魚雷に兵装転換した。その為に艦上は大混乱を来たし、その隙を突いてアメリカの爆撃機が襲い掛かった。空母・飛龍の山口多聞艦長が現状の兵装のままで出撃すべしと言う具申を無視した訳は何だったのか。 ところが、1942.4.5 日本の連合艦隊は英国東洋艦隊とのセイロン沖海戦で同じ作戦を行っている。セイロン島の地上軍事施設には甚大な損害を与えたが、湾内の艦船に対する爆撃効果は十分ではないと判断した攻撃隊総指揮官淵田中佐は、第二次攻撃を準備され度と連絡した。南雲長官は各空母で雷装で待機させていた攻撃隊を爆装に転換した。敵巡洋艦らしきもの二隻見ゆと報告を受けて、南雲長官は爆装を命じた攻撃隊を再び雷装させるように命じた。イギリス軍は日本海軍の主要な作戦用暗号であるJN-25の解読を行い、4月1日に日本軍がセイロン島を攻撃する予定であることを知った。暗号解読までそっくりと言う事はこのセイロン沖海戦はミッドウェー海戦の予行演習であり、日本海軍は業と負ける為にこの作戦を行った事が判明した。真珠湾攻撃をしたら、老朽艦を沈めただけの不発に終わった。なぜ、二次攻撃を仕掛けて、空港基地、海軍工廠、石油タンク等を爆破しなかったのか。ハワイを占領して、空母対決をしなかったのか。要するにこの真珠湾攻撃はアメリカ国民を怒らせて、戦意高揚させる為の策略だったのである。昭和天皇、閣僚、海軍首脳部はすべてメイソンだったのである。  残虐な白人至上主義の欧米がアジアを侵略して植民地にしていた。それに逆らって日露戦争に勝利した日本が台頭してくる事に危機感を持ったルーズベルト、チャーチル、スターリンらは寄って集って日本を挑発し、日本を侵略者に仕立てるプロパガンダを流して、日本を滅亡させようとした。蒋介石の黒幕がこれらのメイソンであって、反日活動を行なわせて、通州事件等の日本人虐殺を繰り返した。その反撃が上海事変に結びつく。日本は満州国を建設して、王道楽土を築こうとしていた。その日本が同類の黄色人種の朝鮮人を性奴隷にしたり、中国人を南京で大虐殺する筈がない。そんな事をしたら、欧米ばかりでなくアジアをも敵に廻す事になり、日本は孤立して自滅する。そんな自殺行為を行う訳がない。  ※悪魔の国は米国で日本を侵略者に仕立てて原爆で葬った。その免罪符として虚構の従軍慰安婦と南京大虐殺が作られた。その嘘に騙されている馬鹿共に付ける薬はない。日本は自衛と亜細亜解放の為に大東亜戦争を仕掛けたのだ。  大平洋戦争の真実  ニダ姦酷人、アル畜酷人の阿呆共。貴様らが白人の植民地から解放されて、今大きな顔をしてものが言えるのは、日本が大東亜戦争を起こして戦ったお蔭である。その為に日本は300万人の戦死者と原爆、空襲で民間人の50万人の犠牲者を出した。その恩のある日本に対して靖国神社の英霊を冒涜したり、日本人の子孫に対して謝罪や賠償を乞う事は畜生以下の虫けらの行いである。恥を知れ。恩人を嘘で貶める事は悪魔が許しても神が許さない。英霊の働きが無かったらお前たちは永久に奴隷で、白人の尻の穴を舐めさせられる匪民のままである。   アメリカは第2次世界大戦で日本に原爆を落とす事によって、ソ連を威嚇して世界を牛耳った。共産主義国家が敵ならそれを潰滅出来た筈だ。なぜ、北朝鮮と言う国を残したのか。それは第3次世界大戦に向けての火種としてである。ソ連の参戦はヤルタの密約で決まっていた。ソ連崩壊でアメリカは日本に金を出させて、ソ連を支援した。どこに敵対関係が存在するのか。原水爆の開発技術はトップシークレットで、北朝鮮等共産主義国家が持てる筈が無い。アメリカが教えたのだ。つまり、同じ穴の狢で八百長の喧嘩を演じているだけだ。日月神示にも、悪の総大将(イスラエル)は奥に隠れてござるぞ。一の大将(アメリカ)と二の大将(ロシア)が大喧嘩すると見せかけて、世界をワヤにする仕組みと教示している。米中貿易戦争も八百長で、アメリカの勝利は決まっている。アメリカは基軸通貨のドルを湯水の如く刷り、イカサマの為替、株価操作を行うインチキ国家で、ペテンと恫喝で恐喝する、ならず者国家である。
@a2000a 19 часов назад
さっそくの御返事お礼申し上げます ご主張は別として
@76MUTiger День назад
I don't think TVs were available during WWII.