Rick & Esther Have A Time
Rick & Esther Have A Time
Rick & Esther Have A Time
Sometimes Rick Glassman & Esther Povitsky have a good time. Sometimes they have a bad time. But what is consistent... and soon to be on a weekly basis is... they have A time.
@mydogsareneat 3 дня назад
In the northeast a lot of us can bake. Poptarts just feel off. Love them but they are weird.
@mydogsareneat 3 дня назад
Honestly this may be thr funniest podcast ive ever seen ever
@mydogsareneat 3 дня назад
@12:30 oh THAT sexual tension
@Cmn.22 5 дней назад
17:34 for those of you that came from tiktok
@BobSteven_enjoyit 7 дней назад
Yep! I’m done… After the “ohhhhh he’s a boy… 👀 “ 🙄 fuckn eye roll dumb dumb dumb liberal girl dumbness , whether they’re playing it up, or not, it’s fuckn pathetic, LITERAL COMEDIANS, can’t even do comedy WITHOUT BRINGING IN THEIR POLITICAL SEXISM MENTAL RETARDATION , BLIND AWARENESS 🤦‍♂️ it’s just soooo dumb and sooo lacking of awareness that Rick should slap 👋 the hell outta them This is garbage 🗑 🔥 and Rick should be aware and intelligent enough to stay away from this diametric opposite of comedy/humor
@BobSteven_enjoyit 7 дней назад
The absolute HYPOCRISY and STUPIDITY, and blind REALITY, of this bitch saying “oh that’s just all men… 🙄” classic disgusted feminine tone, n reference to the bachelor party comments here, followed by Esther “I showed up to his bachelor party” AND IMMEDIATE 180 from whoever this nobody is “😬 👀 “ I truly don’t believe people can be this dumb, and lack this much self awareness It’s no wonder we will probably not exist within the decade, cuz majority of ppl are either this dumb ^ or they are ‘learning/following’ these absolute morons 🤦‍♂️…. We are a pathetic race , and the aliens 👽 have every right to extinguish us, holy fuckn shit we are doomed
@BobSteven_enjoyit 7 дней назад
Esther is the living embodiment of every single Biden voter, and why they voted for him, why they will continue to vote for him, and why they will never open their mind, or understand, or see things, from any other perspective, ever. It’s extreme ignorance, willful ignorance most importantly, ADDED WITH COMPLETE LACK OF EMPATHY + WHILE BEING A “BLEEDING HEART” LIBERAL ^ she is the epitome I’m not taking political sides, but majority of democrats are walking contradictions, mixed with hypocrisy, wrapped in mental retardation “If you could reason with a Democrat, there wouldn’t be any Democrats…”
@BobSteven_enjoyit 7 дней назад
I already had my flight HOLY FUCKN SHIT 😬 I unfortunately after seeing a few of these epi’s, I can’t view Esther the same, it’s….whew..
@BobSteven_enjoyit 7 дней назад
Rick you lost your mind on the doctor/analogy thing, as well as the doctor/meds take … 😬 You either didn’t wanna relinquish control, or the fact you were wrong or being ignorant Or you just straight up have tunnel vision You’re smarter than that..
@BobSteven_enjoyit 8 дней назад
Esther going full libtard around this “era” is incredibly off-putting Even if she truly believes the insane, victim, whining, fairy-tale land, social media indoctrinated, straight up willful ignorance, lying to herself, projecting onto her fans, regurgitation….it’s just….yikes 😬 I hope it’s a “bit” or “character” or sumthn cuz I love Esther’s humor/demeanor, and there’s a reason it’s mature & just good manners to not talk politics and/or get on your pedestal (ESPECIALLY over sumthn like a comedy podcast) Sorry for the rant rantmickerton rants-a-lot , but jfc Edit: can’t describe how many “life balance 🙏😇” points + Rick put up, by (and the Rosamund part wasn’t even what triggered the rant, but was 🍒 on top) steamrolling that Rosamund Pike, pseudo-metoo-holding on for dear life-contrived female empowerment-mental break, from Esther Edit: HOLY SHIT SHE JUST SAID “hashtag metoo” on the ad break stahppppp 😬
@BobSteven_enjoyit 8 дней назад
Esther you’re fuggn GLOWING on this epi???! 🙌 Esther’s always cute as a button, but wowzerz Am I tripping ? She looks, for lack of better word, healthy 🤩 Edit: that’s only adjective I can come up with, idk what this “health scare” stuff is I’m seeing n comments, and Esther made reference too n this epi, but yea…
@BobSteven_enjoyit 8 дней назад
Rick you’re tripping bud: -coleslaw, especially a correct ratio’d, and not sloppy, yet not dry, but crispy and fresh , ESPECIALLY AS A DRESSING ON VARIOUS SANDWICHES 👌 🔥 -fuck ketchup, shits gay -haven’t had vanilla frosty yet, but can get behind Esther’s love of it (def guna try soon) -am w/ the honey on fried chicken (think you’re just coming to realization why Roscoes chicken 🍗 n waffles 🧇 is a thing, ole wise Glass-san) 🙏 #respect ✊🏼
@Litli1j 18 дней назад
@saberterminal871 Месяц назад
thank god they stopped doing this sorry ass podcast lmao
@saberterminal871 Месяц назад
Rick just keeps leveling up girls
@Meltedcheese567 Месяц назад
She's so gross
@Oribi_oxi Месяц назад
I’m a male and don’t know how to spell ester and don’t care. But she’s fun I’m pretty’s. Nice thing yeah
@BobSteven_enjoyit Месяц назад
Esther acting like she’s with an imprisoned schizophrenic she’s terrified of, when Rick is just stoned, is quite possibly, one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen
@BobSteven_enjoyit Месяц назад
I love Esther talking fitness! Fitness dick n my ass!!!
@BobSteven_enjoyit Месяц назад
Esther literally had a baby to get away from this pod lol
@BobSteven_enjoyit Месяц назад
Man talking about the money and numbers of views rly let’s us know how much artistic integrity you guys have! I mean why else do something like this, but to take advantage of the fans! You guys are true artist I tell ya! Real martyrs 🙏 #weliveinasociety #fake #philanthropy #faux #anonymity
@BobSteven_enjoyit Месяц назад
Esther PLZ cover the menstrual cycle while telling us about your liberal gender fluid, men can be women, points of view!!!! 👌 Edit: in the scope of this ^ point of the pod and emotional/illogical projection Esther had I truly would love to laugh at it
@BobSteven_enjoyit Месяц назад
Stop derailing holy Dick sauce n my eye
@lloydrodriguez9969 Месяц назад
Macauley Culkin would be a great guest. He’s the best guest on RLM.
@yamfeast Месяц назад
I miss this podcast 😢
@lloydrodriguez9969 Месяц назад
Everyone saying these two are behaving like siblings, are ya’ll blind or incestuous? Sure, they make fun of each other, but siblings don’t have palpable sexual tension.
@PatriarchyPatrol Месяц назад
@okyes9507 Месяц назад
Wish this show would come back
@jakobmorningstar Месяц назад
I’m not convinced that Rick and Esther didn’t decided to do a podcast where the premise is: every episode is exactly the same and we see how many people will watch before catching on. Love it
@So1oman5000 Месяц назад
Rick's ability to always be right is phenomenal.
@So1oman5000 Месяц назад
Rick always has more attitude when he wears his cool guy glasses.
@dale4039 2 месяца назад
Esther is a goddess she's such a little minx she's pretty funny to #wifegoals
@jakobmorningstar 2 месяца назад
Rick I think I’d take your comedy class, and if nothing else 100% purchase a book on comedy if you wrote one.
@jczeee30 2 месяца назад
Esther tanked this podcast. She seems like she had trauma at around 13 and is stuck in that age.
@JessicaJames-mz4tm 2 месяца назад
@alejandro4622 2 месяца назад
Dave Dave. Rick rick
@alejandro4622 2 месяца назад
We love Dave. We love Rick ❤
@drevm7991 2 месяца назад
Always known Esther had a secret killer body lol
@cynthia3536 2 месяца назад
Here watching again do a new one porfavor
@Scottius888 2 месяца назад
Love this sh
@Scottius888 2 месяца назад
Need more of these they're awesome something must be wrong with the algorithm cause this should be past 1m
@Scottius888 2 месяца назад
Great show Rick is right
@GabrielMayersNYC 3 месяца назад
rick he say be outta that dress
@katythriftyunder35homeowne57 3 месяца назад
Esther I also was borderline anorexic in like 2008 & would eat 1 poptart & water at lunch for school
@jofosho2762 3 месяца назад
How many times has Esther 'learned' that Rick has OCD? lol
@yvngtoro3737 3 месяца назад
“I’m a cute little scone with eyes” 😅
@orangeswell1469 3 месяца назад
Blue Chew is discretely packaged, so that your package wont be discreet.
@MrAdamChristopher 3 месяца назад
no coleslaw vanilla
@valkyrie123 3 месяца назад
Why is esther so defensive with him? Sis won’t let him finish a thought before starting to attack him
@VelvetLavaDesign 3 месяца назад
WAIT I wanted to know what Debbie does when she gets off the couch!