Extra in Exile
Extra in Exile
Extra in Exile
the best extra to have ever exiled

i make polandball videos sometimes heeheeheeha
Dragons on Flags
6 месяцев назад
Sister Cities
9 месяцев назад
Diplomatic Prostitution
10 месяцев назад
Eurovision 2023 Retrospective
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Every US State Flag Explained
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Every National Flag Explained
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Heptarchy - The English Dark Ages
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The Colorado Effect
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What is Vexillology?
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Dead Countries
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Which War Crimes Are There?
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@PresidentChacho 2 часа назад
great video! really great detail regarding the problems that plague each individual african country however, I think that this falls into the same pitfall of looking at foreign problems with a European scope in general nowadays, diversity is seen as a positive, when in reality, diversity is only really a modifier that can be applied to make something that is already good, great. applying diversity to an undeveloped area simply hinders development as people get bogged down in deciding who/how to rule rather than moving to make things better therefore a system similar to Europe where ethnicities get their own states and can develop themselves, before only later encouraging diversity and weakening national sentiment (see the EU), really streamlines the development process, rather than forcing post-development ideas such as diversity being a good thing for development
@PresidentChacho Час назад
basically, letting everyone have their own state is generally a better idea, as governance over a large undeveloped area is incredibly difficult and not even just different ethnic groups, once again applying the european model, ethnic groups stretched out over large areas (Germans, Italians), were fractured and only eventually coalesced over time when a central state was powerful enough to be able to control the territories and enforce developmental standards
@weetbix4497 44 минуты назад
@@PresidentChacho Excellent comment!
@RykerHeldt 3 часа назад
A better way to have Marie Byrd land exist is by the British claiming it and calling it new birmingham
@gch5559 6 часов назад
I expected a fun video instead I get woke theory ''crisis narrative'' ''islamophobia'' ''diversity'' ''trigger warning''. Can a youtuber just make a video without a recitation from ibram x kendi's dictionary in the first five minutes. I already am too repulsed to watch.
@malegria9641 9 часов назад
I like EBM :(
@RazorsharpLT 10 часов назад
Africa's maps are NOT fine, actually DOWNVOTE
@meowman11 10 часов назад
The joke: possible history=PH ph scale= pH
@ijon-y4549 11 часов назад
@Hanible 13 часов назад
As a Tunisian I'm disappointed with your take on our region, who told you we wanna live in nation states in the first place? This European model that has been shove down our throats doesn't work in the 21st century. Look how Europe is turning into a federation with the EU. Algeria Tunisia and Libya can be one country named Ifriqya (that's our old name and the origin of the word "Africa"). We speak the same language we practice the same religion and we're ethnically identical. In fact we tried to unite, but Europe doesn't wanna leave us alone. It's easier for them to extract concessions when they interact with small states desperate for cash smh
@tankfarter 17 часов назад
You shoud make a vid about regional organizations
@tankfarter 19 часов назад
I eged to this
@-landon931 20 часов назад
Then why is there still war
@-Teca- 23 часа назад
Why are your videos always 720p lmao
@Kaiser_Kenny День назад
That's pretty cool. I didn't know you could force captions on your video.
@aoy_boy День назад
@ExtraInExile thanks for making this video. You hit the nail on the head and even brought up things I didn't think of before such as using native language in educatuon. I hope this means a lot coming from a Nigerian! P.S.1:48:10 ...that was a very *brave* move putting this is an Africa video. (just laugh at that joke please)
@RealSavage7 День назад
33:10 how come you didn't mention that ethiopia didnt take them back. They had no morale, fighting for lands .. for a people that did not want them. Somalis on the other hand had a lot to fight for clearly. Thats why the leader of ethiopia called in cuban and russian support..
@RealSavage7 День назад
Somaliland is peaceful: Lascaanod conflict and awdal? They want to have 1 state
@RealSavage7 День назад
35:33 thanks for mentioning this foreign meddling which occurrd during the 70s, 80s and into the common era. It is simply not in the interest in many that somalis are not united.
@RealSavage7 День назад
Ethiopia is ticking time bomb 💣 Ethiopia has a narritive of never being colonized, but no no they were just not in the way you think. The heavily expansionist ethiopian empire went about claiming many other ethnic groups. It is the last colonized country, the leaders have to play ethnic groups against each other in order to draw focus away from the government. For example tigray conflict. Afar & somali border conflict. Oromo - amhara conflict. Amhara - tigray conflict. It is truly a pitiful situation where once somalia becomes good again.. somali region/galbeed (ogaden) will seperate.. there is an article in the ethiopian constitution that allows this.. but this is more of a gimmick
@RealSavage7 День назад
His ethnic reforms that won him a noble prize... proceeds to start a massive conflict in tigray a few years later.. 🤦‍♂️
@RealSavage7 День назад
That BFF's banner youve created with the region balls is utterly cursed.
@michaelchance6125 День назад
"I hate the straight lines they should be gay lines instead"
@johnpiss4443 День назад
I thought you where gone from RU-vid. But clearly you where studying to become an expert. Very nice
@natsukey6477 День назад
The fact that you have know one of our South Sudan tribe (Shilluk) shown that there has been so much research on this video Plus where did u brought the Furarilluk from
@futuretyrant День назад
@-.respect.- День назад
holy shit this is INSANE
@ShadowSkryba День назад
Convincing arguements so far, but wouldn't ethnic stacking not occur if there weren't communities to be discriminated by it in the first place?
@Arjibi День назад
Seem makes sense if a country existence just depends on ethnicity or language or religion or resources etc. If a diverse stable countries such as Russia, China, India or some Southeast Asians can be stable can many ways without any social conflicts, well they still but mostly kinda. State and country are always confused and a country existence can be a economic or geopolitical area, even if it's made a country's history is too short or hard to explain, still I think corrupt leader is a main problem
@Arjibi День назад
Lesson of the video: borders is conflicts, but conflicts is more than just borders. Correlations not Causations
@vtet День назад
peak video
@LucieDeRocheclaire День назад
I'm sorry but Gambia's existence is NOT fine and I will always whine about it
@arcdeep День назад
Holy crap dude just casually learned everything there was to know about Africa
@RealSavage7 День назад
Greater somalia 🇸🇴
@syamil9912 День назад
What a nice video, although I probably needed a repeat viewing in order to fully understand the video...can't wait to see how you cover the fireworks factory explosion that is the 2024 Eurovision... P/s:1:48:33, Btw, do you like to read manga...?
@shafsteryellow 2 дня назад
Greater somalia 🇸🇴 ❤
@OneSingleAnt 2 дня назад
This is my first video of yours I have watched and and blown away by how well researched and written it is. I have always had an interest in learning about Africa both in its history and how its has been developing in modern times and am let down by how often the continent is ignored or has very surface level research/writing done in media. I very much appreciate the materialist/scientific approach you take in the video to explain Africas conditions but also how you are able to show the point of view of the nations, groups, and tribes throughout. I'm rambling at this point but to sum up: Amazing video and hope to see more long form content from you in the future, kudos!
@IdiotOwO-ye8ti 2 дня назад
"I'm not here to justify the colonial Powers I hate this Straight lines They should be gay lines instead" -Extra in exile 2024
@emrahdincer 2 дня назад
Rhodesia ftw!
@ElectrostatiCrow 2 дня назад
South Africa isn't as linguistically diverse as it pretends to be. The real number of languages is around 6. Cause a lot of them are similar enough to be the same language. Zimbabwe is shockingly not majority shona. It's just the language favoured for communication among locals. But some of the languages like Ndebele are similar to languages like Zulu.
@lukario_cz 2 дня назад
Banger video, you got a new subscriber :)
@EelooYT 2 дня назад
2 hours well spent, have not seen a video in a while where almost every point is backed up by thorough research and I actually feel like I've learned a lot.
@Geraduss 2 дня назад
Mentioning some Polish towns imagery of a dragon while the capital city of Slovenia is so proud of its dragon iconography they even have it on tourist promotional material while one of the main attractions of the city is the Dragon Bridge, pastry's named after dragons, flags with dragon on them everywhere and so on.
@colorfulmarbles156 2 дня назад
48:56 Kenyan students UNDERSTAND what their teacher is saying, they speak the same language (English), there is progress on better schools, and they want to learn! My 5th grade teacher taught there on trips sometimes!
@colorfulmarbles156 2 дня назад
36:32 *Uw7*
@shqip_sumejja 2 дня назад
I can't wait to watch a new video from this channel 🙏
@Castona 2 дня назад
480p sadge
@unyosalvaje3493 2 дня назад
Hey this is an awesome work! You did a really good job studing the countries and even suggesting solutions, i bet it could even be an academic paper with couple of changes!!
@shzarmai 2 дня назад
Please make a deep dive video on ASEAN/Southeast Asia just like with Africa :)).
@raznemon 2 дня назад
@The-Plaguefellow 2 дня назад
Man did a deep-dive into the social sciences just because 5% of voters hard-disliked his most notable video. If that isn't a character arc, then I don't know what is.
@weetbix4497 2 дня назад
I haven't watched the whole video (still will), but as someone living in an African country, the borders really are terrible. I really do think we should have nation states based on ethno-religious lines. The way it is, unless you live in a stable and normal country, you're getting screwed hard if you're a minority. And usually the way the colonialists drew the borders was to ensure that the most low IQ people are the majority within the borders, as they were always the easiest to manipulate and use to suppress minority groups. And often all these people know is ethnic/religious resentment, even if it is to their detriment. I know I sound pedantic, but it truly is a bleak and unending hell. I don't think the status quo should remain for the sake of "stability" or "progress", if we can live and work with our own people we would progress at 100× the rate we are now. This is part of the reason why you see so many of us trying to leave this continent.
@douglasandfabianofranca1443 2 дня назад
1:15 south Georgia and the sandwich islands does have a population, but only temporary.
@currentlycabbage5771 2 дня назад
2 hour long video by a youtuber i havent watched in half a year? dont mind if i do
@paulinalevina9690 2 дня назад
@SisterSunny 2 дня назад
12:35 I think, as much as you've totally convinced me that ethnic diversity does not _inherently_ cause instability, I still think it'd be remiss not to point out that the _reason_ why a state may distribute its resources inequally... is *because* of ethnic conflicts, as with Sudan. Ruling power is one ethnicity in particular, or those ethnicities have a _history_ of conflict already > active attempts are made to snub the region with the not-in-power ethnic group > separatist movements. edit: you pretty much cover this in 20:50 so that's cool Other examples: Scotland (history of conflict + relative underinvestment), Tibet (basically undergoing colonisation, so although plenty of investment, also plenty of conflict)... Catalonia's an interesting one, because their argument is that they're _propping up_ the rest of Spain, which I think... is a bit of a selfish reason to secede, but whatever
@ExtraInExile 2 дня назад
Yeah it is kind of like a cycle between unequal distribution of resources and conflicts that make it worse and worse.