ilm Seekers
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ilm Seekers
Islam The Way of Life Prescribed By The Creator Of Life!

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Youve Prepared yourself for this life but what have YOU prepared for The Next life?

The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said, "Allah says: 'I Am just as My slave thinks I Am, (i.e. I Am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I Am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 93, Number 502
A challenge no Christian will accept!
4 года назад
Even Pigs dont eat tobacco
5 лет назад
@hassanhassanismael8470 2 дня назад
Prophet Muhammad scw scw scw scw scw scw 😢😢😢
@ercanbanka5377 5 дней назад
i didn't see a single believer in the video , only occult masonic terrorists of foreign races .
@ahmedelsaid9556 8 дней назад
what is the name of the sheikh god bless him
@336muslim 8 дней назад
@@ahmedelsaid9556 Sheikh Jamil Halim
@ahmedelsaid9556 7 дней назад
@@336muslim thnx brother
@TheBoys-vg6qo 12 дней назад
Islam ☝🏻
@derekmab7734 13 дней назад
Don't forget that the Jews turned the true religion of monotheism that was revealed to all prophets of God to distorted racial religion and this is their biggest mistake that will cost them paradise in the hereafter. They don't believe in Jesus nor Mohammed and the Christians don't believe in Mohammed and distorted the the original Gospel and made Jesus another God which is the biggest blasphemy to God to ascribe other Gods other than him alone. The true religion of God is pure monotheism or oneness of God and full submission and obedience to God and believing in all his angels, all his prophets from the very first one Adam to the very final one Muhammed peace be upon them all, their original scriptures, not the changed ones by men as was the case with the changed Gospel and the Torah of today because men changing the original words of God to men’s is unacceptable to God and their fate will be the hellfire in the hereafter.
@lalmia4288 16 дней назад
>>Jews & Muslims mock the Christians' Extra Biblical Trinitarian Pagan Concept of God which Christianity borrowed from Greek Mythology (Philosophy) and Roman Pagan Faith.. -->Scholar Adammax maxon: Christianity belief that God sacrificed God to God to save God’s creation from God.... X-Files =>What Human or Divine logic are you using being a Christian?? >>To understand the Trinity & Salvation in Christian Theology it must require a sacrifice of your brain-cells!! >>Muslim Q to Christian: Can God do anything ? >Christian Ans: Of course! >Muslim Q: Can God forgive Sin without Shedding Innocent Blood Of God the Son, Jesus? Christian Ans: Of course not! -->Christian Theology all about: Though Biblical God's One of the 10 Commandments is: "Thou should not Kill" But Christianity Believes: Sinner Humans through the Killing of God the Son, Jesus (by the very Sinner Humans) only achieved Forgiveness / Salvation!! >>Q: Can GOD be killed by Humans(Pagan Romans) when according to Bible "God alone is Immortal(Death can never occur to)?? -->Note: Is it Justice: The Most Innocent Person (Jesus, 2nd person of Triune God) was Killed / Crucified & Burned in the Hell to Forgive the Sinners. -->N.B. > Christian God can not forgive the Sinner without shedding the Blood of Innocent God the Son, Jesus or Innocent Animal. Bible mentioned: "Those who Sin are the Children of Devil". And the Consequence of "SIN" is Death (The Eternal Condemnation in Hell). =>Question remains as Sin has consequences: For Human which one is the "Greater SIN"?: > following Q: a) or, Q: b) >Q: a) The Sin of Killing God (2nd Person God, Jesus) ?? Or, >Q: b) The Original Sin of Eating a Forbidden Fruit from God's Garden of Eden? -->Q: How "Good" (Salvation) can be achieved by Human from the "Evil" of Killing God (God the Son, Jesus) and thus Shedding Innocent Blood ? =>NOTE: WHO do Christians REALLY Follow? >> It's not truly Jesus but actually PAUL & CHURCH >>Church refers to: . .ALL OUR RIGHTEOUS ACTS ARE LIKE FILTHY RAGS BEFORE GOD. ISAIAH 64 : 6 >>But Jesus said: (which Modern-day Christianity does not follow) >Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Mathew 5 17+18) >>Q: OHH No: HOW PAUL'S OPINION IS THE GOD'S FINAL OPINION ABOUT FAITH & SALVATION which none of the Prophet of God ever preached? -->Paul mentioned what Christian indoctrinated as the main creed of "Salvation": At 1:13...Paul mentioned in his LETTERS: (Those have been INCLUDED in the BIBLE) >As per Paul: Deeds (following Mosaic Laws) are curse which no more requires but faith only.) >>But according to Bible : "Faith without deeds is dead". >As per Paul: "There is no Forgiveness without the shedding of "Blood" (Particularly Innocent Blood of Jesus). >>But in the BIBLE CLEARLY WE CAN SEE THE FOLLOWING OPPOSING QUOTES AGAINST THE REQUIRED "SACRIFICE" concept: 1 Samuel 15:22…And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. >>Psalm 40:6...Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. =>NOTE: Islamic Justice for Salvation nothing But exact same as it's been mentioned in Ezekiel 18 (para-phrasing}: "The Wickedest of the Waked if turn away from Sins and Repent and do what is lawful & righteous surely he won't die but live. His Sins will be forgiven (never be remembered) as if he never commit Sin." >>Q: Was Jesus Jew by Faith & following the Judaic Laws or, Christian?? >> If Jesus certainly was Jew then how Christians are Jesus Like (the meaning of the word 'Christian') by abandoning Judaic Laws as Paul mentioned as "Curse" which no more requires?? =>RU-vid Video-Clips to watch those are Truth seeking : (With the following Headings) Paul never met Jesus, yet he invented Christianity - Rabbi Tovia Singer Christianity Has It All Wrong About God and Jesus | Rabbi Tovia Singer Did Jesus Claim to be God? Rabbi Tovia Singer Explores the Gospels Rabbi Tovia Singer: This is why Christianity is Wrong! Sin and Atonement, Sacrifice and the Blood ->According to the Bible Jesus also clearly mentioned in the Gospel of John: Chapter-17: Verse:3: ' This is life eternal they may know you, the Father, you are "The Only True God and who has sent me, Jesus..." which Islam agrees and re-affirms 100%. =>>Great Question to the Trinitarian Christianity: > Who Proclaims the 1st & 2nd Commandments? : [1st Commandment: "O' people of Israel I am your God, Lord there is no other God beside me, was not any other God before me or after me."] Q: Is it God the Father Proclaiming that "I am your God, Lord there is no other God beside me,..." Or, God the Son Or, the Holy Spirit? =>Q: How Jesus can be God when he has God and there is "ONLY ONE TRUE God" according to Jesus quoted in the John 17:3 ?? =>Simple Reasons Why Jesus Is Not God even in the light of Gospels: 1- God is neither a Man nor a Son of a Man (Numbers 23:19) but Jesus is mentioned 68 times in the BIBLE as "Son of Man"? 2- Why though call me "Good" there none Good except Only the GOD in heaven is " Good" (Luke 18:19) > Jesus is not Good as the God is. 3- Jesus said he doesn't know when the Hour will come but Only GOD the Father Knows. (Mark 13:32) > The Only True GOD is the Only All-knowing. 4. Jesus also said "I am going to My GOD and your (believers') GOD" is the same God(John 20:17) > Jesus & we all have the Same GOD. 5- Jesus can do nothing by himself (John 5:19, John 5:30) Jesus was not seeking his will but the Will of his Father God. > Only God is the All-powerful. 6- GOD alone is "Immortal" (never ever Subject to Death) but Jesus Died / Killed by HUMANS (Roman Pagans). +>NOTE: Dear Christians: There would be three possibilities below Or that can be a fourth! possibility of your Trinity is :). 1- Your God is one God, one god/person/entity with a mask, he changes between 3 characters via a mask, but nonetheless, he is still a mere One Person/One God regardless of the mask. 2- Your God is a modular Lego, consists of 3 parts that NONE OF THESE PARTS IS A GOD ON ITS OWN, ONLY WHEN the 3 parts are joined together they form one God. 3- Your God consists of 3 Gods, each one of the 3 Gods is a God on his own. When the 3 Gods are joined together they form a different God Or Last Possibility: Polytheism! NOTE: Sadly, you cannot inherit Eternal Life from Paul & Church perspective but Jesus! =>When you're talking to Christian / Church: What human or Divine logic are you using?? Jesus: By myself I can do nothing! The Church: No! Jesus can do everything! Jesus: The only True God is The Father! (John 17:3) The Church: No! JESUS & HOLY SPIRIT are also true god! Jesus: The Lord our God is ONE! (The most Important Commandment) The Church: No! The Lord our God is three in one! Jesus: If you (Believers) want eternal life then keep The Commandments! The Church: No! If you (Believers) want eternal life then believe that Jesus died for your sins! Jesus: I cried and prayed to God to save me from the crucifixion and God heard my prayers! The Church: No! God didn't save him so we can be saved by his blood! Jesus: My Father is greater than I, my Father is greater than all! The Church: No! The Father is not greater than you Jesus, you're both co-equal! Jesus: I was sent Only to the lost sheep of Israel, not to the gentiles! The Church: No! Jesus was sent to the entire world! Jesus : Circumcise male children as God Commanded! The Church: No! Circumcision is unnecessary and will profit us nothing >This is what Paul said! Jesus: I didn't come to abolish the Laws! The Church: No, Jesus came to abolish it all! The law brings wrath, and where there is no law, there is no transgression! This is what Paul said! Jesus: If you love me keep my commandments! The Church: No, don't listen to him(Jesus) Christians! If you love him then keep the Church Commandments built by Paul, the early Christian persecutor! Jesus: I never met Paul! The Church: No! You, Jesus came to Paul in a dream, can't you recall? >> Jesus: I never ate ham and so you should as God Commanded! The Church: No! Ham is good! >> Jesus: I've finished all the work that God gave me before my departure! The Church: No! Jesus waited till he ascend to heaven and came in a dream of Paul to negate everything he preached during his Ministry on this Earth! =>NOTE: Judaism rejected Jesus and Christianity but ISLAM established the Bridge among all the three Origins of Abrahamic Faiths by accepting Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus And reaffirming> "The One & Only True God been described in the 1st & 2nd Commandments (Exodus 20:3 & 20:4) and in Chapter-17: Verse:3. =>>ISLAM related: -->RU-vid Video-Clips (with the Headings as follows) Muslims worship the God of Abraham, says Rabbi Tovia Singer 10 Biggest Reasons Muslims Say ISLAM Is True Who is Allah - Mind Blowing! The Throne of Allah - Mind blowing Top 5 Reasons People Convert to ISLAM | Australian Reaction Russian Jewish Rabbi Accepts ISLAM after Intensive Research Prophet Muhammad -The greatest man in history Karen Armstrong : Islam is the Greatest Religion in the World
@lalmia4288 16 дней назад
=>Quran 22:46: "It's not the eyes that are blind but the hearts". =>When you're talking to an ISLAMOPHOBE: What human logic are you using?? =>>NOTE: COMMENTS OF BELIEVERS' AGAINST ATHEISTS: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” - Werner Heisenberg (The father of quantum physics) "A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur (Founder of microbiology and immunology) >>Q: WHICH RELIGIOUS MAJORITY PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MOST HUMAN KILLINGS LAST 1000 YEARS?>: 1) NOTE: >TOP 5 MOST HUMAN KILLINGS DONE BY NOT A SINGLE MUSLIM MAJORITY COUNTRY OUT OF 57 MUSLIM COUNTRIES BUT COMMUNIST & CHRISTIAN MAJORITY COUNTRIES & RECENTLY ISRAEL WITH THE SUPPORT OF EU & USA... 2) WORLD WAR - I ?? WOW >>ANS: EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS 3) WORLD WAR - II ?? WOW >>ANS: EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS 4) HOLOCAUST (KILLING OF 6 MILLIONS JEWS & KILLING OF MILLIONS OF NATIVE AMERICANS BY WHOM??. >>CERTAINLY NOT BY MUSLIMS But Christian majority GERMANY & USA 5) WHO KILLED MILLIONS IN THE AFRICAN CONTINENT? >OHH >ANS: CHRISTIAN MAJORITY EUROPEAN KINGS... 6) WHO INVENTED / MANUFACTURED NUCLEAR WEAPON AND APPLIED AGAINST HUMANS (ON JAPAN?? ! WOW >>ANS: CHRISTIANS MAJORITY COUNTRY, USA 7) POSSESSING MOST OF THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS WHICH MAY DESTROY HUMANITY ACROSS THE GLOBE?? ! WOW >>ANS: MOST OF THE EUROPEAN + AMERICAN CHRISTIAN MAJORITY COUNTRIES and COMMUNIST (ATHEIST) COUNTRIES. >>NOTE: Last 30 years Maximum number of Muslims been killed by Christian Majority USA & it's European allies and Israel in Iraq, Palestine & Afghanistan. =>NOTE:> All-Time famous following Scholars & Great Thinkers' Appreciations about Prophet Mohammad, ISLAM, Quran are as follows: >ISLAM:> In spite of the Islamophobic & Media Propaganda ISLAM is the MOST Practicing and Fastest Growing religion across the World. People with open minds once would read the Quran and the Biography of Prophet Mohammad certainly understand why many Educated & Sincere people are Converting to ISLAM from all other Backgrounds. -->French Historian, La Martin wrote in his famous Book: " In Europe there have been propaganda for centuries that Islam was spread by Sword.... Then he question Sword now Muslims are using spread Islam in Europe & America? Then he replied "Sword indeed, Sword of Intellect & higher Morals of Islam..." Also anyone want to know what the great scholars of History across the Globe told about about Prophet Mohammad (Final Prophet of Islam). >>Prophet MOHAMMAD: -->Michael H. Hart in his Book "The 100": A Ranking of the Most Influential 100 People in Human History: "My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the World's most Influential Persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful in both Spiritual & Secular levels." >>On the Basis of the following Three Criteria: 1) The Greatness of the Purpose (Mission) 2) The Simplicity of Means to Achieve that Purpose 3) The Magnitude of the Achievement --Etienne Dernier, French Thinker and Painter The Eternal Miracle “The miracles of the prophets who preceded Muhammad were in fact temporary ones; while we can call the Qur’an “the eternal miracle”, because its effect is permanent and continuous, and it is easy for the believer in every time and place to see this miracle once he recites the book of God. --Leitner, English Orientalist “The hope and wish of Muhammad, which was not to limit the benefits of Abraham’s religion to his own people, but to extend them to the world, has thus become the means of converting to a high form of culture and of developing millions of people of the human race. =>Regarding Prophet MOHAMMAD: Those who are Open-Minded & seeking Truth Please, check: >>RU-vid Vide-Clips (with Headings as follows) Prophet Muhammad -The greatest man in history Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time Amazing Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad: #10 Will Shock You Scientists Confirm That Following Muhammad Can Save Your Life =>According to Quran (22:46): "It's not the eyes that are blind but the hearts". >>QURAN has come to correct Human fallacies and bring back the Humanity to the same True Path of all the Prophets to the 1st & 2nd Commandments....... towards the Absolute One & Only True God (none or nothing in the entire Universe like unto GOD, the Most Majestic, the Magnificent, All-powerful, Most Kind, Most Forgiving, Most Loving, Eternal Supreme Being,,,,,,) -->Leo Tolstoy: After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” >>Quran related RU-vid Video-Clips (with Headings as follows): These 12 Non-Muslim Scholars Were Amazed by the Quran! - REACTION Freemason Shocked What He discovered In The Quran 10 Surprising Scientific Miracles In The Quran 9 Shocking Facts From the Quran A Mathematical Miracle in the Quran that will Blow Your Mind A Historical Miracle in the Quran that will blow your Mind! =>NOTE: Judaism rejected Jesus and Christianity but ISLAM established the Bridge among all the three Origins of Abrahamic Faiths by accepting and glorifying Prophet Moses & Prophet Jesus (peace & blessings of God be upon both of them) And reaffirming the 1st & 2nd Commandments (Exodus 20:3 & 20:4) as the Ultimate Basis of the "Abrahamic Monotheism" to Unite the Entire Humanity under the One & Only True God (Ref: John 17:3). -->Please, read the Torah, New-Testament and Quran with open mind then you can understand the Fundamental & Basic concept / Message of the Abrahamic Monotheism. =>>NOTE: And Please, let us Obey and Submit to (also get UNITED under) The ONE & ONLY Ultimate True God according to Abrahamic Monotheism And follow His Commandments to establish the common Moral Guidance. =>Those who are Open-Minded & seeking "Abrahamic Monotheistic Truth" Please, check: -->ISLAM related RU-vid Video-Clips (with Headings as follows): Russian Jewish Rabbi Accepts ISLAM after Intensive Research 50 Years Of Research on ISLAM in 5 Mins By Jewish Professor - Moshe Sharon Christian Professor Exposes Christianity, Accepts ISLAM(Insider Revelation)(Dr, Gary Miller) Why ISLAM is the Truth? | Part 1 CATHOLIC REACTION Who is Allah - Mind Blowing! The Throne of Allah - Mind blowing Misconceptions about Islam Karen Armstrong : Islam is the Greatest Religion in the World -->Prof. C. Snouch Hurgronje, Dutch Scholar of Oriental Cultures and Languages says: “The league of nations founded by the prophet of Islam put the principle of international unity and human brotherhood on such universal foundations as to show candle to other nations....The fact is that no nation of the world can show a parallel to what Islam has done towards the realization of the idea of the League of Nations. The world has not hesitated to raise to divinity, individuals whose lives and missions have been lost in legend. Historically speaking, none of these legends achieved even a fraction of what Mohammad accomplished. And all his striving was for the sole purpose of UNITING Mankind for the worship of One God and the codes of moral excellence”.
@Abdou-p3n 21 день назад
We know that since the first day of birth we don't need a Jew to tell it
@senben9737 28 дней назад
I born a Muslim but I'm free and have peacful mind
@aklouslibby563 Месяц назад
l would never give up my Religion ha'shem is only god for me, Co Tipperary lreland 🇮🇪 ☘ SHALOM AMEN
@336muslim Месяц назад
@@aklouslibby563 Judaism isn't a religion it's a tribe, i.e the tribe of Judah that's the meaning of Judaism! The religion of Judah was Islam!
@senuoyyounes7639 Месяц назад
el hamdo li ALLAH
@fearnonebutone4977 Месяц назад
Why would anyone wish to visit or tour this shrine from a deviant sufi from ahul Bid’ah? Look at this extreme you have gone to. Did the pious predecessors do this? No.
@336muslim Месяц назад
@@fearnonebutone4977 did they do what? Go to the Masjid, Yes they did! What shrine? There's no shrine, It's a Masjid! Traditional Sufism isn't bidah, even Ibn Taymiyya the founder of modern day Salafism was a Sufi and gave Bayt to the Qadriiyah Tariqa, which modern Salafis now call Ahlul Bida... Imam Ghazli was a Sufi,..etc even the most extreme Wahabi, Muhammad Ibn abd Al Wahab never said Tasawuf was bidah... Which shows how far your knowledge and understanding of Tasawuf is, I will even go as far as say name 1 Ulama from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa that says Tasawuf is a Bida, there isn't! There are acts some individuals and sects do that can be claimed/are Bida, yes! But Tasawuf itself is considered a Fard upon every Muslim and that is the Ijma of the Ulama. If you know the definition of Sufism(Tasawuf) its synonymous with Ihsan and no Muslim would say Ihsan is Bida... Tasawuf is the implementation of Islam within the heart, tazkiya of the heart,... Be careful with you wording and accusations, for it goes against the Ijma of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa.
@swamifakkananda4043 Месяц назад
Jews and muslims are extremely close in their faith.
@secilrods5170 Месяц назад
muslims their about 10 lakhs of messianic jews in Israel , their number is rising , messianic jews are the ones accepting jesus as messiah , and their numbers is growing , to stop people accepting jesus as messiah they are lying that muslims god al lah is true
@secilrods5170 Месяц назад
if islam is truth why are they not converting , these jews are actually miss guiding muslim , their book exodus chapter 3 vers 14 and 15 name of the god is YHWH , and the name is for ever , muslims god name is allah you can see this in their kalmah there is no god but allah , even in arabic bible the name of god in exodus 3 vers 14 and 15 is YHWH either these jews are lying for money or cheating muslims
@srmazumder8633 Месяц назад
DIVINE Qur'an. Confirming preceding BOOKS Veda-Puran TOURAH AND ENGIL BEFORE it SURA. IMRAN No 3 Ayat No 1--7 HOLY Quran. REGARDS. JEWS AND CHISTAN Scholars SURA. MAIDAH NO 5 AYAT NO 82--86. And. SURA. ARAF. No 7 AYAT NO 159 FATHER of. ISMAEL and. ISHAQUE. Is. IBRAHIM. AS. Who is. Forefathers of. Prophet Mohommod Who. NAMED. At. FIRST'. MUSLIM and afterwards in the Holy Qur'an . SURA. Hajj No 22 Ayat No 78.
@Dawah_Help Месяц назад
@Mercy30007 Месяц назад
This rabbai converted to islam later.
@KtKo0t 2 месяца назад
May Allah guide them
@user-eh7op8jo3r 2 месяца назад
What there tongues speak, their hearts do not do so. They believed that allah is god, they believed islam is the true religion, they just can't accept muhammad as the prophet or else there ancestor's religion, judaism, will come crushing into pieces😂😂😂
@MERAJKHAN-pd1nw 2 месяца назад
Wellcome to the straight path brothers your position is way higher than us in the eyes of God reason you understood the religon and you became through your free will that makes you very special to Allah may Allah protect you all.
@khaledm4187 2 месяца назад
The prophet Muhammad didn't do that .. this is nonsense..
@336muslim 2 месяца назад
The Prophet Muhammad gave his cut hair to the Sahaba and even told them to distribute his hair among the people, the Sahaba kept his hair and passed it down and this is why we still have Rasulullahs hair today
@khaledm4187 2 месяца назад
@@336muslim brother you have no idea about what you are saying... The prophet Muhammad didn't give anything to anyone.. he gave us Sunna that we should follow.. the prophets don't heritage anything but knowledge... Don't let these stupid people laugh at you..
@336muslim 2 месяца назад
@@khaledm4187 1st) Gifts don't count as inheritance! 2) the reports we have in the books of Hadiths clearly state The Prophet gave his hair away so you claim the Sahaba are liars, Abu Bakar, Anas Ibn Malik,... Are liars? and all the athar we have are Fabrications? On what proof and basis do you place your claim upon?
@khaledm4187 2 месяца назад
@@336muslim Which book of Hadith it says that he gave his hair to Sahab .. please give me the name and the page
@336muslim 2 месяца назад
@@khaledm4187 We know from multiple reports Rasulullah gave his ring away, clothes,...etc Just again to counter your arguments of inheritance, and that gifts aren't inheritance... This is why we have so many artifacts from Rasulullah today, including the hair of Rasulullah. And this isn't something strange, we have the hadiths of collecting the sweat of Rasulullah to use for perfume, the wudu water of Rasulullah was collected,...etc As for reports regarding the hair of Rasulullah you can find them in Sahih Muslim, Sahih Bukhari, At Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawud...etc all the major Hadith books record it, in kitab Al Hajj Anas bin Malik narrated "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) threw pebbles at the last jamrah (Jamrat al-'Aqabah) on the day of sacrifice. He then returned to his lodging at Mina. He called for a sacrificial animal which he slaughtered. He then called for a barber. He held the right side of his head and shaved it. He then began to distribute among those who were around him one or two hair each. He then held the left side of his head and shaved it. Again he said: Is Abu Talhah here ? He then gave it (the hair shaved off) to Abu Talhah." Graded Sahih in Sunan Abi Dawud Another Hadith in Sahih Muslim states Anas reported "I saw when the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) got his hair cut by the barber, his Companions came round him and they eagerly wanted that no hair should fall but in the hand of a person." Among this famous story other Hadiths narrate Rasulullah gave his hairs out to everyone around him and then told Abu Talhah to distribute the rest of his hairs among the people. Every book records this as a Sahih Hadith. It's reported by multiple Sahaba including Abu Bakr. We also have the famous story of Khalid Ibn Al Walid who would keep the hair of Rasulullah in his battle helmet every time he went to war, although this is just a story and can't necessarily be verified. We can however verify the Sahaba would keep belongings of Rasulullah and pass them down including His Blessed hair.
@user-ph9zs1rc3o 2 месяца назад
@user-hd7et3yz2t 2 месяца назад
Amin ya Allah ya Tuhanku ya' Roban alami ❤❤
@duniaohdunia4794 2 месяца назад
dah mula dah....
@336muslim 2 месяца назад
Maulid 2023
@soobankhedoo4399 2 месяца назад
@TheBoys-vg6qo 3 месяца назад
0:46 pure goosebumps the rabbi says muslim have something always with them ☝🏻
@noraa3428 4 месяца назад
Sunni shia have no differences. Quran is one prophet is one they don't like sunni which are just Muslims because they follow islam the book and the prophet and not others after which the book or prophet dont mention or say to follow and they curse the prophets wives and his in English so called apostles. Which is not what the Quran says to do. So by definition of islam they aren't following islam.
@ThePalmbank 4 месяца назад
Can you share the original video link for each Rabbi speaking?
@user-kk3og2it7y 5 месяцев назад
Yes we worship the one and only true GOD who has no equivalent.... HIS attributes are only HIS .... As QURAN says: Say He is ALLAH the only one. HE is self-sufficient ( eternal and absolute) He was not begotten nor does HE beget . And there is no one equivalent to HIM.
@lilyreen3323 5 месяцев назад
Just carry on what you believe. No forcing to others
@zeroonetime 5 месяцев назад
Not all rabbis know what truth is. The Koran is fake, plagiarized and distributed as truth. False.
@momanholmes8715 5 месяцев назад
Sad the evil Zionists of today have destroyed the past harmony between Muslims and Jews
@MA-em2gw 5 месяцев назад
Allah Akbar 🤲🏻
@solosophia6809 5 месяцев назад
What are the names of these rabbis
@azmatalikhan1254 6 месяцев назад
very eye opening and thuoght provoking .
@destructo3915 6 месяцев назад
They didn't say Islam was the truth. Why would they say that when they're Rabbis? Many historians believe that Muhammad stole concepts from Judaism such as dietary laws, covering women's hair, and taking ones shoes off on holy ground, because he believed that the surrounding Jewish population would be easier to convert to Islam if it was similar to Jewish practices. It's no different than how copycat social media sites copied Facebook to get users to join.
@anas-432 5 месяцев назад
please I hope you read this, muhammed peace be upon him was a prophet, he was the last prophet, the seal of prophethood on earth, prophet abraham was an ancestor of him and so was ishmael who was left in mecca with his mother, when ishamel grew up him and abraham built the foundation of the kabaa that millions of Muslims worldwide go there to make pilgrimage today, prophet muhammed was prophesied in the torah and the bible, please i ask you to do your research, these rabbis believe this, why islam is close to judaism is because it’s the same message that all the prophets came with, worship allah alone and believe in the day of judgement.
@destructo3915 5 месяцев назад
@@anas-432 Mohammed was prophesied in the Torah? That is definitely not true. When Deuteronomy 18:15 spoke of a coming prophet it was very vague as to who he would be. Christians say that the prophet spoken of is Jesus, while Muslims say it is Mohammed. It says 'from one of your brethren'. This means the prophet will be a Jew. Muslims and Jews are not brethren, they are enemies. You must interpret the word akh correctly. Akh refers to somebody from your own tribe, that speaks your language and has the same religion as you. It doesn't mean someone who is distantly related. Arabs and Israelites are distantly related people just as Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese are. But they are not the same people. Akh/brethren means the same people, race, culture and language. Jews/Israelites and Muslims/Arabs are not brethren in this sense. They have been enemies for thousands of years.
@bakloulaya789 6 месяцев назад
It makes since we believe in the same god and all the prophet but instead jews dont believe in Jesus and Muhammad
@Moonlight-777 6 месяцев назад
Except Islam and except, respect Prophet Muhammad SAW
@noahautumn7611 6 месяцев назад
Mashah Allahh Very knowledgeable Jewish Rabbis🌾🌾🌾🙌🏔
@whatsgood3854 6 месяцев назад
Nice muslims look for Christians and jews to approve their massage thats right ✅️ 👌 Now if it was truth the rabbi would convert to islam. Make sense?
@UsamaAkhter 6 месяцев назад
Not Make Sense Because They Believed Jews And Muslims Both Are Right But Islam Is For Non-Jewish And Jewish Should Follow Jewish Law.
@jiep5327 5 месяцев назад
Islam don't look for Christian and jews to approve the massage infact Quran was send down to judge and aproved the authenticity of the previous scripture...that why muslim know which massage was authentic which one that have been tampered...the jews and Christian who follow the authentic massage is called people's of the book...Quran also highlight the massage that was corrupted by some of jews and Christian in their scripture...
@bryanlinc8874 7 месяцев назад
I believe it’s the Rambam who stated that Islam is not idol worship like xtianity. But he did not say it was a Devine religion. It’s man made full of human errors.
@muttaqinb.m2820 7 месяцев назад
Hi, are you really american? What an amazing brother.
@336muslim 7 месяцев назад
Iya brother I'm from America, live in Indonesia you can see my Instagram @abu.muhammad.sharif
@muttaqinb.m2820 7 месяцев назад
@@336muslim Wow MasyaAllah...okeeyy I'll follow you brother....Where do you live right now btw?
@muttaqinb.m2820 7 месяцев назад
Masya'allah so amazing brother...Happy to see you anyway🙏 May allah SWT gives us a strong Iman Insya'Allah🙏
@336muslim 7 месяцев назад
@@muttaqinb.m2820 Amin, JazakAllah khair 🙏💚
@shaikhfaizan3405 7 месяцев назад
We are not like them they believe that god is an old man and chose them over all people(nauzubillah).
@johanopperman1949 7 месяцев назад
If you muslim you lost wont see heaven when god come and fets his children you not babtist and get the holy spirit that poepl is lost
@336muslim 7 месяцев назад
We Muslims baptize at least once every week on Friday, We believe in God Almighty and the Holy Spirit! And as Muslims we don't condemn people to hell for Only God Almighty Himself is the Judge and Reckoner who decides the final destination of every person, no one else has that authority but God Almighty! So don't speak as if you have the authority of God Himself for that is sinful and blasphemy something christians don't seem to realize!
@makatadaito1351 7 месяцев назад
It's like in a entrepreneurial convention and all people trying to convince you by their thoughts
@user-qe3zq4zc5r 8 месяцев назад
What baffles me is that if the Rabbi's know that Islam is the truth, why are they then not embracing it...
@donzell1945 8 месяцев назад
Only dumbest peoples couldn’t see it, Islam and Muslims only worship the creator of the mankind and everything, even if you join 1 billion nowadays so called scientists they never will write nothing like holly coran, so if that’s is evident? How an man without education will made something like coran by itself? If almighty god doesn’t touch him with knowledge to do so?
@humane_ 8 месяцев назад
See the evilness of israel was even back then, however many years ago the last Ravin was filmed. But we all know it started around 1948 with the creation of that evil violent state. And thankfully the majority of us who havent been brainwashed by the colonialsts: jews (not zionists), christians, atheists, agnosts and muslims with humanity agree that the root of evil is is- r@el and we thank him for spitting the truth.
@judorican973 8 месяцев назад
I'll stay with Jesus Christ 🙏🏿✝️
@nadzmirjumadil5427 7 месяцев назад
Then you will be Muslim. You cannot claim to stay with Jesus if you are worshipping him. Jesus worshipped One God. Jesus never said he was God. He said Worship God Alone not him. If you choose to remain ignorant be it. Don't blame yourself in the afterlife.