
Exposing the Fake Ex Muslim Christian Missionaries Mengekspos Misionaris Kristen Muslim Palsu 

The Muslim Conservative
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Beware of the Munafiq Waspadai Munafik



15 сен 2024




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@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
You know how Christian Missionaries love to miss inform and give false meanings of Taqiya. And how all Muslims do is lie, well it looks like they're just trying to cover up it's only them who lie, trick and deceive not us!
@fatimaismail9832 5 лет назад
munafiq even in our times but then again the enemies of allah swt and the nabie saw are the same in the time of the nabie saw and are the same now. ya allah be with the muslim umma
@MrMattkalut 4 года назад
Any religion with deceitful tactics is indefinatly a wrong religion
@zahara6355 5 лет назад
Not everyone who calls themselves Muslim is a Muslim. Word 'Muslim' just means following God's will. To call yourself ex-Muslim is to declare you're a rebel against God. Like Satan who rebelled against God so fell from God's grace, an outcast from God's kingdom. Whoever rebels against God will be an outcast from God's kingdom too, like Satan. Or clearly, they never knew what being Muslim is in the first place aka.fake news.
@kyl83195 4 года назад
ok, so they are apostates happy?
@aliabdul1626 5 лет назад
*Evangelical The Religion Of "EXs"* EXvangelical ✌😂
@username-ht9vx 3 года назад
Indonasia is there very big target muslims be safe if u question them they will label u as Terrorist or extremist
@FirozKhan-tl5os 5 лет назад
They can't harm Islam ..
@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
They can't harm Islam but they can harm Muslims especially those of low education and those of weak iman... These are the Munafiq and that is their goal they know they can't shake the people of Ilm and strong Iman so they focus and those who don't have ilm and who have weak iman. And they most be exposed and the people must be educated!
@fifadevoted4485 4 года назад
@sss-no9er 4 года назад
@chicago192 4 года назад
If Islam is the real religion then how have 100s of thousands of people seen Jesus but not allah
@TheMuslimConservative 4 года назад
For Allah is the Almighty Perfect Divine God which no eye has seen i.e who you call the Father. And Jesus is a man which any eye can see! The imperfect tiny creation can't lay eye on the Almighty Perfect God! Only in the after life will we be able to see our Lord. Seeing something doesn't mean it's truth i.e there are Satanist who see demons and Satan in their dreams that doesn't make satanism truthful or the real religion. Just as Hindus see their false image gods in dreams all the time as well.... Demons come in disguise in dreams and trick and play with people in their dreams all the time especially people of polytheism and paganism and modern day Christianity is a form of paganism and Triune god worship and the Satan's play on those false beliefs.
@linaazmiin7479 4 года назад
And the Lord said, "See to it that you are NOT misled; for many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He,' and, 'The time is near.' DO NOT GO AFTER THEM . (Luke 21:8) "So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' DO NOT GO OUT, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' DO NOT believe them. "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.… (Matthew 24:26) Do not be Deceived, BE READY for that day or hour NO ONE knows (Mark 13:32) "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. (Luke 21:34) So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you DO NOT expect HIM. (Matthew 24:44)
@linaazmiin7479 4 года назад
Eodus 33:20  But (God) added: “You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.” People have seen Jesus and not died. What is the logical conclusion anyone who can reason should come to in keeping with what God told Moses? Jesus cannot be God. so what they saw was Satan saying he is Jesus(pbuh) god to mislead people. not God and btw Jesus(pbuh) is not white he is bronze color it says in your bible. In revelation 1:15 his feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing water. And Isaiah 53 He was not be a good looking man it says He had no beauty that we should desire him.
@LeavingIslam 5 лет назад
Saudi ExMuslim 💚
@Leopold284 5 лет назад
You mean Egyptian Coptic pretending to be saudi?😂🤣😂🤣
@onehappydawg 5 лет назад
I see you are only attacking the man but you are not contradicted what he said about Islam. That is because Jesus is the answer and you have no answer against Him.
@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
I have personally disproven everything this man has said about Islam I've commented to him I've messaged him for over 2 years without a single response. Just put forward whatever you want answered from him and I'll address it.
@onehappydawg 5 лет назад
Islamic Reminders I’ll ask my own question thank you. If you were shown Christianity were true would become a Christian?
@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
@@onehappydawg no need to get aggressive... I was raised christian and converted to Islam because I already know it's the truth... But go ahead I'm open to dialogue
@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
@@onehappydawg so what's your questions?
@husnainfayaz 5 лет назад
@@TheMuslimConservative I ll tell you what their question is. Why don't we Muslims believe that 1+1+1=1 ?
@sarmatianknight7938 5 лет назад
I am a proud MURTAD. John 1:1, 14 (RSV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . [14] And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.
@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
So why did you delete your previous comments? Maybe your are a murtad but you're clearly not a scholar and learned in Islam as you previously claim seeing your lack of knowledge and then you delete your comments and run when you're disproven and can't answer. So your apostasy is pure ignorance and I advise you to seek real education and ask questions I'm telling you as someone who is ex-christian who was born in the US raised in the church since a child and graduated from a Christian high school. I studied comparative religions for over 4 years. And converted to Islam. Let's have a dialogue!
@sarmatianknight7938 5 лет назад
@@TheMuslimConservative I did not delete anything. Must have been the scared Muslim who owns this video.
@sarmatianknight7938 5 лет назад
@@TheMuslimConservative I am an Ex-Muslim Scholar and Imam of over 20 years. I am the reverse of Yusuf Estes. I am studying to be a Christian Pastor now inshallah.
@TheMuslimConservative 5 лет назад
@@sarmatianknight7938 why would i take the time out to answer ever single one of your questions to then just delete your comment? so if you didnt delete it lets continue the conversation! make it simple: you claim to be a Scholar in Islam/imam for over 20 years so why would you make such an ignorant claim as you said last time Islam forbids adoption? also quick edit: you also claimed to reject Muhammad because he was a warrior but accept Jesus because he was not a warrior please explain do you reject Moses, Solomon, David,...etc for they were Warriors & Commanders of Armies and Jesus will return and fight also! do you reject Jesus then? Why did you say "InshaAllah" last time you cursed Allah! last where did you "study" and under who did you study for your Islamic education and which mosque were you an imam in for over 20 years! with such a record surely the missionaries would be using you for propaganda by now.
@sarmatianknight7938 5 лет назад
@@TheMuslimConservative Lying aka Taqiyah is the Islamic way. So nothing surprises me. My family were murdered in Iran by Islamists. I have heard the Islamic Utopia lies. I was an Imam and Scholar and I left both Sunni and Shia Islam.
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