I make videos about whatever I want to and people watch for some reason. New long form videos when they are ready.
@lilyip 25 минут назад
video starts at 9:39 ur welcome
@zaotijaoti 2 часа назад
"im so glad we decided to drink that blood ocean, i havent felt this full in years!" the brain eating amoeba:
@randomperson-qj1oq 3 часа назад
why are the subtitles SO BAD
@NotJim64 4 часа назад
The scariest part was you getting 56% from 4.5/10
@BroncosCountry58 5 часов назад
Ive been to Aspen Colorado and its beautiful
@pacocafe 6 часов назад
ET Bilu type shit
@theEWDSDS 6 часов назад
5:47 where did that percentage come from???
@pacocafe 6 часов назад
“Good afternoon, friends! Can I have shoes?” The lizardman speaks in perfect colloquial Portuguese Seriously, what does that image mean?
@DDRWakaLaka 9 часов назад
god, some of the people in the comments are insufferable
@nekoythebest 9 часов назад
6:40 "A pulsar is literally a spinning death laser." Death star from star war but it an actual star. And have two laser instead of one.
@GLaDOSaperturescience8156 9 часов назад
0:52 does he work at Joey Drew Studios?
@kujojotarostandoceanman2641 11 часов назад
"The world is bleak" mfs when the absurdist walk in and say "this is good enough"
@Fanears 11 часов назад
2:31 Nah, bro that's a Star wars preference.
@hilkmeister1382 12 часов назад
From what I understand of the story, the survivors weren't the ones to be left behind but were, in fact, the ones raptured. I could go into details why, but long story short, it makes more sense that the survivors got raptured rather than everything else because the light from all the stars light centuries away are said to dissappear instantly. That is physically impossible unless either the survivors are in a big dust cloud (which would be obvious) or if they were the ones to have been removed from the universe. I think the idea of Asteriod mining makes since still, assuming that the same rules of science are in effect.
@razorstargazer 13 часов назад
I absolutely loved this as a kid lol, I got to round 981 before the game crashed from the sheer amount of zombies. Im not sure but I might actually hold the world record for Black Ops DS Zombies, I did it on the map House. I have a video where there is a spot you can stand that the zombies cannot hit you.
@raider3254 16 часов назад
Not to be an ass but your explanation wasn't exactly correct, all the habitable planets and stars disappeared leaving only those who were in space at the time Part of hy it us so bleak is because you can look up at the sky and see the ghost light if stars that do not exist anymore and will still likely be visable for hundreds of thousands of years. There are other reasons but it is explained pretty well by other people on youtube.
@catsandwich1406 16 часов назад
Suspension of disbelief
@Un_Named05 17 часов назад
I'd much rather be stuck in Iron Lung than ride on a train that arrives at its destination in just 10 seconds
@commtheguy 18 часов назад
The description of the game said that all stars and habitable planets were sent to not toxic comment section, so in theory, some wasteland planet and gas giants could be still around. Idk never played Iron Lung or Titanic Submersible.
@warp5532 19 часов назад
Can you really make drinkable water out of blood though? We can barely even make our own ocean’s water drinkable
@ARCtheCartoonMaster 21 час назад
1:40 Maybe they misremembered it as “metres”, then converted it to feet.
@The_Dim_Vanced 21 час назад
I feel I have no use for this video. Like it for good intentions I guess
@smoceany9478 23 часа назад
lol just dig further than the superdeep bore hole nerd
@k.ferenc2107 23 часа назад
I dont think we should assume that the laws of logic still apply, if all planets and stars just disappear, and blood oceans start to appear on moons
@skylerholmes571 День назад
Just because resources exist doesn't mean we're guaranteed to harvest it. Good luck catching a fucking astroid
@blaketheparonite91 День назад
The image of the hiker in the snow at 1:15 is from the dyatlov pass expedition. It was found on one of the recovered cameras. It is a real pic, and it was of missing hikers lol
@lazyhippie6139 День назад
How are the WWII signs in such good condition?
@lingricen8077 День назад
“Imagine going through the effort to be a kill joy” Imagine being so willingly stupid that you believe something without evidence and thereby perpetuate fake news “Imagine imagining your own imaginary opposition”
@lingricen8077 День назад
zoomers are so stupid
@budgetDM День назад
The QR code thing bothers me far to much, since they aren't some magical thing that appeared one day. We have documentation of who invented them and when, as well as documentation of how they work and the different versions of the standard.
@joym3357 День назад
homie its set during the heat death of the universe
@LoserCatStudios День назад
The only conspiracy theory I believe is that the CIA killed John F Kennedy
@astrsychev9333 День назад
I wholeheartedly agree, my thoughts exactly about blood oceans. Time dilation near supermassive blackholes is a neat detail, havent thought about that, great video m8.
@PanAndScanBuddy 2 дня назад
Drain the Blood Oceans. Find what's bleeding so much.
@SlapadelicMusic 2 дня назад
I’m getting addicted to your debunk videos
@notxander6838 2 дня назад
The "deja vu area" sign says "SCP at the bottom" it's a prank
@ShleepySchlub 2 дня назад
“Hoover Dam’s spillways” instantly thought of Fallout New Vegas 😂 anyways Great Video
@junshap2427 2 дня назад
Markiplier is coming for you
@justaguyontheinternet3893 2 дня назад
Honestly great video, but the game hammers in that human civilisation can not continue. Can’t really excuse the blood ocean thing though.
@DaPlenThing 2 дня назад
The creators of these definitely are 5 year olds if they think any of this is scary. They always use the god awful text to speech voices too
@DaPlenThing 2 дня назад
These people who make these videos need to find out what a real life is
@disgoop 2 дня назад
2:45 zombie virus? no, womeone thought that would look cool on their trailer how do people manage to deepen my disbelief in them anymore ffs
@PerryCali 2 дня назад
Pre- Harambee is Why yulled 😂
@BierBart12 2 дня назад
Carving a pentagram into the attic seems like the exact opposite of a red flag for a gf Bet she has great music and clothing taste too
@tails183 2 дня назад
I too go to Psalm 89 for dictionary definitions.
@thatsmykulture7266 2 дня назад
Lol i saw that vishnu statue in mumbai as a kid... are people really that ignorant of historical art that they cant tell Egyptian art from Indian Art??? It looks nothing like an egyptian statue!
@eggverseoffficial7976 2 дня назад
The real danger in the Iron Lung Universe isn't a lack of resources, but instead a lack of reliability. All it would take to wipe out an entire colony is one single system failure or one slip up. Not only is it guaranteed to happen at some point, but you never know when it's coming.
@fenior 2 дня назад
That cat was vibing
@gothicpixi 2 дня назад
the pentagram is actually a symbol of protection lol