Thersites the Historian
Thersites the Historian
Thersites the Historian
This channel is primarily dedicated to making History content. I am a specialist in Classical Greek history, but I cover a broad range of topics. Most of my videos are university-style lectures, but often with more humor and more obscure subject matter. Some of my videos are lectures from university courses that I have taught in the past or that I am teaching in the present.

Active Series:
Romans of Renown
Byzantine Emperors
History After Dark (Weekly Stream with Sean Chick)
Taking Out The Trash

Completed Series:
HIS 2202 (Fall 2017)
Neutral Powers of World War II
2020 Democrats
Publius Vatinius, Consul 47 BCE
21 день назад
Quintus Fufius Calenus, Consul 47 BCE
21 день назад
Marcus Octavius, Aedile 50 BCE
Месяц назад
Quintus Cornificius, Praetor 45 BCE
Месяц назад
Gaius Pomptinus, Praetor 63 BCE
2 месяца назад
Publius Villius Tappulus, Consul 199 BCE
2 месяца назад
Gaius Centenius, Propraetor 217 BCE
3 месяца назад
Lucius Quinctius Flamininus, Consul 192 BCE
5 месяцев назад
Lucius Apustius Fullo, Praetor 196 BCE
5 месяцев назад
Gaius Claudius Centho, Praetor 199 BCE
5 месяцев назад
Zoe Porphyrogenita, 1028-1050
8 месяцев назад
Publius Attius Varus, Praetor 53 BCE
9 месяцев назад
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus Minor, executed 30 BCE
11 месяцев назад
Marcus Junius Brutus, Tribune 83 BCE
11 месяцев назад
Sextus Julius Caesar, Governor of Syria 47-46 BCE
11 месяцев назад
@josephvitale137 День назад
25:00 how did Livy not know which family was from which town, in spite of the last survivor saying "the first 2 where for my fallen brothers but this third is kill is for glory of Rome"?... Gonna tell me THAT was added in later too?... I think a part just died in saying that...
@vivian3371 День назад
South Balkan till Adriatic sea was full of life during the Ice age when no one wester country did not exist. The oldest civilisation in a Europe. But westerns removed all from the history.....
@hairyjohnson2597 День назад
I love you and Monica's dynamic. Very professional and also humorous. I love how at times yall contest one another's opinions respectfully as well. Thank yall for yalls time. Yalls hard work is much appreciated by a dumb dumb like myself lol
@xavisanchez7522 2 дня назад
Tarraco, Catalan speaking city since V century, ancient spanish language , as modern day spanish is felipist castilian, a genocide for purposes language. If you spoke it, is because you were forced to abandon your own native language
@jannarkiewicz633 2 дня назад
88 lines about 44 women.
@bartholomus9548 2 дня назад
D'Estang at savannah reminds me of Conde
@JS-wp4gs 3 дня назад
Stopped taking anything she said seriously at the claim that anything could have turned the tide of the civil war. Absolutely not possible. No matter what either side did it was mathematically impossible for the union to lose the civil war. The south lacked quite literally everything on every conceivable level that it needed in order to have even the smallest chance of coming out of the war successfully
@southron2279 3 дня назад
Missing albert jenkins
@cromcccxvi3787 3 дня назад
He doesn't have it now.... because history is ever mutable, and the European Aristocracy surely wanted this guy erased
@kennethknoppik5408 3 дня назад
That's okay you have to cut it short. Is your sister's dog okay? Poor thing, I hope so.
@Vulcaani 3 дня назад
I enjoyed your chat immensely, fascinating stuff! Thank you both.
@Aemilius46 4 дня назад
Manius Curius Dentatus was such a underrated legend!! 🤍 A great military commander, and incorrupt man!!
@jimanast3593 4 дня назад
As many stated, the map shown in the chapter "Controversies and Problems", is wrong. It must be showing the present or some 20th century situation. In Transylvania there is a 80 % hungarian population and the Albanians shown in Greece aren't Albanians but bilingual Greeks (speaking greek and albanian), called Arvanites in greek and Arnavut in turkish. Many of them were fighters and military leaders during the 1821 revolution. (Exemption: the Tsami population of Hepirus, who collaborated with the Axis & left Greece by the end of Greece's occupation.) There are no Bulgars in Greece too. They left Greece in 1923, came back during the Axis (bulgarian) occupation and left by the end of it. 20:00 +: Slaves that occupied the interior of the greek peninsula went away, after the recapture of these lands by the Byzantines; they didn't become Greeks. Very few of them stayed, mainly these who went far south, stayed isolated on mountainous areas which are called by Anna Comnene "Sklavenees" (Sklavinies) which means Slaveislands. Their population was small and was later absorbed by the surrounding greek population. According to genetic studies, the modern day greek population is identical to the one 4000 years ago & its DNA is 50 % similar to the DNA existing 6000 years ago. Vlachs (at least the ones at the southern Balkans) are not descendants of the Dacians. They are descendants of legionaires, who (when they retired) they were given herds to live and supply the legions. Due to this connection to the Romans, they spoke latin. They aren't Romanian. This is proven by the fact that during the occupation of Greece by the Axis Powers, there was famine. Romania established schools & provided food for the Vlachs of Greece, under the condition they were enlisted as Romanians. Very few were enlisted, they weren't accepted by the other Vlachs, and left to Romania, just after the liberation of Greece.
@wankawanka3053 4 дня назад
what a beast he was 67 years old when he died and he still wanted to campaign in sicily
@hairyjohnson2597 4 дня назад
Also virtual hydlide for the saturn was AMAZING. Probably the first or 2nd rpg I played. I played final fantasy on snes with my brothers when I was 6 or 7 but in my pre teen years before the ps1 virtual hydlide was the first game I played by myself and spent hours upon hours playing. It was an elder scrolls type game and the graphics where different than just about every other rpg out. Didn't have the typical 3d art fantasy style is was more realistic based. Such a great game to me. Well, in my 11 year old mind it was. Haven't played it since then. I need to go to my mother's and dig my saturn out the closet and give it a play.
@ThersitestheHistorian 2 дня назад
You're the first person I have seen reference Virtual Hydlide in a positive way. My suspicion is that it would not hold up well to scrutiny today.
@hairyjohnson2597 4 дня назад
We loved our Saturn in my household. My father played Myst, that was a fun game. Me and my brothers played nights into dreams. That game was so amazing back then. The graphics and moment was great for the time. The color waves and how the textures popped out at you was exciting and beautiful.
@XavierDoss627 4 дня назад
Good luck
@user-jq1mg2mz7o 4 дня назад
WOOHOO thersites three kingdoms. looking forward to the inevitable tier ranking for every era of chinese warlordism
@michaelr3583 4 дня назад
Damn dogs!
@theletterw3875 4 дня назад
Congrats Thersister
@MyMomSaysImKeen 4 дня назад
The vomiting dogs name is, "Hurley."
@billychops1280 4 дня назад
Congrats for your sister Thersites. Also I just got to Greece and my aunt has 3 cats, 1 of which she also speculates has autism 😂
@Unknown31212 4 дня назад
Hope doggo is okay bro
@ProffPandan 5 дней назад
Man I was hoping to find out if Zhuge Liang was in the first twenty or latter thirty two (the group with the greatest officer). But I'll still be here next time!
@SpaceTalon 5 дней назад
@user-gx1rm1vd8p 5 дней назад
Hope doggo is ok Thank for raise this topic to livestream
@theletterw3875 5 дней назад
Fun fact: the full name is Chlothar Cedarius Jackson Jr.
@kingusernamelxixthemagnifi3488 5 дней назад
1:36:00 Plato's Academy was destroyed by Sulla. The one Justinian closed was a neo-platonic academy founded some years later.
@princonsuella_ 6 дней назад
Hancock is such a scammer. And bitter too... All he does is whine, he has no credibility whatsoever. I was so angry at his Netflix show... Not one evidence whatsoever and he said the stupidest quote I've ever heard: "I'm as much of a sudo scientist as a dolphin is a sudo fish." That should tell you this guy is a moron.
@kingusernamelxixthemagnifi3488 6 дней назад
1:40:00 Hoping for this one.
@charlieblack20wolfpack 6 дней назад
Why did Rosecrans keep McCook in corp command if he was so bad?
@MyStatusIsOnline 6 дней назад
The last hour and a half is gold
@jeremiahh.3383 8 дней назад
Is he the one who wrote the letter about Jesus?
@ThersitestheHistorian 5 дней назад
No, this man died long before Jesus would have been born.
@creighton8069 8 дней назад
I kind of want to see you guys do something like this for Shiloh, especially since Sean has talked about researching it. Just don't stop making ACW videos.
@josephvitale137 8 дней назад
Hey Mhistory man!..i have an honest to god good question regarding this time period... I couldn't help but notice that the narrative of "the history of the republic's slow transformation into the Empire"... Alot of credible historians blame the "death" of the Republic on alot of people... But none of them from the obstructionist wing from the conservative branch of the Senate.They blame Both Ghacuss bros Marion Pompey Sulla Caesar Anyone pushing Italian Right as demigogs (some did) The best examples (imo) is that when Tiberius Ghraccus was clubbed to death, i heard alot about how Tiberius opeded Pandora's box in so many ways (which he did, ill give them that) but... I dnt see the same level of blame, twords the peope who killed him... Do you agree? Im at least aware that you are aware there was an onbsteuctionnism going on, that was a real problem. Not so much Marious for reforming the army during alife or death struggle against the Germanic tribes, or the Chracci bothersa land reform bills... With thay questions come REAL question im here to ask you sir ...... Was Monarchy the ONLY way to get past the oligarchic obstructionism?
@ThersitestheHistorian 5 дней назад
The reason that the oligarchs are rarely or never blamed is that the histories were written by people who were sympathetic to their cause. It is interesting that the losing side in the civil war got to craft the narrative, but that is effectively what happened. Much of this sympathy came from senators in the early Empire, who wished that they could actually make decisions as their ancestors had rather than simply being a part of Augustus' administration. This led them to valorize the Senators of the past and their politics, even though most members of the imperial Senate were not from families that were included during the Republic and they could claim little to no kinship. As for whether monarchy was the only way out, it is possible. The only other solution would have been a strengthening of impersonal institutions, but because the Republic's greatest men were so wildly powerful, that would have needed to happen before Sulla in order to have any chance of being a lasting course correction.
@josephvitale137 5 дней назад
@@ThersitestheHistorian that sir, was what confounded me so much... That even though they lost the war, the Senate still wrote the history. And Even though they wrote the history, people (despite the admitted Holocaust) tend to sympathize with Caesar... Myself included. And I'm sorry you're right, let me rephrase that, idk if a monarchy was the answer, but it sure seemed like Augustus's monarchy was the answer... But now you made another good question pop into my head... Why do so many modern scholars and institutions still "blame" the transformation into the empire, on the reform faction? And thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer such layman questions from me. I always did
@bookaufman9643 8 дней назад
If you look at the problem on the chessboard at around 13 1/2 minutes you can see that the Muslim guy just put the Christian guy into checkmate. That's presuming that the Muslim guy just made his move which I'm guessing by his raised finger that he did. This has to be the first ever animated chess game summary. Also it is a representative picture so it could not have been done by a Muslim.
@EdwinPutman-io1dl 8 дней назад
What?! Grant himself admitted that Rosecrans had a good plan in place at Chattanooga and that Grant only carried it out. That admission is in his autobiography if I’m not mistaken. Why all the vitriol? An historian’s first responsibility is to at least be honest, don’t you think? Your opinion is your opinion, and unimportant, but I’m astounded by your cavalier misrepresentation of facts here throughout.
@EdwinPutman-io1dl 8 дней назад
Grant lost more battles than he won? That is patently false. I’m not certain that he lost any battles. Cold Harbor? No. He lost a lot more men than he needed to but he didn’t lose the battle. On what terms do you conclude that he lost that battle? Or any other battle he fought? He lost men. Nobody argues that. But he won battles. He beat Lee into submission. And, of course, surrender. Whether you like him or not really has nothing to do with how many battles he won.
@bevan2342 9 дней назад
Shame we don’t have more information on this man
@jauntyjaun 9 дней назад
Great stream❤❤❤