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Ghostfire Podcasts
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@graynanuuq 14 минут назад
James described a system where you're playing a team and each hit kills a person. Isn't that exactly how hit points started in the war games GG et al played that evolved into D&D? Each unit had X number of individuals and when a hit did Y amount of damage it killed that many members of unit. When they started adding individual heroes into the mix, they just started giving them the same kind of hit points to keep the system unified. I'm sure I remember reading or hearing that somewhere.
@shallendor 28 минут назад
Palladium fantasy has 3 things that happen when attacking, 1-4 is a miss, 5 to the AR of your armor damages the armor, above the AR damages you!
@terratorment2940 59 минут назад
How is Dark Sun problematic? Is it because of the slavery? That's something bad guys do. You should be fighting against the slavery. What's problematic about fighting against slavers?
@RodrigoKuerten Час назад
Funny how WOTC is using the characters of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon in the books, but cut off the support for Brazilian translations, a place where the cartoon is really big.
@chrisg8989 Час назад
@40:40 y'all are sleeping on DC20. That is exactly the system they use. And to be honest. DC20 looks alot more compelling than either Dagger heart or the MCDM game. I thought this was a news show? DC20 went into Kickstart yesterday! Common y'all! Let's cover some of the smaller Creators instead of only focusing on the Big Whale corporations like Wizards and Critical Roll.
@joelwest6507 Час назад
I would buy a "Wahoo, I hit the bad guy" shirt.
@AndyReichert0 Час назад
45:49 "help me out here! help me out here!" is the first "The Thing's Thing Of Everything" style expansion for MCDM's "wahoo! I hit the bad guy!" game.
@NyctophileXIII Час назад
I absolutely support AI art for DM's to use to create imagery for their game. For many years I've used copyrighted images from movies and whatnot for these purposes, and it's honestly a huge relief to no longer be reliant on that to give my games the visual cues that are so helpful to visualization.
@AndyReichert0 Час назад
pathfinder Adventure Card Game had the most elegant mix of to-hit/threshold/damage roll. it's an incredible, phenomenal system, but its fatal flaw is that you play a character from the lore of the world instead of a custom pc of your own. if they'd change that, it would be the world's best simplified D&D.
@Giantstomp Час назад
I could not disagree more with Shawn more. They will use AI eventually in regards to the tabletop game and for the same reason that he says they might be placating them stockholders, because its a corporation and it will be demanded, not to mention its a cost cutting tool. There is a reason they prefer to contract so much work out to freelancers and not keep a full staff of writers and artists, because it saves money. AI is a hot topic right now so of course they will steer clear of it now, or make sure they do it on the down low, but their idea of the future of AI is a digital online version of the game that is a hybrid of video game and traditional tabletop, with AI DM's and randomly generated dungeons etc. Not being a doomsayer here, just pointing out the inevitability of it all. Its not a matter of if AI will be used, just when and to what degree.
@TonyRobetson Час назад
another great episode! i appreciate that you guys dont feed into the internet rage machine!
@BobWorldBuilder Час назад
Someone already mentioned it, but DC20 has pushed the damage roll into the d20 roll, with tiers of damage based on how high the d20 result is. And on the comment of 'dropping HP altogether' you have games like Crown & Skull with no HP (which I'm no expert in but here's my understanding:) where hits result in losing skills or equipment, with losing equipment being very similar to Cairn and all the games Ben Milton loves to talk about!
@Veggie13 Час назад
Check out the recent video by Bob World Builder for a balanced take on DC20! 😉
@SeattleFira 2 часа назад
i freakin love this podcast.
@johncox8835 2 часа назад
Play a video game without AI.... That would be aweful.
@donaldcrankshaw1627 2 часа назад
Mutants and Masterminds has to hit with no damage roll, but the character hit makes a Toughness roll (save) againt the Damage rank of the attack to determine what status applies. There's no hit points--it's all statuses, though with M&M the degree you fail determines the status that affects you, and each time you fail a Toughness roll, you get a stacking -1 to future Toughness rolls.
@Cassapphic 2 часа назад
One of my friends in her first game was streaming her dnd beyond character creation to us so we could help, the randomly generated name suggestions offered, I kid you not, "Jesus Wolfbasher". This was such an incredible name that I had to put him into my campaign as an npc, I was originally planning for him to just be the head of a group of bandits, but one of my other players dmed me suggesting jesus would be his character's runaway son who resented the gold dragon curse his family had, which eventually overan jesus, elading to a tragic battle against the wolfbasher, he wasn't really a "villain" per se, but he has been mythologised to the point during a game if any of us accidentaly say "jesus!" as an expression, we'll quickly add "...wolfbasher".
@JoeSlucherArt 2 часа назад
I am unbelievably excited about the Adam Bradford news. I've been using Fantasy Grounds since 2010 and it is an absolute nightmare to learn and onboard new players (even heavier lift for new DMs). Amongst our group it's even a joke to share a video clip of the founder saying "some things are intuitive and others are not". There's so much that someone like Adam could improve and he's shown how much user experience means to him.
@alanleckert1 2 часа назад
Don’t objects in 5e already have a To Hit and Damage Threshold system in place?
@hodgepodgesyntaxia2112 35 минут назад
Inanimate materials technically do, like metal or stone, but very few GMs actually use those rules as written.
@tslfrontman 2 часа назад
"I'm not a villain, I'm your wife!"
@fortunatus1 2 часа назад
The new DC20 game (currently on kickstarter) does in fact have the "keep the to hit roll and lose the damage roll" structure. I prefer that structure over MCDM's "no to hit roll and roll for damage". There are other rules in the game which make me hesitant about the RPG but that's not one of them.
@chrisg8989 Час назад
Right! DC20 looks way more interesting than either Dagger Heart or MCDM. Where is the coverage? Thought this was an RPG News Podcast? Guess they only cover the RPG Whales like Wizards and Critical Roll. Sad.
@andrewshandle 2 часа назад
I'm sorry, if a gaming company creates their own "AI" engine that doesn't steal from outside sources to create realistic NPCs in a video game, that's a good thing. The idea that the talented engineers who accomplish that aren't "artists" and therefore somehow evil is just ignorant. A game like BG3 doesn't exist without a crapload of talented, software developers who are just as creative as any other member of the studio. Without them none of the vision of BG3 is realized. The discourse around AI and WotC is beyond ridiculous at this point and just seems to be about rage baiting now.
@EbonxGaming 2 часа назад
Dael's breakdown of ML and usage was perfect.
@Veggie13 3 часа назад
Conspiracy Cubes sound like a breakfast cereal.
@DeepBlueFlame501 3 часа назад
Good episode!
@alexchaston4367 3 часа назад
DC20 rpg actually does do the To Hit Roll and drops the damage roll, increasing the damage for every 5 over the target number
@chrisg8989 Час назад
Yup! And DC20 looks alot more interesting than either Dagger Heart or MCDM. And it went into Kickstarter yesterday! Where is the coverage? Thought this was an RPG News Podcast?
@jerichojeudy Час назад
I agree. Feels more fun than both MCDM and Daggerheart, to me.
@ross8093 Час назад
These are recorded in advance pf the day they come out afaik byt a couple days maybe. Its literally a runninga joke that they always miss news because of their recording/release schedule. Tbh I always thought that meant they should change it haha​@@chrisg8989
@kahlinwhatley8640 57 минут назад
I was just about to comment exactly this!
@spooderous 6 минут назад
​@@chrisg8989It literally just dropped. Learn to excerise some patience.
@Veggie13 3 часа назад
Funny how you mention the to-hit versus damage rolls the day after the DC20 Kickstarter dropped. It keeps to-hit and loses damage rolls.
@Veggie13 3 часа назад
I swear, TTRPG news waits to drop the day after you record.
@chrisg8989 Час назад
Forsure! And DC20 looks alot more interesting than either Dagger Heart or MCDM. Where is the coverage? Thought this was an RPG News Podcast? Guess they only cover the big corporations like Wizards and Critical Roll.
@cernunnos_lives 3 часа назад
The greatest villain used by everyone is still WOTC. Half the company is laid off (just before Christmas) how much more damage can they do?
@stewi009 3 часа назад
Have they said they're using AI for ART in the video games? Because "AI Engineers" can be used on the programming side to great effect. Not only in the traditional areas of making enemies that behave intelligently or to procedurally generate environments that make some kind of sense (expanding your ability as a player to explore the world on your own terms), but it an also be used just for raw programming to generate code quickly. That code still needs to be reviewed and altered by human programmers before it can be considered good to go, so it's not stealing anyone's job the way generative AI does to artists in the art domain.
@fortunatus1 3 часа назад
No, they have not said its for AI art. People immediately jump to the worst possible conclusion when it involves WotC. This is getting old.
@Veggie13 3 часа назад
Adam moves to Fantasy Grounds, next day Demiplane is acquired by Roll20. Hmmm....
@basselstineart Час назад
Add that to the Conspiracy Cube!
@jeffcallahan5467 3 часа назад
I created a filthy human archeology and earth based wizard quest giver named "Delvrand the Deep" who only referred to his apprentices by number because he had had so many abandon his apathetic tutelage. (One player joined the game as Apprentice 47) He had a bunch of bounties out on him for various things: Defiling a grave, exposing a political conspiracy, trespassing in a holy site...you know typical things Heroes would do, but immediately took a huge disliking of him. Lol, it was fascinating. (I also loved the wizard/hard hat I came up with that he wore.)
@flanbeau Час назад
Did he have a whip ?
@halanhart 3 часа назад
I very much miss the 3e and 3.5 covers! They made me feel like a wizard.
@jeffcallahan5467 3 часа назад
They still make me feel that way! 😄
@helixxharpell 55 минут назад
Me too. We may be developing an alternate crunchy style system to match up to my Khor The World of Many Portals Kickstarter next yr. 😉 Despite the current trend of "oversimplification" of TTRPGs these days. 😊
@falconnm 3 часа назад
The media creates these controversies because they get paid for views. WOTC controversies will not stop until RU-vid stops paying greedy influencers to pedal hatespeak.
@kvici 3 часа назад
that does not make sense. if I commit a crime, and somebody speaks of it, are they wrong for speaking up, or am I the bad guy for committing the crime?
@bossbullyboy195 21 час назад
KaraTur had Asian cultural consultants working on it the whole time for about 3 yrs before it was let out, as was AlQuaddim and many other settings that emulate real world places, they ABSOLUTELY were meant to be works of appreciation. 27:30
@pheralanpathfinder4897 14 часов назад
Shhh the truth is irrelevant.
@bossbullyboy195 22 часа назад
Radiat Citadel was THE WORST SELLING BOOK that WOTC has put out in 5e. It didn't even break 10k sold, no one wants that woke BS in the hobby.
@pheralanpathfinder4897 14 часов назад
Anthologies consistently underperform
@Veggie13 2 дня назад
Together in person!
@rooksgate5574 3 дня назад
Gaming is gaming, not the exploration of other cultures. Elves and dwarves came out of Germanic mythology. Yet when we see an elf in a “ Arabic “ or “Asian“ setting we never say cultural appropriation. There should be no limits on which cultural artefacts we put into any game. It’s an exploration of imagination. In My Home campaign drinking tea is a social normalcy despite the fact that the culture is mostly western. I just like the image of people sitting on a floor discussing politics over tea.
@pheralanpathfinder4897 14 часов назад
I can't figure out how multi culturalism became cultural appropriation.
@atomicjess76 3 дня назад
I love the talk about being sensitive to stereotypes in Kara Tur. Then later in the episode “ my Kara Tur adventure was based on Iron Chef. “ 😂😂😂
@RevocerGM 3 дня назад
4:48 hear hear
@kelvinl2214 4 дня назад
Complex should NOT be more powerful than simple ones. Niche on the other hand, yes, because Niche only works on a specific campaign/way that accomplishing it should make it powerful. Niche should also not be working 100% of the time.
@Giantstomp 4 дня назад
I might disagree with Shawn on this one. I run the Greyhawk Adventures Group on Facebook, and I gained 800+ new members in two weeks after the announcement that Greyhawk would be in the DMG. Many of them are new to the setting, and many are older players who caught wind of it and are coming back. Also, don't undersell the importance of a world map. The fact that there is one will bring in more interested people. Now, of course, if they don't do anything about it by releasing new thins or opening up on DMsguild or D&D Deyond it will be a short term deal.
@user-sv1me4jg2v 4 дня назад
Will they still make sell toys marvel legends