I'm told I overthink things.

I don't think that's so bad.
There's a lot of topics I cover but a core of it would be history and games, and games about history. "Media analysis" in all the vague ways that means anything.
Pop History and its Consequences
3 месяца назад
Being the Monster | Vampire Games, and Bloodlines
5 месяцев назад
Valkyria Chronicles, Persecution, and Atrocity
7 месяцев назад
Paradox, Strategy, and Player Autocracy
8 месяцев назад
Book of Hours and Knowledge
11 месяцев назад
"The Scary Zelda"
11 месяцев назад
Fire Emblem: Three Genders
Год назад
Paradox and when Maps Mess Up
Год назад
Britain Privatized Immigration
Год назад
Fable 3: A Landlording game
2 года назад
The Alt Politics of Raw Meat Guys
2 года назад
Who put the RF in TERF?
2 года назад
On The Nature of Esoteric Cults
2 года назад
CIV and the End of History
2 года назад
Victoria 3 and the Decline of the West
2 года назад
Civilization 6 and The Fate of Empires
2 года назад
@stahl1624 10 часов назад
I prefer them having the White Suit
@stevesmithy5644 23 часа назад
Never watched this channel before, but this guy seems really upset at other people having different opinions
@HazhMcMoor День назад
10:17 ok I have watched the entire section but i dont think this is why Good AI is bad and bad AI is good. Yes, im accusing you to try to say good things are bad and bad things are good. You have stroke a good note by saying that AI has to fail because of either of historical outcome or player action, but bad AI will fail because of neither of them. How many times I've seen ottomans or france that just wander aimlessly getting reduced to pieces while i play Malaya. Good AI should approximate historical outcomes! If anything, it's initial condition that should dictate historical outcome, and good AI should still suffer with bad initial condition. But world history being complex, it shouldnt be predetermined. This is not player vs AI, it's AI vs AI vs AI vs ... . The best feelings i get in this kind of game is being able to slip through titans to be a viable 3rd kingdom, and the titans cant stop me not because their AI is bad, but because theyre keep busy by other titans. There are also lots of turning points that's too chaotic for the best AI to manage, like whatever the fuck should happen in Burgundian inheritance. It'd already add spices enough from game to game, so we shouldn't rely on bad AI to "give chance to player".
@Divuar День назад
Thanks for this amazing essay
@TheAgamemnon911 День назад
My takeaway is that the CIA employs simple people with simple tastes.
@TheAgamemnon911 День назад
Now, this is a connection I didn't expect and no, I am not talking about the title.
@ghostinthecode День назад
i just want to say thanks for making this video. it's one of my favorites, even though the subject matter is a bit on the heavy side, to say the least, but i really appreciate the way you go through and explain the history of all this, especially the lesbian history stuff.
@Senovitj 2 дня назад
Talking of exonyms, byzantine was coined over a 100 years after the (Late) Roman Empire fell. It was never used by the Empire or its population.
@mrjustadude1 2 дня назад
I think Victor Davis Hanson is a classic example of this.
@kingkonut 2 дня назад
No, the ancient artifacts should not be where they came from. The ancient artifacts should be in the British Museum. No exceptions.
@DynamiteProd 2 дня назад
I always thought it was a grey suit
@yuriko_AH 2 дня назад
well that video was an acid trip to listen to it was like listening to a lore video on some super deranged 90/00s anime series
@dbleaker 2 дня назад
red flag wounded by rg suny has a great overview of sovietology
@SanteriPerma 3 дня назад
Nice choice of music
@SanteriPerma 3 дня назад
Is there finnish culture?
@quedtion_marks_kirby_modding 3 дня назад
Tbh the more I study spesific cases, the more critical I become of the idea of studying colonialism as a whole. Specialy when they try to lump in so many centuries of history into a single theory. It will usualy lead to an eurocentrict narrative, that ugnores the agency of the colonised people.
@aidanwest1878 3 дня назад
“I am the senate” - palpatine
@theInfiniteEgg-z8i 4 дня назад
Isn’t rosencrantz supposed to be funny?
@theInfiniteEgg-z8i 4 дня назад
Bro you realize they had a year to make this game right? All the DLC was pre-scoped and everything.
@theInfiniteEgg-z8i 4 дня назад
Because they didn’t have the time or money. Any other questions? Or did you seriously spend 10 minutes asking an easy to answer question? 😂 Wait you’re mad about a personal opinion? 😂
@SteelWalrus 4 дня назад
Easily top 5 triangles of all time.
@EricNapoli-z3d 4 дня назад
Both environment and genetics will impact a population's cultural evolution. Some populations, due to mutation, will have different average intelligences and different average social characteristics. Their environment will give them certain advantages as well, and shape cultural characteristics. The idea that Europe's geography effected its ability to conquer the world can be 100% true, but this doesn't mean that genetics play no part. Also, Jared Diamond is a Jew whose parents both immigrated to the United States from Easter Europe (particularly Bessarabia) either during or (more likely) following World War One, which will undoubtably have influenced his views of Europeans as a hostile people. (My assumption is that his father emigrated from Moldova after it was annexed by Romania during the Russian Revolution, but I have no actual evidence outside of the small info on his wiki). I don't care if it makes people uncomfortable, someone's racial background is relevant to their work when their work centers on race.
@brianpbillingsley3687 4 дня назад
24:39 Racism tsundere!🤣💀 I know it's a serious topic, but still...!🤣
@BlueGamingRage 5 дней назад
TL:DW is that Rosencreutz wants to discourage the attempts to make a model for anything in historiography because to make a claim, you must take a stand and shed nuance and ambiguity. GGS is flawed, but ultimately the best holistic explanation of Europe's sudden rise to global dominance that doesn't rely on concepts like Europeans being inherently superior or divine intervention
@DavidJBurbridge 5 дней назад
To be honest, I never noticed until this video. The Chairmen are a reference to Frank Sinatra (AKA The Chairman of the Board), who wore suits in many colors, including black, chalk stripe, gray, tan, and even white so it still fit, IMO
@christianchiakulas852 6 дней назад
Civ 4 remains undefeated, still haven't been able to make the switch to 5 or 6
@atriox7221 6 дней назад
I will always hold the belief that timing (in regards to prior Eurasian events and international circumstance on a millennia scale) an culture (religious and cultural values, ideals, ambitions, development path and what is more likely to be changed with greater prosperity) are the true main powers europe had. Geography is important and particularly on an early stages of development post Stone Age, but it’s the cultures that are to an extent influenced by geography that matters most. Without having all the nuances of poly vs monotheism, external views on other ethnicities, religions and cultures, likelihood of trending to liberty and improved quality of life even for slaves, accounting for chance of ending slavery and all such things result in, interest and capacity for advancement, competitiveness on a more local regional level and so on. The fact europe is so comparable to China is inescapable, the important differences including shape, but more based on ethnic, linguistic, cultural, even religious and more general geopolitical variances that make European unity so difficult. Forcing those populations culturally and locationally well suited for increasing development to now develop through need to compete for survival/autonomy from a number of neighbours, and to outcompete those neighbours in all metrics. That is what makes europe collectively so capable of outclassing China and being more interactive with its outside world. At least that’s what I see it as
@olivierbajet8851 6 дней назад
Haven't read the book, but 12:30 he may have mistaken an "aardvark" as an "aardwolf", a fairly hyena-like animal. Don't know the full context however. Love the vid and your channel btw.
@darkusandtoast2207 6 дней назад
A comment for the algorithm
@jordantryy9841 6 дней назад
the conclusion is that this game is just a masterfuckingpiece
@HAL-iv2kd 7 дней назад
What if we instead compare the Darcsens with Palestinians?
@robertst.pierre1341 7 дней назад
Remember the old programer saying 99 bugs in tge cide fix ine and 101 bugd on the wall
@ironarcana970 7 дней назад
So happy to see more content from you. Your videos are among my favorites
@treavorwhitlock5606 7 дней назад
Shouldn't Harrison Ford have done something about this?
@ThousandDollarSparkler 7 дней назад
i gotta say, i bought this game on release day and i’ve literally *never* cared about the suits. it is just a suit, my guy.
@Zhuikin13 7 дней назад
I'd like to submit a tangential thought regarding the Louis quote. The fact that the quotes are opposite to one another does not carry any weight in arguing that he might have said one and not the other. He reigned for a very long time and people change, say things they later come to view differently, etc.. It is very possible, that a younger, brazen Louis would have said "I am the state" to later as an older, wiser ruler more aware of his mortality, also say "I die, the state remains". Of course, it does not lend any extra credence to him having said "I am the state". But the argument does not add anything extra beyond "there is no primary source".
@albdamned577 8 дней назад
neat, i just figured the landmass was modeled on middle earth. Tolkien has corrupted generation of map makers...
@AsyncMusic 8 дней назад
because they are evil hope this helps
@historia_e_games 8 дней назад
Awesome analysis, bro!
@shaliir 8 дней назад
Neat observation, I love videos like this. As for why it was never fixed i think there's 3 possibilities. 1: Obsidian didn't notice/care. 2: The white suits look nicer when contrasting against the dark lighting of the background of the Tops Casino. 3: Making their suits black completely destroyed the PS3 version of the game and made it unplayable. The PS3 port was so bad they had to start deleting NPCs from the world just to make the game run. And this is the abysmal creation engine we're talking about here.
@whatevergaming0606 8 дней назад
Well, it´s called EUROPA Universalis after all... Of course it´s centered around Europe
@LAPCGames 9 дней назад
32:05 this part will always touch me deep and make me cry always
@3gggH34d 9 дней назад
Would love to see a deconstruction of Anbennar's take on the great divergence, what it mimics and what it changes. It'd take quite a deep dive though
@mimiadeleblaircassiedanser6330 9 дней назад
I was just hopping along through most of this video up through the conclusion thinking a combination of "fair point, but narrativization is the way humans think about everything unless/even if trained out of it" and "academic history/all the sciences of the academy also make assumptions and have biases but are seen as Objective Truth in problematic ways " and then I hit 49:40 and literally sat up and started saying "what???" aloud to the TV like five times. So maybe it's more that not knowing a lot about most history it's hard for me to judge claims re how egregious the liberties taken are because that summary of the events that took place in France " almost overnight" has me ready to choose violence
@mimiadeleblaircassiedanser6330 9 дней назад
It feels like it would be difficult to write a sentence that was less true about the French revolution. Next to that one "let them eat cake" should get a Nobel prize in history
@seanbeadles7421 9 дней назад
Did they choose abstract artists in opposition to Soviet Realist art?
@Lguardiaa 9 дней назад
Incredible video, always have wanted to talk about eu4 vs actual history