illusory wall
illusory wall
illusory wall
Greetings! I'm illusory wall and I make videos about Dark Souls (and sometimes other retro games). Active in the community since the release of Dark Souls 1, I've often been first-in-line to help test and discover how various mechanics work in the Souls series. I'd previously make edits to the wikis or post my findings in forums, but more recently I've been making video essays and explorations of my findings. I put an emphasis on talking about things that haven't been covered before, or doing the deepest dives I can. Hope you enjoy!

Non-standard content (like casual game streams) wind up as unlisted videos, but still findable through my playlists if you'd like to watch them.
This Dark Souls Character Isn't Real
2 месяца назад
How was the Dark Souls DLC Discovered?
3 месяца назад
@paradoxialepiphany6663 2 часа назад
The concept of finding the other gear from other classes and adding a bit of personification to them was great in ds1. Perhaps adding messages from those said classes that simulates the online feel would have been a good idea to make it feel less of a lonely journey.
@beauchang4741 3 часа назад
Dancing crystal lizard kinda cute...
@sird4vy501 4 часа назад
Imagine how lonely the life of the chosen undead must have been.
@Cheerybelle 4 часа назад
Speaking on her appearance, I always figured the trading bird in Dark Souls 1 was literally just invisible because, idk, that kind of thing just happens sometimes in works of fantasy. "Oh, yeah, that species or individual is just invisible unless you have some special tool or ability. In this case, you don't and won't." - "Understandable; have a nice day." So, if I were to make fan art of the trading bird, it would just be a blank page/image. Does it hold up to scrutiny? I mean, I don't know; I went hollow in DS1 out of boredom (high heresy, I know). I couldn't get into the lore or story, and challenge doesn't give me satisfaction. "Then why are you here?" *I **_want_** to find a reason to like the FromSoft games to the level that so many do!*
@phoenixsplash135 16 часов назад
Devil's Advocate: If they published instructions on how to access the DLC, why bother making it so obscure?
@Monado6 17 часов назад
suppose these things like these are not meant to be discovered by any one person but by the collective
@trevann8213 17 часов назад
It looks like one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes but for dark souls snak
@thegatorhator6822 21 час назад
Never seen one lmao
@saeed5671 23 часа назад
Maybe patches wearing snake cosplay.
@Dennan День назад
community solving something dosent matter really, majority of gamers just buy a game and play it, they dont interact with a commonity with every game they play. for example i played elden ring all fallout games, all elden ring, wolfenstine, simcity ,diablo, starcraft, world of warcraft, the sims , ect ect and i never interacted with a community unless this video counts wich be the first time i do it. tho im very thorugh when i play and i often go for 100% complete. so its not that im not a real gamer, i am, i just have no urge to interact with other people.
@suckmylol День назад
I thought you could load other maps using debug... maybe that was just dark souls debug though. Either way, if anyone wants the 2nd map balcony restored, there is a mod on the mod nexus. (Just look up tutorial, should be in the results.) The setpiece behind the boss I feel was intended to be the arena you fight him in in 2-4, but they probably ran out of time and had to scrap it. You notice there is a similar structure behind him in 2-4 to the room you're in at the end of the tutorial (although still different). I think they probably wanted to tie the areas together more, and add more polish to the tutorial, but ran out of time.
@Volvary День назад
It's interesting to realize that From have been revealing the entrance of the DLC in the trailer all the way back to DS1. With the release of the trailer for the DLC of Elden Ring, we already know the entrance of the DLC in the same way they revealed the cove: We were clearly shown a cut of the cocoon of Miquella to confirm what the community already expected.
@thegatorhator6822 День назад
That Hallway remains one of the most creative and clever cutscene tricks
6:00 name of song please?
@illusorywall День назад
Demon's Souls - The Beginning
@@illusorywall thanks a lot
@slimguy911 2 дня назад
I do like how Fromsoft never really deviated from this method of DLC- consider Elden Ring's (as of this writing) upcoming one! You gotta fight Mogh- an optional boss fought at any given point- then approach the giant egg in the back. Without dev input, how are we supposed to reasonably find this? The answer is lore! We know the egg is linked with Miquella, so eagle eyed fans would be quick to link the start of the DLC with Mogh's arena. Other than that, it also checks all the other points detailed in the video. Pretty neat imo
@Blue_Carbon_ 2 дня назад
I think I was trying to see how quick I could get through Sekiro or something once because I forgot to grab the mist raven and axe prosthetics before going back to the hirata estate the second time with the "Father" fight. I might be misremembering, but I think it locked me out of collecting them, but they showed up at the shrine. (I didn't mind missing them. When I'm trying to go fast I don't use many prosthetics)
@1nfty- 2 дня назад
Always puts a smile on my face when i hear SOTN tracks on the background of a video. Specially if its about Dark Souls
@kaj413 2 дня назад
OK, now I understand why I do not really see a difference with a higher poise. I am new to Souls type games and this video really helped explain what I was seeing. Thank you!
@cakeboy4834 2 дня назад
Hey yall, what the heck is a dark souls twink?
@RealReynaga 2 дня назад
Started with DeS in 2010, then played DkS in 2012 both on ps3. Great times.
@karlaeickhoff3594 2 дня назад
"Sin might be the most misunderstood mechanic in the game." Me: *looks at the playlist and sees ~20 more candidates for most misunderstood mechanic in the game*
@myboy_ 2 дня назад
I never found it. Played through the whole game, then years later saw dlc stuff and thought "ah wish I had that." At some point on a new playthrough I went to check and realized I had the DLC the entire time.
@Ultimate_kelan 2 дня назад
6/6/24 5:55am cst, earth, the milky way galaxy *sup, future kelan* 😎
@Ultimate_kelan 2 дня назад
6/6/24 5:53am cst, earth, the milky way galaxy *sup, future kelan* 😎
@known3617 2 дня назад
Dark souls isn’t a very large game and each zone is very tightly controlled with what exists within each of the boundaries. Simply noticing a new enemy placement followed by a new item drop just follows the rules of process of elimination, so it’s no surprise someone found this without inside knowledge on day 1 of the DLC release. This isn’t nearly as difficult as OG Easter egg hunting in Keno-Der-Toten in the original Call of Duty Black ops where you have to do a set of tiny random things in order within a set time period to unlock the secret.
@illusorywall 2 дня назад
Oh, absolutely! So many people wonder "how could they have found this", and I'm like "everyone at the time immediately would've spotted the repositioned Crystal Golem". :)
@TABandiTA 2 дня назад
I always thought the hawk girl was two npc. One is snuggly and one is sparkly. I swear the voice acting made her sounds like two different voices
@Corilo91 3 дня назад
I only played Dark Souls 3, and I absolutely hated how obscure are the sequences of think you have to do to progress certain quests, and how easy it is to just cut yourself out of a quest PERMANENTLY. What a stupid thing.
@ASapphicKitsune 3 дня назад
Dark Souls Dissected #-2
3 дня назад
where is the illusory wall from the 5:10 momment ?
@illusorywall 3 дня назад
That's in the Forest of Fallen Giants, in the area where the gate closes behind you next to Pate.
@Qualaza 3 дня назад
I think, at least for me, one of the missing things of why I always thought she was a crow and not any other kind of bird, is that crows at least are somewhat known for mimiccing voices and the few words that don't quite make a sentence to me feel like somewhat mimicing. That also makes more sense because she trades for more then just warm and soft. While there might be some hawks that mimic I just don't think it's as wildly known. Of course the most known mimicing birds are parots but in my opinion they just don't fit the setting, dark and gloomy is more crow then it is parrot.
@gorry123 3 дня назад
Demon's Souls part 2 of the intro music always FTW
@KingLich451 3 дня назад
og Demon's souls soundtrack rules
@myusernameiscooldude 3 дня назад
Like I am 100% serious when I say that guides to accessing the DLC were regularly being shared on 4chan well in advance of the PC release.
@illusorywall 3 дня назад
If that's really the case, it was leaked and didn't stem from an official announcement. I talk about how people like ENB clearly knew prior to release, so that wouldn't be surprising to me. However, I was very active in the community at the time, albeit not on 4chan, at the level of editing the wikis and keeping an eye on what people knew about it. If it was leaked on 4chan it didn't make a very big dent in the community's overall preparedness/ understanding of how to access it. Still a very interesting consideration, though!
@myusernameiscooldude 3 дня назад
We found out how to access the DLC because the developers directly told us how to access it weeks before the DLC even came out.
@illusorywall 3 дня назад
This video explains how it was announced and how there were resources available on launch, but I'm guessing you were playing on PS3 or Xbox360 and your timeline is a little confused due to the PC version having come out two months earlier. Console players had that information available weeks before it was out. PC players did not.
@delinquenter 3 дня назад
Bro is really just yapping for 13 minutes about, if people knew about, how to access DLC content, from a decade-old game. What is happening? xD Either, he doesn't have anything better, to talk about, or secretly wants to prove some sort of agenda / his own personal opinion (which is really meaningless). Bruh. Dark Souls must be really bored of their ass, if they make videos about this.
@illusorywall 3 дня назад
Ah yes, the secret, sordid agenda of simply answering questions that a lot of people have about the DLC. I make deep dives into these games, which recently includes a 45 minute video dedicated entirely to the Seek Guidance miracle. This is normal here and I have a hard time understanding what you're confused about, exactly.
@cristiancavaliere3604 3 дня назад
May i ask why the game looks so good and crisp? are you using any mods or external amd/nvidia settings?
@illusorywall 3 дня назад
None at all! Just the game in 4k resolution and the regular brightness settings cranked to 9, sometimes 10. Occasionally I'll do some fancier tricks like make the player invisible but keep their glowing light present, that way they can stand near something I'm trying to show in the environment and it'll be more clear. I may also alter the brightness and color filter settings in game using debug, sometimes to make the environment a little more clear in a place like Darkroot, but for the vast majority of shots I don't mess with anything like that. :)
@cristiancavaliere3604 3 дня назад
@@illusorywall Thanks for the quick exhaustive reply! I guess i'll upgrade to a 4k monitor when i will have the possibilty ^^ Keep up the great work man
@DGiovanni 3 дня назад
Sounds like a parrot to me.
@owencmyk 3 дня назад
It's crazy that they implemented the whole timer tickdown system for vagrants but not invasions
@SupremacyGamesYT 4 дня назад
Speaking of DLC, is Sekiro the only game without DLC? What a sad tragedy. They better be cooking Sekiro 2...
@illusorywall 3 дня назад
Yup! It's very odd it didn't get one.
@Unfiltered_Raven 4 дня назад
never put together that the room with the scale was meant to be where the gaping dragon came from
@RealityMarble1 4 дня назад
Somehow missed this one, love this series and the way you “de-mystify” it