Adnan Rashid
Adnan Rashid
Adnan Rashid
Adnan Rashid is a historian, traveller, poet, author and a bibliophile.

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Medieval English Village: Lavenham
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Hidden Treasures of Dubai.
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Qadiani Accepts Islam Live
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Enjoying the Weather in Canada
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Ramadan - Don’t Waste It | Adnan Rashid
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Adnan Rashid Debates Qadiani: Did Jesus Die?
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Ultimate Demolition | Adnan Rashid vs Qadiani
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Hadith in South Asia | Adnan Rashid
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Epic Demolition: Qadiani Preacher Smashed. Part 2.
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Epic Demolition: Qadiani Preacher Smashed.
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@Aliameem 3 минуты назад
Mu'awiah's actions will take him to hell. He is not Infallible Adnan. Denounce the murdering illegitimate father of Yazid.
@eeazizi4609 12 минут назад
Yeah the the gospel, not bibel, bibel contains 4 gospel, and not even recoqnize by Allah, injil is one and injil is not even a book, it is revealations reveal to Isa AS in his mind and never been written, so you can debunked bible claim to be a book lol 😂😂😂😂
@tonymontanna9902 15 минут назад
Jesus work under father (John10:25)
@tonymontanna9902 15 минут назад
The God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus (Acts 3:13)
@tonymontanna9902 15 минут назад
we know that you are a teacher come from God(John 3:2)
@tonymontanna9902 15 минут назад
Jesus says"My teaching is not my own, It comes from the one who sent me(John 7:16)
@tonymontanna9902 15 минут назад
Jesus said he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel (Mathew 15:24)
@tonymontanna9902 15 минут назад
Jesus suddenly took on an existence that was lower than the angels(Psalm 8:5)
@tonymontanna9902 16 минут назад
He (jesus) went forward a little,fell on his face, and prayed (Mathew 26:39)
@tonymontanna9902 16 минут назад
Jesus said Thinking lam God is an evil thought (Mathew CEW 9:3-4)
@Brainboost_2356 27 минут назад
Such a jahil razii
@CX45-jo2rr 27 минут назад
without lies, pisslam dies
@Lee-yb2zr 28 минут назад
Read the Bible yourself. Don't get spoon fed.
@janrudnik6870 33 минуты назад
God bless the men who wrote down the Qu'ran !
@hectorhatch6597 34 минуты назад
Amazing. So Moslems believe completely in the Old Testament. Wow, and I thought they believed it was corrupted. So they must also believe that Allah is an idol since the God of the Bible made it clear that He is not Allah.
@janrudnik6870 36 минут назад
What's the difference between fairies and angels ? Fairies are real !
@afkar7517 53 минуты назад
What a shame that christian says. What a lier he is ....😢😢😢
@stevenclark5646 57 минут назад
Just like his own
@afkar7517 57 минут назад
Such a beautiful sheikh.... ❤❤❤❤❤
@zatmanisback7058 Час назад
I want to add one thing in Morocco Islam entered into peace, the Berber (Amazigh) wanted a person of the blood of the prophet Mohamed (sala laho alaehi wasalm) and they took the first Alawi (the great great great fater of our king ) Mohamed Alawi 6
@Eddy6009 Час назад
سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ
@user-jl1jp7fp1p Час назад
Soul seeking muslims and christians,dividing the people...2 most bllody religions.
@UnderratedKitchen Час назад
Where can I watch the full
@swaraykamarah9298 Час назад
How to watch the full video
@jonathanmartin9555 Час назад
Bro said christian scholars and continued to show the picture of Bart ehrman a atheist Scholar 😅
@salaudeenismail5326 Час назад
He didn't mention only christian schoolers alone,he equally mentioned liberal and conservative schoolers.
@Arctturius Час назад
Book of Exodus 21:23-27: An eye for an eye Quran 42:40 And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers.
@cameronvinson Час назад
the bible is supposed to be corrupted
@rajibchaudhary9382 Час назад
On the day of Judgement, Christians will be shocked when they will realise that Jesus Christ(pbuh) is a messenger of Allah. And he never died on the cross for the sins of mankind
@ahok123 Час назад
Are these people for real? How can they understand the verse this way. The whole quran is critiquing how christians have changed the message of god. And they are trying to use it for their understanding( trinity) How can you talk to deluded people like that. There must be serious acedemic discussion about this matter, not translation spinners and trinitarian fanatics
@kwalityfishfarm4714 Час назад
what contraduction did u find u didnt understand ... Jesus is in Heaven and where 2 or 3 gather in His name He is there ... Jesus is omnipresent God ... He is in Heaven and on earth at the same time ... sir for your doubt to be cleared what is omnipresent all your doubts will be cleared ... by the way angels worship & serve God ... and angels can never be God because God created angels ... and Sprit of God or Holy Spirit is never a angel ... no angel is ever worthy to call itself God .... please study what is omnipresent sir God bless u
@VandalIO Час назад
Gospels !! Debunked !!!
@uncledemon5821 Час назад
Kinza raba is the gospel being discussed in the quran.
@uncledemon5821 Час назад
What about mariam in islam , Sister of moses or mother of Jesus?
@idkwhoiam9870 Час назад
@ropol2x Час назад
Yup, we'll tell you exactly the same thing. Plus when debating a Christian, doesn't make sense to quote the , Quran, Vedas or any other holy book that the Christians doesn't even believe.
@aMuslim1 Час назад
May Allah have mercy upon the Palestinians people, Ameen Free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine, free Palestine
@XunYunXiao Час назад
What's the point of quoting Quran if you don't believe in it? Bible is your scripture so isn't it obvious that quoting from your scripture that you believe in would convince you? Unless you are not sincere then you will never believed no matter how many evidence we show you.
@REPAIR10141 Час назад
Mr Adnan Rashid is right ...angel gabriel is one who able to come to marry....when he say Angel or spirit are the same ...but i have a problem about ...prophet Muhammad when he go up into mountain and strangle by the angle and teach him to read ..he didn't know how to read ..so strangle again and he never able to read ...it failed ...and one more thing what about his slave with him did he saw angel beside of him and what kind of angel that he meet 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@REPAIR10141 2 часа назад
If Muslim followers of Jesus Christ ..why are you against his teaching ..and no Quran mention about Jesus what happen in his life and also his disciples..what happen to them ...Jesus never mention about the Quran ...by the way when say muslim ....sunni or shite or other Muslim what kind of Muslim ..Jewish Muslim ???? If they saw
@afkar7517 2 часа назад
@syedmuhammadhadi5033 2 часа назад
But if u believe in other religions, is it ok or shirk .? Although u dont practice other things,
@saeedahmed6416 2 часа назад
There are NO true Christians....NOT is nothing a SINGLE ONE!
@fibby-enymore6601 2 часа назад
Adnan the second in command of TAQIYYA GURU OF ISLAM..🤭🤭
@jenscoconuts 2 часа назад
Show me this place called heaven instead of people bullshitting about it... Ow you can't? That's when you know it's a scam... Stay away from religion, start thinking
@stefaniaslovat 2 часа назад
Another proof that the muslim prophet was stupid.He didn’t even know that there were four gospels. But it’s understandable. He was an illiterate anyway. He didn’t know to read. I wonder if he knew to number. What difference would have done for him if there were one gospel or four gospels? He wouldn’t know to read them, to differentiate between them, to recognise them. So, of course he used singular instead of plural…
@hardipsingh1313 2 часа назад
An opinion based answer nothing related to Islam.
@dm_1236 2 часа назад
What debate is this from? I can’t find it😢
@IlarionChristianity 2 часа назад
rebuking a people and using metaphorical language is not “unloving.” this video was absolutely embarrassing since Adnan did not actually defend or address Dr William Lain Craig’s argument, but rather appealed to fallacious arguing by committing a tu quo que fallacy, attacking the Christian position rather than addressing the issue.
@GuardianKnight07 3 часа назад
We believe that have not been changed in the Injeel and we disbelieve what has been changed in the Injeel
@tobytranter2266 2 часа назад
Islam didn’t believe changes occurred until the 11th century you cannot support the stance with Qur’an, Hadith, Tafsir or ulama. Your speakers will believe, or claim to believe, what ever enables them to save face.
@Stiffytheenlightened 3 часа назад
You need to have faith because god doesn't exist.
@Qutham-ibn-Mutah-Wedlock 3 часа назад
There will come people amongst Muslims on the Day of Resurrection with numerous sins, as heavy as a mountain, and Allah, The Exalted, would forgive them, and He would place their sins on the Jews and the Christians. What a racist fairytale book 🫵🤣