Former LCS Player for Complexity Gaming, Team Dignitas, Curse, and Team Liquid. Current streamer on Twitch and Content creator with Cloud 9.
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@League-of-uninstall 5 часов назад
I classic I remember so fondly Tyler 1 was perma banned at the time
@joesnow6991 11 часов назад
great analysis of this one fight (in the last minutes) - so cool knowledge - like an angel food cake with seven minute frosting.
@nightcitydrive534 18 часов назад
So Doublelift was right about G2 beating TES and also about Geng being better than BLG. Whereas cereal had geng in a whole tier lower. Huge Doublelift W
@nightcitydrive534 18 часов назад
Doublelift was right crackhead. Doesn’t matter how much lpl you watch
@julio0olive День назад
Special Duo for this season ?
@worldcollides4197 День назад
He was right tho?
@joesnow6991 День назад
No Fake with Faker - I am sure, he was ill (nut injured), He surely looked depressed with his play. Could be Burn-Out. Look at his comment in 2 yrs.
@joesnow6991 День назад
Enlightenment 2.0 - Dom is as rational and genuine as can be. THX from all sapient beiings.
@pomni8696 2 дня назад
Lpl’s level dropped like cluelessly 😂
@YelowBananaGamer 2 дня назад
@joesnow6991 2 дня назад
Is Faker in good health? He looks ill, so I wonder how he can play at all.
@lix2146 2 дня назад
Great video, and a fun idea to hand out report cards! But I must say the camera quality is still lacking.. and there's this weird edge trimming which looks AI to me.
@DanikonLUK 3 дня назад
definition of disease is literally disorder in a living thing
@eryalmario5299 4 дня назад
TL's draft could be better. They didn't punish double adc comps hard enough like GenG.
@Yoreinowashinoka14 4 дня назад
Today is the day
@rupok90 4 дня назад
T1 deserves a B imo
@bjames159 5 дней назад
It's pretty hard to take league seriously when they can't even get the basic camera game footage right. There's no way any respectable esport doesn't just straight up replace whoever is responsible for cutting away to these replays.
@nathanaelsallhageriksson1719 5 дней назад
I want more tournaments in Chengdu, this crowd was really good all MSI.
@captainhemd3833 5 дней назад
i dont know why. but i just love hearing you talk about league. it just feels so passionate its so nice to hear.
@mauriciohiure2192 6 дней назад
glad i'm not the only one who noticed how shaky BLG looked in this tournament, they had 1 good series which was the first against T1, other than that it was pretty lacking, i worry the same will happen next Worlds just like it did last year where at times they looked even more dominant than JDG and still didn't play as well as they could at Worlds, idk if this team is mentally built to win international titles, but i sure hope they take this experience and build up poise to win Worlds
@Truck1111 6 дней назад
that was a very accurate and professional review on T1. kudos
@joesnow6991 6 дней назад
This is such a great video - I'd love Dom only for that (if I didn't before). Dom is so much true to himself - as a professional. This is the ONLY real story of TheShy (whom I like for his abilities and inabilities) - it's day and night, the good and the bad. LOVELY!!
@MrToren01 6 дней назад
god ivern needs a mini rework dude is such a niche jungler and about 95% of enemy junglers can 1 vs 1 him if they decide to invade.
@darkkeijp 6 дней назад
Can we just agree that Asol big ult might be a bit of an issue?
@ItzPeteTv 6 дней назад
Wait this wintrader is fucking Dantes I just realised this lmao
@joesnow6991 7 дней назад
Sorry to see you suffering, Dom. Hope you were well soon.
@trevorsanso32 7 дней назад
bwipo is such a tard
@Megaloblocks 7 дней назад
was LLL upset worse then 7-1 vs Germany?
@durango3063 7 дней назад
I was little disapointed from FNC. Build gold lead early but never converted
@sandau44 7 дней назад
This is far too level-headed for the League scene to handle
@bexclue3007 7 дней назад
I agree that criticism of Knight was over the top. Unlike some other members of BLG he didn't really underperform. He's just not that guy. The main reason he got so much criticism is bc LPL/Knight fans constantly force the comparison to Chovy. He ain't Chovy. He isn't tanking 5 mid bans to then pull out a champ with a 16 game win streak. He also isn't carrying his team when his entire team is underperforming. As Dom said, his best picks are Ahri, Taliyah, Neeko. Those are facilitating champs - aka _supportive_ champs. Comparing a good supportive player whose job is to facilitate the actual super stars on his team to the best player in the world is the most ridiculous narrative I can remember in recent pro league. I had a good chuckle when production changed the Featured Match Up between GenG and BLG from "Chovy vs Knight" to "Chovy vs Bin" in the Grand Finals. What else did you expect, Knight fans?
@ul4906 7 дней назад
As a Fnatic fan, you rated them too high, I would give them an E. I dont get the Noah hate though, what do you expect the guy to say? People on twitter are unhinged towards him (and just in general).
@BrovarSpirytus 7 дней назад
I expect him to stay quiet instead of hyping himself up, acting tough and then completely choking because that is just embarrassing.
@javi4591 7 дней назад
11:56 isn't it kinda sad that knight was known for being an insane Carry Mid and now even Dom is stating that "at this point in his career" he's kinda just like a facilitator...
@MrJRG 7 дней назад
Nice to see someone acknowledging Kiin's step up. Great vid Dom!
@kylo_ren6312 7 дней назад
Had to comeback to this video to see how much of a doublelift hater Dom is, bro hate all you want what matters is accomplishments. And Idc what anyone say's bjergsen has six championships doublelift has eight in NORTH AMERICA end of discussion, we are not talking about the best player to ever play league we are talking about the NA goat. And TSM absolutely needed doublelift when he joined them, he was one of the main shot callers on that team, bot lane stomped every single game, after the yellowstar bs. There is a reason why almost every team he went to had massive success in NA while he was on the team. And after doublelift left tsm the team went 5 or 6 split's without a championship ....... until doublelift came back and won them another in 2020. but that's just like my opinion man.
@diaperamess 7 дней назад
great video as always
@javi4591 7 дней назад
I hope chat supports these types of "new" content so we don't only get the usual stream highlights...
@bernies9601 8 дней назад
excellent analysis. well done dom. like this report card format.❤
@horusretro7673 8 дней назад
Really good video, we need more video analysis around competitive like this, not just stream highlights, really good content 👍🏼👍🏼
@Rashikisan 8 дней назад
Liking this content and liking the RU-vid streams. Please keep it up.
@admiralaokiji7889 8 дней назад
felt blg couldve forced a game 5. knight shouldve settled for 1 tower or just gone for baron. him dying there then, bin trying to end and dying, then xun trying, then bin trying again was just too hectic and no game plan it felt like. If they just went baron instead of knight dying there by trying to end i think they go game 5.
@scifimisc9191 8 дней назад
Talking down Fnatic for their 0-3 but then not talking down G2 for their 0-3 sure is some level of consistency. Especially when you compare GenG's state across the tournament vs T1's state across the tournament
@Earl357 8 дней назад
We need more content like this
@athena3234 8 дней назад
Why is the Make Some Noise music here 😭😭
@TheAverageTarnished 8 дней назад
I'm just glad to be here for the IWD RU-vid arc. These videos are true quality LoL analysis
@Derploop 8 дней назад
I'll be the first person to criticise Dom for being LPL biased, but this felt really fair. Over all, I hope we see more analysts take interregional strength more seriously come pre-worlds analysis, rather than just assuming. I just think GenG and BLG played at their level, or maybe even both played worse, and a lot points to that being true. The only thing somewhat holding the LCK = LPL in spring narrative together is GenG beating their choking DNA in a 5 game series that they could very feasibly have 3-0'd if they played calmer in game 3.
@EgoCarry1 8 дней назад
Dang I'm surprised he didn't mention the Flyquest ~17 minute loss for the F evaluation
@ArtimaeusSkylight 8 дней назад
I agree flyquest shit the bed but I just want to say for a rookie and first international Massu did his best with Pusio dragging him down the entire time.
@stepank1 8 дней назад
Worry not, bro, I hold no ill will going forward, bro. Sincerely, reginaldBRO
@Pizzastealingninja 8 дней назад
Idk bro, I got a few S = satisfactory grades in elementary school (O for outstanding was the highest grade)