Final Girl Studios
Final Girl Studios
Final Girl Studios
Video essays on film, it-girls, art, and culture.
The Last Unicorn: A Love Letter to Humanity
5 месяцев назад
Is there such thing as a Manic Pixie Dream Boy?
9 месяцев назад
In Defence of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl
10 месяцев назад
The Commodification of Cinema
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The Best Films I Watched in 2022
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@gretagarbeige 3 часа назад
The real 60's IT girl of France (and about everywhere) really is Françoise Hardy whose looks influenced even Jane. I don't really understand why Jane (that I adore and listen to A LOT) got Françoise's spot over time, in France really even in her old age she was thought as an elegant and fashionable woman, her 60's looks are still copied to this day everywhere. Frankly, I prefer Françoise's coldness to Jane's little girl/baby doll that I used to like when I was younger but now it kinda creeps me out. To me, Jane's best looks happened from the early 80's on, a tshirt, a good pair of jeans, a wool sweater and a trench in winter, a pair of Converse : simple, clean, elegant, timeless. Maybe you should get into Françoise's looks and impact on fashion, and the total lack of interest she somehow always had about how she was dressed or looked like. Her style from the 70's on is also interesting cause she never got into the chasing your youth thing and gracefully adapted it over time according to her age. (So did Jane btw)
@frugalwitch 8 часов назад
Actually the White Swan and Black Swan have always been danced by a single dancer.
@frugalwitch 10 часов назад
The Love’s Baby Soft perfume magazine ads in the 70s. And you could mail order pink panties that said Baby Soft.
@dogwalk3 12 часов назад
cobrasnake mentioned, &&& that explains a lot. i'd never heard of her even though that *was* when i was locked into myspace/tumblr/ffffound &c. even back in the late 00s, mark was already a hard pass for most of the people i knew (though we sure didn't use the phrase "hard pass")
@jonathanspears3484 17 часов назад
Oh wow... pause at 18:29... she sees both horns.
@Tolstoy111 18 часов назад
Thinking about this conundrum, I wonder if a film of Lolita could be made without actually showing Dolores at all. That's what the novel is after all. We only get Humbert and never "see" Dolores. This reminds me of the idea stated by someone or other that it's impossible to make an anti-war film; the very act of showing battle scenes, with their inherent excitement, makes war seem alluring. The idea being that if you really want to make an anti-war film you should set it entirely in a hospital showing how people deal with life changing injuries or families dealing with a deceased loved one. No battle scenes. Sam Fuller famously said of "Full Metal Jacket" that Kubrick made "another damn recruiting film". As Marshall McLuhan said...the medium is the message.
@rosyrose2112 День назад
Im gonna be honest I partially read Theory of the Young-Girl with him in mind
@360bratpixie День назад
My sister pointed out that Nina kept the lipstick she stole from Beth’s dressing room with her and, after she “seduces” Tomar to get the starring role, she is the one who wrote on the mirror with the lipstick as a manifestation of her inner guilt. 👄 💄 🩰
@Remino0990 День назад
Damn i didnt know it was so deep when i was 5
@darthparallax5207 День назад
Life would be a lot easier if any of this wasn't bullshit. Schools, parents, teachers, movies, books, etc have had a long time to get really really good at helping people with this problem. Everyone is ready for the struggle of their inner white and black swan. Here's what talking about white and black swans doesn't do jack shit to help people with: The part of life where you have to work a minimum wage job to get started and the big corporations fire everyone and then you back home to live with your parents until you die. If anyone got to be as much as a white swan or a black swan they'd be feeling like a billionaire, but we're all just gray ducks that nobody wants for either of those things.
@darthparallax5207 День назад
If this wasn't fiction Nina never would have gotten the role in the first place. She wouldn't have these problems at all, she'd have the problems of everyone who wishes they had Nina's problems.
@April-e9h День назад
Personally I find ginger snaps a lot more relatable than Jennifer's Body, it feels more raw.
@pernilladomander7648 День назад
Wake up that is a bio man!!
@cocoaorange1 День назад
Those movies are weird as hell.
@spithetoof День назад
this analysis is really interesting and very well explained but i would appreciate if u linked the essays you r talking about / listed them in the description
@jamilexcruz5576 День назад
This reminded me of my experience watching the movie Teeth. I was told over and over again how it's the most horrific movie and senseless violence and I watch it and see a girl being abused s3xually over and over and her body doing what it had to do to survive. I'm like this is a horror movie but not in the way I was told time and time again. It's a survivor's story about s3xual abuse! Then I also realized it was only men telling me what type of horror movie it was.
@candyg_02 День назад
A 14 year old girl loosing her virginity to a 32 year old, is absolutely nothing but disgusting.
@TributesAndUnique День назад
Candy (1968) needs to be talked about more!
@St-benoit 2 дня назад
The more I learn about film making the more I think children should never be on camera period
@SK-ut6tw 2 дня назад
The amount of made up bullsht in this video is staggering.
@fiki8475 2 дня назад
Gurl, the way u say - manic pixie dream girl - is the same each time. Its like you recorded it once and played the same reciding it each time it appeared in the text. So annoying
@snorkfroken7056 2 дня назад
@xBINARYGODx 2 дня назад
wrt the part around 17:20 - I disagree, because in all of those other depictions, the coding is that of an adult with an adult (legally speaking) female. It's equally questionable to complain about, for example, MTV's Teen World showing sex and drugs and all that for the high-school aged characters when they cast people 18-30yo in the roles. If they cast adults, they can say whatever they want about the age, but that's not what is going to end up happening in people's head. AT best, or at worst, in everyone's mind - its college-aged and mid-20's people inexplicably in high school, who are doing drugs and having sex. Actual child sexualization is Britney Spear and Justin Bieber - which is opposed to the defensiveness and overt disgust if try doing that to "normal" people. (unless it's an older woman and a boy, then for some reason - we just A-OK with it - "boys will be boys" hurts boys too).
@Just_aperson-pg2qj 2 дня назад
It is absolutely shocking to notice how we judge female movie tropes, call them pick me or hate on the female characters, without considering who created this narrative first. Our first thought being „something is wrong with HER“ pretty much explains it all.
@lolanola1783 2 дня назад
This is actually tragic. Disgustingly tragic. How these perverted men took a little 12 year old girl and manipulated her character to be an international "sex symbol" makes me hate older men more than I already do.
@Jules2439.5 2 дня назад
Also Lily is probably named Lily for Lilith
@Leylani_K_Angeluccio 2 дня назад
Wow. Great analysis for any "survivors" of narcissistic parenting also. I once wanted to "escape" all my sorrows into ballet and remember believing that age 16 was "over the hill" -- Crazy! Thankfully, the "Cosmic Curriculum" had other plans for me. But what a journey for each and every soul! My sun sign is also Virgo, which shares many of those perfectionistic tendencies. Eventually Astrology and Numerology etc helped me reframe "perfection" into a much clearer sense of the "round table" dynamics. And more realistic expectations for both myself and others. But it's a lifelong process... learning to own our emotions, so they no longer own us! Plus now society is more aware of the science of movement and breath and sleep and Mind Body Spirit balancing and Chakras and Meridians. Thank "God"
@CR64844 2 дня назад
THANK you for explaining why depicting pedophilia and sexualization of kids on screen is not the same as depicting something like murder. people always pull this argument out of their ass when they want to defend a piece of media. its such a tiresome and frankly just intentionally obtuse argument.
@Tolstoy111 День назад
you think there are certain aspects of the human condition that should be off limits to artists? Just pretend it doesn’t exist?
@percyyval 2 дня назад
navakov would approve of this video essay
@Emma__O 2 дня назад
My first suicide attempt, age 14, I was in a trance. I was prepared to make everyone suffering by my slaying, I wasn't thinking about looking pretty, just making someone hurt. I stared long and hard in the mirror and my mother turned to look at me and said "you're ugly" and my trance was broken.
@williambaldwin9487 2 дня назад
I genuinely didn’t know it was ever adapted into film. And now, knowing it was done multiple times, I am beyond disgusted. Disgusted at the director and casting director for wanting to put a child in those films. Disgusted at the parents of those children for consenting to put their children into those roles. Disgusted that the older actors went through with the role and touched or kissed those children. Every step of the way should have been a major red flag to everyone involved.
@Tolstoy111 День назад
The Kubrick film is not remotely what you suggest.
@pinokosthewife 3 дня назад
I realized a little while ago, funnily enough, that the way I roleplay a Pokemon antagonist character wound up Manic Pixie Dream Boy (except maybe not really because there is a reason he acts this way-abandonment issues, low self-esteem, and gaining a sense of importance and self-worth from helping others and being useful)... he's very loyal and literally named for it (but his name also sounds like weapon/soldier and he dresses a bit like one...), he usually does whatever his partner asks him to do in canon and his partner is. Very unbothered about whether he lives or dies, very deadpan and detached. Whereas the one I rp is more animated and temperamental. He even critcizes that his partner's too serious when his partner says he's too playful in canon. The original character design said he was created with the image of a tanuki (racoon dog, they're pleasure-seekimg and jovial, oddly straight-forward and honest for trickster spirits.) I wound up writing him drawn to other characters like his partner and wanting to save them, be useful to them, help them, and help them have fun and find joy in life. O o p s .
@pinokosthewife 3 дня назад
I'm also autistic, so I was always weird and rubbed people the wrong way, I still remember when mama told me her (then) friend asked if I was "like that ALL the time?" Hate seeing Perks of Being a Wallflower here, though. I related just as much to the main character because I was also a CSA victim. Both characters are well-written. When expressed by other than White folks, autistic and neurodivergent traits can be read as dangerous, especially in men. How many autistic Black boys and men have been killed and mistaken as suspicious? Israeli soldiers keep shooting and killing autistic or otherwise neurodivergent and disabled Palestinians, even if they required high-support and functioned as much, much younger.
@ManuelChuIII 3 дня назад
I think you meant "self-centered "
@acidangel5112 3 дня назад
hiii I really love your videos, your mind is powerful af <3 I soooo recommend watching the movie climax (2018) if you’re ever in the mood for true queer and psychedelic horror
@r.m.6357 3 дня назад
NO schmendrick knew what she was!! He didn’t want to be punished by Fortuna!! Read the books guys
@martinamendezfernandez 3 дня назад
I just wanted to add a personal opinion about Frankenstein's monster. When I was reading the book, I didn't inmediatly considered the monster ugly, if you take the first description we have of him as a valuable depiction of his figure: "His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips". Yeah, sure, he has watery yellowish eyes and straight black lips, but that innerently doesn't make him ugly (not to the point cinema has presented him historically). The issue is that, due to the selective process of Victor Frankenstein, there's no other living creature like his monster and he, as such, is casted away by any human. He doesn't confine to the categories we use to evaluate the "beatifulness" or "ugliness" of other humans. And, because of that, he's constantly seen as "the other", what places him, in the eyes of the people of his time, as an ugly beast. He has a lot of good characteristics and not so many flaws as to be literally monstruous. But he becomes that because he's not human. He was created by a man and, in Shelley's discourse, he's flawed from the very moment of his conception. Only God can create a truly beautiful creature, because beauty is not only in the proportions or the lustrous black hair, it has somewhat of an intangible element that Frankenstein can't understand nor transmit to his creation. Until the monster comes to life, he can't contrast his creation with the beauty that he has always being surrounded by: his mom or Elisabeth, for example. He conceptualized his monster using pure science and, when it awoke, he got himself horrified by what he had done, since it lacked the soul or the characteristics necessary to be part of humanity. Then early XX century cinema presented Frankenstein's monster as this ugly poor creature and, I mean, I totally get it. But I feel like it lacks the profound reflexion of Shelley about beauty, morals, the society she lived in and how everybody perceived otherness as ugliness. And this last thing was the most undesirable of characteristics.
@barabara9855 3 дня назад
"Making a film about a murderer isn't advocating murder" - well when making that film you don't actually kill the actors. The problem is that this film is committing the sin that it speaks against.
@sydneygarnto4980 3 дня назад
Did no one read the book? Spoiler warning, but the third act completely changes the moral of the story and makes this being directed by a man even more interesting. The book is written by a man dedicated to his wife about a (fictional) "true" book he found that is written by a man who has written his own interpretation of what his wife went through in her early adulthood without her permission. You latter find out that she hated his story and considered it blasphemy as she is a respected doctor now which vastly outshined him and it makes you wonder. The fact that the story again has been retold through that "ef-able" lens add to the story rather than detracts I believe. Weather you like the film/book or not, its so interesting.
@FinalGirlStudios 3 дня назад
Did you watch the video? I address this.
@timmotel5804 3 дня назад
Valerie is so visually desirable, in this video. If this "GOD" really existed, or you believe that "he" exists, then, we Men were Made in His Image. That's what the "Written by Man, Bible" says. If so, then, this "GOD" is VERY NAUGHTY and Created Women to be Desirable and Subservient to Men. All Religions are about Control, Delusion, Indoctrination and Fear. More "The Brothers Grimm". My life is good. However, if there really was a soul & a Devil, I would sell my soul to be reborn as female. Female, Girls, Women are so lucky to be born what they are. I'd give anything to be female instead of male. I'm not gay, trans or anything else. IMO, female is everything. Freedom, beauty, mystery, sex, everything. But I don't believe in any of these "Religion" delusions. * Did you know? In old times, when an unmarried woman gave birth, that was called a VIRGIN BIRTH. Sound Familiar?? Or just maybe, naughty Mary. Good Day & Thank You. This Video Is Excellent. Love Your Work. Peace
@celinerodrigues3459 3 дня назад
I liked the movie, as a woman that studies educacion and child development, I really watched the movie with those lenses, and I really think that a children with a developed body that discovered s3x would act this way, since children don't seem to get too much of a "good" thing. This video helped me realise various aspects that I think are problematic within the movie but I loved see Bella grow and explore the s3xuality as a cientist and as a person that was exposed to it very early, since is very normal to children to explore their own body, but is criminal foi people to take advantage of them for this. I also really loved the happy ending, made me happy for her, kinda like I was a mother seein my prodigal dauther coming back.
@profesionalesdhd9072 4 дня назад
Sooooo animation right?, like AnomaLisa.
@trinestanderholen2589 4 дня назад
19:44 I am old and I have just recently realised this! Your videos have become so important and nourishing to me and I appreciate you ❤
@barbarakaywhite5166 4 дня назад
As a manic pixie real woman I thank you
@octobremenard1688 4 дня назад
i sadly get manic pixie dream girled all the time by people i’m romantically involved with and sadly i accidentally feed into it because i can’t help but want to help people which always ends with them feeling like a better person and me feeling so much worse
@IMeanSeriouslyGuys 4 дня назад
first of all. love your videos ! I gotta say tho it's not a gender bend of Frankenstein's monster, she wasn't born out of the experiment, she's not a monster because he already had a body to put the brain in he didn't have to create a monster. Also her attractive appearance is kind of central to the story as the imprisoning nature of male attraction to her is specifically what caused all of this, she had a husband before she became bella and he was so possessive of her that she threw herself off a bridge. The way men react to her when she has baby brain is seemingly the same as they did when she had adult brain, men don't care they just see her beauty and think i gotta have that, I'm pretty sure that point was made clear by the character itself at some point in the movie.
@IMeanSeriouslyGuys 4 дня назад
and the fact that she finds herself imprisoned no matter where she goes: Godwin's house, Lisbon, the boat, Paris... it's a period piece for a reason, there were not that many choices for even the smartest and most free thinking woman to be independent at that time. At least that's how i read it, idk
@IMeanSeriouslyGuys 4 дня назад
and there's just no way it could have made any sense as a mother/daughter inhabiting the same body story, the mother never knew her kid and that kid never knew their mother, there is no relationship to explore there. I don't see it anyway.
@leviathania 5 дней назад
17:17 it is not a dichotomy as children have sexuality. It didn't make me feel uncomfortable, because it is depicted with a grown body. What makes the whole thing uncomfortable is how grown men approach her knowing, in her mind she is like a child. They take advantage of it and I think this movie is great for depicting how she deals with that and how her character developes her mental maturity.
@SHALALATELOVER 5 дней назад
It's crazy how the person that she does Lolita actually looks like the little girl Lewis Carroll was obsessed with and who was his muse for Alice in wonderland. Literally looks almost exactly like her and the real story of Lolita probably was very close to the relationship they had
@NeonAtary777 5 дней назад
I stopped watching the movie immediately when Belle suddenly became sexual out of no where. There was no transition to me she was just an infant and then became sexually active immediately. I wanted to see if It was only me and why did I feel so freakishly uncomfortable.
@tennoio1392 5 дней назад
In a healthy society there would be no controversy.
@spaghettiplease 5 дней назад
I watched this movie over and over as a kid and honestly, I’m not sure why. I have rewatched it every few years since and have cried every time. I’m 23 now and just watching this video on the movie made me sob because you’re right! being a young adult is like being told to preform without being given a script! the line about not even having all your teeth really got me. I lost my dad since my last viewing of this movie and I think it’s time for a rewatch. It’s genuinely one of the most important movies to me and has held my hand through girlhood into womanhood. It’s nice to know so many others have been there, holding this movie with them the whole time too.