Uploading d̶a̶i̶l̶y̶ whenever I get it out 😂
Currently focused on Risk of Rain 2 content, but might branch out to other content as well.
Why this game needed no marketing
4 месяца назад
What democracy really looks like
4 месяца назад
The Pilot
5 месяцев назад
What a true heretic run looks like
5 месяцев назад
Hardest Challenge Yet
5 месяцев назад
The Akubracabra
5 месяцев назад
The world when I beat eclipse 8
5 месяцев назад
I am Toji Fushiguro
7 месяцев назад
Risk of Rain Returns Survivor Tier List
7 месяцев назад
I collected every item in the game. In one run
7 месяцев назад
Galt's Gulch
Год назад
he controls the skies
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Only YouTube can see this video
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I Fixed Chainsaw Man
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Forced to play captain
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Am I the asshole?
Год назад
The truth about gearbox
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Void Skin Duo
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This item ruins runs
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Blade and Sorcery is GORY
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An unasked for update
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@Red-lu1rx 10 минут назад
Overwatch and DBD battling to see which game has the worse balance changes (it's both and I suffer from each one)
@roamdhong Час назад
this dude clearly never played for honor
@Setogayamari 2 часа назад
Genuinely the worst game I've ever played, the squad hates it as well. I've been around Dbd for a LONG time. Unfortunately it's beyond obvious this game is just a cash cow to the devs, but something special for us playing it. Its a shame this game still is making hella money, it constantly spits in the face of the players over and over again 2 killer mode comes out tomorrow, it's so unbalanced you'd throw up, one of the worst games with on of the worst devs/companies behind it, all while having the WORST community of all time
@YRUSJR2 4 часа назад
cant wait for the vid called "Why Risk of Rain 2 Sucks" im waiting 🙏🙏🙏🙏 btw planula is bad i aint gonna disagree
@octopiie 4 часа назад
pls analyze Identity V like this
@samaeldisharmony8028 6 часов назад
God I fucking love dead by daylight so much. It's the worst game I've ever played.
@Legy-shorts 6 часов назад
@hiimsenpai 6 часов назад
Shoutout to DBD for being able to fix their game and stay relevant all these years. I am new to DBD and I have no problems finding matches.. l run into good survivors, great killers, bad killers all the likes. There is a reason that other mes in this niche couldn’t survive! You can’t please everyone and NO GAME is 100% balanced.
@ccreds8545 12 часов назад
Mathieu cote is just a living meme. Good times
@ajdndbdjbdj 13 часов назад
I spend around 8 mins on each Stage and i bat e8
@teemo43 23 часа назад
I deleted lol after the release of venguard and never played again 👍🏻 i still watch lck sometimes
@cellularlamp 23 часа назад
I demand more DBD analysis content from you
@ceciliakeller957 День назад
this is hysterical to watch from the perspective of someone who's only watched dbd streams and never played-- almost everything you listed I remember semi-fondly as something fun/funny to watch. broken builds were practically the whole reason I liked watching lmao folks could/can do such interesting things!
@TrickyJebus День назад
I have no idea why I bothered with this video cause I was never interested in the game but everyone and my mother plays this shit
@ironboundfate День назад
Never played this game and im glad I didnt. Everytime he was describing a perk it sounded like the devs went "Wouldnt it be so cool if our players had some insane advantage that could just make them win right then and there?" And then passed that idea around to every perk.
@name1585 День назад
Might be a hot take, but still I believe the killers should 100% always have the advantage. It’s 1v4, survivors should overall be much more weak then the killer.
@cr0ss414 День назад
We really do take current day DBD for granted. I only picked the game up 3 or so months ago, and just hearing and seeing the state of the game during its first couple of years, I seriously don't know how anyone bothered playing the game during that time, especially for so many hours
@mgut5635 День назад
Devs: Go play another game People: Ok *actually plays another game and leaves this one forever” Devs: Why are we losing players? This is serious
@LegacyFable День назад
I eish i knew how to get friends to play with me im a terrible survivor but killer killer lol
@TennesseeWhiskii День назад
You can't lie tho, this game created many memories for us all. Games we felt unstoppable, games we couldn't loop a blind person. Watching this video though was like reminiscing on a toxic relationship lol. I truly have a love hate relationship with this game.
@Fred01gt911 День назад
Just watching this made me hop on helldivers
@WantSomeWhiskey818 День назад
It sucks because I love horror and slashers are my favorite subgenre so whenever DBD pops up during a sale Im like “Hey maybe this is my chance to get into it” and then I watch gameplay stuff and read about the game and I just sigh and go back to other games instead
@TKVirusman День назад
I honestly don't get why this is even here. I never will. Dead by Daylight has never been balanced, good or even vaguely interesting EVER. The only people that play it are perm-sporting soyjacks who also probably think that... I genuinely give up. I can't think of an opinion that someone could hold that is in any way comparable to liking DbD. It's such a specific brand of weird loserdom that MAYBE borders on being close to the kind of gormless ape that thinks For Honor was ever worth being good at. Even a worse game would be a better use of your time simply because it might provoke some sort of emotional response.
@blankyjae3316 День назад
I remember playing it for free on PS Plus, and thought it was cool I got to play as a serial killer dude. Maybe people just like it for that?
@Blackspell-jf2et 2 дня назад
"the real victory is making sure the enemy team isn't having any fun" is DbD in a nutshell
@Burn_It_Down_000 2 дня назад
What a great video ❤
@courtneydaniels7581 2 дня назад
It turned players a Lilith to see irony and used it against them.
@aminhakimi654 2 дня назад
22:22 “Slow the game down just a lil bit”
@swagboss 2 дня назад
decades of computing have led to this point
@Enzo-ym6cf 2 дня назад
Loved the video but you cannot say that Legion was the worst DLC considering how the Twins were litteraly non-functional on release. They made us pay for a product that clearly wasn't finished, that was insane.
@DoroNijimaru 3 дня назад
2:12 "survivors only win if they do generators and escape" i wish, but you can just as, if not more easily, get three of your teammates axed, then find the hatch first. that's a viable strategy that is just as rewarded by the mechanics of the game (if not more so). i believe the hatch should NOT spawn if the penultimate survivor is left on 1st/2nd hook state to be sacrificed. you shouldn't be Rewarded for betraying and working against your teammates. yet there are literally some tome challenges directing you to.
@DoroNijimaru 3 дня назад
*viable, not acceptable. i'm not advocating for it, just saying that it's currently being incentivised, and oughtn't be.
@arny2768 3 дня назад
The video is a bit Killer main centered in my opinion, when watching the video it looks like survivor is the easiest role to play. I would argue with that, I think it's really easy for a killer to be hella toxic even unwillingly, but being actually a good looper and a good survivor player is not easy, specially to be good to a point that you are toxic for the killer. I love this game and the only way that both sides can really have fun is to play without giving a f to if you die or if you kill only 2 survivors out of 4, but people don't really get that you can actually win without surviving as a survivor.
@rykehuss3435 3 дня назад
I think this kind of game is impossible to balance. It is imbalanced by design. Inherently imba. Either you balance it for organized groups of survivors or unorganized. In either case, one form of play (organized vs randoms) will be severely over/underpowered because you'll never be able to stop people from using Discord etc. Or you release a multiplayer game where you cant play with friends. Good luck selling that. Evolve was much the same story as this. Monster fine against unorganized, sucked against organized. But in that game the survivors had even less fun to play as.
@bebrasmachnayq5691 3 дня назад
If u use Russian Language, it actually says same word for bleeding(кровотечение) so when i killed Golem with 21 bleeds and thought that game got bugged
@icenovice 3 дня назад
What about Chess Evolved Online (chess battle advanced)
@RavenGamingOverLord 4 дня назад
Yeah that happened to me last night when I went to the Void Locus
@zerphyxios9119 4 дня назад
Him giving us alternative pronounciations of spinel but still being wrong was hilarious
@sweetmemories2515 4 дня назад
its an Asym. . you want the TRUE unbalanced game look at overwatch 2??
@gambelkashiwasan 5 дней назад
Very strange as to why people complain about shitty games when no one is forcing them to play. People are really down to waste thousands of hours of their life I guess
@eavyeavy2864 2 дня назад
I Will quote that. I Saw someone got called out why they continue post in thread, and he get offended saying "you cant defend.... Something something"
@alexanderforrest1983 5 дней назад
Never knew this game had such a crazy lore on balance. It reminds me of the balance of Anakin on release in Battlefront 2.
@Config555 5 дней назад
5 seconds? How about 5 hours
@PythonWood 5 дней назад
wait till you hear about pixel gun 3d
@falconcorbin3830 5 дней назад
I have watched starship troopers tho
@CreaturePhases 5 дней назад
Everything I hear about this game makes it sound like the most miserable game to ever become popular
@cheeseboi588 5 дней назад
Bully squad for life
@Samhain13 5 дней назад
Actually Predator: Hunting Grounds is way more unbalanced, also 1v4 game
@DD-zh4by 5 дней назад
This game is most popular among people with poor attention spans
@NOM25 6 дней назад
The only things i would change (as a void fiend main) is move commando up in the list and artificer and huntress to the bottom but other than that i very much agree
@benchambers1439 6 дней назад
My friends all play this game and I only have fun when we’re doing stupid shit
@YRUSJR2 6 дней назад
not gonna stop me from playing him because he looks cool and shoot gun.
@PhantaSee_ 6 дней назад
"do the devs not play their game?" is my main question after this