I'm Mats, from south western Norway.
Egg crushing
11 лет назад
13 лет назад
My QWOP attemps
13 лет назад
Hans Morten Hansen - IKEA-Banning
13 лет назад
Glitch on Con_raid  (Opposing Force)
16 лет назад
@tom66909 2 часа назад
Amazing vid… I always wondered what happened to him.
@AnAdorableWombat1 Месяц назад
I had no idea someone survived that gruesome incident.
@MerlinErdogmus 2 месяца назад
The fact that they cheaped out on safety equipment and left Martin Saunders to rot... and the government waited 26 years and all that negative shit... Working 14-18 hours in such crammed spaces even. This makes me furious.
@randombutler 2 месяца назад
So basically the company couldn't/didn't help the families because that could be viewed as tacit admission-of-fault Goooood stuff. There's nothing wrong
@0neDoomedSpaceMarine 2 месяца назад
Dr. Raugstad must be one hell of a doc to piece a man together from something like this. I'm sure he's had a bit of reconstructive plastic surgery down the line, but you look at Saunders in the pictures here without the context, and you would never guess he had been in a catastrophic decompression accident where the other guys all exploded, it's impressive that he could eventually stand and walk again. Great medicinal work from the doctor, and great resilience and dedication from the patient.
@Antarath 2 месяца назад
Yup, the fact that he can walk after having fractures in both the back and neck is impressive (or luck) The central nervous system is truly complex. A neighbor of mine fell backwards and hit his neck in a rock and left him paralyzed from the waist and down and this guy got hit by 4.5 metric ton diving bell coming at him at full speed. It's all about where the location of the fracture is. He was still in a lot of pain when he was interviewed in 2009. He had good days and bad days and he also said in the interview he had pretty much been bedridden for the last 14 months.
@davidnavarro4821 3 месяца назад
If he’s still alive he’s now about 71 years old. If he stumbles upon this video, I wish him well and hope he got better physically and mentally. Byford Dolphin is probably the most horrific accident I’ve ever heard. I also hope the family of others team members, especially Truls Hellevik, were able to find some closure.
@Antarath 3 месяца назад
He's got a profile here on RU-vid, but I keep forgetting the name of the channel. He lives in Italy and posted a couple aerial videos of the place he lives. Only minutes ago I came across his Airbnb profile and he used the photo from my video as his profile pic haha. that's sweet. I looked up Hellevik's daughter (or actually stepdaughter) on Facebook and she has a photo of her and Truls together, 40 years after he died, so I'm pretty sure he was a pretty significant person in her life. I feel bad for stalking like that, even if there's no malicious intent behind it, but hey, we're all a little curious every now and then :)
@PositiveVibrationsDJ 3 месяца назад
@grimlund 4 месяца назад
The music is f----g awesome. Suits perfect for this horrific story.
@wifi_masterpiece 4 месяца назад
If bill crammond survived, he would feel very guilty for the reason his colleagues got killed. But he had no idea due to exhaustion, winds being louder than orders, and waves
@rn9119 4 месяца назад
Wait- he never sued the owners of that Rig😮😮😞😞😞
@Clipper_Dames 4 месяца назад
Greedy, ignorant pricks! I feel so sorry for all the families, especially all the divers' children that had to grow up without their dads.
@axelbreton5996 5 месяцев назад
Hey! Axel aka « jee_man » here! Always nostalgic about my time playing with you guys and our community on the forum. Time flies! This era will always be in my heart
@Antarath 5 месяцев назад
haha damn, I forgot I even had uploaded this video. Your name sure brings back memories. I kinda lost interest in the game itself, but that era was beautiful. The server was never empty because you had players from all over the place. RIP MSC Gene Simmons and CAPITANKASAR
@axelbreton5996 5 месяцев назад
@@Antarath yep most of us moved on. But the memories are still vivid. At the time I played a lot with a friend under the nickname « MasterJedi » you probbly remember him. Still in contact with him on facebook. It’s sad to think some of us aren’t alive anymore, especially CapitanKasar as he was very young wasn’t he? Like probably in his 20s back in the days?
@heretic1132 5 месяцев назад
Hearing the melody makes you think its a beautiful song, but the lyrics make it into a joke
@KingOFuh 6 месяцев назад
Sad, grisly story
@vickicupp418 6 месяцев назад
26 years to wait for any kind of relief is absurd. I guess it's profits over people.
@Antarath 6 месяцев назад
There's 69 people who died on norwegian trigs whose names or accidents are not mentioned in any official register. The oil companies will not take any responsibility for any accident that occurs on their rigs.
@lanny1076 6 месяцев назад
One of the most shocking and heinously corrupt stories I have ever heard...I don't know if how these men died is more shocking or how their families would have starved to death if it weren't for others around them who were just as bad off....our government has a helluva alot more to answer for then we will ever know...rest in peace and many blessings to all those who were left behind 😔
@HLidaze 6 месяцев назад
Everyone makes mistakes, especially under such pressure. My part time job is at campbells snacks, which makes goldfishes. Ive worked there for a while and me and a coworker usually run production. The full time coworker was sick one day so it was just me and I forgot a step or two and put the goldfish stamper on incorrectly. Because of this it wasnt functional and only imprinted out 1/5 of what it should. I was so caught up in other things I didnt notice until an hour later when the person down stream from production and the ovens started to notice large uncut dough and hit the e-stop. They came up to me and saw what happened and it escalated to engineers. To managers. It was so embarrassing. I felt dumb and awful. It was an hour of production and effort wasted. The manager fixed the stamper and set someone up with me and brushed it off. I felt bad for days. And it was just wasted product. No one got hurt. It wasnt shipped to customers. Mistakes are unavoidable. I cant imagine a mistake that kills others. Just awful. I hope all heals.
@MeridiasTaco Месяц назад
I did construction for a while and in one of the major communities I worked in, a house burned down before anyone even lived in it due to an electrical mess up in the kitchen. It’s irrational but if I was an electrician I’d be paranoid I was going to accidentally burn someone’s house down 24/7.
@youkofoxy 7 месяцев назад
less than 8 hours to rest. worse still, their job is safety critical. I read some write something like "do not work with heavy machinery after discussing with your wife, else will be you last day". All they had to do for a fatal accident was being in a bad mood not doing things with the proper temperament, someone forgetting something, a lapse of judgement, being too tired to do it properly, being too slow to notice something, or just falling sleep "at the wheel". All things lack of a good rest causes. They were asked to not fail, else someone lose their job or dies, while being setup for complete failure.
@Antarath 7 месяцев назад
Very true, and saturation diving is one of those jobs where everything has do be done correctly in the right order, or you may risk the lives of all the divers and/or yourself. There is no workaround. You can't fool physics. I never got into how saturation diving works back when my dad did it (1983-2002), only a couple of years ago.
@Lambda264 8 месяцев назад
I need a lyrics of this.
@Antarath 8 месяцев назад
В окне автобуса поплыл ебаный военкомат А тёлки тупо сбились в кучу, машут, что-то кричат - Ну что ты - в армии, нахуй Оуо, теперь ты в армии, нахуй Кругом затылки мудаков тебе подобных блестят И мысль одна на всех снуёт: По ним вперёд и назад. Пиздец, я в армии нахуй. Оуо, теперь я в армии, нахуй. Теперь я в армии нахуй. Оуо, я типа в армии, нахуй. Потом мудной распределитель, Сто дебилов в трусах А дальше форма, бля, учебка, бля, Присяга, бля, затрах Ты, сука, в армии, нахуй Оуо, ты, сука, в армии, нахуй Ты, сука, в армии, нахуй. Оуо, ты, сука, в армии, нахуй. Я задремал на дне окопа И мне снится кровать. Я задремал на дне окопа И мне снится кровать. Но слышу крик старшины: "Ёб твою мать !" Ты, сука, в армии, нахуй. Оуо, ты, сука, в армии, нахуй. Ты, сука, в армии, нахуй. Оуо, ты, сука, в армии, нахуй. Святыни дембеля мы будем Отмечать до седин И в этот день мы будем пить И пиздить всех, кого хотим. Мы были в армии, нахуй. Оуо, бля, мы были в армии, нахуй. Мы были в армии, нахуй Оуо, мы были в армии, нахуй.
@mesut.donmez 9 месяцев назад
hi. how can i find this rofl sound...
@sventube1000 10 месяцев назад
@James-wd9ib 10 месяцев назад
and so the Titan sub incident brings me here
@KatrinaDancer 11 месяцев назад
What is the voiceover near the end that says "killing neighborhood dogs and cats and cutting off their heads and paws" about?!!!!!!!
@Antarath 11 месяцев назад
Yeah yeah... so I missed that line when I uploaded it. So what. I used this track because it's dark and sad...
@robertmitchell6080 11 месяцев назад
I wish i had more time to read the script, at least 30 seconds more📖
@grg537 Год назад
Scary enough to think that if they would simply choose to work in a mcdonalds for minimum wage they and their families could have ended up much better.
@Antarath Год назад
Well, these saturation divers earn A LOT and no-one expected an accident like this to happen. They knew it COULD happen though. I mean, in 55 years, it has only happened once. It's the shitty disability insurance that ruined him at the end. It's shitty even here in Norway, but our health care is free, even for foreigners. My father was a sat. diver for 19 years by the way, and I'm glad I didn't know how dangerous this job was back then.
@timothyschweitzer8209 Год назад
Narrate the video you dunce.
@anonemoose1695 Год назад
I’m not surprised these men were overworked and exhausted……on oil rigs you’re worked like a dog. My hubby has been in that industry for almost 20 years flying helicopter and doing medevac and he has some awful stories of men being gravely injured on the rigs. The worst one he saw was when a young man had his leg ripped off and the following day the young man’s supervisor committed suicide because he felt responsible for the accident. It’s sad that money trumps human health in the oil industry 😢
@youkofoxy 7 месяцев назад
Sound like a common theme. Is like oil companies only care about profit and "who cares" about the humans cost and the consequences.
@animula6908 Год назад
I guess I always assume people who survive things like this, including the surviving relations, live in as much comfort as mere wealth can provide. That they should be allowed by anyone of us to live in ongoing poverty shames me deeply, but I’m not less lost for what to do about it than I ever was. I do pray for them, and I know it’s God who sustains us all and takes our lives whenever He does, so it’s not nothing to pray for someone. He’s also the only one who can help with that which wealth won’t matter to, so I think it’s good that some of us are still standing that watch for them. 🙏🏻
@warrax111 Год назад
Rest in peace. Working 14-18 hours in such extreme conditions, pressure, with little sleep , is not easy. Company is here to blame. They didn't prepare enough safety standards for their employee, that do hardest work. They were even under stress, as waves and storm were approaching and already hiting the platform. The human mistake is here expectable. To not making pressurized chamber safe way, and count, human error cannot occur under such conditions, is sin.
@pimpompoom93726 Год назад
With the amount of money the Norwegian government (and all governments) waste on absolute BS these days, they fought giving these men's families a settlement for decades?? Absolutely appalling. So many government officials are worse than whores.
@Alaryicjude Год назад
Wtf is that Fucking "music" Talking about cutting off the heads and paws of neighborhood cats and dogs... The Fucking Fuck?!
@tania8257 Год назад
It was probably an experiment
@IhaytFukkingsocialmedia Год назад
i dont understand , i thought i had read they made good $$ because of the danger, so how come theres no $?$ PLUS A LAWSUIT HERE???
@JagdgeschwaderX Год назад
If the oil company can put the blame on a person they will, much like airlines/aircraft companies try to blame pilot error for a crash. He may have also been a contractor and not employed by a company which makes things worse. I work in the oil industry and they are a bunch of sh*tbags. I'm not even sure if people make such good money these days, in my own job I earn less than half what I did 10 years ago.
@warrax111 Год назад
@@JagdgeschwaderX damn, that's sad. Why are people around oil always such sh!tbags
@SSdrina1 Год назад
Damn when he talked about how they grew up in poverty and he had to beg his parents for money. I thought they deep sea oil divers made a lot of money? I cannot believe that company didn’t pay the families. This wouldn’t have happened if it was in the US.
@peaceonearth1971 Год назад
In the US, they could drag these over years too
@ksc743 Год назад
These days they do get paid well.
@artmodelfit 9 месяцев назад
@milagroscaspa1507 Год назад
Todo esta en otro idioma no entiendo nada :(
@Pliskin2894 Год назад
I can only imagine the survivor's guilt he felt. Couple that with not getting compensation for so long, lesser men wouldn't be able to handle it.
@sherry8444 Год назад
If the door didn't have that weird mechanism they would likely have all survived
@Antarath Год назад
Yeah I have no idea what the purpose of those vertically allowed hinges is. I believe they're still made like that. If the door to the sleeping chamber and living chamber had been closed as well, at least three of them would have survived, and maybe even Crammond as well since only the transfer chamber would have decompressed. Hellevik wouldn't have a chance anyways. Might have been less violent though.
@sherry8444 Год назад
@@Antarath You can see a man trying to shut a similar door here: fGcp44tTtwI "Decompression Chamber" . It gets jammed because the door angles into the rim of the opening and he has to correct it with his other hand. It was probably the same situation with the Byford otherwise the door would have slammed shut (unless it was fully open). I assume that's what reports mean when they say the door got jammed. I don't know what the style of door is called but I expect one purpose is to halve the swing radius so it doesn't get in the way.
@Antarath Год назад
@@sherry8444 Yeah makes perfect sense as the chamber and bells are not very spacious. Interesting video you linked to. Never seen wet bell divers run to the deco. chamber like that. Cool!
@warrax111 Год назад
@@sherry8444 wow, great video. Thank you.
@education461 Год назад
How terrible companies do not have humanity!
@Ctrekoz Год назад
Лучшая версия которую я слышал, отличная игра кроме краша в конце который иногда бывает).
@samcranmer434 Год назад
Another industrial accident that happened because of pure greed and carelessness of the people in charge. And again its the innocent hard workers that paid the price. Poor men
@thewhoppinator Год назад
What's... what's with the commentary about gas chambers and murder of dogs in the background music...?
@Antarath Год назад
I just picked that track because of the atmosphere..
@methanolcereal Год назад
@@Antarath What is the track called?
@Antarath Год назад
@@methanolcereal Brighter Death Now - Necrose Evangelicum
For daven skjønner du ikke at det er dårlig ord for råd din for pulte dritt kjerring
Det er dorlig or forhold din pedo javel
@fototoestelletje Год назад
3:06 😢
@herpderpderp420 Год назад
Awesome dude, probably one of the major reasons for alot of people joining OCD.
@Antarath Год назад
Yeah it was. He was like a father to the people who played there. The server died when he died.
@joanbaczek2575 Год назад
It was proven later it was not human error but mechanical failure and families were compensated
@Antarath Год назад
Well not according to Saunders, who said he saw Crammond open the clamp (Dagbladet 2009). I have tons of scanned news articles from 1983 that states they initially thought the accident was caused by a faulty bolt, but it turned out the bolt was fine. It's true that the families were compensated in 2009.
@ksc743 Год назад
I read in the daily science journal that in 2008 it was found not to be human error; that the trunk clamps were faulty?
@warrax111 Год назад
@@ksc743 it will be hard to find truth. As there were no cameras. Today, there would be almost for sure some CCTV footages.
@ksc743 Год назад
@@warrax111 it's just such a tragic incident. I can even understand if it was human error - the ridiculously long hours they worked, and the noise from the wind and the ship leading to misunderstandings as to when the hatch/door inside was closed. Very sad.
@dawgs8266 Год назад
Doing great! Good luck!
@ogrebattle22763 Год назад
Just the fact that this diver even survived this was a miracle in itself... God Bless you Martin....
@eddierussel5911 Год назад
He is not a diver at all. He was a specialist in physics and pressure. He was responsible for pressurizing the chambers (habitats)... All the drivers have died instantly in less than a second because the air of yheirbbody was sucked out
@ogrebattle22763 Год назад
@@eddierussel5911 LMAO.... 🤣
@eddierussel5911 Год назад
@@ogrebattle22763 Saunders was not a diver.... Coward , Lucas, Helevik and Bergersen were divers
@ogrebattle22763 Год назад
@@eddierussel5911 LMAO...
@eddierussel5911 Год назад
@@ogrebattle22763 why you laughing explain?
@KnaRRaN1989 Год назад
@KnaRRaN1989 Год назад
I remember dark messanger
@Antarath Год назад
@@KnaRRaN1989 Oh yes, the canadian guy. Him, Fate and Robin annoyed me. They're all gone from Op4 now. Except mono and OFCPetrick
@KnaRRaN1989 Год назад
@@Antarath haha yes robin and i used to bully dark messanger on the server not verbally but by teaming up against him. Maybe you and i met but my memory is vague take care and Merry christmas
@Antarath Год назад
@@KnaRRaN1989 My name was {MSC}Intestinal Disgorge and played alot back then. Damn I miss that time. God jul och gott nyttår från Norge, Knarran!
@Griff00 Год назад
do you have a link to the article online at all? i've never seen that photo of truls hellevik alive
@Antarath Год назад
No you have to subscribe to the digital archive to be able to see it. it's all in Norwegian though. That photo of Truls is from Myheritage. I found one more of the girl's facebook.