Deep Believer
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Deep Believer
This Angel Was Rude: Here's Why! MUST WATCH!
4 месяца назад
The Possible Root Cause Of Your Problems Unveiled
6 месяцев назад
They're Planning A Fake Rapture
7 месяцев назад
The Untold Truth About Moving Things With Your Mind
7 месяцев назад
@mileseals4838 9 часов назад
The Bible definitely says that the antichrist will rule over the world.
@Chenoashouse 10 часов назад
Hi clan anyone near jax,fl
@DeanaBerry-vy1sr 10 часов назад
I’m fairly new to the Denver area and I can’t find a Spirit filled church! It’s all lights, and show! I’m so discouraged and disappointed at how the church is today! I just want to go where the manifest presence of Jesus is! There is also not any talk about Jesus coming SOON! Why!!!?
@canonicall 10 часов назад
I love John, he has such a big heart! God bless him
@judypa38 11 часов назад
I want a God encounter - I would like to find a good church to attend.
@3tapsnu0ut87 12 часов назад
30:00 A local man I knew used to work at the small local "shambles". One of his jobs was to drain the blood from any fetus which was then sent to a big city hospital. I never knew wether to believe him . . . till now!
@judypa38 12 часов назад
Deep Beleiver: I don't know if you have a choice about the ads that show up on your cast - an ad on abortion showed up - just wanted to let you know. Are donations tax deductible that you receive.
@Immortalsouls 13 часов назад
Earth is flat. There is no such thing as space in the heavens. The heavens is the Firmament and there's waters 💧 above the Firmament.
@carmengale3311 13 часов назад
My home church is 3 people. I love it! Love this discussion. Thank you.
@TimeTraveler1961 13 часов назад
Thank you, Jennifer, for this episode. Pastor John Fenn answered my word from God, it was one word MOSES. Now I know, what that word was about. Now I know what I need to do about the things I have allowed myself to think. I have been feeling like I don't need anyone to assemble or fellowship with. But I can't find a church or home church that is not trying to control, manipulate or project their thoughts, instead of the word of God onto me and others.
@travisryan7606 14 часов назад
So in these home Churches , if they go out and win the Lost.. where do they send them? back to their homes? Would you feel safe with anew convert at your house with your kids ?
@KingPhill87 14 часов назад
Can someone summarize in a reply below? :) Thanks
@amandaleahspears 14 часов назад
Every. Single. Person. Needs to hear this.
@gardenval 15 часов назад
2025 info is at 1:22:58
@byhislove 15 часов назад
In Oregon, I will host for a house church....Maybe guys in your comments, say where you are who want to find a house church and maybe the Father will have someone contact you and you guys can start one! Locations are important and I don't see any in here.
@ErinAngel-s8j 15 часов назад
I pray and repent daily, sometimes more than once. I paused this video half of the way through this and had a good talk with GOD THROUGH JESUS. I have heard more than a couple people describe hell this exact same way. I hate the devil and all of his minions, but I do not hate any person. I have forgiven all people...Even people that have committed the worst types of abuses towards me. I quit watching horror movies and listening to music a year ago because the devil is definately the "prince and power of air". THROUGH GOD, THE FATHER, & THE CREATOR, YHWH...THE SON, THE PRINCE OF PEACE, THE MAJESTIC KING OF NAZARETH, & THE LORD & SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST...& THE PEACEFUL, SERENE, REGAL, HOLY SPIRIT, I HAVE BEEN CLEAN & SOBER FOR 5 YEARS, 6 MONTHS, 2 WEEKS, & 3 DAYS. BEING SOBER & BEING SAVED ARE TWO THINGS THAT I AM PROUD OF. I LOVE THE TRINITY, & I WANT TO BE IN THE RIGHT FRAME OF MUND WHEN MY KING COMES DOWN THROUGH THE CLOUDS ON HIS WHITE HORSE, CARRYING HIS SWORD, TO DESTROY SATAN & BRING ME HOME WITH HIM. I really enjoyed this video, & thank you so much for sharing your story. I am grateful for people like you, & I truly hope this inspired many people to get saved & change their lives. GOD BLESS, EVERYONE. JESUS IS THE ALMIGHTY KING FOR ETERNITY!!! ☦️🕊🛐🕊🛐🕊☦️ 🤍🙏♾️🙏♾️🙏🤍 ✝️🪽😇🪽😇🪽✝️ 💒🫶🪷🫶🪷🫶💒
@daylightangel1494 15 часов назад
Anyone has the time stamp where he gets to it???
@byhislove 16 часов назад
I'm like that 40 year old, who was very alone yet attending and being involved in church and trying to develop friend groups. It just seems so shallow, the worship etc. Anyways, for 7 years I have been praying to meet at least a few people to start a home church....I am renting, and my landlord put the sale of the house 'on hold' who knows when, wish I could just buy it. Please pray that I can meet the few, to start/host a house church. Oregon. Blessings I think that it is difficult to imagine how things can be in the future
@bribri8232 16 часов назад
Yayyy a new video with John Fenn what a sweet surprise! Love his newsletters.
@fordsrestorations970 16 часов назад
I was very popular in the world but when I asked for truth and the Holy Spirit came to save me I suddenly was alone and I had to seek the Lord all by myself with no help from hardly anyone.... I was relentless I was going to find the Lord no matter what even if I had to stay in the countryside another 10 more years
@fordsrestorations970 16 часов назад
Broad is the road to hell but a narrow footpath that leads to heaven a few that find it
@Mexi_Cecy 17 часов назад
Be careful Jennifer with everything he says and pray on it. I feel like he is discrediting the power of a church in a building setting. Yes, there are churches with poor leaders but there are churches that still exist today that still hold value and bring revival to communities. I have been blessed with a great church with a tight community and I pray no one gives up on finding a church with great leaders.
@Audrey-k2h 17 часов назад
Most mega churches are for status
@happydantravels 17 часов назад
In mega churches, all the money flows up. In house churches, the money flows out in all directions.
@tmiller7254 17 часов назад
Reimagining Church by Frank Viola
@thesmallman 17 часов назад
I don’t like that he asks Jesus for Chapter and Verse continuously. It’s like saying to Christ I don’t believe you.
@1perfectlyimperfectmom 17 часов назад
I just absolutely love when you have John on there because I just feel and know that he is absolutely in alignment with the truth. Don’t know how to explain it, but he just is and I could absolutely watch him on all the time! Thanks for having him again. I can’t wait till next time Mrs. Jennifer!
@rachelw821 18 часов назад
So prior to, and for a little bit after getting saved, I used to HATE almost everything about church - except for the sermon. I forced myself to endure the fake smiles and "cheesy worship music" (judging anybody w their hands up as being performative)... Well.... I then got saved and baptized at a GOD FILLED Black church (Southern Baptist), and not only did they welcome me w open arms and love me when I did NOT love myself.... But taught me how to study God's word and how to WORSHIP!!! Nobody judged me for not looking like everyone else there, we are all family in Christ Jesus. Anyway... Now worship is my favorite part of church. And I genuinely could care less about skin color- and maybe I'm biased because of my Godly experience, but nobody worships like a Spirit filled black church. I had to move and go to a mostly white church now, and the music is a little different (but still good), and I worship like its just me and Jesus .. eyes closed dancing not caring what anyone thinks. We should be CELEBRATING HIM when we worship. As my old pastor used to say, I am not afraid to get foolish for Jesus!!!!
@EJ-ht8oz 18 часов назад
This is a very wise and anointed pastor. I will definitely follow his sermons ❤
@DianeArgue-hk1rc 19 часов назад
Sooo done with big auditorium church
@DianeArgue-hk1rc 19 часов назад
I feel that house church will have to be the church of the future. So luv this idea.
@DianeArgue-hk1rc 19 часов назад
Hello John, I enjoyed this sooo true. Do you have meetings in Tulsa?? I would luv to join a house church. How to join??
@MechMan2076 20 часов назад
Rapture is a false doctrine started by the Jesuits...
@fhp7032 20 часов назад
After the Lord showed me much about the worldly church, he pulled me out and told me never join the a worldly church again for a few reasons; one He was ready to judge the church; two the church is not of God and not operating as the Lord said it should; three no one who is in Christ should be "joining" a church because they already belong to the body of Christ and finally the church has fallen deeply into sin. That, for me was about 16 years ago. I have church at home, or wherever I am daily. I have church outside, and I share the gospel with others. God is good. Praise God.
@trillstina 22 часа назад
It's true God is from the end of the world and can travel to the beginning that's why the Kingdom of heaven exists yet is still being built.
@princesskaren78 22 часа назад
Come and receive from the LORD Jesus amen! Your life will change, come and see! 5 Fold church @ 1050 S HILL ST LA, CA ru-vid.comI7kvEmhAmXQ?si=UKNdOU3bqF4sRl_4
@1perfectlyimperfectmom 23 часа назад
I have experienced that very thing!!! I gave faithfully thousands of dollars to this church a year I was attending. I fell on hard times (car broke down with three kids, single mom and had close to 4 deaths in my family) and I needed help with one of the passings… my brother suddenly passed had no insurance and some of the money raises was not used responsibly by the one raising it. So turned to the church… they did not want to give me anything. I was depressed. I need a counseling I needed someone to be there for me and my children and we were turned away despite how much I poured into the church from my everything and my heart was broken. I had to ask God to forgive my thoughts. I was angry with the church and had no understanding, although I was giving and doing things from my heart to God. I had to understand some things about myself that were not in the right position. Nonetheless, I was still heartbroken and had no understanding.
@graceyjewels7148 18 часов назад
Been there, it’s painful.
@allisonloukanis1928 15 часов назад
That church will answer to God someday for their actions. Just know it was a human action of selfishness, not what God wanted. I sure pray that you find your spot and things get better for you.
@candiceguzmanpetravillegas8973 23 часа назад
It’s about to get crazy??? Was that just a catch phrase?
@candiceguzmanpetravillegas8973 23 часа назад
I love how some of these preachers passive/aggressively smash down what someone else brings up and then rewords it so they make it ‘right’. The same old human nature of: I’m right and you’re not so right because I’m the ‘wiener’ and I know everything.
@candiceguzmanpetravillegas8973 23 часа назад
Yes Tom horn prophesied something about the pope as well. People thought he was nuts but it was DEFINITELY A WORD FROM THE LORD. I don’t doubt the prophecy about the meteor in 2029. After all it is scriptural
@nksperling 23 часа назад
... definitely always our relationship with Him and abiding in His Love..being a born-again Spirit-filled Spirit-led Torah-guarding German Jewish follower of the Lamb, going wherever He goes and for many years now, singing the two songs which are really just one song Rev.15:3 ><Isaiah 8:20 🤔.. these particular scriptures come to mind John 14:15-17 [15] "IF YOU LOVE ME", keep my commandments. [16]AND I WILL PRAY the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may ABIDE with you for ever; [17]Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you... and John 15:10 IF you keep My commandments, you shall ABIDE in My Love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and ABIDE in His Love. ..and also Paul's declaration in Acts 24:14 But this I (Paul) confess unto you, that after The Way which "they" (us Jews then, both Christians and Jews now!!)..call HERESY, so worship I the Elohim of my fathers, trusting all things which are written in the Law/the Torah and in the Prophets:..and 1 John 2:3-6 [3]And hereby we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. [4]He that says, I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. [5]But whoso (not just us Jews, but everyone and anyone) keeps His Word, in him verily is the love of Elohim perfected: hereby we KNOW that we are in Him. [6]He that says he abides in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked... and of course, Hebrews 13:8 Yahshua Messiah the same yesterday, today and forever..
@markjohnson6388 День назад
Concerning house churches and their vitality in our Christian faith is being greatly attacked by HARRIS’ UNREALIZED GAINS TAX which will tax homes with taxes so great that home owners will not be able to keep their homes to pay the tax. Most people have as their greatest asset their home a non cash asset. When unable to pay the IRS this tax the IRS will foreclose on those homes thus taking away home churches - physically and stopping the assembling together of the saints. Satan is so devious.
@originalmamagrizzly2478 День назад
You’re assuming persecution. I don’t believe that is going to take place here. I don’t.
@biellaspointofview2054 14 часов назад
It already is, just not the physical bodily harm kind that is happening in other areas around the world.
@originalmamagrizzly2478 День назад
It ‘s not an underground economy though, it is an alternate one.
@originalmamagrizzly2478 День назад
Individuals doing homeless communities are doing far better than the govt. Those are the ppl needing more funding. This is where believers should be investing in these days.
@originalmamagrizzly2478 День назад
But there are too many homeless now for the Church to take in.
@Catherine-bo8lb День назад
Haven't watched the video yet but I'm being tired of being lied to my whole life the false church has been a lie. I could have sat from birth to death in the Foursquare movement and the assassins of their God movement the evil wicked Assemblies of their god and the Vineyard and they would have never gone through the Bible completely once. The church I'm presently in is supposed to be the best in the word but there is no examination of repentance or altar calls for salvation at all. And there's no love nobody cares about people nobody if you're in a smaller group setting you can at least Express hey I need help I need this I need that but instead of the big mega churches or the the denominational religious churches which is NOT of God are spiritual vampires and spiritual cannibals. They've wasted our lives with dead rhetoric the dead man in the pulpit speaking to the dead audience there is few like Paul Washer Holiness guys. People are the church not the building. Matthew 7:13-14. The worst is there is no love the no 1st Corinthians 13. I see the church the false Church institute as a corpse a business of of spiritual vampires and spiritual cannibals sucking you dry and leaving you for dead which they've done a great job my number one thing is I say shut down all these corrupt ministries that lie and deceive the people. GO HOME, CHURCH AT HOME.. PS I finally watched the video it was beyond excellent stellar he's not wrong she's not wrong we are in those days and I think people are fed up with these big ministries that lie to us they don't give us the Bible and they were set in play by The Satanist and the luciferians many of them. They have no fruit in regards to James 1:27 Psalm 68.5 Galatians 6:2 1 Corinthians 13 Matthew 22:36 to 40 Matthew 25:31 to the end the Golden Rule, Sermon on the Mount, The Beatitudes, The Lord's Prayer, The Ten Commandments and the TWO Greatest Commandments! Also John Paul Jackson some of his teaching would confirm John's what he says we're here and the majority of the believers or the world is not discerning the times not at all! By the way John my Clarion car for 62 years was James 1:27 and also go back to home churches the church started in the home it needs to go back to those roots and foundations! "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of".
@Mbmb777 День назад
Brilliant podcast xx
@Adam-kr3rw День назад
Christians are the biggest hypocrites ! What you preach and do are two different things! You look down on everything and everyone who are not Christians! You actually believe quoting from the Bible makes you some how better than others! The Bible is there to learn from! Not belittle others who don't know quotes! And as for your nonsense Bible study! You are not supposed to study it or memorize it!! It's something you LEARN FROM! By paying attention and learning from your mistakes in ones life is exactly what the writings in the Bible are about! As a Christian you are no better than anyone or anything in this world! Ask yourself this! If you only study the Bible and never learn from it!.... IS THIS THE REASON WHY YOU SO BLINDLY BELIEVE EVERYTHING ISRAEL DOES IS ACTUALLY BLESSED BY OUR CREATOR? If you actually learned from the Bible and not quote and study it!... You would actually know the TRUTH of today's Israel! And one more thing!.. ask yourself why are Bibles in hotels! If you know why?... Then you will know why it's not a book to study! ... But to learn from!
@originalmamagrizzly2478 День назад