Welcome to the official Code Lyoko channel !

Each week a release of a new episode. Let's enter the adventures of four students: Jeremy, Odd, Yumi & Ulrich !
Between reality and a parallel universe called Code Lyoko, they have to save both from X.A.N.A, a virus.
Our students are joined by Aelita,a virtual being from Lyoko...

They lead a double lives: ordinary boarding school students on Earth and action heroes on Lyoko !

Code Lyoko ™ © MoonScoop/ France 3 / Canal J - 2006. All rights reserved.
4 месяца назад
@opajopa7724 3 часа назад
20:45 - Why on Earth isn't she just running like hell from that crab monster?
@nebbynetwork2089 6 часов назад
Sissy your head is so full of helium you could float to the top
@nighton8223 8 часов назад
Did XANA really tell William to start throwing his pets at their enemies?
@spongex1294 13 часов назад
2:13 Who says this mess as motivation to their children? These teachers are literally here to bully the kids. Ive been officially convinced.
@ybc7483 17 часов назад
4:08 on odd side not the dweb
@ybc7483 17 часов назад
8:15 odd 😂😂 and Ulrich
@ybc7483 18 часов назад
2:51 me as ailda sick of Jeremy's voice 😂😂😂😂😂
@spongex1294 День назад
9:20 This girl kisses you on the head during two separate occasions, one including last episode, and yet Ulrich, you STILL pulling the "Just good friends," card? This man ain't sh*t😮‍💨
@Damion_Starz День назад
I like how XANA uses Aelita’s powers better than Aelita herself. Like she could be so powerful but she doesn’t try 😭
@spongex1294 День назад
6:14 This girl telling the truth so far about her name and gender and Jim wondering if he an idiot. Is this the kinda person we really want asking questions? How this man even get a job since HE NEVER wants to talk about anything? Biggest clown in the show I swear
@subjectstigma2473 День назад
I tried translating the binary code at 21:02 , but it didn't come out as anything. Which was pretty disappointing.
@nonpersonhuman 2 дня назад
Canada! <3
@darthnovii 2 дня назад
10:47 The Roachsters channeling their inner stormtrooper for ten straight seconds.
@truesdale7388 2 дня назад
10:35 ‘Get to the super computer as fast as you can’ *proceeds to take a leisurely stroll*
@aelidayumi-ib9qz 2 дня назад
Anyone 2024
@dimasdaffa5510 2 дня назад
I actually a little feel bad about Odd he's among other love bird. And their love story were kinda like my group in school. In my group there already a couple, then me had a crush with other girl in my group and the story was kinda like yumi and ulrich, then there is one who has no couple in group or crush in group
@khaotix64 2 дня назад
"YOU LET XANA DESTROY MY DIARY!" "What diary?" "😶"
@BokunokanoneP 2 дня назад
15:13 if ulrich can make his bike flying, why don't he just fly? Or am i stupid?
@spacegirlproduction9506 2 дня назад
The only issue is that in season one Jeremy said that aelita has only ability to see and hear in lyoko.. so kivi wouldn’t be able to smell monsters
@QueenEllaThePuppy14 2 дня назад
OMG that famous Sissi scream is so PAWSOME and 😂😂😂 I just can't stop laughing about it!!
@khaotix64 2 дня назад
Legit thought they killed off Yumi when I first saw this episode
@tuntalia 2 дня назад
2:26 HES SPITTING THOUGH, he's so right
@tuntalia 2 дня назад
22:18 mf got mashed 🕴
@khaotix64 2 дня назад
12:55 bruh even the evil artificial intelligence is savage as hell 😂😂😂
@tuntalia 3 дня назад
10:10 the "oh" was so telling
@J4K41 3 дня назад
Jeremy: Hopper, help me out a little X.A.N.A.: Hold my virtual drink
@tuntalia 3 дня назад
20:48 "YIPPEE!!!!"
@tuntalia 3 дня назад
Highlights: Jimbo, and "bye bye 👋"
@ElisabethLeverone 3 дня назад
I love this song
@thecreatorofthedark 3 дня назад
william: maybe your right. i mean its not like trying to help you in the past has worked out very well. im a laughing stock now. maybe i should tell them all about how i was kidnapped by an evil program while helping you and you replacing me with a clone that was dumber then a bag of bricks. that sounds perfectly fair doesnt it?
@aelidayumi-ib9qz 3 дня назад
Anyone from 2024
@TheMikster95 3 дня назад
Can we all take a second to appreciate that code Lyoko trusted its 10 year old viewers ti be thrown into a complex story and figure it out themselves where million dollar budget movies and tv shows spoon feed every detail so that their 20+ audience can follow?
@khaotix64 3 дня назад
"WHO IS THAT SCREAMING??????" "um... you are" 😂😂😂
@aelidayumi-ib9qz 3 дня назад
Anyone from 2024
@aelidayumi-ib9qz 3 дня назад
Anyone from 2024
@khaotix64 3 дня назад
This and previous episode remind me of why i fell in love with the series. I never watched all of season 1 as a kid. Watching it all for the first time you could definitely tell they didnt have the budget for the writing or animation. I was worried this show wasnt as good as i remember. Season 2 really steps things up ❤❤❤
@nineonine9082 3 дня назад
Urgh, just finished the OG series, boy episode 1 was cringe AF, luckily this episode was vastily better, but still not great, I mean what happened to the whole Xana source code thing they mentioned in Episode 1, I got the impression that if all 4 of them virtualized Xana would be back to full power, yet they just yolo ignored it. William might just be the redeeming factor, his live actor is easily the best, not matching the original, but he got sass and he always had great unseen potential in the OG series. Jeremy seemed more confident, but also alot dumber, telling Aelita to just hurry up, when she doesn't even know if she can safely interact with what she is seeing, considering it could easily just trap her and they would likely be screwed, unless Will might have some keys, because in the past he was able to Code Xana, so I do wonder if he can Code Lyoko. The new sector, is very interesting, first thought, Sector 5 combined with Desert sector, I like it alot, mysterious and alot of potential, also great to see Crabs get some improved mobility, I always love them, but they were not that good, those alot of enemies sort of got alot weaker near the end, I mean Taratulas were just Crabs with more setup time but could fire a bit faster and in theory take hits better, but they almost always go out in 1 hit, so doesn't really matter. Sounds are very bad, like someone tapping a tin can, lasers have lose their shazam. I finished ep one very sad, about to drop, but after episode 2, I really do think I will continue, it is not the OG, but the Lyoko sections might have potential. Also one last thing, the Skid is back, even though it was destroyed and Jeremy said it would take months to reprogram another, but it is Jeremy so he probably would do that while he is bored after the "SuperCalculator" was shutdown.
@OlgaSyahputra-v1j 3 дня назад
Elisabeth Delmas (Nancy appelée Sissi Is) Une petite fille comme Nancy Carolina Tandayu avant d'avoir mal à la tête
@OlgaSyahputra-v1j 3 дня назад
5 Years Ago RIP Elisabeth Delmas 🕊💐
@dimasdaffa5510 3 дня назад
It's nice of XANA to send Aelita to same sector as an activated tower
@treviswilliams6003 3 дня назад
Hope they put it back on Netflix
@OlgaSyahputra-v1j 4 дня назад
It's Been 5 Years Since Sissi Delmas' Death In 15 September
@dimasdaffa5510 4 дня назад
You know it's always got me thinking what happen to william between episodes, and i don't know why but i think that he's been torture since he always failed the mission
@dimasdaffa5510 4 дня назад
18:45 kankerlet 1 : he's done? Kankerlet 2 : i think he's done Kankerlet 1 : we go? Kankerlet 3 : that's fine for me
@dimasdaffa5510 4 дня назад
15:46 it's funny how the kankerlet just playing around with bugged yumi and odd
@NecroZora 4 дня назад
Sissy: *asks a reasonable question about the cosmetic applications of nano technology. everyone else: What a dumb question Sissy, you idiot!
@dimasdaffa5510 4 дня назад
22:38 aaww man she really enjoyed it
@subjectstigma2473 4 дня назад
Odd: So then I told her that I was going to order a T-shirt on the internet, and she asked me if it was going to come out of the printer. Me in 2024: Given what we have in 3D Printing technology nowadays, that's actually not that far off.
@SourceMaster 4 дня назад
Hearing Sector 5 music in place of Virtualization music hits different.
@J4K41 5 дней назад
This is one of my favorite episodes, because XANA’s attack was just as much to teach Odd a lesson as it is an attack on the group as XANA who normally targets Aleta in this season specially singles out odd ignoring the rest of the group entirely