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@warrenmanuel1259 3 часа назад
This is like the hamas version of Kevin James
@ml5287 6 часов назад
The best bond ever, without any doubt.
@Amo_el_Rock 19 часов назад
Iconic speech
@kratosgaming4188 22 часа назад
This video has a special place in my heart as a genuine bond fan i hope you make even more bond-edits like this one Greetings, KG.
@FantasticousOfficiel День назад
that's not Shane
@boudiafmohammedmehdadi9702 День назад
Whats the name of the song ?
@NeoExus-dm5gj 3 дня назад
He failed the speech check
@Erebos_Darko 4 дня назад
„double check“ „double check“😂 Man I understand you xd
@allend807 5 дней назад
Thanks for ruining the clip with the trash music
@PetraSchuh-ig4me 8 дней назад
Aus ner Mücke ein en Elefanten machen.
@moedem 8 дней назад
This guy would represent himself well in court
@jahredsplitfoot 8 дней назад
Stop pretenting, it's a failure on all fronts.
@henareromana2999 9 дней назад
Dude had a point, double check 😮😮
@otakuworld262 9 дней назад
fu,,,ck billi to destroy such a video like that fu,,ck
@Mattsimilate 10 дней назад
@MikeySkywalker 10 дней назад
The classic line in action movie when the villain is about the kill the hero. “Wait, let me tell you something!”
@RiskforABisk 12 дней назад
BROOO this song is such a throwback
@joshmcgootermier2301 12 дней назад
Just watched this one and positively loved it but the scope of this world seemed a bit to large for the ending... But its hard to believe a reversion in tolerance... But depending how far into the future it is no way to really know I suppose. Just saying as skmeone who isnt a spring chicken not evennmy oarents were raised that way so that as a future for hunans is questionable. I'm fine with the message of fighting intoleranc3 and bigotry but I think that ending didnt work for me. I was really hoping their wealthy parents had sent them tk the planet to stop sucking off the family wealth so that thry could keep it all ro themselves.
@MrGreaves 12 дней назад
I’d agree, but to be fair.. it seems like certain people hate black people being on tv a lot more now than they did 10 years ago. Also, I think the people of Finetime are aliens given they have blue blood.
@joshmcgootermier2301 12 дней назад
Edit: Is the channel name from the Pixes song? Im sure its not the first time this has been asked. @@MrGreaves Definitely. And reading thr comment I would say that people are much more tribal in their mindset and I certainly do agree that at this point.there are people of all races that are filled with hate that they cast on others giving themselves some feeling of superiority. It is one of those topics where I have to remember that my own personal experiences are not the same as the rest of the world based on location, identity, and time... I teach history to high schoolers so thats pretty much my life looking at viewpoints across the aile.... And yeah, people dont cross the aile at this point.
@MrGreaves 12 дней назад
@@joshmcgootermier2301 Funnily enough, this is the first time I've been asked. And yes! The channel name used to be MrGrieves, but searching for it: you'd only find the Pixies song... so I changed it to MrGreaves, as Greaves is actually my surname! I got the nickname back when I was in college haha. Boring story out of the way, I like what you said about personal experiences being different to others'. I think it's incredibly important to keep this in mind; I'm constantly reminding myself "I don't understand this person's issue/problem" - and it's that empathy, or at least understanding, I feel a lot of people miss. I do think it's a jarring concept that so far into the future, racial prejudice would still exist. But I wouldn't be surprised at the same time, I guess? Just because I try and keep anti-woke content as far away from me as possible doesn't mean it's not out there, you know.
@leaxzfx 14 дней назад
@kennethsolomon9343 14 дней назад
I've been looking for this video half my life. Mission accomplished 😂😂😂😂
@dante9636 14 дней назад
Bro act like he was getting interrogated by the Mafia 💀
@user-xw3jw3mj2x 14 дней назад
I'd have pissed myself if I were either of those operators 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@JustWolter 14 дней назад
This was the best Tribute I ever watched. After everything, I had tears in my eyes at the last part.
@jackalfilms2008 14 дней назад
I know this is about Rick but I just want to talk about Shane for a second, he’s in the show for such little time yet he is so integral to not just the plot but the entire walking dead universe, he may not be the most fleshed out villain and he dies so soon, but he is the building block that is the first to beg the question, what are are you willing to do to survive in a world that is fucked, and how far will you go, personally I prefer the governor and negan to Shane but I have nothing but respect for the writers choice to add him to the story
@jackalfilms2008 14 дней назад
I say all this here because of at the same time he essentially Is the start of ricks story, he is so clearly so much of why the way he is
@MrGreaves 14 дней назад
Couldn’t agree more. Shane is essential especially to Rick’s character arc - far more so in the show than the comics. One of the best changes from page to screen imo was keeping Shane along for Season 2.
@mrajw2456 15 дней назад
@joemckinney6639 15 дней назад
After all the hype with ruby's origins and everything else its a big disappointment
@bizphone8662 15 дней назад
even he had to laugh at "let me tell you something"
@GraceTruth29 15 дней назад
This guy is a hero 😂❤
@neil4920 16 дней назад
I touched grass all series, and I'm glad I did.
@MrGreaves 16 дней назад
I refuse to believe you actually got offended by the lead of the show telling you to “touch grass”. But the lefties are apparently snowflakes.. lol
@neil4920 16 дней назад
@@MrGreaves the actors and show runner has there only themselves to blame, its funny that DW is failing and the viewing figures proves that people have pissed off.
@MrGreaves 16 дней назад
@@neil4920 spoken like a true politician: you not only dodged my comment but lapped up some “facts” you’ve been fed elsewhere that are in no way substantial.
@neil4920 15 дней назад
@MrGreaves got my facts from DrWhoTV. You keep shilling for this woke rubbish and enjoy consuming shit.
@Sonic_Fan-Production 16 дней назад
Let Mario talk 😂
@troll9447 17 дней назад
Whut whit whut😅😅😅😅
@Oscarzilla2004 17 дней назад
My favourite doctor
@604inthegame 18 дней назад
As mentioned, beautifully done. The end is powerfull and thats whats real . You channel it and you get away from it. But with it, you lose contact or experience. The key to life is probably balance. Weird that as we become older we think we need excess , in all parts of life, money,food,love, alcohol, (illegal) dope are no exceptions. Thats why there are people who do heroin daily, go to work every day and even excell at their job. And that is in my opinion, quite an achievement. I state that there are worse things to try nowadays that scare me to death, mdma variants that make the body forget how to produce dopamine ever again, for one. It could be in a simple pill or cap. If i had kids, if they end up addicted, i would want knowledge to guide them, and experienced people to help him. And in reality the only way to get to that is people whove seen and done it. Open mindset and, opressing things that people have done and will keep doing into eternity, is not the way. I mean giving users 1000 euro fines, for using , so that dealers wont have customers to sell to, is the best way to fight a war on drugs thats already lost before it began. Really folks. So in every branch of life, especially places of power, people in charge, people who pass law and judgement, who affect everyones lives , that they would have experience in the matter they are about to pass judgement on in one way or another. To say drugs are bad, the end ; is one of the worst things people can do. Again evidence of closing the mind so you dont walk outside the lines. They said weed got illegal when napoleons troops ran out of cheap wine, they started smoking weed, they didnt want to fight anymore, or with the invention of acid same, but much more, the 8 groups of mind enhancing drugs maybe can open doors, that they are afraid to go in, they dont want us to go in either, because they are afraid that theres more to reality than we see. Quote from lsd- hallucinogen -simon posford . Is a quote again from a scientist in the 60s i think. And especially, as a collective we experience more. The ancients did this as a collective. Those 8 groups should not be labeled drugs, but medicine. And no all or nothing mindset, but knowledge and experience. I think i digressed :-), love the movies and sync done here, thanks!
@qvcybe 18 дней назад
the only thing i like about empire of death was how sutek looked ( also i did find how funny it looks when sutek was dragged along despite how cheep it feels ) besides that everything kind of just felt meh over all but the main issue is how cheep the ending feels there were parts that felt good besides those points
@MrGreaves 17 дней назад
Yeah I didn’t mind his design. I do prefer his more humanoid design though - the mask will never be topped!
@qvcybe 16 дней назад
@@MrGreaves i think his dog design should have been saved till closer to the end as it would have made the rope thing not feel as cheep well i think it feels a bit cheep but there are alot of small things i like about the ep the designs and the time window but the pace feels a bit rushed over all
@blackphoenix77 19 дней назад
Legend of Ruby Sunday was good, but Empire of Death dropped the ball big time. I'm with you; it killed my excitement for upcoming episodes. Legend of Ruby Sunday: 7 Empire of Death: 1 RTD needs to go; he never should have come back. I'm hoping he just becomes a producer after next season and steps down from being showrunner.
@MrGreaves 17 дней назад
Damn, a 1/10? Honestly I don’t blame you though. I’m with you about RTD. I have a lot of love and nostalgia for his first run and I was somewhat excited to see him coming back.. but I think he honestly lacks respect for the fans of the show and we need some fresh ideas for the series anyway. Since 2005, it’s just been RTD, Moffat and Chibnall. They’ve all been writing for the show for a loooong time so we’ve not had the chance to hear many new voices. It’s high-time we had a new batch of writers. New perspectives and concepts and characters. And for the love of God, take us back to sci-fi!
@hagaimartin604 19 дней назад
@PSDC 19 дней назад
absurd.....a piece of rope hold a being that can vanish and appear at will. Piss poor storyline
@jaredfaulkner2202 19 дней назад
June 2024…. Ready for the next BOND!! Praying the franchise stays this good
@LtAlguien 19 дней назад
Despise the plot holes and the bad resolutions, I think the writer having a shit eating grin and trying to gaslight the audience saying "No, Ruby and her mom were special because you through they were special on X/twitter/Tumblr/Whatever" ...no? The fanbase through they were special BECAUSE they show said so, is not just bad writing, is bad writing in bad faith and calling the audience idiots to their faces. So I am suppose to believe the GOD OF DEATH, who has KILLED THE UNIVERSE was terrified over a mother abandoning her daughter? Well, i guess I would also confused over said teenager mom wearing the REAPER'S CLOTHES and POINTING DRAMATICALLY AT A STREET SIGN TO NO ONE too but if she is a normal human, she died with the rest, so...what? Sutekh literally lost due to bad writing, I feel bad for Gabriel Woolf being dragged at his 91 years old to voice such disappointment. And writers need to know the higher the stakes, ironically, the less stakes there is, because people will realize the only solution is a reset button, this is why small scale is actually more dramatic, like Midnight...I would even go as far as said the Impossible Planet/The Beast did the plot way better about an unstoppable evil god/demon who will destroy the universe by having the plot revolving about it trying to escape instead of "It has manifested, killed all the people and then dragged like a bad dog around the timestream to reset all reality" And to go back to the reveal of Ruby's mom being just a teenager pregnancy...I think Meet the Robinsons (Yes, the disney one) did it better by keeping the reasons a mystery instead of "oh yeah, you were just a unwanted baby lol" Anyway rant over Edit: Rant not over, what the .... was that "cultural appropriation" line? Why did that line exist? Who through it was a good idea? What was trying to achieve? Literally what was the point of that line? Somebody please try to make it sense!
@MrGreaves 17 дней назад
Yet again, a comment has hit the nail on the head. Agree with everything here. I really wish that RTD would realise that the finale doesn’t have to be on modern day. His best finale was Bad Wolf/Parting of The Ways for me. The finale shouldn’t have to be some crazy destruction of our world for us to feel any emotions in the end… it just needs to be a high-stakes story that challenges the main characters and pays off their storyline. World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls, for example. Low-scale. It’s on a spaceship we have had no previous encounter with. But it’s high stakes because it proves to be the threat that undoes our main characters. There’s no other hook than “the main characters are all screwed” and it works so well! And yeah.. You and loads of other people found issue with the cultural appropriation line. I did too. I think RTD is desperate to get brownie points from the audience by being as “progressive” as possible. But in my opinion, he’s not very progressive at all.. and you can kinda tell by how much he forces it.
@THEGHETTOGEEK20 19 дней назад
I just finished it 3 minutes ago and went straight to RU-vid to see if anyone else thought this was horrible
@MrGreaves 19 дней назад
This is exactly what I do with stuff I love / hate 😂 sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy it.
@vincentalexander4603 19 дней назад
For the 2nd doctor of the 3rd reboot of the series dubbed Doctor Boo Who. I have nothing good to say about this season other than it had nice animation. Jodie Whittaker had bigger nuts than this doctor. Hell Donna Noble's daughterrr, Rose had bigger balls than Ncuti Gatwa doctor. I wont defend anything about this hot trash lol. Oh and can we point out the fact that Ncuti got his companion killed over some ass. LIKE Bruh!!!!!
@BlackMetalTimes 19 дней назад
The whole Sutekh reveal/storyline feels like it should have happened two seasons from now. It just feels like so much of the story was removed, or rearranged. And what was kept was already really rushed. It's also funny to consider the Sutekh, the destroyer of all life, was.defeated.because he couldn't unclip himself from a rope.
@MrGreaves 19 дней назад
Yes! I was meant to say something in the video about how this should’ve been the BIG finale of the era, with far more stakes and deaths and emotional weight. Sutekh being the random villain you bring back for a quick and easy finale is such a bad move.
@BraveLittlePixel 19 дней назад
I will say - as a disappointment to the ending being too upbeat, and a happy ending with no downsides, the whole season was based on Fairytale's and life (i.e. each episode documenting birth to life (space babies - teenagers on social media - death)) but all Fairytale's have a happy ever after - and I'm using head-canon to suggest that this universe split or Toymaster implementation has shifted this dynamic to make it different to the realities we've experienced in previous Doctor's adventures.
@MrGreaves 15 дней назад
This is a nice idea. One of my biggest problems with the season though is that so many people are resorting to “head canon” to fix / improve the show.. and people shouldn’t have to speculate, theorise and make up stories so that a show actually makes sense.
@lonelystarslibrary9326 19 дней назад
What a God of Gods that was.
@vorebiz 19 дней назад
Sutekh's redesign was really poor. What part of the ideas room saw the poorly executed Jackal-ish head at the end of Pyramids and said "yes what we need to do is make Sutekh a giant furry who is clinging onto the Tardis"? It's absolute nonsense. Just redesign the iconic costume and make him a humanoid presence in that suit. Or better still save Sutekh for a better script and make this a different antagonist. For all the quality of characterisation he could have just been a giant malicious alien dog-like creature without the Sutekh name. They got the character so wrong anyway that he may as well not have been Sutekh at all?
@matthewRest 19 дней назад
Sigh... I hate to say it but yes I didn't much enjoy EOD. I watched LORS for the first time in the cinema, spending the week before avoiding spoilers. Although the Sutekh reveal meant nothing to me in terms of who the character was, it was a great reveal and I was pumped. I think LORS is a great episode that i thoroughly enjoyed. EOD death though, was a whole lot of nothing with so much that made little sense and was hella contradictory. However, for me, this season has been thoroughly enjoyable and a marked improvement over the last few years. Five of the eight episodes are great, a couple of alright episodes and just the one low point. Similarly to how i really don't like Last of the Time Lords and the resolution to Journeys End, EOD doesn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the respective series/season.
@MrGreaves 19 дней назад
Glad to hear you enjoyed the season overall! I will say that it’s been a great season for getting lots of people back on board with the show. Also glad to hear that you enjoyed TLORS. Shame about Empire of Death though. Here’s hoping the next finale packs more of a punch!
@jaimesandoval1941 19 дней назад
crazy to watch this after the finale and see how the most promising moments of these episodes amounted to nothing in the finale 😭
@MrGreaves 19 дней назад
… 😔😔😔
@AgustinVzK 19 дней назад
100% ❤
@Jamie_Pritchard 19 дней назад
Are we all starting to remember exactly why we celebrated when RTD left the show the first time? This went beyond disappointing and reached a realm of malicious destruction. Fair enough, RTD wants to make the show a vehicle for his ideology going forward. He's the showrunner and that's his prerogative and it's easily avoided by simply not watching. However, he is not content with just this. He also feels that he needs to retcon the classic show and episodes written by people RTD can't even hope to approach in terms of talent. That's simply unforgivable. As far as I am concerned the Doctor had twelve regenerations and that was the end of it. Nothing that came after counts
@lonelystarslibrary9326 19 дней назад
We stan Capaldi ending enjoyers
@MrGreaves 17 дней назад
I’m glad to see someone actually mature about disagreeing with the writer’s ideology. Too often do I see people crying about it as if they can’t just, as you said, stop watching lol. My biggest issue with his era isn’t this.. but I will say it seems like he’s constantly trying to score brownie points by virtue signalling. Especially with lines like “cultural appropriation” and the terrible characterisation of Rose Noble, the show’s first BIG trans character. As much as I’ve liked - and even loved - a few episodes of this new run.. I must admit, I haven’t loved the show as a whole since Capaldi.
@guinotrool 19 дней назад
it was not a normal rope, it was a super molecular rope xD
@MrGreaves 19 дней назад
And he’s the God of all Gods who has both the powers of mind control and the ability to literally bring death wherever he goes.