Desiring God
Desiring God
Desiring God
Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We’re on a mission to change that. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.

Learn more at desiringGod.org.
How God Uses Satan
10 часов назад
God’s Purpose in Our Boredom
2 часа назад
No Rogue Molecules
2 часа назад
God’s Providence Over Desires
9 часов назад
God’s Providence Over People
12 часов назад
Where Has Providence Gone?
14 часов назад
Prayer Under God’s Providence
16 часов назад
Church History on Providence
19 часов назад
Sowing Truth and Trusting God
День назад
When God Sees
День назад
Dependence Through Depression
День назад
Spurgeon the Preacher
День назад
Sustaining Joy in Christ
14 дней назад
What Shia LaBeouf Gets Wrong About Joy
14 дней назад
Cultivating Joy
14 дней назад
Gutsy Guilt
14 дней назад
Killing Lust with the Cross of Christ
14 дней назад
@craigslist6630 2 минуты назад
Proverbs 26:4-5 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own eyes. Remember the Manchurian candidate? How can a Catholic and a Bible reading Christian see the same verse, but one uses it to murder his salvation, and the other to edify his soul? One has the Holy Spirit as his teacher, the other has an mannish authority that twists the Bible until the target accepts a lie about the very words he reads, if he dares to read them at all.
@DCFNETWORKS 2 минуты назад
Thank you Jesus
@bilbobaggins4403 3 минуты назад
Doing all sorts of stuff or Just standing there?
@bilbobaggins4403 13 минут назад
She may become a witch?
@TheCreepypro Час назад
may we turn to our Lord in all things!
@xonslaughtlioness Час назад
Why is the Christian youth groups not talkative? It’s nothing like the old days when social media wasn’t so big… sad we can’t talk or hangout. Excuses..
@coachbrendan Час назад
If The Cross of Christ removed power from Satan, even if Satan can only touch us if we SIN ( YET it is impossible to not sin in some way ), how is it that there are still earth quakes, floods and diseases that kill human beings? Logically, that means that Christ's death on the cross to pay for our sins, has not actually saved us from Satan's hands, and therefore, God must still be using Satan to punish...or at least bring some kind of oppression to us.
@carterwoodrow4805 2 часа назад
Me watching this while being bored 😂
@lucianmaximus4741 3 часа назад
The nicer the Christians, the more they cling on to the mostly false hope that sinners will be judged. Satan is controlling and has the entire system in place that for the most part actually rewards and protects sinners/individuals part of the system. All the nicest Christians I know suffered continuously and died out.
@robertjasso6673 3 часа назад
Many say , ‘ is this relevant’? Why should we be concerned about this topic? Isn’t there more important items on the Christian’s to do list? Another reaction I often get is , ‘this is divisive, you’re straining out gnats, and swallowing camels here’. Love one another, preservative of unity is more vital than this .
@nancyw8341 3 часа назад
This is the best video on this subject!! I wish all Christians would hear this. My husband and I waited for our first kiss on our wedding day when the pastor said 'you may now kiss your bride'. We knew that Christ wants sexual purity in our lives, for our own good. Your wedding night should not be 'business as usual'. It should be special. If my husband would have even hinted that he wanted sex before marriage I would have dumped him immediately. How would I ever be able to trust him to lead me righteously? We are to motivate each other to become holier as we go thru life. Our marriage is made in heaven because we did it God's way. We notice how different our marriage is than most others in our church.
@SethYoderMusic 3 часа назад
This spoke directly to my situation. I thank God I found this video. A couple years ago, I was miraculously set free from my addiction to pornography, but lately, I've just been weary of fighting off lust, and failed in masturbation last night, very nearly choosing to look at porn. This was a shot to my spiritual veins. THANK YOU. All glory to Christ alone for His conquering work of salvation and cleansing!
@yumz 4 часа назад
This is such a beautiful truth. I remember the hymn Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus and the line "And the things of earth will grow strangely dim". I used to become disheartened that the hobbies or pleasures in my life no longer have any appeal, but now knowing the purpose, I learn to appreciate it.
@marshalllucky7020 5 часов назад
Pay attention to what Mars Hill did wrong, but EMPHASIZE what they did right. Earnest preaching of the word to Men, on raising up strong fathers/husbands who have agency. Add some cool music. But decentralize/compartmentalize. Gritty “punk rock” evangelicalism it truthful envaneglicism, and people respond.
@mauriceaguayo778 5 часов назад
Lord have mercy . I’m struggling in my singleness
@allenm721 5 часов назад
I'll agree that all good deeds are 'as filthy rags', but we are created in God's image and I think even unregenerate people have a capacity to do good works due to the remnant of God's image that was stamped upon them. But I guess I'm not a 'total depravity' person. Like how would we ever come to desire God if our depravity were truly total?
@yibaibashimu6223 5 часов назад
Sorry, but the response given in this video to the proposed question about babies and salvation was as infantile an answer as the babies themselves! In fact there are heaps of versus that give believers insight into the salvation of infants (born and unborn) and young children. But for the sake of this comment I'll just say this: Is our G'd a small, petty and powerless G'd? Believers in Jesus' WAY, with full access to both old and new testaments should be able to grasp must HOW MIGHTY AND AWESOME AND HOLY AND POWERFUL HE IS! Never is there a time that or human idea of mortal correctness--much less or human concept of justice somehow surpasses that of the Most High. Have faith in Yeshua? Then have faith in his judgment. G'd is outside time, which he created, and knows the end from the beginning. He doesn't just know what actually happens in earth, BUT ALSO KNOWS EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME of every decision of every life he created--the entire decision tree and the end result of every branch. If he writes the names of those he chose in the Book of Life since before the foundation of the world, I'd bet my life that he knows how to judge an infant's eternal reward. ALSO, why did he require baby lambs and the young BLEMISH-FREE animals for sacrifice? OHHHHH right! Because they were HOLY, PURE AND CLEAN before the Lord. How much more true for human children who are also image bearers?
@francisbaranquel6075 5 часов назад
Amen, thank you for this teaching...thank you Pastor John
@TheCreepypro 5 часов назад
thank You Lord for Your faithfulness that upholds even our faith which You have given us!
@randallwittman2720 6 часов назад
JESUS did say, I have authority,, however where did this authority derive from? JEHOVAH GOD HIS FATHER Who resurrected Jesus? Contrary to uninformed and unscriptural belief Jesus did not raise himself from the dead! According to the majority witness of scripture, Jesus’ Father raised Jesus from the dead! Read the multiple testimonies in Acts and the espistles. For example… Galations 1:1 “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)” Acts 3:26 “Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities”.
@randallwittman2720 6 часов назад
After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh or Spirit? After Jesus' Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh or Spirit? Current time 0:00 / Duration -:- Play Back 5 seconds Forward 15 seconds Previous Mute Settings The Bible’s answer The Bible says that Jesus “was put to death in the flesh but made alive [resurrected] in the spirit.”​-1 Peter 3:​18; Acts 13:34; 1 Corinthians 15:45; 2 Corinthians 5:​16. Jesus’ own words showed that he would not be resurrected with his flesh-and-blood body. He said that he would give his “flesh in behalf of the life of the world,” as a ransom for mankind. (John 6:​51; Matthew 20:28) If he had taken back his flesh when he was resurrected, he would have canceled that ransom sacrifice. This could not have happened, though, for the Bible says that he sacrificed his flesh and blood “once for all time.”-Hebrews 9:​11, 12. If Jesus was raised up with a spirit body, how could his disciples see him? Spirit creatures can take on human form. For example, angels who did this in the past even ate and drank with humans. (Genesis 18:​1-8; 19:​1-3) However, they still were spirit creatures and could leave the physical realm.​-Judges 13:15-​21. After his resurrection, Jesus also assumed human form temporarily, just as angels had previously done. As a spirit creature, though, he was able to appear and disappear suddenly. (Luke 24:31; John 20:19, 26) The fleshly bodies that he materialized were not identical from one appearance to the next. Thus, even Jesus’ close friends recognized him only by what he said or did.​-Luke 24:30, 31, 35; John 20:14-​16; 21:​6, 7. When Jesus appeared to the apostle Thomas, he took on a body with wound marks. He did this to bolster Thomas’ faith, since Thomas doubted that Jesus had been raised up.​-John 20:24-​29.
@JesusisGod3473 6 часов назад
amen thank you sooo much dear brother in Christ, GLORY BE TO GOD!
@gearyb9870 6 часов назад
I don't buy the content of this video. When you have prayed for help for 8-10 years, all the while doing everything you know to do to resolve the issue or problem but turning over the outcome to God, praying every morning, night and during the day, worshipping God according to the practices of your religion, but receiving absolutely ZERO help, how can anyone with even half of a brain continue to feel anything but abandonned? How can they continue to believe in God at all? And what about the millions of believers who were murdered in Hitler's death camps or the thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Gaza today by Israel's extremist government? I'm sure that most of them had faith that God would help them yet they were obviously abandonned -- if there is really a God at all. I want someone to answer this question other than a pastor, minister or priest who will invariably quote some scripture written by a human being thousands of years ago. I always believed in God, but after my experience I don't see anyway I can continue to do so. I'm tossing in the towel.
@jesusistheanswer2074 7 часов назад
The fight against the flesh is real and powerful,may the Lord bless us with victory 🙌
@normanjefferychester882 7 часов назад
Good morning friends praise God, it's a great day, its 12 days without cigarettes, thank you God for the victory
@matiaslucasroger 3 часа назад
Glory to God!
@normanjefferychester882 3 часа назад
@@matiaslucasroger thank you God bless you, yes I praise God
@Matthew-307 Час назад
Praise Yah
@normanjefferychester882 Час назад
@@Matthew-307 God bless you Matthew
@normanjefferychester882 7 часов назад
God bless your friends today I have 12 days without smoking cigarettes, thank you God for the victory
@MrIcognegro 7 часов назад
I helped a woman who car broke down and gave her a ride to work. I then prayed afterwards when is this going to happen for me? Maybe a few weeks later my car broke down and a woman came and gave me a ride to work. We started a relationship that was not holy at all and was not spiritual beneficial to me and almost destroyed me. God was merciful to me and I have a beautiful healthy daughter but I am still dealing with results of the sin. Seek God first and put God first. Please don’t make the same mistakes I have made.
@marsonofjo344 7 часов назад
The Man of Lawlessness is supposed to read as "Man of Torahlessness", considering the speaker is Paul, a trained Pharisee, a Jew, an observer of the TaNaKh/Scripture. The Bishop of Antioch, the forerunner of the Papacy, is the "Man of Torahlessness". Verify this by reading the theology of Ignatius, 2nd Bishop of Antioch.
@Newname007 7 часов назад
Thank you for the reminder and encouragement 🙏🎉😊
@cirr3587 7 часов назад
@user-xq2bm3nq8y 7 часов назад
Piper offers up a dystopian future. Why? He believes that good law is negated if it comes from a flawed lawmaker. Joe Rigney stated the other day that we should “pass righteous laws that teach what is good and discourage what is evil”. And how is this to be done when Piper states unequivocally that laws protesting life and freedom are not as “precious” as being against a man who did more to promote righteous law than any other politician in history?
@JadDragon 7 часов назад
Donald Trump said in April THIS YEAR He will not sign a national abortion ban. Are you STILL going to pretend Piper is saying something he didn't, and defending Trump for something he said he won't do?
@JadDragon Час назад
Trump worship.
@user-xq2bm3nq8y 41 минуту назад
@@JadDragon Too funny. I don’t even like the guy. I simply respect what he accomplished for the nation: Roe v Wade gone. Steadfastly refusing to fund our world abortion program (currently funded 600 million a year). Not one transgender surgery funded. No wars (we currently sponsor two). Negligible interest and inflation. You are hung up on his sins, and in the process are destroying the country. God can handle Trump’s sins.
@user-xq2bm3nq8y 7 часов назад
Piper offers up a dystopian future. Why? He believes that good law is negated if it comes from a flawed lawmaker. Joe Rigney stated the other day that we should “pass righteous laws that teach what is good and discourage what is evil”. And how is this to be done when Piper states unequivocally that laws protesting life and freedom are not as “precious” as being against a man who did more to promote righteous law than any other politician in history?
@JadDragon 7 часов назад
Why are you making stuff up?
@oralialandreth6136 7 часов назад
Amen 🙏
@nereida116 7 часов назад
I understand Dr. Piper, yet what about children and babies? It's likely not sinning like adults do... Thus, how to we apply this view to the relatively ignorant or innocent young children or babies?
@user-rj8py9ld3j 8 часов назад
Something extremely wicked is happening within this world: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). God is allowing His people to see demons invading the bodies of Satan’s servants. Although God has blessed and allowed them to have life, all they care about is their own selves. Instead of beholding the glory of God and thanking Him for the life He has given them, they choose to plot, plan and go against God and their neighbors. Instead of causing good, they spew evil because they are being controlled by Satan, the god of this world. This is a ploy to keep them against God and His creation. Satan wants man to disdain and undermine God, just as he himself has done. We are to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind-and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus said do this and we shall live (Luke 10:27-28).
@kriegjaeger 9 часов назад
I know once i had made a troublesome decision and since I've been struck with timmitus. Ive prayed the Lord remove it but he has not. He has granted me the ability to endure when it gets to be too much though. It causes me to lean on him, to know i can in all ailment and suffering, and a reminder never to violate my conscience. To always ask if i am unsure.
@JadDragon 9 часов назад
Surrender to the self, and find freedom, peace, justice and mercy in God. Amen. Praise Yahweh the one true God. Revealed Triune as Father, Spirit, and Jesus the Son, each member fully God of which there is only one. 3 distinct Persons coexistant, coequal, and coeternal sharing 1 Divine Essence. Jesus lives and is God, Christ, King. Repent of your sin and believe in Him and be saved to eternal life!
@robynahgreen1283 9 часов назад
Satan's aim was to frustrate, and to destroy Paul's faith in God: but God was in this, building Paul's confidence in, and dependence upon the supernatural, dynamic power (sufficient grace) of the Holy Spirit to ward off the attacks from the Adversary. This keeps Paul in humility, reminding him that he will not, he cannot overcome on his own strength, but by looking to the power of God's Spirit alone.
@JadDragon 9 часов назад
Amen! ‭Romans 8:28 LSB‬ [28] And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. Praise Yahweh the one true God. Revealed Triune as Father, Spirit, and Jesus the Son, each member fully God of which there is only one. 3 distinct Persons coexistant, coequal, and coeternal sharing 1 Divine Essence. Jesus lives and is God, Christ, King. Repent of your sin and believe in Him and be saved to eternal life!
@mrivorish3200 10 часов назад
Powerful message and very applicable 🙏
@EstherPurim66 10 часов назад
Watch and Pray
@jadonlawrence4909 10 часов назад
Calvinism is a lie. Please don't fall for that nonsense. People have free will and are responsible for their choices. Let no man deceive you.
@jerrydbrown1401 10 часов назад
4:01 a.m. when this appeared and greatly welcomed.never got to meet dr.packer but would love to attend John Piper meeting.God is so large in helpong us by the Spirit in presenting us a chaste bride.bless you Jesus. Piper has us wanting God,wanti g his word.evisedent and sanctifying.and unbridled joy in God
@Asia-dr4yj 10 часов назад
Hebrews 6 and 10 and 2 Peter and Jude - are clear warnings to Christians that if we don't endure to the very end, we can lose our salvation - Jesus himself in the parable of the Sower says some believe for 'a while' but then fall away in times of testing - think you are really doing it hard to try maintain the false 'once saved always saved' Calvinist stuff - but enjoy all your other teaching Pastor John.
@TheCreepypro 12 часов назад
may we marvel in the world God gave us!
@lesacook1970 12 часов назад
There are pastors that I like and I have I library of nothing but Christian authors and my Bible. But I usually listen to Ben Stuart from passion DC , and I really like David platt and I listen to the Robertson podcast and I do their Bible study. They married my husband and I and baptized us both. But the first time I ever heard the best pastor that I ever heard of is Tim Keller. He is the most amazing pastor and the most beautiful way he spoke about Jesus Christ and then explained the way and what God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit the triune God. It touched my heart. Then I found out that he passed away. I was so sorry. I love watching his sermons. But the sense of humor he had and then this simple fact that we’re nothing without Jesus and we cannot earn our way to heaven it’s only by the finished work of Christ and believing that he was resurrected through God our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. But just the way he helps you understand about Jesus and that Jesus loves us and when we’re sinful people but we have a God that full of mercy and Jesus gives us The Grace that we do not deserve. But I love his sermons and still watch him. I also love Ben Stuart he’s passionate about teaching us what Jesus did for us. I also like David platt, Lee strobel . And Willie Jase and Phil Robertson family and Sadie Robertson. I love growing in Jesus Christ. God bless the Keller family. Rip Mr. Tim Keller. 🙏🏻♥️🕊️✝️
@deshawnfrank9443 13 часов назад
So is it better to live a hard life working paycheque to paycheque? Not being able to see our families enough
@colinbarr1994 14 часов назад
Wow that was heavy! My first reaction to this reality is shock. I found myself pondering why would God want us to know all of this in this life? I thought of one reason maybe. When we see evil people thriving, living long prosperous lives and it looks like they're sinning with impunity. God is patiently enduring them to make his glory known to his vessels of mercy.
@Jeremy_Mitschke 15 часов назад
John 3:16. Give your life to Jesus is a false gospel. Many self professing Christians likely have false assurance. He gave his life for you. Believe he did it for you died on cross and rose again on 3rd day according to scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and you get to go to heaven. So easy. Completely free. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
@sweetvictory3100 16 часов назад
Anyone dealing with benzo withdrawal and struggling spiritually/mentally/physically? 😢