Neil & Linds - RWND Fit
Neil & Linds - RWND Fit
Neil & Linds - RWND Fit
Hi! We are Neil and Lindsay Anderson, and we made this channel for people over 40 We have professional tips and tricks for working out and reaching optimal health in your 40's and beyond. Neil has been a fitness trainer for 30 years. He has trained thousands of people over the years, including the Utah Jazz Dancers (10 yrs.), the U of U dance and cheer teams, the Utah Blaze dancers, multiple athletic teams, and clients of all ages and fitness levels. Neil also has a background in cardiac rehab and physical therapy. Lindsay has been a fitness trainer with Neil for 8 yrs. She is a Registered Nurse (20 yrs) and has worked in Orthopedics and Med/Surg. For 14 years we have owned a gym called GPP Fitness in Centerville, UT. Together, we've got know-how and experience. We have a special interest in fitness and aging, because well, WE are aging. Fitness at this age isn't like it was when you were in your 20's and 30's. We have figured out the best, functional, minimal way to get fit now!
Put stuff away.
5 месяцев назад
The "BFL" RWND Fit Challenge
9 месяцев назад
sick of flabby abs? try this
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Low Weighted Cable Jump Squat
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Side Lateral Raises (explosive)
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STAB Back Extension
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Filming at the gym?
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Gym etiquette
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RWND "The Circuit" Overview
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DB Biceps Curls w/Pause
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Standing Mid-Cable Row w/Pause
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Lat Pulldown w/Pause
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Leg Press w/Pause
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Incline DB Chest Press w/Pause
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GenX vs. Boomers
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Box Jump Follow-Up
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Part 2 Creatine Controversies
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Part 1 Creatine controversies.
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@jnorfleet3292 3 часа назад
Growing up with Google doesn't make you smarter, just faster. Gen x had to wait for the encyclopedia sales man 🤣
@dedeborya9015 День назад
Lets get this started with a wet willy and slap on the head with a 'Tag ~ You're It!' and then Run .... I got a 3 mile course through the vacant lot that says y'all Millennials never catch me.
@thelionpack8411 День назад
Hold on now not all of us Millennials are f***** in the head man I have a based personality and I'm a millennial
@babybree175 2 дня назад
I am happy you say this..and use reality as the example…thanks dude
@NinjaRunningWild 2 дня назад
Didn’t anyone actually watch Fight Club?
@CeriMullins-nq3mc 3 дня назад
Spotted the Toby Keith lyric
@heidihughes7013 3 дня назад
Sorry but Gen-X broke our teeth on dot matrix and floppy discs so no millennials are not better with computers
@kdadkzg8803 4 дня назад
As a 35 yr old gen y millennial i disagree with buddy he is describing gen Z. Gen x is strong but flawed because the veil over their eyes is hard to break. Gen Y saw this and became stronger qnd smarter. Tho still some of us failed because gen x watched us make some of their same mistakes and didn't have a real remedy to stop or change it. In an organized setting gen x wins but in chaos and hopelessness millennials stand tall, shine and SURVIVE.
@User39. 4 дня назад
Millennials fight with mouth and keyboard.....GenX use knuckle sandwich...
@User39. 4 дня назад
Millennial men are scared of bugs...I've seen it several times at work....
@User39. 4 дня назад
X er's were raised by Boomers....we learned early to suck it up and don't be a pussy....multiple fist-fights in the neighborhood. Then buddies the next day....
@kdadkzg8803 4 дня назад
How many have you trained up like this to be just a strong and smarter? Or have you kept your helpful knowledge hidden and watched destruction and failure like most gen x?
@jamesstevenson3279 4 дня назад
I think you have millennials miclxed with genuine z.
@Itsmeagain828 4 дня назад
I was born in 82. Im the only millenial in my family. My parents were baby boomers. My oldest brother is 59. My parents raised the other 4. When I came along they were done. My husband was born in 67. I am not a millenial no matter what time says. Plus I am an Appalcahian woman. Bred tough. Leave me alone. I shoyldnt even have to fill out an application. I'm gen X by default.
@AGHathaway 4 дня назад
My gen x brothers have literal scars from me (a millennial who is 7 and 9 years younger). Gen X acts tough because they are compensating for their insecurity. Millennials have been active in the world and gen X just consumes and sits on their ass.
@jamesjennings-yd2bc 4 дня назад
Millenials cannot win against any generation. They fold quicker than Trump in a McDonald's. UK Gen X had to live through terrorist attacks or the threat of one DAILY, we also were feral. We reared ourselves. We didn't need a smartphone to find food or water, we found a stream and a bush.
@rtd7066 4 дня назад
😂😂😂…I have been saying this forever. A generation stuck in their terrible 2’s
@sagittarius420cheefie 4 дня назад
All Millennials ain't the same😂. Xennials are that microgeneration the end of Gen X going into the millennial generation.
@rockjawslim2005 6 дней назад
That last line is my mantra.
@KevinOLoughlin-ys5ef 6 дней назад
What's weird is that for the first time in decades a generation is not at war with its parent generation. We Gen-X grew up feral and learned to survive, our parents loved us but we had to learn to survive on our own and what do you get, a generation like us that can survive on its own wits and cunning. Now millenials/Gen-Z are pissed at our parents, the boomers, for messing everything up. They messed us up too but we didn't take it to heart, we just rolled with it and kept going. Now f**k off and leave we Gen-X alone, we like it like that!
@dominic6283 6 дней назад
Only generation that can speak Pig Latin
@habulucas2825 7 дней назад
My Gen X comment about Millennials is this. Millennials were promised the world by the boomers and instead they got endless wars and financial collapses. Gen Xer's learned and knew the world and the powers that be were totally full of crap. I think the Millennials got screwed over and lied to.
@5fthdisiple482 7 дней назад
We're not gonna say that Gen X created the internet.....just saying Yes, Gen X can move between digital and analog, we created the void ourselves.
@tiffanygrever8092 8 дней назад
Yes,yes and yes but to be fair we created them they were are younger siblings and our kids.
@whatwhat98 8 дней назад
I don't know any millennial that say "no cap" Im born in 1989 but i can tough it out to hang with you and the rest of gen x. Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
@O_Lidador 8 дней назад
Hey: millennials and gen Z. - 'If ever my life can be of any use to you, come and claim it...
@josephkogut4205 9 дней назад
2020 went on a road trip west on the Harley forgot my mask
@cobbler88 9 дней назад
We don't get enough credit for our prognostication skills either, especially when it comes to tech. I'm remembering the days when not all of us had cell phones. Then work required us to have them. I said at the time, "You know this is going to turn from being able to get a hold of us at any time, to us being required to pick up every time they call, right?" and I was apparently the a-hole for thinking so. I remember the next year, telling the people in the meeting that giving our product away for free online in hopes of driving advertising wasn't a sound business plan. Again, I was the a-hole who didn't know anything. Finally, I remember when we first started allowing people to work remotely, saying that we weren't going to be able to limit it to a few exceptions. We're going to have to let everyone do this now. That was actually greeted more angrily than the previous two times. I have learned that there is a difference between using simple common sense and simply going with the zeitgeist. The former makes you right almost all of the time and results in few rewards, while the failures of the latter earn you a golden parachute and an office at corporate. Ain't that a b!tch.
@cobbler88 9 дней назад
They're not smarter. I ran an after-school computer lab. All the other instructors would say how much smarter the "kids" are today. I decided to put that to the test and removed the Internet Explorer shortcut from the home screen one afternoon. Only two of the kids still figured out how to get onto the Internet. They're like androids. They can mostly only do what you've programmed them to do and can accomplish things if you lay them out before them. Once it breaks down to them having to use critical thinking and independent thought ...
@arielfetters5662 10 дней назад
Gen X's Plan Step one; Cut off their WiFi Step two; fire up the grill, stick some beer or soda in a cooler Step three; Dig our old boomboxes and tapes out of the garage and party, watching as the Millennials do all the hard work of taking out the Millennials, tossing out the occasional insult or old Yo Mama joke we thought were funny in junior high to keep any strays at bay.
@Linuxgaming2672 10 дней назад
GenX would fight, not because we were forced into it. But because fuck it lets do it. We grew up on shitty hair metal are still pissed off about, it told us to spit the eye of anyone that opposed us without a second thought.
@Wolfie66 11 дней назад
Most of us Gen X just want to be left alone.
@DocLampLighter 11 дней назад
And the Octogenarian Boomers as still trying to rain hell down us... we still say FU.
@DocLampLighter 11 дней назад
AMEN... I'm the Oldest Gen X'er. I was once told by a Boomer, "You were born too late to benefit from the Boomer Generation."
@timlaxtonsr3729 11 дней назад
Gen x will walk up and knock you on your butt...not threatened to sue lol
@angrytheclown801 12 дней назад
Making each other bleed and turning fireworks into high explosives was just some of the games we played for fun.
@TheVodec 12 дней назад
*hears "Criminal" being played in the background* Need a soundtrack fcr this one ....
@marknasia 12 дней назад
Well Neil... I must admit as a boomer of 55, you are right on the money. We lived through the most prosperous times this country has ever seen. Our parents watched over us, but not to the extent of helicopter parents and certainly not bulldozer parents. You need to keep in mind that our parents survived the Great Depression and WW2, most probably thought they would never raise a family and have it so good and they wanted to protect us from the horrors they lived through and it was horrible. My father was a Marine in the Pacific campaign and not once told me anything other than where he was sent to fight. He did not want to relive the violence of it. Anyway, you got it mostly right.
@OlderThanDirt-ii3rp 12 дней назад
Actually, we boomers think your both 4 or 5 french fries short of a happy meal ;) However the Gen Xers got this easy. But it is the gen X that brought these useless millenials into existance. And Gen Z??? There is no excuse for that fu*k up at all!!!! We aging boomers are still the only glue that holds this mess together and when we are gone, both will die because you can't keep the power on or feed yourself ;) Computers? LMAO! Look around, see those skyscrapers, bridges, interstates, dams, airports. We built those with a slide rule!!!! There were no such things as calculators, much less computers. So you ignorant millenials and Gen Z better do what you can to keep Gen X around, cause when they are gone, so are you ;)
@noflyzone2307 13 дней назад
I always find it funny when gen x act like most millennials didnt live similar lifestyles. Born with a computer??? No Cap??? Y'all must be talking about your gen z children's. Also, the 90s was way better than the 80s🫢😜
@DerekEklund 13 дней назад
It's always guys born in the 70s posting these types of cringe videos (I don't think core Gen X (late 60s)would be caught dead doing this type of shit). I think it's because they are the most millennial Gen Xers (which is why they are terminally online, posting on social media, looking for negative online attention, etc) and basically grew up alongside millennial siblings and essentially have the same upbringing. They kind of have a tenuous claim to it, and often get grouped into the "Xenennial" subgroup. They missed the core Gen X experience (post grunge Gen Xers, or KoRn Xers, wasn't part of the wave that would be eligible to serve in the original Gulf War, etc) so they are the loudest to try and differentiate. They also are truly confused and tend to be (unknowingly) actually trashing Gen Z in these discussions, which is their kids and they raised them! Overall 10/10 cringe content my friend. Your trophy is in the mail.
@monet108 14 дней назад
Gen X here. I was with you up until the protests. An entire Pandemic popped and ended that shit. You should look up the raw data on how many protests were happening around the world when they ordered everyone back in side. Not saying that any of it was made up but the world was being set on fire by the people of the world in protests against police and racism and jobs and social class and resources. And everyday more people were joining the protests. Then we were ordered to go inside by ourselves.
@firecracker187 15 дней назад
Ready Steady GO
@firecracker187 15 дней назад
I can't imagine being so weak.That a word hurts my feelings
@ShaynuhGodisWisdomAllen 15 дней назад
I think this guy is getting millennials and gen z confused. I am 38 and I am a millennial. Jen z's are the ones that are out here at the colleges and stuff protesting. The first year of the millennials was the year I was born. So I have a lot more in common with Gen x then gen z.
@TGG239 16 дней назад
“Ah you think violence is your ally? You merely adopted the violence. we were was born in it, molded by it.
@JDEhlert 17 дней назад
In all truth, the government we have now, regardless of the political parties, is based on the Boomer generation. Eventually, Gen X will be in charge, and there will be big shifts and changes. Things won't get done for the drama, they'll just get done because we don't want to be bothered by it anymore.
@kimnenninger7226 17 дней назад
By the way...Gen X is NOTHING like the Silent Generation.
@kimnenninger7226 17 дней назад
You have no clue. Yes, we were prosperous. As you have said, because we went to work. We were early to enter into the work force, and we the largest group in the work force for 30 years, are still in the work force. Generation X can't say that.
@mikelboyd711 17 дней назад
When your grandfather listens to 2pac and Metallica. Yeah... maybe don't piss papaw off!
@haxio17 11 дней назад
Grandfather ?
@mikelboyd711 17 дней назад