Avocado Flight
Avocado Flight
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@BobSchofield-el4hj 2 дня назад
What a cluster f....!!! Feel sorry for the pilot and the tower...Can you imagine how passenger must feel?.....
@toomanydonuts 3 дня назад
Swamp gas. You know it was swamp gas. At 56,000 feet there's plenty of swamp gas up there.
@asilva_media 4 дня назад
took way too long for ATC girl to figure that out bruh.
@hyeronymus 4 дня назад
The pilot's patience is out of this world 😅
@nickt7658 5 дней назад
How !! Can anyone deny this? One right after the other!
@mantwonmaleik4044 6 дней назад
I'm a former ATC at Kenai Tower, I was still working there when this happened. That DC-4 lived right in front of the tower so I'd see it nearly every day. I felt so empty to look down on the ramp and still see the stains on the ramp from where it was parked...
@williamjones4483 6 дней назад
Geez, what a cluster. I certianly hope the British authorities investigated this chinese fire drill.
@QuantumTribble 7 дней назад
I feel his annoyance, but the controller is probably by herself fielding phone calls and demands from every angle and his constant badgering about things she has no control over is not helping. The problem here is with the airport authority’s major incident reaction plan, not the poor controller trying her best to deal with the situation. He’s not the only one with an emergency situation and he’s just making things worse.
@YippeePlopFork 7 дней назад
I’m a pilot - search and rescue, not passenger aircraft- but my initial thought after hearing the bomb threat was: the bomb might be on a timer to go off a few minutes after takeoff. And on that basis, I would have evacuated the aircraft upon being notified of the threat, regardless of ATCs instructions. My first priority would be my passengers and there is just no way I would sit there for FORTY MINUTES while potentially a timer ran down! 😳
@johnlaine2654 8 дней назад
This airport has an unforgivably useless emergency evacuation system in place. After listening to this. I would NEVER fly there.
@life_happens_reviews 11 дней назад
That's the dickhead captain who was rude to a female atc in dublin some years ago
@alazyfrog5969 11 дней назад
Speedbird 18B you have permission to evacu... - booomm Oops, too late, sorry
@driverm4544 17 дней назад
As someone who has done time in ATC, this is a totally unacceptable response to a BT. The process for any kind of BT for aircraft anywhere on the tarmac is very simple. All inbound aircraft are diverted, all landing and takeoff clearances are cancelled, all runways are closed, all ground vehicles are to hold position at the nearest muster point, unless they are the one under duress conditions, then they are to hold in position. All taxi aircraft are to immediately hold position for further instructions, all gate/apron aircraft are to hold. The amount of faffing around in this situation could have ended 197 lives. A BT is not to be taken as a false alarm, it is to be taken as credible until proven otherwise. If a slide Evac is necessary, the above steps should make it so that no conflicting aircraft movement are possible as the airfield should be closed off
@richyrichk 19 дней назад
Threat to stop the jet after cleared for takeoff equals set park brake, shut down and evacuate, with ALL the injuries these involve. CFR avoidance is unsat- folks get injured evacuating! Sorry the jet would be just where I left it when I was told. Unsat! Will not vacation in the third world.
@johntaylor5968 23 дня назад
Hopeless ATC , no initiative at all, captain having to guide them. This ATC couldn’t run a bath let alone an airport.
@DavidJBradshaw 23 дня назад
All the controller needed to say was ‘We’re evacuating and I suggest you do the same”. If you don’t have the resources available to help it is much better to say so, rather than string people along when help isn’t coming anytime soon.
@rang9926 23 дня назад
Bermuda airport management is nuts. Captain should have taken his decision, but he decided to follow atc. The atc lady was calm n composed
@Kaikaiblogs 25 дней назад
@Calmom5 25 дней назад
Terminal Evacuation was priority over the Airplane since loss of life would be much greater in terminal then the 197 on board, if bomb went off. What a horrible experience, I can imagine how scared the passengers were just sitting there. Slide evacuation can have 20% serious injuries, it's not as easy as it looks, especially for elderly & children. Thankful everyone was safe.
@Eoraph 25 дней назад
wow, i already heard this somewhere else but i lost it again when i heard that only an hour in someone thought of giving the number of souls to the tower
@kthgodw1 25 дней назад
Note to self, 'never go to Bermuda'!!!
@arminvoneckerberg 26 дней назад
unbelievably unprofessional the airport should be closedl
@kickedinthecalfbyacow7549 9 дней назад
It was
@user-qt3bx7lp6k 27 дней назад
Just now listening to this event in Bermuda. The British Airways Captain was amazing. You could hear the astonishment in his voice that they had been setting on that runway for nearly an hour before he could get any help. Tower control was trying her best to get him help but others were ot giving it to her for the aircraft. Bermuda should be fined if possible for not taking care of that aircraft quickly, got the passengers off and to safety. I am surprised the Captain did not evacuate when he was in the area to not cause any issues if the aircraft was to blow up when he first parked there.
@Marijan-fg4md 27 дней назад
Dumbest thing i have ever seen,pilot should have evacuated in 5 min ,the services there are a joke.
@lanapeterzon9055 27 дней назад
Remind me never to fly to Bermuda! What a moronic circus! Thank you for posting this example of bureaucratic idiocy.
@Greg_P611 28 дней назад
This Captain needs to let the process run its course. He’s not helping anything by badgering the only person he can communicate with
@Grump.Epanda 28 дней назад
Captain should have made the decision to evacuate the plane. This is uncalled for.
@ivankerr3570 28 дней назад
@CoverMe-id6nj 29 дней назад
Unacceptable from Bermuda
@josualnew1512 29 дней назад
Pilot seems to think he's superior , typical English. Why not asking for chamain ?
@RandolphLTodd Месяц назад
OMG. This captain is very patient. God Bless Them.
@libertyone5853 Месяц назад
I would NEVER fly into this airport, TOTALLY F'ed up!
@pauljohnson4590 Месяц назад
The frustration the crew were suffering was cringeworthy. I also detected the tower controller was also dreading each interaction as she too realised they were woefully unprepared. Contigency planning seemed no existent. I simply do not understand why sombody did not immediately go to plan C15 or whatever, open the documen and follow the plan. One of my duties 30 years ago was to go through one of these plans every month - with heads of departments and try to 'break' them. As in "what happens if this happens at crew change time?" or what happens if we also get X happen at the same time? The plans would regularly grown, change, morph and even be scrapped. Bermuda have a strange way of planning for safety.
@Ztbmrc1 Месяц назад
What a terrible situation for all involved. And then not only a bomb threat on the plane, but also in the terminal. Complete chaos. I hope they find this idiot who sent these e-mails...
@sugarman04 Месяц назад
I would tell them get the stairs there now or I’m popping the emergency slides
@jbanthony3498 Месяц назад
Door 1, 2, no now #4 best to ask cabin crew 😂
@TheHurkulez Месяц назад
What a cluster F.....k
@pslgreg Месяц назад
In the captain's position I would have immediately evacuated the aircraft. It's entirely insane to be a passenger in a situation like this. It's like the people in the world trade center saying don't try to evacuate, you are safe where you are. Keeping those people on the plane with a bomb threat is entirely unacceptable and criminal.
@JHPine 29 дней назад
You are absolutely correct since the Captain is technically responsible for everyone onboard!
@DinoDiniProductions 23 дня назад
It's an impossible situation. Evacuting by slides is actually dangerous and often results in injuries, and especially risky for those with mobility issues. This is why he asked for ambulances: if they are going to use the slides, they need ambulances. The captain had to use his judgement and ultimately no one was hurt, so he made the right call. But it's a horrible decision to have to make.
@PPOSEC1 Месяц назад
😳WTF!? Kudo to the capt. Right move! ATC lady, not your fault, doing your best! All the rest… TOTAL CLUSTER FUCK!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!!😡
@PlaneSimClips Месяц назад
Wow, what a mess this should not have happened. Why it took so is anyones question, so unprepared good job to pilot for keeping everyone in check!
@mjbi Месяц назад
Sounds like the authorities didn’t really take the threat seriously otherwise would have evacuated by slides within minutes of threat.
@johndeltuvia7892 Месяц назад
What kind of idiots are running that airport? Bomb threat - lockdown airport, divert everyone, disembark on runway.
@mrdav1e 26 дней назад
no doubt!
@user-qb9ex8hc9o 2 дня назад
You know planes have security screening, right? Why shut down planes because someone makes a phone call? That's literally the terrorists winning.
@Ronald7077 Месяц назад
That took an hour to evacuate - ridiculous - mayhem at airport - savers a joke
@Tikvah99 Месяц назад
WOW - if that had been a real bomb it would have been horrendous!! Not the fault of the ATC controller - but just an awful situation :(
@fianorian Месяц назад
@chretienrisley7853 Месяц назад
Can you imagine the response if this had been a bomb threat ?
@zombarney Месяц назад
at 1:10 the ellipses are "to an Isolated area" in the events there is a bomb onboard and it does detonate it will do minimal damage.
@davidgilbert9822 Месяц назад
The pilot was great all the way through,but the controller was useless, she says I understand but did nothing. Bermuda airport needs more training. This whole thing took way too long
@kickedinthecalfbyacow7549 9 дней назад
You realise the controller doesn’t drive the stairs and the fire engine her self.
@DiecastDudeofficial Месяц назад
On 17 June, around 14 O'clock, I had a 747 from Cargolux above my house doing a emergency fuel dump
@barny4586 Месяц назад
This is ridiculous! That aircraft should have been evacuated within 5 minutes, or at the very most 10 minutes!!!