Carnegie Europe
Carnegie Europe
Carnegie Europe
Carnegie Europe was founded in 2007 and has become the go-to source for European foreign policy analysis in Brussels on topics ranging from Turkey to the Middle East and the Eastern neighborhood to security and defense. Carnegie Europe’s strong team of scholars provides unparalleled depth of analysis and thoughtful, carefully crafted policy recommendations on the strategic issues facing the European Union and its member states.
What Next for Russia’s Neighbors
2 месяца назад
Can Europe Resist the Radical Right?
3 месяца назад
Will 2024 Be Turkey's  Turning Point
4 месяца назад
The Western Balkans’ Bumpy Road to the EU
5 месяцев назад
Europe in the New Middle East
6 месяцев назад
Is Russia Changing the Rules of Cyberspace?
7 месяцев назад
What Place for Europe in the Indo Pacific?
8 месяцев назад
What Peace for Ukraine?
9 месяцев назад
How Europe Can Navigate Global Disorder
10 месяцев назад
Why Germany Broke Defense Taboos
Год назад
How 2023 Could Transform Turkey
Год назад
The EU and Climate Security
2 года назад
@marinaforbes9596 Месяц назад
Why are they whispering?
@faithvirtue6524 Месяц назад
Russophobic garbage
@kaloryfer99999 Месяц назад
Interesting how this was uploaded 1 week before Russia's attack on Ukraine.
@remisofola5703 2 месяца назад
Interesting take on the Ukraine conflict that this panel says is the result of Russian aggression ignoring the complicity of Germany in fuelling it by ignoring its commitments under the Minsk 2 accord by deliberating arming Ukraine and supporting its aggression against the Donbass, this was admitted to by Angela Merkle. Regarding the Israeli invasion of Gaza, this panel laid the blame on the Oct 7 attack on Israel ignoring that this did not happen in a vacuum and the fact that Germany was sued in the ICC for its complicity in the charge of genocide of Israel that it can't defend.
@FinnBrownc 2 месяца назад
I had trouble understanding parts of this. This chart helped: They say -> they mean International -> The US Democracy -> corporate Oligarchy Liberal -> the current Oligarchy Order -> Status Quo Progressive -> Communist Political Will -> Rubber stamp NATO Ally -> Vassal of USA
@faithvirtue6524 2 месяца назад
The U.S. and NATO started a Hitlerite war against Russia. Truly Evil!
@davidcoleman2796 3 месяца назад
Napoleon was a great man . A great thinker . Im english but we still have a crazy king now in 2024 . 😂 . It is digusting .
@davidcoleman2796 3 месяца назад
And look at Belgium now its full of Muslims . Crime is out of control. Europe is finished. There needs to be a very big change . Look at the UK . Omg . Deport the moslums before its to late . Bring back Napoleon . 😂
@misterfrank157 3 месяца назад
@YudaHnK 4 месяца назад
Came here for amazing piano play, only got dissonant outlook notifications. Disappointed :/
@mischadede 4 месяца назад
Isn't the tribe an intermediate step between the individual and the universal e.g. acceptance of universal values.
@cetviesauthor-writer.3043 5 месяцев назад
how did you mean political interactions instead of economic?
@cetviesauthor-writer.3043 5 месяцев назад
think that it was interesting, at least one a bit so on NATO. though what struck me this morning is how all the speakers look let's say well paid. there cannot be felt no real passion or sense of urgency, or real concern. am not saying you are not engaged, but not well deep down not really. one can sense the superficiality, like bankers who solve their affairs by unsolvability. a big bunch of businessmen and ladies.
@totomorenodosal 6 месяцев назад
@CartoClips 7 месяцев назад
Real German engineers would have felt obliged to trim the 1st 15 minutes of nothing off this video. Now they don’t care. 🤷‍♂️
@ckskuo7182 7 месяцев назад
4:30 Hay alguna forma de estudiar ahi?
@huntingkc1 7 месяцев назад
As an American of German descent who's grandfather's were in every conflict...... German youth need to look at the American Constitution and how we protect the first ten rights. Imagine a Germany that had the 2nd amendment which only protects one's right to defense of enemies foreign and domestic.
@robertdonaldson4779 8 месяцев назад
Sound on web site is distorted...
@bogdanobradovic7621 8 месяцев назад
There is only one country in the world responsible for any war since ww2, that is the US, without an exception. Parroting US lies, who lied about every conflict since ww2, takes a very low state of conciousness. People like you should be ashamed of yourself, open your eyes. You are part of the problem and why we still have conflict. Open your eyes. You are a major part of the problem. Be greatly ashamed of yourself. There is a reason you have a failed gynocologist as a president, I can mataphorise your actions in standing up for the truth.
@bogdanobradovic7621 8 месяцев назад
I would love to debate any of you on the subjects which are you speaking of, aparat from myriads of lies, you are also not consistent.
@TheAlexandar711 8 месяцев назад
Three is a crowd, indeed. My opinion is that Europe hasn't a too bright future and Serbia shouldn't stay too close to Europe. East is future. Sorry, Europe, I'm afraid you messed up,big time. Europe doesn't look at it self 20 years ago,in a bad way. Looks more like Soviet Union.
@SerbAtheist 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely right... toss off EU!
@milanfilipovic7314 8 месяцев назад
Tito was the same bastard as Sonja Liht and that's why he fled to Brioni in 1948.
@johnhume4346 8 месяцев назад
This nazi ideology that somehow the Russians are descendants of the golden horde and Ukraine are descendants of vikings that is being pushed by Ukraine is disturbing..
@trankt54155 8 месяцев назад
What world is that woman living in?
@haifaisrail2016 8 месяцев назад
The work of this woman (I am sure) was paid generously by neocons (war mongers).
@justingoretoy1628 8 месяцев назад
It IS "The Ukraine War" that's the most accurate way to describe it. It's a proxy war between The West, US at the head, against Russia on battlefield Ukraine. And it's over Ukraine's identity, place in the world, and whether or not Blackrock owns massive swathes of Ukrainian wealth. Also, the Holodomor Myth is a lie about the 1930-1933 famine, that was literally just a famine in a place where famines were common, Georgia started the South Ossetia war by bombing Russian peacekeeping forces (a real unprovoked war) and Ukrainians aren't Vikings, they're slavs and it's super obvious just by looking at them. This is a propaganda panel.
@grahamwhite4991 8 месяцев назад
Tella you feck all about the roots of the conflict
@grahamwhite4991 8 месяцев назад
Total horseshit that ignores the facts. Bloody bizarre to ignore many fact that many people already know to be true
@johnhume4346 9 месяцев назад
This is a lie. Crimea has held three referendums. In all three they overwhelmingly voted to become autonomous from Ukraine. What research has the first speaker done? (Ahh the neocon Timothy Snyder, say no more 🙄). The majority of Ukrainians were opposed to the Maidan protests. Look at every election and there is a split between the population. This goes back to when the Bolsheviks divided the Russian Empire. West Ukraine was part of the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth. East Ukraine Kiev, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kherson & Odessa were always Russian. Kiev being the first capital of Russia.
@colby25 8 месяцев назад
Independance referendums have to be held in peaceful circumstances so both sides can make their case. Not when most of the population have fled to avoid the violence. Where is shaktar donetsk football club based now for example. Also the host nation have to be involved in it. Not an unfriendly neighbour and at the point of a gun. Autonomy was a part of the minsk 2014 peace agreement that putin broke. The 3 (of the 13) points in the minsk agreement putin refused to recognise. 4. To start a dialogue on interim self-government for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, in accordance with Ukrainian law, and acknowledge their special status by parliamentary resolution. 9. Restoration of full control of the state border by the government of Ukraine. 10. Withdrawal of all foreign armed formations, military equipment and mercenaries. Plus the biggest peace deal game breaker of course......invading the very nation the peace deal was with, and with it a UN recognised sovereign nation. The majority of ukranians are definately opposed to putins invasion now. So how do you know the majority were opposed to euromaidan back then? The only referendum that matters here is the ukraine independance referendum of 1991. 92% voting in favour of independance from a union with russia. All the oblasts and regions voting in favour including crimea and the donbas. Ukraine were then recognised worldwide including by russia as a sovereign independant state. So when putin cloned puppet yanukovych scrapped plans to join the european union for one with the very country they voted 92% to leave in 1991 then no wonder a euromaidan occured. There was also the corruption and ever authoritarian methods used by yanukovychs government which led to the demonstration. Including changing the constitution and jailing his main political opponent yulia tymoshenko. Authoritarian methods which eventually led him to ordering his special berkut police unit to open fire on unarmed demonstrators killing 120 and injuring thousands at maidan. There had already been a similar demonstration against yanukovych in 2004 when the orange revolution overturned a yanukovych election victory by corruption. Which was proven with his poisoned opponent yuschenko winning the rerun comfortably. Evidence of electoral corruption was also found in his abandoned palace when he fled after maidan casting doubt on his 2010 electoral victory. The only history that matters is the current history. Which is showing that imperial extreme far right nationalism didnt die out with the second world war. Putin seemingly wanting to create a "greater russian world" empire. Similar to the soviet empire he was brought up and served under. First he tried politically with yanukovych and through his state funded propaganda that had been broadcasting to the russian speaking border areas of ukraine ever since he came to power. No doubt causing the political and later ethnic division required. After that failed he turned to his military and his failed 3 day regime change in kiev. Which has now turned into, not only a complete disaster for him, but a tragedy for the many ukranians and russians that have so far lost their lives through his dictatorial imperialist ambitions..
@johnhume4346 8 месяцев назад
@@colby25 This war & peace you're writing? The first two were when there was no conflict. The last one in 2014 nobody fled from Crimea. Guess why? Because almost 70% of the population then was ethnic Russian. The threat came from the nationalists who believe they're some sort of arryan brotherhood and the Russians are the spawn of the golden horde - which is wrong, they're all descendants of the Kievan Rus. Zbigniew Brzezinski used the ethnicities in Russia & Ukraine to create division.
@ilmira.shaikhraznova 8 месяцев назад
@@johnhume4346 are you kidding? What do you mean, when you say, that Kiev, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kherson & Odessa were always Russian? You need to read a little bit more about formation of national identity in Ukraine and history of Ukraine. I'm serious. What you said it's a bullshite.
@FunkSoulBrother7 9 месяцев назад
Definition of fake it till you make it
@joshuapaul2022 9 месяцев назад
Zelenskyy offensive proved to be an epic unmitigated disaster. At this point unconditional surrender is the only practical solution for Ukraine. Hitler's Germany also refused to admit defeat until Hitler killed himself, then Keitel signed unconditional surrender.
@joshmakarenko5809 9 месяцев назад
How tf are you going to compare Zelenzky surrendering to an invader to Hitler admitting defeat to the allies after trying to annex Europe and murder countless innocent civilians
@tnndll4294 9 месяцев назад
PUTIN's army rebelled against him just a few months ago - Wagner. Delusional Russianist.
@16252 9 месяцев назад
Oh no, it's Joshua, the expert on all things Nazi.
@RandyHarder-tf2dg 8 месяцев назад
What a bellend.
@grahamwhite4991 8 месяцев назад
​@@16252call him what you like but he is still talking the truth.
@Shiroya_Rumika 10 месяцев назад
And yet they use Georgia Healthcare and Universities for their benefits 😅😅😅 They are just taking advantage from Georgia Georgia should cut access Healthcare and Universities for them
@PAPITO_49 10 месяцев назад
You European intellectual are living in a fantasy world. Europeans have been killing each other for thousands of years, your never going to change, BUT the Europeans got lucky they have what are noe refered to as Anti-Americans (aka) our political class they have since 1916 sending Americans sons and daughters to bleed for your stupidity and arrogance, you have been sent our Treasury, Americans work to pay taxes for your wars. Out forefathers left the OLD WORLD to live in peace and have a future to get away from YOU people. Have your wars, kill each other, keep you people pood and in servitude to your elite class. Leave us alone.
@vincentjacobsson3981 10 месяцев назад
Ich denke, es ist bemerkenswert, dass ein Präsident unvollständige Informationen, Synonyme, Assoziation, Irreführende, Auswärtswinkel, Körpersprache, Duplizierungsgeist und Schweigen verwenden kann. Vermeiden Sie beispielsweise die Diskussion über die staatlichen Gebäude.
@rodmartin-nl8ns 11 месяцев назад
I suggest you get a bigger chair by the way south aust has wind and solar dearestpower in the world wish we had coal power station again power was cheap and by the world has never been better off you are so negative about life think positive and you feel much better
@rodmartin-nl8ns 11 месяцев назад
Got somethink to tell you climate change was only a joke please think about it the world not going to end we have never been better off please stay positive
@apoq3793 Год назад
An Open Society Foundations (George Soros) funded discussion?
@the11382 Год назад
It is being treated rather black and white now. There are different meanings to democracy. Everyone is only concerned about their specific one as if that is the only one, and everyone who doesn't hold their specific version is an authoritarian seeking to destroy it.
@the11382 Год назад
"We" are/were never one community, there is only many communities. As someone from Western Europe, I'm not happy with the way it is being handled either. Political differences are being handled as democratic vs undemocratic.
@janehoadley1022 Год назад
Pretty rich after the conspiracies to ruin so many countries in the region. Hypocracy rules ok!
@qake2021 Год назад
@bentao3352 Год назад
China bad USA good Europe worried, so many brains and resources all come back to the same conclusions and presuppositions. And in the end all it serves is the hope of maintaining US world hegemony, Is this really what the European citizenry signed up for?
How is Chinas involvement in the Middle East and Turkey affect US -EU relationship
@Zuka_Playz Год назад
My beautiful Georgia
@vincentjacobsson3981 Год назад
Ich denke, es sollte untersucht werden, ob der Staat hin und wieder mit der als Geschichte geschriebenen Bibel gesetzlich geregelt wird. Das Wort Immunität (lat. immunitas, Freiheit von Verpflichtungen gegenüber dem Staat) stammt aus einer religiösen Offenbarung aus dem Mittelalter, höchstwahrscheinlich von einem gesetzlos werdenden Papst, die inzwischen umgeschrieben wurde in volle Immunität gegenüber dem Präsidenten, persönliche und funktionale Immunität (rechtlich nicht strafbar) an den Kanzler (Herkunft, Römisches Reich), Regierung, Parlament, Kongress, Kabinett und Oberster Gerichtshof für Gesetzesentscheidungen und Maßnahmen. Die politische Ausbeutung des lebenswichtigen Ökosystems hat nun zum Waldsterben geführt (höhere Gewalt), wie wird sich dies auf die Wirtschaft der Menschen auswirken usw. Ich denke, die Demokratische Partei kann ein bewusst irreführender Parteiname sein, wenn alle Parteien der Konservativen Partei angehören, da es bei der gegenwärtigen politischen Demokratie und dem Sozialismus nur darum gehen kann, mehr in Richtung Mitte zu gehen, z. Sozialdemokraten. Der Grund kann sein, dass der Präsident das Volk mit voller Immunität regieren will, zusammen mit Kanzler (Herkunft, Römisches Reich), Regierung, Parlament, Kongress, Kabinett und Oberstem Gerichtshof mit funktionaler Immunität, persönlicher Immunität für Gesetzesentscheidungen und Handlungen, auch mit dem irreführenden Wort Berufspolitiker. Ich denke, die Menschen sollten erwägen, für eine echte demokratische Partei mit einer unabhängigen Staatsformation zu stimmen, um zu untersuchen, ob der Präsident, der Kanzler (Ursprung, das Römische Reich), die Regierung, das Parlament, der Kongress, das Kabinett und der Oberste Gerichtshof insgesamt einer Verletzung schuldig sind der demokratischen Rechte durch irreführende Wahlen, Wirtschaftskriminalität, Verletzung der Menschenrechte durch Klassengesellschaft für Erwachsene und Kinder, schwere Umweltkriminalität (höhere Gewalt).
@vincentjacobsson3981 Год назад
I think it should be investigated if the state now and then is legislated with the Bible written as a story. The word immunity (Latin immunitas, freedom from obligations to the state) comes from a religious revelation from the middle ages, most likely from a pope to become lawless, and which has since been rewritten into full immunity to the president, personal and functional immunity (legally, cannot be prosecuted for criminal act) to the chancellor (origin, the Roman Empire), government, parliament, congress, cabinet, and Supreme Court for law decisions and actions. The political exploitation of the vital ecosystem has now led to forest death (force majeure) how will it affect people's economy, etc? I think the Democrat Party can be a consciously misleading party name with all parties belonging to the Conservative Party, as current political democracy and socialism can only be about going more toward the middle, eg. social democrats. The reason may be that the president wants to govern the people with full immunity together with the chancellor (origin, The Roman Empire), government, parliament, congress, cabinet, and Supreme Court with functional immunity, personal immunity for law decisions and actions, even with the misleading word professional politician. I think the people should consider voting for a real democratic party with an independent state formation to investigate if the president, chancellor (origin, the Roman Empire), government, parliament, congress, cabinet, and Supreme Court overall may be guilty of a violation of democratic rights with misleading elections, economic crimes, violation of human rights with class society for adults and children, serious environmental crime (force majeure).
@Rob-cm9jr Год назад
Are there enough strong citizens to repel this one world order? I pray to God there are.
@TheWildponys Год назад
keep brussels away from turkey 🇹🇷 and the americans
@TheWildponys Год назад
may 14 2023 time to do another podcast
@MidnightRambler Год назад
You mean not democracy. The EU is run by appointed dictators