Kane Adams
Kane Adams
Kane Adams
The world is getting crazier by the day. Kane Adams is a commentator who analyzes culture, news and theology from a Christian perspective.
What Is Forgiveness? | FOLLOW UP
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Self-Love Poetry With Alicia Keys
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S2 Ep6 | Neuroticism - Big 5 Personality Series
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S1 Ep10 | Guilt vs Shame Part 2
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S1 Ep9 | Guilt vs Shame Pt 1
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S1 Ep8 | The Power of Gratitude
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S1 Ep7 | Niceness vs Kindness
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S1 Ep2 | Facing Your Fears
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S1 Ep1 | Reduce Your Ambition
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@bravoadib.5707 25 дней назад
I’m sorry and you are? PhD in psychology?
@juliekeeney1538 Месяц назад
Forgiveness is Biblical. God requires it. He’s not negotiating that. And you’ll be judged for that. I get it, I do. And I love her, and am sure she’ll figure it out. She is wrong for now, but she’ll get there.
@mikesmith3687 Месяц назад
You are super over analyzing a natural reaction to questions from a reporter. In doing so, you are using an innocent response based on a person (also created and loved by God) to make a personal point that is yours. Why do you throw darts at Taylor make a point that is yours. I think that her body language says that it is uncomfortable to move on from someone who hurt you but the reality is that you must. She’s learned it. I appreciate your message and agenda but don’t assume to know what someone’s motives are by the words they are NOT saying. Shame on you! If you are going to use real people in your messages, make sure you know them, like what’s really in their heart. Also …. gosh why don’t we Christians get this…. how do you know what to pray for her about if you don’t even know her.
@kanepadams Месяц назад
I find this comment interesting. How come you felt the need to state that Taylor Swift is created and loved by God? Obviously she is, but what is your intention in stating that? I disagree that I'm using an innocent response to make a personal point, I'm simply watching the video and sharing my observations. And I'm not throwing darts at Taylor Swift as a person, I'm analyzing what she is saying and I disagree with her - this doesn't mean I have a problem with her personally. "If you are going to use real people in your messages, make sure you know them, like what’s really in their heart." This is ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with observing people who you don't know personally and forming a judgement of their motives and thought processes, if you're being honest about it. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong, and if you get it wrong, you make the correction. I mean, look at what you're saying right now - "you are using an innocent response based on a person to make a personal point that is yours." In saying this, you've made a judgement of me and my motives and you don't know me from a bar of soap. And boy, if we only pray for people that we know personally, we're underutilizing the power of prayer - we should be praying for everyone! God bless.
@kikilicious99 Месяц назад
Listen. She spent more than half of her life with her husband. They were together many years before the marriage. There are things inside the marriage that we aren't privy to. Both her and her husband have very clean, wholesome public images, but behind closed doors, who knows? I feel as though if she felt the need to dissolve their love relationship after so many years, there was a good reason. He will always be in her life, just not a husband. Sometimes ppl are in your life for a reason and a season or many seasons. All relationships will come to an end, whether by death or by separation, because it is not the best thing for u. I trust her decision was best for her. Her and her husband and children will be just fine. They don't have to maintain their marriage because society and strangers from the Internet say they must do so.
@kanepadams Месяц назад
This video certainly was not a critique of her marriage - I have no idea what her marriage was like or even who she was married to. This video is a critique of her answer when asked the question “when did you know your marriage was over?” She claimed that she knew her marriage was over when she chose to focus on her happiness and self-love - in other words, when she chose to put her own needs first and focus on herself. It makes sense that she knew her marriage was over then because that’s exactly what happens when you put your needs first over the other in a marriage; it begins to dissipate.
@love_reka_8877 Месяц назад
She ruined her marriage. She’s gonna wake up one day & truly regret what she did & kick herself in the butt! He was a good man. No abuse no indefinitely. Loves his kids and put his career on the back burner so she could shine …Tia lost her dayum mind
@AshleighDanburry Месяц назад
How do you know he was a good man? Were you there?
@love_reka_8877 Месяц назад
@@AshleighDanburry stop the nonsense. He wasn’t abusing that woman or cheating on her. She merely left him bcuz she wanted to put herself 1st & she “outgrew him “ she said it herself. No reason to break up a nuclear home & certainly no real grounds for divorce. She will regret this. But Corey Hardrick is flourishing without her so mans rejection is Gods redirection! Tia was holding him back
@anilbalram7768 Месяц назад
You're supposed to love yourself before you get married. That means she wasn't ready. And for the guy that was a loss in intimacy. That could've been restored.
@Matt-jz6ek Месяц назад
God bless you sir! Great video This is a very timely message, the world is just backwards. She is delusion and as the bible says supressing the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18). 'That's when I knew it was over' - Nonsense. - All pro divorce arguments treat people (THE SPOUSES THEY ONCE LOVED) like they're just leaves in the wind, like you have no agency or power at all to recreate and rebuild. People don't just throw away their homes when the building wears out and needs redoing so why do people do that so easily today in their marriages and families. They clearly think it's a 'loving' thing to do. Divorce is void of love, you cant say you love your kids, spouse or yourself and divorce they are mutually exclusive. Matthew 19:2-11. Divorce is a manifestation of a hardened heart, it has nothing to do with love. (Maybe a worldly love, but definitely not the love of the father. 1 John 2:15-17 I pray God helps this generation. Isiah 5:20: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
@errolm8313 Месяц назад
This woman is a joke
@memeandtheworld Месяц назад
A needed reminder for all adults
@munecahermosaddios1286 Месяц назад
Best Marriage is where God is in the center ppl is so into emotions all the time that is why so many divorce now in days !!! It’s all about them how they feel selfish
@KokoKouture78 Месяц назад
Yes and no, it really depends on a persons maturity. I’ve met many Christian/religious people use "god“ as a reason to why they did something in ways to justify their actions in relationships and or say god forgave them they "made right“ now their partner has to.
@siasiatwiinda8930 Месяц назад
Thank you for shedding more light about marriage and divorce. I agree with what you said, divorce is never a good thing even if the marriage was abusive
@PinkSpice19 Месяц назад
If the marriage is abusive it needs to end!
@skarbuskreska Месяц назад
What are you talking about? My marriage was not even openly abusive, but my ex was passive aggressive and it ate me up. Like literally, as I can see how he contributed to me developing cancer with the bottled ongoing stress. What more damaging when someo e is openly abusive. Like don't think twice, immediate divorce after the first incident. I don't care how hatd someone had it, you are supposed to feel safe at home not threatened. They can go heal in therapy, but I won't ever be punching bag, not in open, not in hidden passive-agressive abuse.
@AshleighDanburry Месяц назад
Yes girl, you and your concealer stay in your marriage. Keep that man to yourself so no other woman would suffer.
@kanepadams Месяц назад
Did you guys watch the video? I think you’re misunderstanding what she’s saying (if it’s in alignment with what I was saying in the video). Divorce is something we should never celebrate because anyone who enters into a marriage never enters it with the intention of getting a divorce. This doesn’t mean that you should never get divorced, some situations obviously warrant it. But if divorce occurs, it’s a sad situation and should be treated as such.
@zxcccccc1 3 месяца назад
Supposedly abortion is a tool that allows a more even playing field when it comes to procreation.
@vipeton.8927 3 месяца назад
Funny, how average built woman in Hollywood movies wins 7 Marines but actress who pleays her gets beaten up. From her degenerate looking BF. Pamela Anderson VS Tommy Lee.
@bflower1562 3 месяца назад
OMG..They are totally brainwashed..They will find out the hard way unfortunately..
@yaneznayoui1597 3 месяца назад
Oh no boys dont believe they're inherently stronger than girls whatever will we do! How will society withstand this!?
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
You’re correct - if men don’t embrace the strength they embody and use it for good, then society won’t stand.
@yaneznayoui1597 3 месяца назад
@@kanepadams Oh no, society wont stand. We'll fall to our knees. Whatever shall we do! Good thing we have a paragon of masculinity like you to guide our way.
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
@@yaneznayoui1597 why, I’m flattered, thank you. Just doing my bit to help 😊
@yaneznayoui1597 3 месяца назад
@@kanepadams A true altruist. Whereas men of the past ventured out into the world to accomplish their ambitions, now they complain online about women they're having trouble competing with. This change in tactic is sure to alleviate society from it's ills. I tip my hat to you sir. Salute! ❤
@tom71619 3 месяца назад
For a non Christian you could still argue that forgiving everyone is good because when you forgive you actually heal yourself, not just the other person, also when striving or working to forgive you grow in humility, you confront your own anger and fear, and if you do it with patience and in the right way (as you describe in the video) you grow a lot as a person, overcoming your own vanity and attachments
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
Yes I completely agree! You said it a lot better than I could say myself. I suppose it could be argued that it may be more difficult to forgive as a non Christian, as a non Christian won’t have the ‘template’ of forgiveness from God to run with - which in a way, makes it more admirable if they do decide to forgive. But yes, forgiveness will result in all that you have listed, which is beneficial despite the belief system one holds.
@SimSim-zf9if 3 месяца назад
Why does he get to qualify what forgiveness is? Whoever forgives is the one who qualifies for what it means. A bit arrogant but I forgive him.
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
I don’t get to qualify what forgiveness is, and neither do you - it’s an objective term which pertains to releasing a debt. Whether or not you choose to forgive, however, is your choice.
@lisareardon8168 3 месяца назад
Hi there, I'm not sure what religion you believe but I think you need to forgive to get there and not sure what religion this is but your heart is weighed against a feather and if it's heavier than that feather you can't get there either. I don't care about who knows what I care about what they have to say and if they are sincere about what they are saying.
@lisareardon8168 3 месяца назад
I cannot find it in my heart to forgive my brother for what he has done to me. He has never asked me for forgiveness. Both of my parents had way before their deaths and I had forgiven them both and we were able to build a good strong bridge. I think that after he dies then I will be able to work on it.
@iisanityfallsii 3 месяца назад
Done to you?
@iisanityfallsii 3 месяца назад
What did he do?
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
Good on you for admitting that you can’t find it in your heart to forgive your brother - that’s not easy to do. Something to consider is that forgiveness needs to be granted before it can be felt. A lot of people will think to themselves “I’ll forgive him when I feel to forgive” but if you carry that mentality, you will never forgive your brother - because those feelings won’t come. Forgiveness is a choice you need to make first, and then the feelings will follow. I agree with you that forgiveness needs to be worked on - it’s certainly a step-by-step process. Perhaps it’s better to forgive smaller transgressions of others first, as to get the “feel” for forgiveness, then slowly work your way up to your brother. As long as you are moving forward in forgiveness (despite how long it might take), that’s something worth celebrating. Praying for you and your journey in forgiving your brother 🙏🏻
@lisareardon8168 3 месяца назад
@@iisanityfallsii He has done everything that you can think of except murder he didn't succeed in his plans. All the evil things that you can think of and some that you will never ever think about, he has done to me. I've been told by a therapist that I deserve a gold metal for just surviving what my parents and brother have done to me and to still be out in the world and being my normal. Mommy Dearest is nothing compared to my mother. I have forgiven my parents because they asked for forgiveness and meant it. I love them unconditionally and I love everyone in my life unconditionally at least what I believe what unconditional is.
@essenbe2377 3 месяца назад
Do Christians have to forgive everyone? Christ forgave me because I was sorry for my sins and asked for forgiveness. Biblically, if I had not asked, Christ would not have forgiven me. Do we only forgive those who ask for forgiveness or everyone?
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
Good question. There is a difference between granting forgiveness and receiving it. When Christ died on the cross, he forgave the sin of the world in that one act (1 John 2:2 “He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”), therefore, His forgiveness was granted in whole there and then. Whether or not we receive that forgiveness is our choice - He’s done His part, we need to do ours. The same applies when it comes to forgiveness for us. It’s our Christian duty to love and forgive our enemies, whether or not they are remorseful. Our job is to grant the forgiveness, their job is to receive it. If they choose not to receive it, that’s on them 😊
@essenbe2377 3 месяца назад
@@kanepadams Thanks for the answer
@saltypirogy7731 3 месяца назад
I agree, but one question. You're married and your partner betrays you, which means adultery and sexual betrayal, what then?
@ppudoka 3 месяца назад
Bible says you are allowed to divorce he/she. That is the only condition that divorce can be initiated.
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
Biblically, you are required to forgive the transgressing party, but the relationship doesn’t have to continue.
@pasteyourinjectionstringhere 3 месяца назад
Great video Kane! The question I have is how can I apply that to self-forgiveness, when I've made what I'd call some "seriously bad choices" (some even knowing they were bad), and how to process through those past choices with self-forgiveness. It's nice being "anonymous" sometimes on the internet isn't it hahaha.
@kanepadams 3 месяца назад
Great question! There will be A LOT of people who are in the same camp. There may be things that you've done that are very difficult to move on from, especially if you're surrounded by people who, even their presence, remind you constantly of the transgression that occurred. To experience this regularly is not easy, to say the least. Something that could help is to understand that it's not your job to forgive yourself. You don't have the power to do that, and as startling as that sounds, it's actually a tremendous relief - you don't want to be burdened with the job of forgiving yourself, that's God's job, He's the judge. If you're struggling with unforgiveness towards yourself, take the transgression, present it to God and deeply ask for forgiveness. The next step is important. Then, thank God and receive that forgiveness: "Lord, I thank you for your forgiveness and I receive it in Jesus' name." I believe there is power in audibly confessing that you receive His forgiveness. Then, whenever you are reminded of the particular transgression, say to yourself "Christ died for that." When you constantly remind yourself of what Christ has done because of His incredible love for you, you'll find it easier to let go (hopefully) of the transgression that you committed. Hope that's helpful! :)
@iako... 4 месяца назад
Most comic thing I seen in a long time :)))
@a.p.5004 4 месяца назад
I love that you are grounding your content on the bibel 🎉❤forgive because god has forgiven us ❤
@Saturns48 4 месяца назад
I think the type of indifference she is referring to is more about not obsessing over something or someone who hurt that you can't change, and not giving it room to live rent free in your head and in your emotions. Becoming indifferent in this case allows you to move on and be happy bc you have ended a situation that was bad for you. Elie Wiesel who originally said that was a Holocaust survivir who saw the indifference of mankind that led to a genocide. I think this is two different kinds of indifference and cannot be compaired.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
That's understandable, whereas I would say that there aren't two types or 'kinds' of indifference, but rather levels of indifference. The genocide of Jews during the Holocaust was indifference in its worst form - this is what happens when 'micro' manifestations of indifference are left to fester and grow into unimaginable proportions. Although the indifference of a toxic relationship and the indifference of Jews during the Holocaust are wildly different manifestations, they both come from the same seed of indifference, which if not addressed early on, will wreak nothing but havoc in your life and to those around you :)
@rhyahomewood5383 4 месяца назад
I think her advice is brilliant! She is taking back her power and giving no more energy to the other person. This is a ver healthy and wholesome way of not perpetuating a toxic situation or giving power to someone who is toxic to you. Mive on and give your attention to people and situations that add value to you and help you grow. Make room for love in your life instead of holding space for negativity.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
I've said this in a few comments but it's worth mentioning again: Forgiveness doesn't mean reconciliation. You can forgive someone wholeheartedly, yet at the same time, place boundaries in your life to protect yourself. You can forgive someone and never speak to them again, that's completely valid. Here's something to think about. You mentioned that it's important not to "give power to someone who is toxic to you" (which I agree with). To not forgive someone is to do exactly that, give them power over you. How? Because by withholding forgiveness and taking a stoic approach, you adopt resentment instead, which will eat you up inside. You might let them go and never speak to them again, but deep down the debt is still there, and it will hound you until you sort it out. Unless you forgive, they will hold power over you through resentment.
@articulateit-andgetwhatyouwant 4 месяца назад
Accept reality for what it is and our inability to change the other person, but wish them well on their own journey. Then focus on what we can do to make our own life-decisions and situation better. That's what helped me.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
Sounds like a good plan to me :)
@Daiwie44 4 месяца назад
I commented on your short, but might as well be here. Indifference is forgiveness. Imagine it being a courtcase. You've got folders on folders on piles of paperwork. Forgiveness is just handing all your court papers to God. He is the judge. So the indifference is forgiveness. I think you're right about the aspect of ego. Assuming yourself as better than your perpetrator. But (hang with me) it feels like you also carry some of that. You said that being indifferent to someone means they're as valuable to you as a burning pile of trash. This is true. But it's also true that they're as valuable as a mountain of gold. It doesn't mean a negative value. And yes, true indifference is hard to achieve. People tend to hold on to resentment, which is not indifference. But it's possible, and it's even a form of forgiveness. You don't fight cuz you're indifferent. You stop fighting as a result of indifference.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
Right, I can see where this can become skewed. Perhaps it's best if I articulate definitions of Forgiveness and Indifference to ensure that we're on the same page. Forgiveness is diagnosing exactly what transgression occurred in the given situation, and if the opposite party is at fault, choosing not to hold them in your debt for an indeterminate period of time. You 'release' them from your debt. Most situations require face-to-face diagnosis and acknowledgment of the transgression that took place, a consensus on which party is at fault, followed by an apology if you're at fault or forgiveness if they're at fault. This doesn't necessarily mean reconciliation, but that's another conversation. Indifference is (in psychological terms) the absence of concern for the human condition (particularly that of an individual or group). To become indifferent is to 'not care anymore,' but not in a good way. Most of the time, it involves the implementation of a superiority complex to justify the lack of concern, which if left unchecked, will result in nothing but trouble. My argument in this video (which perhaps wasn't displayed as clearly as I hoped, so that's on me) is that taking the path of forgiveness is almost always better than taking the path of indifference. Forgiveness is certainly far more difficult in the short term, but when done correctly, is far more beneficial in the long term. I hope the definitions clear up a few things. I appreciate you reaching out and contributing to the conversation! You're sincere in your approach and I appreciate that :)
@Daiwie44 4 месяца назад
Wait, you're saying not caring shows that you care? Personally I think indifference is forgiveness. And they might be as good to me as a burning pile of trash, but also as good to me as a mountain of gold. Not holding value is not the same as a negative value. It's the "lack of". Its indifferent.
@mirandalewis7238 4 месяца назад
I think you're wrong. My mom tried to kill me when I was a kid. I still remember it and how little she cared about my life. I have healed and moved on. My life is a beautiful one at least in my opinion. However, no amount of time will ever get me to see her as anything other than a disgraceful human being. Yet, just because I have heald doesn't mean I don't remember what kind of person she chooses to be. It just means she's absolutely nothing to me. I am indifferent and I will never love her, but other than times like this where I try to give a different perspective on the matter she doesn't enter my life or memories. If not indifference what would you call it? You don't love this person, but you don't hate them. You just moved on with your life and chose to heal. I chose not to have cruel terrible people in my life, but I also chose not to let them have control over my emotions and my life anymore. What would you call that other than healing, moving on, or indifference?
@siwarmejbri501 4 месяца назад
I think this is avoidance? If your mother chooses to fix things and starts seeing you differently, lovingly even, maybe then u won't be indifferent after all ? I think i feel the same thing you described about choosing to block their interference in our lives and all forms of interaction with them and I think it's a defense mechanism against all the pain they've put us through. I blocked my father because I can't forgive him. But maybe I'm hoping that one day I'll view him differently, because I'm also tired of avoidance. As long as we feel the danger of letting them in, we're not indifferent.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatising childhood with your mother. That would've been beyond awful to experience, so my heart goes out to you and I mean that. I must say, this is a really tricky question to answer. I suppose something to think about is that whatever someone does to you, no matter how evil and atrocious it is, there will come a point where you'll need to forgive them - not for their sake, but for yours. Because what's the alternative? Choosing to carry that unforgiveness for the rest of your life? That will produce nothing but resentment that will eat you up inside. If it's not indifference in this situation, what would I call it? Honestly, I really don't know! You've stumped me on this one. I'll have to think about this more. What I do know is that one of the most effective healing methods is forgiveness. It's also one of, if not THE most difficult thing you'll ever have to do in life. It doesn't mean reconciliation - you have permission to never see or speak of your mother again. But deep down, you can rest assured knowing that you have released her from your debt which has also freed you simultaneously. Thanks for reaching out, you've opened a very enlightening discussion!
@mirandalewis7238 4 месяца назад
@@kanepadams Oh no don't apologize! It's not your fault. I have forgiven. I just forgive myself instead. Since I was a child and with everything that happened forgiveness was given. It was just given to me and the childhood version of myself. I agree with you that forgiveness is important, but I think giving forgiveness to the right people is also very important. There are many definitions for forgiveness. This is the one I choose to live by: Forgiveness is a consequence one gets when they have improved their lives. When someone has put in work to be the better parts of themselves and truly for regrets previous transgressions. My mother chose to be the type of person she is. She doesn't regret her decisions, she never has. With that definition in mind at least in my life she hasn't deserved to be forgiven. If she chose to change it would be different, however, she hasn't and if I were to wager I would bet she never will. As for resentment that's just not how I choose to live my life. I choose to see the world in a different way. My point of view is that if she ever chooses to change then okay, but if she doesn't that's her choice it's her life it's not within my responsibilities to give her a piece of mind. I've already forgiven myself and given myself that piece of mind. Anything further would be solely for her benefit. Unless she earns it I will not. I see no reason to grant forgiveness to those who will try and kill their own child. This is just how I live my life though it's within my perspective. I guess that's a beautiful thing about freedom we get to choose how we see the world and what we choose to do with our lives. Within my life the only person I have to forgive is myself so far it's working out great, lol. 🤷‍♀️😂🥰
@mirandalewis7238 4 месяца назад
@@siwarmejbri501 I don't think we're the same. I just refuse to have toxic and terrible people in my life. A blood relation does not give somebody the right to constantly disrespect me, to constantly belittle me or degrade me. It also doesn't give them the right to trample over my boundaries. I'm a human being and I deserve to be treated like one. And while yes I have healed from the memories and the pain that they once inflicted on me. That doesn't mean I'm going to let them back in my life. They're still the same people I cut out because they are toxic, manipulative, and all around bad people. Why would I bring them back in my life when they're only going to cause me more pain? That doesn't really make sense in my opinion. They chose to be the people they are today and they refused to change. In my life I have no room for people who will only cause me pain. If one day they do choose to fundamentally change. please do not hold your breath I can almost guarantee they will not. Especially, my mother she's a rather prideful woman, lol. It would be different, but like I said I don't count on it. I hope this clarifies some things.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
@@mirandalewis7238 It sounds like you're on the right track, not allowing resentment to dictate your life - with this point alone, you're ahead of a lot of people. I would say that I disagree with your definition of forgiveness, BUT, this is because I'm a Christian and therefore live my life following biblical principles. The biblical approach to forgiveness is that it's important to forgive everyone because Jesus Christ forgave you. In other words, every single human is in the same boat - we're all sinners in need of saving. Our 'good works' can never earn us salvation, therefore none of us deserves forgiveness. It's only through Christ's perfect life and death on a cross that we can be forgiven of our sins. Therefore, for us to withhold forgiveness towards others would be unjust and hypocritical of us - we have been forgiven by Christ, therefore we should go ahead and do likewise. Now, I don't know where you stand in faith, but I recognise that anyone who is not a Christian will find it difficult to accept the concept of forgiving everyone, as they haven't experienced this said forgiveness from God nor necessarily understand the biblical application (which is totally ok). Forgiving everyone, no matter the transgression would seem like a weak and degrading task, especially if you deem that they don't deserve it. So we can agree to disagree on the definition in that regard :) I appreciate your inquisitive and open mind - it's always nice to talk to someone with their head screwed on lol. One last thing is that it's unfortunate that RU-vid Shorts can only be 1min - I go into far more detail in the full video so feel free to click on the link in the vid if you want to learn more.
@BrittanyArtPoetry 4 месяца назад
I hear what you are saying but I somewhat disagree. The reason the Taylor quote is so impactful is the idea that you can move on and go forward without sacrificing something vital. You are not obligated to forgive someone and the idea that you can’t live a full life until you do isn’t right. Nor are you obligated to forget the wrongs done to you as though they don’t matter. They matter because they changed you or affected you in some way. That matters. I think what she is saying is that the action still matters, and the effect it had on you still matter, but the person becomes inconsequential. Forgetting or forgiving means sacrificing a part of the other two, the effect on you, or the action that was taken should matter less in order to move on, but moving on can mean letting go of the person if not the experience. You can move past the person and still grow from the experience, and it’s not about forgiving them as though that makes their actions okay, it’s about realizing that their connection to you is over, and dwelling more on it only hurts yourself. And perhaps that is the ultimate form of anger, but I don’t think it’s a bad conclusion. Let go of people who continually hurt you can be an incredibly healthy thing to do. You don’t owe them forgiveness, and you don’t have to forget to move forward.
@Daiwie44 4 месяца назад
I find it odd how you stated "indifference is perhaps the ultimate form of anger", when I would call that forgiveness. Forgiveness, in my mind, is not for the person who wronged you, it's for yourself. It's saying "I'm not going to seek revenge or persecution". But it's still really weird how the video frames "letting go of anger" as "the ultimate form of anger"
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
Before we go into this discussion, I think it's important to establish something: Forgiveness doesn't always equate to reconciliation. In other words, you can forgive someone wholeheartedly, yet at the same time, place boundaries in your life to protect yourself - you can forgive someone and never speak to them again, and that's completely acceptable (although I'd say that this approach should be taken with caution and be reserved for extreme circumstances). You're correct in that the action still matters, and this is where I think people have a warped idea of what forgiveness is. Some think of forgiveness as ‘slap paint on a transgression, downplay the situation, pretend it never happened and go back to normal.’ That’s not forgiveness, that’s cowardice and stupidity. Forgiveness is diagnosing exactly what transgression occurred in the given situation, and if the opposite party is at fault, choosing not to hold them in your debt for an indeterminate period of time. It takes strength to do that. You might find we probably agree more than disagree - letting go of people who are hurting you is a very healthy thing to do, and you certainly don't have to forget in order to move on (unless you find yourself replaying the situation over and over in your head). I would just argue that forgiveness is an important aspect of the 'moving on' process :)
@jenrich111 4 месяца назад
promoting ghosting and high bodycount
@kiuakakirstine8257 4 месяца назад
it's actually Elie Weisel, that said "The opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference"! ❤️
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
Yes it is! Thanks for the correction. It sounds like Rebecca Manley Pippert must've taken this quote and modified it.
@soulgal 4 месяца назад
How can she afford to forgive and forget? She's gotta make songs about it peeps. It's literally her bread and butter.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
This cracked me up 🤣 forgiveness for her means her career is over lol
@JoseAntonioSanchezr 4 месяца назад
@virginianielsen3480 4 месяца назад
I’m with her on this one. If people in your life hurt you over and over again and then paint you as the bad guy for not forgiving, it’s fine to move on without forgiving in that way. Keep in mind this interview isn’t about an ex or a friend, this is about people that repeatedly used her. Lots of abusers (not calling the people in this situation abusers, I’m speaking generally) weaponizing forgiveness and teach that forgiveness makes you whole again, but sometimes its freeing for people to acknowledge they are angry with someone and no longer want them in their life. And I can’t even count how often I’ve seen a partner hurt their partner or spouse and then say “if you really believed in jesus or were a good person you’d forgive me and we could go back to normal.” Forgiveness is earned ✌️
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
It depends on what your definition of forgiveness is. Some think of forgiveness as ‘slap paint on a transgression, pretend it never happened and go back to normal.’ That’s not forgiveness, that’s weakness and stupidity. Forgiveness is diagnosing exactly what transgression occurred in the given situation, and if the opposite party is at fault, choosing not to hold them in your debt for an indeterminate period of time. Resulting peace is desired but not always possible - forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. You can forgive someone and (in extreme situations) never allow them into your life again - that's wisdom. At the end of the day, choosing to hold someone in your debt in the deep recesses of the heart will only produce bitterness and resentment, and life is too short for that 😊
@gabrielal.burnett2828 4 месяца назад
this is a great video about forgiveness. I liked and subbed but the main reason i clicked is if we believers should reach out to those who did wrong or treated wrong or both... i have prayed sincerely to our Lord but shall I do more than pray ?
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
Good question. Some situations can be resolved by choosing to forgive the perpetrator in your own heart through prayer, and that's all that's needed (especially if the perpetrator is no longer alive). However, I'd say most situations require face-to-face diagnosis and acknowledgment of the transgression that took place and a consensus on which party is at fault. This is an important form of Biblical judgement that we must do. Work out what exactly went wrong. If you're the one at fault, apologise. If they're the one at fault, forgive and set boundaries if you need to. The ultimate aim of forgiveness is reconciliation but sometimes that's not possible, and that's ok. Apostle Paul in Romans says: "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." The 'if possible' implies that there are situations where it's not possible. It's not easy to forgive, but it's always worth it when done correctly :)
@Nish11116 4 месяца назад
Sad that millions of people will be influenced by her
@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 4 месяца назад
That's how you become a bitter old cat lady.
@Azarath_Metrion_Zinthos 4 месяца назад
And she's fine with being an old cat lady..she always embraced that imagery proudly...she owns 3 pretty cute cats...but i don't think she'll ever end up bitter considering how successful her life and career is.. atleast for the foreseeable future.
@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 4 месяца назад
@@Azarath_Metrion_Zinthos Cats aren't the companions humans actually need! They're like windturbines and solar panels. They subsidize electricity, but they aren't the primary sources we have to have for things to function. She's young. She has a lot of time left to figure things out. The problem is there are too many people around her who will be willing to exploit her for money.
@BJane58 2 месяца назад
@@dr.emilschaffhausen4683 Any animal, including a cat, can be the best companion on earth . Only humans can be so arrogant they actually think people can’t live without them.
@sowhappy 4 месяца назад
Talk about leading people to hellfire.
@Lala14-zo5cw 4 месяца назад
It doesnt even make sense. If He made us, why would He worship us? Obviously we are lower than Him, imperfect, and sinful. No man is good, and no one has ever anything to deserve worship. The Bible tells us to "Honor the Lord your God, worship only him, and make your promises in his name only" (Deuteronomy 6:13). I pray that the Lord would open their hearts and eyes.
@davidhirt9129 4 месяца назад
that opened my heart a little bit, thanks :)
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
I’m so glad to hear that - forgiveness isn’t easy but it’s by far the best way forward :)
@pasteyourinjectionstringhere 4 месяца назад
Great video! Thanks Kane!
@cortashaelam320 4 месяца назад
This interview was in 2019 and she probably has the same view. Taylor Swift is from the world system and not from the Kingdom. The conversation is always different.
@kanepadams 4 месяца назад
This is true. My only thought would be that Kingdom principles still apply in the world. Whether or not someone is a Christian, the consequences of unforgiveness will still manifest in equal volumes. There will be Christians who refuse to forgive and are eaten up with resentment, and there will be non-Christians who forgive and enjoy the peaceable fruits that come with it.
@_fantomas 4 месяца назад
@erikmagnusson5031 4 месяца назад
Woooow. That is so bad I could not even watch it to the end.
@circuit014 4 месяца назад
If the church doesn’t start waking up to what’s happening right now, I see this happening all over the world.
@starlaowens643 4 месяца назад
False false false pastor😢
@starlaowens643 4 месяца назад
God got your butt wow sir He's gone get you
@starlaowens643 4 месяца назад
This dude here no thank you no sir your crazy