@shamelmae 3 дня назад
it’s been 3 years and this EP still means so much to me
@SaltheSalleyface Месяц назад
00:01 我剛開始呢還不懂什麼叫做看水溝,但直到我轉頭看到有人在跟蹤才知道看水溝的意思了,比如說舒華、雨琦、子瑜、員瑛等四個人的其中一個,不管是誰,她絕對是在班上最黏人、最可愛的小貓咪呀! 01:58 我去參加演講的時候我看到員瑛跟舒華同時跟著我,就嚇得的趕緊跑進去裡面聽演講,直到有人代替我簽了名字才知道我們已經來了 04:16 當我第一次去練跆拳道的時候我有多厲害,能把小新的雙葉幼稚園的園長打倒在地,要不是他長得很像之前欺負過皮皮的黑道大哥,我早就一腳把他踢到外太空去了 06:55 還有一次是在防範陌生人的演講時我因為皮皮找我訴苦就惱羞成怒的走上台去將園長一腳踢飛,園長是被踢飛了!只不過道具完好無損 08:26下午皮皮為了讓我消消氣,提出了想要逛街買東西的請求,我也是直接點頭答應,誰知道隔天早上到了百貨公司發現皮皮所謂的逛街只是逛一逛看一看之後就回家了!而且我的情緒不但沒有好轉,還讓我想到許施傑這隻非常欠打的驢子,到了隔天早上在辦公室畫畫的時候看到許施傑手上有東西就上前阻攔了! 10:49 因為我發現自己有情緒時不時會失控,感覺自己像一顆不定時炸彈,時不時就會爆發 14:18 到了隔天早上,張多雅開著房車接我到立法院,我這才想起這天是皮皮要被送走的日子,到了立法院,法官認定我的監護權完全不符合資格,所以監護權只判給千金王子骨川小夫,離開法院我看到皮皮被小夫的家屬給強行帶走了雖然生氣卻無能為力,我不知道我的管教可以嚴格到讓皮皮情緒崩潰、甚至是常常出現幻覺,所以也就是讓皮皮常常被強制送醫的原因 20:17 大前天七龍珠的漫畫大師鳥山明已經過世了!皮皮跟哥哥很喜歡七龍珠,我也嘗試畫七龍珠致敬,但都沒有成功 22:32 還有一次是我為了滿足皮皮的心願,我也是鼓起勇氣的跟皮皮一起去電影院看電影,而且是立體的,感覺超級刺激,我還記得Minji為了表達歉意,特地找我來自己家玩堆雪人,我也是直接答應了!玩著玩著我因為肚子餓,跑到廚房去吃一頓美味套餐,吃飽喝足後繼續玩雪 24:02 另外一次是我穿著銀河隊手下的衣服去跟張員瑛約會的時候皮皮一直打電話過來,這讓我因為心煩意亂直接跑回了家,誰知道我還沒踏出家門皮皮就被護理人員抬上擔架強制送醫了!
@SaltheSalleyface Месяц назад
25:51 - 我記得去年的情人節,Hanni Haerin 約我去杭州出差四天三夜,順便去廈門的寺廟拜拜、購買兩個遊戲機和一些遊戲軟體給Hanni和她的前男友,因為Hanni的遊戲機在去機場的路途上不幸被摔壞了,過程中Hanni的前男友以不速之客的身份送上門來跟Hanni起口角,我跟Haerin 見狀也是跑去樓下散散心,順便跟酒店的工作人員訴說自己遇到不速之客的經過,誰知道我因為說話速度太快,工作人員沒聽懂,但Haerin 比手畫腳之後瞬間明白了! 28:30 - 後來我從Hanni得知自己的前男友跟自己吵架是因為Hanni最近都忙於工作,工作壓力很大,不給自己的前男友買Nintendo switch跟一些遊戲軟體才會起口角的,上次是因為前男友的情緒不穩定讓Hanni頭痛不已,我也很心疼Hanni 的健康狀況,到了晚上我留在酒店幫忙照顧Hanni時接到了一個既陌生又熟悉的電話,接聽之後是喝醉酒的皮皮,這讓我氣得都開始冒火了!直到買完藥回來的Minji聽到對話後就跑過去掛斷電話並提醒我以後不要再理皮皮了!說完就直接皮皮打電話叫救護車將皮皮強制送醫,送醫後,我也因為吃了一串糖葫蘆而消了氣 30:30 - 我跟Minji不得不將Hanni的前男友給強制送醫,而且到了隔天之後就逃出來了! 32:46 - 接著我、告別完Haerin和Hanni完從廈門坐飛機回到台灣後,皮皮的心病就治好了!因為我發現 皮皮不符我的管教是因為她的心生病了!得了不治之症 34:33 - 到了隔天中午,我跟我爸爸一起去給皮皮買藥的時候遇到了皮皮的主治醫生霍賈斯 ,他告訴我每次皮皮打噴嚏的時候都會把我給嚇一跳,而且還說這是沒辦法的事,想控制也控制不住,而且這次不一樣是今天下午皮皮又開始打噴嚏了!而且我總是發出(啊啊啊、啊娘喂喂喂、我的天呀、哦哦哦、嚇死寶寶了、我的媽呀!)等各式各樣的音效假裝被嚇,還是開玩笑的那種被嚇 35:58 - 我知道每次皮皮打噴嚏的時候都是這麼大聲的,這肯定是控制不住的呀!,那時候今天是情人節,也就是連假的最後一天,我要好好把握這個機會跟男朋友好好聊一聊 37:58 - 另外一次是我差點就要被Danielle的喵叫聲給噶了!因為我發現Danielle的喵叫聲是百分之百可愛的,尤其是在上動物課的時候當動物老師讓Danielle模仿貓咪的時候只要一聲喵或者是學貓咪打呼嚕,就讓我直呼(哎呀!哎呀!嚇死我了!!嚇死我了!!) 40:18 - 另外一次是有一個無良醫生為了做手術逼迫我簽字,導致皮皮失去了雙腿,而且小夫聽了皮皮失去雙腿後也是氣得火冒三丈的手持棍棒要找無良醫生報仇去 42:52 - 幸好被警察同志阻攔了! 44:51 - 然後透過醫院監視器才知道原來皮皮看手機沒有看路被司機輾過了腿是不小心的,而且醫生跟我說話的態度時好時差,要我該不該相信這醫院的國際水平,無奈之下就帶著殘疾的皮皮去別家醫院做手術了!我因為醫生的態度讓我當場氣炸就再也不相信無良醫生了! 47:51 - 到了第二天,皮皮的腳被別的醫生用手術復原了!而那個無良醫生因為毫無醫學經驗被法院吊銷了醫師執照,也順便被王院長開除了! 50:51 - 說真的,那無良醫生真的不配做醫生給病患做治療,不會治療就算了!還用自己的想法去害人呢?而且對病人家屬的態度都是非常差勁的 53:19 - 到了中午,我跟HAERIN在火鍋店吃火鍋的時候我因為對皮皮的雙腳恢復後無法正常做家事而感到非常擔憂時HAERIN的貓耳朵聽到後面有情侶的男方想要借一把椅子,我把椅子接給男方用,沒想到男方借椅子的目的就是要打死自己的愛人,我看了也直呼(實在太離譜了!) 而且這場面根本連別桌看了也都無法靠近,就像是一個無形的能量擋住一樣,直到我從包包裡拿出荷莉給我的茉莉花香水對著女方的臉噴了過去,誰知道下一秒直接奏效了,感覺太不可思議了 54:58 - 我發現娜娜子的保鏢閨蜜阿忍交了一個新的男友,好像是我和小新的直排輪師父阿信,他雖然說話的時候都非常的娘里娘氣的,但是凶悍起來超級Man的 56:57 - 還有一次是夢犽來我家蹭飯吃的時候我發現不僅會拍照、跳舞之外,還會唱歌,而且呢她的大姐山犽在熊田爬山的時候挖到了一個廢棄已久的紫色收音機,我帶回家開始瘋狂修理、更換零件,修好後收音機就可以正常使用了!拿到樓下播放了T-ara的Sugar free,結果夢犽一聽到熟悉的曲子就手舞足蹈的跳了起來,代表收音機終於修好了!我也是又驚又喜 59:05 - "Brendan/May Theme (Emotion)" Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
@pool2808 4 месяца назад
thank uu for putting all my favorite songs into one😭😭💗💗💞💞
@kojideer1918 6 месяцев назад
8:26 Mahalo Trail gives me strong "You have a power like mine" vibes
@PapaBlizz 7 месяцев назад
Still coming back to this after 5 years. The 3DS era really was magical
@lpundergroundfans4324 8 месяцев назад
I looked for this on Bandcamp to download and did not find, would you have how to pass the audio files you used in the video?
@emilio960 9 месяцев назад
I am very glad I was able to find this again.
@SharStar9 9 месяцев назад
This is one of the mixtapes I WISH Spotify had 😩
@ChristInspireTV 9 месяцев назад
Love music <3
@marisjohnson4394 11 месяцев назад
I love the dive and scuba diver theme of OR/AS
@marisjohnson4394 11 месяцев назад
Mahalo trail is a favourite of mine
@ReiujiUtsuhoOkuu 11 месяцев назад
A good amount of my life’s work has been done listening to this video alone, again and again
@victorbravo5760 11 месяцев назад
3:57 is like a beginning of an epic boss fight.
@axqrn Год назад
im happy pokemon x was my first pokemon game
@hanhaqira Год назад
@alpineturbov6 Год назад
Thanks for this great playlist, how can help me to sleep for 2 years during difficult moments.. never delete this video please.. <3
@soupx360a Год назад
I still absolutely love this mix
@Milerm Год назад
Please never delete this video
@ragnaricks Год назад
man, Hoenn and Alola, my two all-time favorites.
@oneshotyuri Год назад
Robbed of Super Mystery Dungeon music but either way I love the 3ds games, infinitely better than recent games
@matrixmega8749 Год назад
Why is kyogre's arm so small when compared to his body. It looks like a t-rex body
I wish my 3ds gets fixed with my cents i have saved long time ago,my cents in euro are 60€ so i hope i can fix it with that money1
@binzala Год назад
The right Tentacool on the bottom corner looks weird
@kyx5631 Год назад
Such nice music. However, this track is missing Laverre City from X/Y, easily my favourite track from the games.
@DamnFourthChaosEmerald Год назад
Alpha Sapphire is the only game I can say brought me the same happiness that Pokemon Emerald did. Loved that game as a kid and I still pick it up from time to time. Great mix!
@Hina-jd4rf Год назад
I'm just so nostalgic for Pokémon XY and Sun/Moon...
@graon4880 Год назад
What I like about this playlist is that I played all of these games (and occasionally still do)
@pani_9711 Год назад
where can i get the wallpaper¿
@lexevan9619 Год назад
I love the 3DS Pokémon games so much. So many good memories ❤
@KatavratheKelpieDragon Год назад
Brings back so many memories
Iki town theme makes Marshadow feel sad in Mythical Squad
@noextrevious6887 Год назад
Okay time to sleep.....dammit its so good I can't
@atlasofcosmos Год назад
nostalgia hits so hard
@meriemalaaz4186 Год назад
♧◇♡♤¿{《》} Qioger 🐋
@DreamerDorima39568 Год назад
Im a fan of 3ds pokemon games,i love this✨❤️
@snipezqc Год назад
Hoenn remakes is what got me heavily into pokemon. I used to own a copy of pearl that i would play here and there but i didnt start loving pokemon as much as i do now until i got a copy of omega ruby on xmas day. But i would say that i get the most nostalgia when i hear pokemon sun/moon music, because it was my first fully playthrough pokemon game that was a new experience and that wasnt a remake, as i got to discover the game with my friends along the way and getting attached to alola as a whole. Hearing this music fills me up with joy as i remember those memories i cherish.
@zan7838 Год назад
i found a shiny, race you
@Leon-xv9pk Год назад
Hello there, I know you don't know me but I want to say thank you I've listen to your music for years while studying or doing homework and now I'm finally done with school and got my high school graduation :) Thank you so much for everything, your music means a lot to me I literally cried so many times due to the wonderful memories I get when hearing the music
@tkn2597 Год назад
25:51 - Seafolk Village (Night) is so damn beautiful!! Super underrated!
@colbyjackcheeser Год назад
The first song in this video was my alarm for a while so it’s definitely not relaxing for me lol
@erinashlee2690 Год назад
littleroot town is the best! takes me back to omega ruby <3
@lettonye 2 года назад
@kryvi9415 2 года назад
there is a shiny luvdisc there:)
@serenaveroj 2 года назад
I love this Playlist plus anistar I had to listen every nite
@rioxvfx 2 года назад
@gladionlover 2 года назад
luv how its mostly just sun and moon bc they have the best mixes
@carolinacoreas7716 2 года назад
You know what's missing? The wonder gift theme from ORAS.
@nickroush8760 2 года назад
I miss the DS pokemon games
@foshizzlegizingar 2 года назад
i’m high rn and crying listening to the first song