Michael Millerman
Michael Millerman
Michael Millerman
Clear exposition of difficult but relevant ideas in political philosophy, with special emphasis on alternatives to leftist postmodernism and liberal modernity. Plato. Aristotle. Nietzsche. Heidegger. Leo Strauss. Alexander Dugin. If you want more, visit millermanschool.com for courses that go deeper. Thank you for your support.
Is Government Secrecy Ever Ok?
2 месяца назад
Can LLMs Clarify the Concept of God?
3 месяца назад
My Three Pillars of Sense-Making
3 месяца назад
Why is everything normal called fascist?
3 месяца назад
Whatever Works?
3 месяца назад
Jacques Derrida on Language and Identity
3 месяца назад
Did I just interfere with the US election?
3 месяца назад
Are we always alone? Huxley vs. Heidegger.
3 месяца назад
Was Plato a Communist or Fascist?
3 месяца назад
Julius Evola Against the Modern World
5 месяцев назад
The Sovereign Individual Warned Us About This
5 месяцев назад
Millerman Talks: Philosophy and Finance
8 месяцев назад
Leo Strauss: Religion and the Commonweal (1963)
8 месяцев назад
Peter Thiel on "The Straussian Moment"
9 месяцев назад
Marc Andreessen thinks AI will save the world?
9 месяцев назад
Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy
10 месяцев назад
PhilosophyIntro.com - Welcome!
10 месяцев назад
@YO3A007 День назад
Hei s trying to promote a paradigm of the absurd. Always, always, collective thinking with violent revolutionary results. It is jut another angle on human nature and his attempt to sell a used car to those on either side of the bell curve.
@faelismaegnus День назад
ECCLESIASTES 3 9 What gain has the worker from his toil? 10 I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. 12 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; 13 also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil-this is God's gift to man. 14 I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. 15 That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.[a] From Dust to Dust 16 Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness. 17 I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work. 18 I said in my heart with regard to the children of man that God is testing them that they may see that they themselves are but beasts. 19 For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity.[b] 20 All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down into the earth? 22 So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot. Who can bring him to see what will be after him? Look up Michael S. Heiser here on RU-vid. Learn what the Divine Council is, Watchers, Titans, Demigods. Read what Apostle Paul wrote about the philosophers of his times. Learn about being an Imager of God. Read Psalm 82.
@faelismaegnus 2 дня назад
I'm commenting about 1 month after you posted this. I enjoyed reading along. I understand many Canadians are tired of their government, but that vibe seems - from the way I perceived your commentary - to color your opinion of the American electorate's vibe. Trump destroyed and hollowed out the Republican Party. The business faction, the foreign policy faction, many retired Boomer Republicans, women who had their lives shaken by state abortion bans, and the Never Trumpers, and independent voters who despise wannabe dictators & have a chance to punish Trump for his election coup plans & the disgraceful & vulgar attack on our Capitol also find Musk, Thiel, Vance, the Leonard Leo Supreme Court, and Opus Dei Kevin Roberts' Trump Project 2025 a dangerous threat to our Republic and national stability. Don't forget that black Americans and women, even many Americans of Indian (the country) heritage have a candidate they vibe with. I was a lifelong Republican until Trump betrayed the workers and middle class in 2017 with his tax cuts for the rich & the corporations. Even Alan Lichtman using his 13 keys to the WH predicts a VP Harris victory. It might be close, but 2020 & 2024 are not 2016. The Republican Supreme Court rulings on presidential immunity and striking down Roe v Wade has energized the Democratic base & probably most independent voters to get out and vote against Trump and for Harris.
@JoseVargas-bj1wd 2 дня назад
“The City is the individual writ large”. Plato.
@JoseVargas-bj1wd 2 дня назад
Plato contributed to the emergence of Republican Democracy by holding up important principles: Character in the Individual and the importance of Virtue. He moved Hellenistic culture from a purely unthinking warrior culture to a more refined one, where some are very aggressive or spirited in their demeanor, but with words and philosophy, not with physical violence. Such was the way Socrates lived.
@JoseVargas-bj1wd 2 дня назад
In matters of philosophy and political thought, I follow The Apostle Paul’s dictum: “Retain what is good and reject what is bad”. Plato has something that makes him stand out monumentally in my view, namely, that he believed in ultimate, transcending values. He held up the view of The Good-and ultimately, The Good Society. Thus, Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle helped to create-in The West-what I call, The Social Conscience. This is something that is missing in other societies or not as finely formed. Plato also helped pave the way for the scientific society that arose in the West, as he helped to form what Nietzsche termed “the will to truth”. The clash of Hellenistic civilization and Christianity was dynamic and yielded much fruit for the better.
@RedactedBrainwaves2 2 дня назад
Nietzsche insulting incels
@andriy_tato 3 дня назад
Makes sense. Everything about globalism is cringy and in poor taste.
@mr.coolmug3181 3 дня назад
His desire to speak and write in a pure form of French is a symptom of his deracinated psyche.
@lourak613 3 дня назад
All I see in this interview is Dugin associating himself with Heidiegger, who was a rabid Nazi and virulent anti-semite.
@piface3016 4 дня назад
lol as soon as you spoke favorably of Strauss I looked it up on your twitter and of course you're Jewish
@colbymay6044 4 дня назад
I don’t fully understand the rejection of Darwinism. Does Evola think the idea is just bad for the soul, or that evolution isn’t real?
@HegemonicMarxism 5 дней назад
Ordinary people judge moral nuance as moral illiteracy because philosophical discourse often requires moral investigation which challanges common moral intuition and social convention.
@endigosun 5 дней назад
OMG… yeeeeeeessssss his cockamamie postmodernist theory did indeed destroy “the west”.
@TobiasC-mg4zk 6 дней назад
Oh FFS. Get off the cross Millerman. We need the wood. Ya. Sure. Some idiots in Woko Haram call everyone a fascist. That doesn’t make you a victim of the state. You’re free to yammer on about how unfair everything is to the poor boomers. Nobody is marching you off to a fucking gulag so can this pity party BS.
@martenscs 7 дней назад
There is no meaning from a machine without human observation. As Mr. Peterson says "God is the point that our sight meets our consciousness"
@simiancinema2022 7 дней назад
Elegantly broken down.
@duppyshuman 8 дней назад
Democracy bad because aristocratic regimes use tyranny to inforce false old morality on ordinary people who need to wake up and use violence to destroy deomcracy to end the tyranny of aristocrates using democracy and eugenics to force morality on us unwoke clueless morons. "If you're a right winger you could learn something". I have learned alot about this subject but not from you. What are your thoughts on wacked out James Lindsay? Anyone interested should check out his New Discourses channel, a greatl addition to this your essay.
@EsatBargan 9 дней назад
Gonzalez William Miller Maria Miller Susan
@Havre_Chithra 9 дней назад
Democracy and the independent city states is what led to the chaos of the Greek Civil Wars. After united some of the states to defeat Persia, Athens sought to keep those alliances and expand territories. The war between Sparta and Athens is embodies in Socrates.... No on can agree on anything in greece... Greece is at War at the time of Socrates... Socrates... the voice of thr commoner... basically said we cant know anything at all (providing absolutely no solution to the problem at the time and instead throwing flames on the fire).... Of course Athens killed Socrates... I would have to. Plato atleast provided a solution after watching his homie get executed in public and was like NVM.... FORMS AND REPUBLIC AND SHIT lol... When you put it in context of history, these philosophers are hilarious
@DouglasHPlumb 10 дней назад
Reading maybe 12 pages of Heidegger made it apparent to me that no one who hasn't studied Kant closely will ever understand Hiedegger.
@DouglasHPlumb 10 дней назад
I wonder if we are any more capable of knowing our own nature than a programmable toaster is. It just may not be possible. I've just picked up "Being and Time" and started reading it - deep and interesting.
@johnc2802 10 дней назад
It's hard to get through several hundred pages of hia work. Every line is so demanding. Probably worth it though.
@millerman 10 дней назад
I have a course that helps. Nietzschecourse.com
@jorgemoreno2804 10 дней назад
Homer for me.
@AllTenThousand 11 дней назад
@7:00 - your presentation on heideggers claims re: human nature seems right- and demonstrates the simple-minded project of denying the evidence that, post darwin, humanity isn't "there" yet, and his political contemporaries were the worst examples of shaved apes one can imagine. Read more Wittgenstein, that might help.
@parthdeshpande3940 11 дней назад
I think students aren't snowflakes because they are too young, powerless, impressionable and self-unassured to have a moral outrage.
@AdmiralBonetoPick 11 дней назад
If you show a guitar in act one, you need to play it in act three.
@Havre_Chithra 11 дней назад
I experienced this with a lot of philosophers steeped in the mystical tradition... it was like I was transported into a different realm of reality by the end of it, a realm which would only be shattered by the next philosopher I was thrown into the next semester.
@mrkristiangutt 11 дней назад
I do think this type of AI-based analysis can be useful as it may provide narrow arguments against materialist objections to god and religion, which seems to be the main project of JBP. The fact that potentially engaging understandings of god can be logically derived from language per se, may cause a persuasive mystifying experience for materialist atheists. Language is kind of like mathematics, which is recognised as objectively true by some materialists. So, using LLMs, one can sort of suggest a materialist basis that sort of hints at the validity of the idea of god. Although I appreciate JBP’s style of symbolic intellectual reasoning, as well as his Christian Orthodox associates J. & M. Pageau, (e.g., it seems to me highly consistent with Heidegger’s notion of Dasein), I don’t believe it can provide solid counter arguments to the materialist negation of the spiritual or supernatural. I disagree with Peterson and don’t see how this, and his other philosophical methods, is relevant to the ontological material status of abstract notions of god. I would very much like any argument that overturns ontological realism or materialism, but I don’t have one. That’s how I see it in any case.
@matsa2620 12 дней назад
If I am not mistaken, also Kant went a bit in this general direction when he pointed out that it is a mistake to think of subjectivity ("subjects") as yet another (special) type of objects, instead of realising that subjectivity is something radically different.
@rrosaseconda 14 дней назад
I am indeed interested in Heideggerian philosophy, but not as presented by a right-leaning conservative thinker such as yourself.
@millerman 14 дней назад
Too bad for you
@philipians1635 6 дней назад
No…a presentation by John Stewart i’m sure would be more of your calibre
@philipians1635 6 дней назад
Do you know that Heidegger was part of the N party?
@nicholasfevelo3041 14 дней назад
The populist right needs an intellectual vanguard that is free to break the current order
@bwhennes 14 дней назад
"Liberal Totalitarianism" this one term explains what the elites in America have become.