See Through Canoe
See Through Canoe
See Through Canoe
I'm Michael, owner of the See Through Canoe Company, producer of the first clear kayak. See Through Canoe was established in 2007. We started by producing clear kayaks but have since expanded into producing clear paddleboards and clear boats. This channel is all about wildlife though not just clear boats. Getting outside, exploring, and having awesome wildlife encounters is what feeds my soul & I enjoy sharing the places I go, & the wildlife encounters I have with others. I like to inspire others to get out and appreciate nature and these videos, as well as the clear boats, are a great way to do that.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy some of my videos and come back for more.
Clear Kayak Stuck on a Big Alligator
4 месяца назад
Boating at Night in Tampa Bay in a Clear Boat
5 месяцев назад
@EdonaComadahoutie 6 часов назад
I saved 2 of them
@captainpelmenientertainment 5 дней назад
@Androx-murdok34 5 дней назад
Are those white barnacles on the bottom of it?
@SeeThroughCanoe 5 дней назад
@LittleLulubee 6 дней назад
Wow, they’re so beautiful and cool-looking 🩵😍🩵
@scruffyscrubs5468 7 дней назад
Birds of the sea 😊
@Aria_Flendersh 7 дней назад
+ | Those animals look like something unbreakable.
@hermanmelvelleiii2212 8 дней назад
I've seen this all the time in Long Beach Island (Lbi), NJ. The rays swim either by themselves or in pairs, and they don't mind swimming close to people.
@emory5533 8 дней назад
I would instinctually be scared too, since we're always taught to be watchful for sharks... I like 0:39 where you can see the relief of the person on the left when they realize it's a manatee
@shroomzzz 9 дней назад
Thank God it wasn't a dugong... Or he wouldn't have lived to upload the video
@crazyeddy4401 10 дней назад
Canoe and kayaks are different. Dumb dumbs
@AB-wf8ek 11 дней назад
So awesome, thanks for sharing. Really appreciate getting to see things like this :)
@Optimusprimerib36 12 дней назад
I take them to deeper water
@SeeThroughCanoe 11 дней назад
They come to shallow water to feed and lay eggs :-)
@Optimusprimerib36 11 дней назад
No s, cool man
@SD.95 12 дней назад
Just like in minecraft. ☺️
@slyvixx 13 дней назад
This explanation, over those AI generated ones with the captions and stuff any day thank you so much!
@mcgoo136 15 дней назад
Bro like nah. The last 5 seconds when that things chin is level with the edge of the kayak. Bro like nah.
@rsuriyop 16 дней назад
So cute! They're like the facehuggers from the Aliens movies but equipped with armor on top!
@billsmith6397 16 дней назад
It breaks my heart every time I see one of these videos
@anthonyglenn770 15 дней назад
@jujuaustin5230 16 дней назад
It’s a good thing Face huggers from Alien aren’t real Horse shoe crabs Hey look at me I can swim upside down
@BrickedLego 17 дней назад
I love how one of the oldest animals in the world is named after a fairly new invention
@nillyk5671 18 дней назад
Actually they are on the verge of being endangered 🤔
@SeeThroughCanoe 17 дней назад
"Actually" being on the verge of being endangered is NOT the same as being endangered. So why start your comment with the word "actually" as if you are correcting an incorrect statement?
@_Tressala_ 18 дней назад
So so cool
@pilotvggd8490 19 дней назад
Опять эти лицехваты ...
@SeeThroughCanoe 21 день назад
For all those people posting comments without reading the video description, and all those people commenting that the manatee was trying to protect a calf or something.... Here's the video description again so that you might say something intelligent or something that actually contributes to a discussion instead of saying something stupid or redundant because you didn't read the video title or description before commenting.... Description = When this aggregation of Manatees showed up at the beach a couple days ago they drew a crowd. Most of the people were respectful and kept their distance but a few people were touching and chasing the Manatees around. The guy that almost got run over was one of the people that was being respectful and just standing back and watching. It's a shame it happened to him and not one of the people touching or chasing them. The Manatees were mating and a bull (male manatee) chased a young cow (female manatee) straight towards one of the people standing around them. The Manatee was NOT being aggressive, singling the guy out, or protecting a calf. For those that don't know, it's illegal to touch, feed, chase or otherwise harass Manatees. Even if they come up to you, you're supposed to always keep your hands to yourself.
@ellie_ex 25 дней назад
weird asf but also kinda cute
@thisresinates5655 28 дней назад
Pretty sure they’re in a mating ball. (This consists of many male manatees trying to mate with one female who’s usually trying to get away.) They’ll smack that tail down on the water - HARD. Dude’s lucky he didn’t get wacked by one of
@kaliehoes1651 29 дней назад
I don’t understand what’s so hard about observing from a distance
@duyosiris6086 Месяц назад
1:03 if you guys watch closely on the dolphin tail, you'll see the tail is look some kind of rip a little bit like it's been bitten by shark
@oftin_wong Месяц назад
That water is carrying a high nutrient load
@SeeThroughCanoe Месяц назад
it usually is in the summer :-)
@oftin_wong Месяц назад
@@SeeThroughCanoe sure ..higher temperatures will lead to more rapid growth in the algae but the nutrient will be there all year round, it must have a lot of fresh water input and shallow sheltered topography ..hi from Australia
@SeeThroughCanoe 29 дней назад
@@oftin_wong well said 🙂
@einsteinvondaniken Месяц назад
Yeah, no. I'm good.
@Beeontree Месяц назад
The bottom one had a hurt tail and couldn’t swim fast, the other was probably protecting it.
@thecitizenjoan Месяц назад
I want to ride on top of it like a horse for some reason
@yukaisuol Месяц назад
Definition of ugly but deserves love❤
@AlyviaWermter Месяц назад
Hammerheads are just so cute
@Possumsarepeopletoo Месяц назад
An impressive animal. Respect.
@virginiatyree6705 Месяц назад
This is so sweet. Thanks for the smiles.😊
@geniusjohn8280 Месяц назад
The females are called womanatees.
@SilverGl1tCH Месяц назад
Bro was like “lemme go”
@rockgirl6786 Месяц назад
Barnacles are creepy and I don't know why. The crab is cool though!
@mrca2004 Месяц назад
What eats a 6' tarpon? A 15' shark. Those of you in the water, they can be right off the beach. Farewell and adieu my fair spanish ladies, I think I will never see you again. Quint, Jaws.
@brandonstackhouse2033 Месяц назад
It's not chasing people
@SeeThroughCanoe Месяц назад
That's why I titled the video Hammerhead Shark Chasing TARPON by People at the Beach... smh.
@MalBeats Месяц назад
The dolphins all came together at the end when their playdate was over
@Vehvilainen_Lundqvist Месяц назад
It’s kinda weird how people are eating them in south East asia
@jasonkyleadams7577 Месяц назад
Unrelated, but this video makes me feel like playing the computer game, Mafia.
@nunabiz Месяц назад
I have never heard of devil rays! Except for slang referring to Manta rays. They are not that small more likely they are eagle rays, they travel in school's in the shallows
@SeeThroughCanoe Месяц назад
Let me get this straight... because YOU have never heard of Devil Rays, you are telling me that I'm wrong, and that they are eagle rays? Do I have that right? Did you consider taking a moment to do a little research on google or something before telling me I'm wrong? If not, you should have. I've been researching and documenting marine animals for decades. I have some idea of what I'm talking about. When I said "Devil Rays Swimming Past People at the Beach", that's exactly what the video shows.
@nunabiz Месяц назад
@@SeeThroughCanoe yep! Sent my whole life in the ocean. Been diving sense I was seven. Served in the Navy diving . After I was a commercial diver Dove with probably 40 different spices if Ray's. Hell I have even dove with an electric Ray. I have even dove with Full grown Manta Ray's. Got pictures of them when they roll their mouth flukes up tight and stick them straight out in front like Horns! Hens the nick name devil Ray. So yep!!!!!
@SeeThroughCanoe Месяц назад
@@nunabiz That's all fantastic. You must have dived all over about half of the world to encounter 40 different species of rays, and I think that's really cool. I would expect a navy man with lots of experience with diving and rays to know better than to make the assumption that I was wrong instead of double checking themselves to be sure first. I like to call animals by their proper names instead of nick names, that way there is less room for confusion which is part of the reason we give animals names. So when I titled the video "devil rays swimming by people...." I meant "devil rays", not Manta Rays or anything else people sometimes mistakenly call devil rays. Manta Rays are not devil rays, devil rays are devil rays. This is the kind of confusion nick names cause.
@barbstotter7288 Месяц назад
Where’s the SOUND!!????
@SeeThroughCanoe Месяц назад
The video was taken with a drone, I doubt you want to hear drone propellers. Also, it's a school of fish swimming in a circle, they aren't making any SOUND.
@orbyjett2864 Месяц назад
Why do people have to intrude in nature! Watch as they pass
@azure8696 Месяц назад
Ten eyes?
@ag0111 Месяц назад
Why ?? What is the need though 💀
@andrewstrakele6815 Месяц назад
They’re such Little Devils! 🙀
@minuteofcan Месяц назад
Manatees, manatees, everything is manatees.