Silvia Li
Silvia Li
Silvia Li
Cooper@ Vet
15 лет назад
Cooper 仔Prison Break - Level 4
15 лет назад
Cooper 仔Prison Break - Level 3
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Cooper 仔 Prison Break - Level 2
15 лет назад
Cooper 仔 Prison break  - Level 1
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Cooper's new trick
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Mini Cooper & helicopter (4)
16 лет назад
Mini Cooper & helicopter (3)
16 лет назад
Mini Cooper & helicopter (2)
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Mini Cooper & helicopter
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Mini Cooper @ Playground
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Mini Cooper @ Playground
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Mini Cooper & Mini Cooper S - 3
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Mini Cooper & Mini Cooper S - 2
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Mini Cooper & Mini Cooper S
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Cooper 仔第一次跳車!
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Dog fight
16 лет назад
Mini Cooper with new toy
16 лет назад
@starry_786 Месяц назад
The background music is unnecessary and disturbing.
@sumaiyaarshad2226 3 месяца назад
@beimilyvan 7 месяцев назад
24 March 2024 Dear Nigella. May I have an answer from you to these questions. Can I mix mascarpone cheese with a little of greek yogurt in order to obtain sour cream? In my country, also, there's no more natural whipping milk cream It's a pitty. I'd like to know another way to get it. Was thinking to mix milk cream at 25% (it is the only canned milk cream we have) with unsalted melted butter. Thanks in advance, and fond regards.
@shanditta1018 11 месяцев назад
2023 😊
@peefuzz351 11 месяцев назад
It's a crime that this series has never been aired in the UK
@ivona.pavlovic4219 11 месяцев назад
This was my dad's favorite comfort food too, when he was tired or exhausted!
@DeeJay_78 Год назад
"There's just something about them, chewy, fudgy, melting bellied". A brownie has bever been so perfectly defined, This woman gives me life. And the brownies give me calories - lots of good, happy calories
@filosofoleonardo Год назад
INGREDIENTES Rendimento: 10-12 fatias MÉTRICACOPOS PARA A BASE 125 gramas de biscoitos digestivos 60 gramas de manteiga 1 colher de cacau em pó PARA O RECHEIO 175 gramas de chocolate amargo (picado pequeno) 500 gramas de requeijão cremoso 150 gramas de açúcar mascavo 1 colher de sopa de fermento em pó 3 ovos grandes 3 gemas grandes 150 mililitros de sour cream (ou use um pote de 142ml) ½ colher de chá de cacau em pó (dissolvido em 1 colher de sopa de água quente) PARA O ESMALTE (OPCIONAL) 75 gramas de chocolate amargo (picado bem fino) 125 mililitros de creme duplo 1 colher de chá de xarope de ouro MÉTODO Para fazer a base, processe os biscoitos até obter uma migalha grosseira e depois acrescente a manteiga e o cacau. Processe novamente até obter migalhas úmidas e grumosas e, em seguida, coloque-as em uma forma de mola de 23 cm / 9 polegadas. Pressione as migalhas de biscoito no fundo da forma para formar uma base uniforme e leve ao congelador enquanto faz o recheio. Pré-aqueça o forno à marca de gás 4/180ºC/160ºC Ventilador/350ºF. Coloque uma chaleira para ferver. Derreta o chocolate no micro-ondas ou em banho-maria e deixe esfriar um pouco. Bata o cream cheese para amolecer e acrescente o açúcar e o creme de leite, batendo novamente. Bata os ovos inteiros e depois as gemas e o creme de leite. Por fim, adicione o cacau dissolvido em água quente e o chocolate derretido e misture até obter uma massa lisa. Retire a forma de mola do congelador e forre o exterior da forma com uma boa camada de película aderente e, em seguida, outra camada de folha resistente por cima. Isso irá protegê-lo do banho-maria. Coloque a forma de mola em uma assadeira e despeje o recheio de cheesecake. Encha a assadeira com água fervida até a metade da forma do bolo e asse no forno por 45 minutos a uma hora. A parte de cima do cheesecake deve estar firme, mas a parte de baixo ainda deve ter uma oscilação. Descasque o papel alumínio e o filme plástico e coloque o cheesecake na forma sobre uma gradinha para esfriar. Coloque na geladeira quando não estiver mais quente e deixe endurecer, coberto com filme plástico, durante a noite. Deixe perder o frio antes de desenformar o cheesecake para servir. Para fazer a calda de chocolate, derreta delicadamente o chocolate picado, o creme e a calda. Quando o chocolate estiver quase derretido, retire do fogo e bata até obter um molho liso. Deixe esfriar um pouco e, em seguida, Jackson Pollock sobre o cheesecake de chocolate em seu prato de servir. Use o esmalte restante como molho de acompanhamento. INFORMAÇÕES ADICIONAIS Para aqueles que não conseguem pó de creme, você pode usar 1 colher de sopa de farinha de milho / amido de milho mais ½ colher de chá de extrato de baunilha. Sugerimos que você tire os ingredientes do cheesecake da geladeira cerca de uma hora antes de fazer o cheesecake, para que todos fiquem em temperatura ambiente. PREPARAR / CONSERVAR: O cheesecake dura, coberto, na geladeira por um total de 4 dias. O molho de ganache fica na geladeira em um recipiente que pode ser fechado novamente por até uma semana. Coloque em uma tigela refratária colocada sobre uma panela com água quente para aquecer. O cheesecake pode ser congelado se for feito com cream cheese integral. Enrole o cheesecake totalmente resfriado (ainda na forma) firmemente em uma camada dupla de filme plástico e uma camada de papel alumínio. Congele por até 1 mês. Desembrulhe, cubra frouxamente e descongele por 24 horas na geladeira. O molho pode ser congelado em um recipiente fechado por até 1 mês. Descongele durante a noite na geladeira e aqueça como acima.
@subhankarbiswas4999 Год назад
@kardondo Год назад
Uncle Roger says hi, and you are one beautiful Milf (Mother I like to fryrice for)
@rheailiarome2287 Год назад
It's American - all purpose flour -half sweet chocolate - corn syrup - powder sugar instead of icing sugar. What in England corresponds to half sweet chocolate- milk chocolate, dark chocolate? Does anyone know? Please let me know. Thank you.
@rheailiarome2287 Год назад
Oh, my grandmother used to do this for us when we were children and went to visit her. Such wonderful memories of being together with all my cousins eating bread and milk with a little sugar on top. I love Nigella she always reminds me of my childhood around the kitchen and someone always cooking.
@Kai-qw7ch Год назад
typical Nigella on form. A third of a cup of * Ignoring what ever gets spilled in as extra, and her cakes always turn out far far better than Mr Kipling could ever wish for. 10 / 10 you Domestic Goddess you. lol
@ShinyHappyPurple 2 года назад
Oh hell this is making me crave chocolate cake now and there is none in the house.😭
@glamdolly30 2 года назад
She lost me at sour cream - not a traditional ingredient for an English chocolate cake, and not readily available at every store! Naughty Nigella, must try harder!
@subhankarbiswas4999 2 года назад
@elizabethsten5728 2 года назад
I love that. It's so light and comfort and delicious.. .it's good for children and also adult ..
One of the reasons I have diabetes is because, when I was a kid, I did this but replaced the bread with chocolate chip cookies...and still added sugar.
@michelleobrien6630 2 года назад
OK this is the cake I'm choosing - because she uses a food processor!! Wish me luck!
@tesswood3471 2 года назад
Worst recipe ever. Made this exactly as shown but was a disaster. I think baking using cup measurements can vary too much, it's better to use metric weights. Anyway, I tried and it was awful. I love NL recipies but this one really let me down.
@rymji7302 2 года назад
Svp traduisez en français
@stephenwilliams1269 2 года назад
I had this as a child growing up in the early 1960’s. sometimes a knob of butter was added and salt and pepper replacing the sugar. Delicious.
@ajjy1110 2 месяца назад
salt and pepper nasty and defeats the entire recipe
@anhngoc-ji3fe 3 года назад
Never like nigella desserts or sweets. Way to sweet, overload of sugar compare to other british chef.
@lindsey1051 3 года назад
Don't like the thought of it actually so don't think I'll try it, only like bread n butter pudding
@zakariyarazak4353 3 года назад
Absolutely stress free😅Aysha South Africa 👌🙋‍♀️❤️
@jomonthekkinieth3331 3 года назад
Your chocolate recipe is excellent and Your sweet presentation too
@interestingvideosmail5033 3 года назад
Goddess 😍
@jarrodbarkley9061 3 года назад
I wonder if this was made for the US market because she says "baking soda" instead of "bicarbonate of soda" , and the baking temp in F instead of C.
@Bustygirl-dz1wi 3 года назад
she reminds me of a brunette jane mansfield i am brunette with 40GG breasts and nigella style reminds me of the 1950s
@lapazgirl7207 3 года назад
I’m not lesbian but she makes me think that o could really like being lesbian! She’s beautiful and sexy!
@lovinmytunes05 3 года назад
I can't wait to start this tradition with my children
@neshadhanjal9249 3 года назад
@darnellerichardson-hurtado9362 3 года назад
I would add fruit and honey instead of sugar.
@snikovsky 3 года назад
The amount of icing sugar in the frosting is terrifying. But I still love her
@luckyandbeautiful7720 3 года назад
She is so gorgeous too👍💪just like her chocolate cake 🎂👍👌
@Dontmess550 3 года назад
What sweet kids ❤️❤️🥰
@leylal7355 3 года назад
Looks all good, but all 3 ingredients are just so unhealthy... really scary how brainwashed our society has become...
@emanibird101 3 года назад
2020 and im still using this recipe. Gotta love her!!❤️❤️
@ktwashere5637 2 года назад
I am slowing working through a list of things I want to be able to cook. Currently i am at cheesecake. Going to make this one.
@BrendonVS80 2 года назад
Me too! 😀 it’s my go-to special dessert recipe
@greerlovesgovert 3 года назад
The thing I love best about watching Nigella putter around her glorious house is the fact that there are neither kids nor men to distract her. Her nightstand is a mini fridge full of chocolate and nail polish. This woman knows how to live.
@mokachyna22 3 года назад
People are really commenting as if this were some lazy bullshit. She didn’t even bake the bread. Utter rubbish.
@sayanisarkar8159 3 года назад
Love nigella. Got interested in baking after watching her . She is a godess in the kitchen.
@AbiNomac 4 года назад
That looks disgusting
@nope_nope_nono 4 года назад
When this episode first came out, I used to bake this cake once a week. It was so easy and delicious
@dada1952 4 года назад
Add a knob of butter before pouring the milk over. Up in Lancashire we called this Sop. It was my favorite thing on a cold winter morning.
@mohammadaamir5116 4 года назад
@treggroderick7517 4 года назад
I will be 43 in two months and this is the first time I’ve heard of bread and milk I’d still prefer chocolate cherry bread pudding 😉
@Nightjourney90210 4 года назад
Graham crackers? Half a stick? Cup of sugar? All suspiciously American! Betrayal!
@the_good_citizen 4 года назад
I have been making this cake for the past 3 to 4 years. On all birthdays. It comes out superb. Nigella, thanks so much. You are the goddess of cooking!
@the_good_citizen 4 года назад
"I use it to bribe them to do their homework"😯 And me the lousy mom..I just gave my kids the stick🙄😑
@carolineforget 4 года назад
With maple syrop or maple sugar 🤤